The Russian MOD (Military of Defense) has insisted evidence exist that supports jihadist plans on staging a false flag chemical attack in Idlib Syria. The finger has been pointed squarely at the White Helmets by Syria’s allies. While the Western Allies and their Mainstream Media giants all insist that Assad is the real threat and will stop at nothing to insure his victory regardless of the cost. Yet the West has a few independent journalist that have taken a very serious look at the accusations against the Assad regime.
The West relies on Human rights group like Amnesty International in Syria as well as social media post to authenticate their evidence that the Syrian the government perpetrates chemical attacks against its own citizens. The White Helmets also became a major contributor for video footage that it claimed was proof that President Assad was using Chemical weapons against its own people.
But both the White Helmets and Amnesty International came under fire by Independent media as they began to relentlessly examine the facts in this war torn region. Falsified reports staged photos and video-opps were being reported by both groups, and even more damaging were witnesses in the actual videos by the White Helmets that begin to come forward and reveal the sinister plots to sway the minds of the West in thinking President Bashar al-Assad was some evil Tyrant. The public had been blinded by the what appeared to be a well orchestrated propaganda machine. The words of US General Wesley Clark had suppressed. No longer did Americans remember the great American General and Patriot had warned as the US plot was to take down seven nations in five years which Syria was included.
But I suppose what has troubled me the most, as I watch Main Stream Media still pump out the narrative that Assad used Chemical weapons against his own people, is the overwhelming unbiased testimony coupled with hard core factual evidence given by MP Eren Erdem before the Turkish Parliament exonerating President Assad of the use of Chemical Weapons. Eren Erdem stood before the Turkish parliament with arrest records and indictments in hand to call on his colleagues to take action in a case of enormous implications. The evidence revealed a conspiracy by the Turkish government to smuggle Sarin Gas through its borders and to be placed into the hands of ISIS militants. President Erdogan who was then Prime Minister of Turkey was named as the main conspirator in passing the chemical weapons into the hands of ISIS militants. MP Erdem also revealed the police records that showed ISIS militants were wire tapped and followed and intentionally allowed to detonate themselves in Ankara that killed score of people that was used to justify Turkey’s need to enter the war in Syria blaming the Kurds for the attack when Turkish authorities knew it had nothing to do with the Kurds.
MP Eren Erdem was dismissed in parliament by his colleagues and finally he appealed to the public in his televised interview with Rt that would cause his arrest by the Turkish government on charges of treason, of which he was innocent. Yet his facts presented have since been corroborated by the American journalist Seymour Hersh and other independent journalist like Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlet.
In every case of alleged chemical attacks in Syria the evidence has been overwhelming that the Syrian government has not used such weapons against its own people but regardless of such overwhelming evidence such manipulative stories still suppress the truth.
One of the strongest cases in favor of the
False claims…false news…false religions…false flags……….? Nothing new under the Sun!
Take a look at this. Dated Sept 10:,7340,L-5346705,00.html
Thank you jan. I’ll never forget thevideos shown on the news of the people gassed in their homes! I can’t believe that there are still Holocaust doubters in this world!
War “games” are over!
News of Russian airstrikes on terrorist positions in Idlib being reported! War “games” are over! Military “exercises” in the Mediterranean have gone “live”!
Fake news! Ww3 won’t come that easily. How many tikes end of world ,ww3 new order blka bla black? Had been predicted…The technology its to advanced to be used! Imagine a Tsar. 100x more or less powerful…Think!
WW3 has been ongoing since shortly after the events of 9/11. Its just not being reported as such. War is being fought using modern high-tech asymmetric technologies. No need to use a nuclear weapon, at least at the present time, because there are “other” technologies to do things such as manipulate and control the weather in order to cause droughts or floods, which reduces an enemies ability to fight and enhances an aggressors ability to fight. Modern war is not being fought with just bullets and bombs. Plausible deniability is built in to these types of weapons because effects caused by such weapons can be blamed on “mother nature”.
Weather as a Weapon? Gee, what powers on earth have been working to develop the technology to use Weather as a Weapon? Funny how just a few months ago “disaster planners” simulated a category 4 hurricane devastating the east coast of the US threatening to damage nuclear power plants, and now this “scenario” is unfolding real-time! What a coincidence, don’t you think? You know anything about ‘disaster capitalism”? What if what the “disaster planners” were really “managing” disasters using artificial intelligence? Oh, wait, they are! What if artificial intelligence, unbeknown to those using it to manage “disasters”, for example, was actually causing “disasters” to occur? Oh, that could never happen, right? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight!
What follows is yet another example of a “false claim” by those who’re really responsible for what is going on in Syria and the Middle East countries!
“Imminent threats of a humanitarian catastrophe in Idlib, caused by Syrian regime and its allies. The UNSC must shoulder its responsibility and act. As co-responsible for humanitarian issues Sweden stands ready to consider all options to ensure protection of civilians in Idlib.” (Claim made in statement by Margo Wallstrom on Twitter 9/4/18)
The situation in the Middle East has been brought about by those who carried out the military operations to “take out seven countries in five years”, which were revealed by former NATO Commander and General, Wesley Clark, some years ago on the program Democracy Now, MARGO!
Trump “claims” that after September 18, 2018, Christian’s can expect the so-called “rapture” to occur. Considering the fact that he is NOT a true “Christian”, in the original non-secular Christian humanist sense of the word, it would be utter foolishness to believe such a claim! There are, however, “many” who’re being fooled into believing this claim though! This is where carnal man’s scientific developments in quantum computing come into the picture. A fully functional global quantum computing “system”, and all this entails, will enable a human being to be “immersed”, body and soul, in the domain of the “ether”, or “aether”, or “nether”, or “Ethernet” as it is called today! The “etheric realm” goes by other more ancient names very few people know about! Perhaps you do? The “ether” is also called Tartar, Gehenna, Hades, Amenti, or in Hebrew She’ohl or Sheol, or the more common term, Hell! The “ether” is where the “…angels that did not keep their first position, but left their proper dwelling have been kept by him (The Most High God) in eternal chains…”, that is, “…until the judgment of the great day.”! (Jude 1:6,RSV,1952) Christ, Jesus, the Messiah said, “…do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul: rather fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell.” (Matthew 10:28,RSV,1952)
As for your “claim” that the “Messiah” is coming to bring peace on earth, how can this be so when Jesus, The Messiah, said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth: I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household.” (Matthew 10:34,35,36,RSV,1952) I can tell you, first hand, that I was against my father concerning many things, and that the daughters born of my wife are both against their mother, and that my wife did not get along with my mother, her mother-in-law, and that many of my foe’s are in my own household!
Perhaps you should read more of what Matthew wrote in the correct versions of Scripture (RSV,1952, being one) concerning what it takes to be a true disciple of Christ and a true Christian, rather than relying on the false versions created by those who long ago came out from among the earliest disciples of Christ, whom Jesus warned of, who spread false secular humanist traditions, which Jesus said they would do, which became the foundation of the “West’s” religious and public education system!
You know anything about “human consciousness uploading”? Ever watch the movie TRON? Science fiction is becoming science fact at an accelerating rate due to the increase in “knowledge”! What does the Word of God say concerning the increase in “knowledge” during the “time of trouble”, or the “time of the end.”?
Read Daniel, chapter 12! (RSV, 1952, of course!)
There are “many” who claim that by “digitizing consciousness” to exist in a “virtual reality” or the “ether” they might be able to “cheat death”! Better think twice about that!
Getting down to it! The sheep and the goats are being separated by the “sword” of GOD! Its not a sword in the sense of a physical weapon. Its the “gospel”, literally the truth, concerning who truly acknowledges the Father and the Son, and those who deny both! Who is the “antichrist”? It is written, “This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.” (The First Letter Of John, 2:22,RSV,1952) There are “many” who deny the Father and the Son! You should know them by their “works”. Do you? I do! There are “many” men who claim to represent both, but they’re liars and their father is the “father of lies”! They claim that through their own “works” they can achieve immortality in some manmade form! They claim that through the developments in their sciences and technologies they can resolve the “human problem”, that is, the fallen carnal nature of human beings WITHOUT “divine grace”! They believe they can perfect man’s nature through their own efforts WITHOUT “divine aid”! They believe that man’s obligations are limited to, and dependent alone on, man and the development of human relationships, which is what social media is really all about! They believe that through the externalization of the “beast” (the carnal spirit within man) in the form of an artificial intelligence as a “Godhead”, they can create their own future! In essence, they want to “…be like God…”! Might the Most High God and the Son have the final Word in all of this? Absolutely!
To prove what I wrote!
There are “many” who “claim” they know the way of freedom! There are “many” who promise us freedom, but they are themselves “…slaves of corruption…”, just as Peter wrote in his second letter! They are “false teachers”! The truth is, in a democracy, be it a full democracy or a representative democracy, a republic, it is the will of “the people”, the collective will of carnal human beings, that is deemed to be the “sovereign power” or “highest authority”. In fact, when looking up the definitions of the words “democracy” and “republic” this is exactly what is written! Those led by the carnal “spirit” have long sought “independence” from the Authority of the Most High God! They have long sought to exercise their “free will”, or their “human rights”, which are opposed to the will of the Most High God! Jesus offered the ONLY “Way” to resolve the “human problem”, the carnal nature of man, which the majority of human beings are in total rebellion against to this very moment in time! There are many false representatives of Christ, the Messiah, who claim that all religions are of God, that humanity should have “freedom of religion”, yet according to the original and true “doctrine of Christ”, there is ONLY ONE WAY to eternal life! The Apostle Matthew was told by Jesus, “…you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren…”, and, “…call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven…”, and, “Neither be called masters, for you have one master, the Christ.” (Matthew 23:8,9,10,RSV,1952) Those who call themselves “rabbi”, and “father”, and “masters”, and those who follow them, are still doing what they have always done, persecuting, imprisoning, and killing the true “saints”, that is, those who keep the original commandments of God, and the original faith of Jesus! You do what your carnal will tells you to do!
After viewing claims by various alphabet news sources concerning what is beginning to happen in Idlib, it may not matter whether chemical weapons are used or claimed to be used now or not because the ongoing battle there, along with the US/British forces claimed to be trapped there who’re claimed to be assisting Al-Qaeda terrorists, may be excuse enough to cause Western backed forces to intervene. One report even claims that Al-Qaeda forces there are demanding the US step in to stop the bombings by the RuAF. Various news sources now claim that US assets are moving toward the front on the east side of the Idlib and Aleppo governorates. US trucks are claimed to be crossing the north eastern Iraqi border with Syria, crossing the Euphrates river, and that US air strikes are ongoing in areas along the western side of the Euphrates River. One report claims that an air strike was conducted near Deir Ezzor by US aircraft.
HOLD IT! News alert!!! Just minutes ago the news source Zero Hedge claims that the US has claimed that Assad has approved gas attack in Idlib, and even though this has not happened, yet, its being claimed that America, France, Britain and Germany will be involved in the military operations against Assad and the SAA, which for all intents and purposes, are already ongoing according to the claims of the news sources mentioned above! Big trouble!
Concerning Damascus, and her cities, Isaiah was given an “oracle” which told of the destruction of Damascus and her cities, and there is not one thing you, me, or the roaring “nations” united propose to do that is going to stop this from happening! Why is this happening to the people of Damascus and her cities in Syria?
They have, “…forgotten the God of your salvation, and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge; therefore, though you plant pleasant plants and set out slips of an alien god, though you make them grow on the day that you plant them, and make them blossom in the morning that you sow; yet the harvest will flee away in a day of grief and incurable pain.” (Isaiah 17:10,11,RSV,1952)
The people of Damascus and her cities long ago turned away from the commandments of the LORD, who was their “Rock” in the beginning!
It is written, “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations, and requites to their face those who hate him, by destroying them; he will not be slack with him who hates him, he will requite them to their face.” (Deuteronomy 7:9,10,RSV,1952)
To “requite”, as used in this Scripture, is to retaliate against! Truth be known, there are “many” who “hate” the LORD in this world, who do not keep the commandments in their original form, which Jesus said one must honor in order to enter the Kingdom of God! The judgments against those who “hate” God will be carried out, and there is not a thing that collective carnal humanity proposes to do that will keep this from happening!
From now on I will not be relying upon any source of information that claims the staged events of 9/11 were an attack on America carried out by some Islamic guys who used box cutters to hijack airliners! Not going to be easy to do considering that the majority of sources of information are all based on mainstream and alternative media sources be they on radio, tv, or the internet, that do go along with the “official story”, with very, very, very few exceptions, right Steven?
Its not a surprise to me that those who claim they are the “highest authority” in this world, who sit in the “chief seats” of power in this world, have now made it a crime to speak out in opposition to their “human point of view” using any form of media, especially electronic media. Always wondered why we’re not allowed to post messages anonymously online anymore, and now I know why! Its no wonder that telling the truth concerning those who really are “…of the spirit of antichrist” in this world, in this time of universal deception, is considered by those telling and maintaining the deception, and by those who are being deceived, a “revolutionary act”!
Well, according to reports via social media, its being claimed that Israeli/US/UK forces attacked 3 military and industrial facilities in Latakia this evening Middle East time about 2 hrs ago using cruise missiles launched from ships at sea. Power is out in Latakia. Russian air defenses at their naval base on the coast in Tartus, on the air base in Latakia and in Hama fired at the attacking aircraft using surface to air missiles. Casualties being reported in Latakia. Syrian air bases were also hit.
Its being claimed by a Pentagon spokesman with the NAVY concerning the Syrian claims of engaging missile targets over Latakia,”I can unequivocally say this is not us.”, meaning the US did not fire the missiles. Perhaps this is true? Israel doesn’t have a navy and doesn’t have Tomahawk cruise missiles though, so who launched the missiles? Other sources are claiming Israel fired the missiles from their jets at the Russian naval base and air base where Iranian advanced weapons systems had reportedly arrived recently. Talking heads all over the place claiming that perhaps Russian or Syrian forces “staged” the attack to make it look like they were under attack. Possible, but highly unlikely. Other sources are claiming that “unknown forces” targeted Latakia. Black Ops perhaps? The fact remains that someone’s missiles hit Syrian and Russian military sites and they fired their air defense missiles at them.
New reports claiming that the attacks started at around 10:20 pm ME time and came from the “sea”. Russian ships from Tartus responded! S-300 and S-400 missiles were reportedly fired also! IAF also struck targets in the southern Gaza Strip.
Just minutes ago a report on social media claimed that the Israeli Navy launched LORA theater quasiballistic missiles or something equivalent at Latakia & Tartus in Syria from a civilian container ship in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The LORA (Long Range Artillery) is a short-range, road-mobile, ground and sea-launched solid fueled ballistic missile developed and operated by Israel. This long-range tactical ground-to-ground missile was developed by IAI’s MALAM division So, if true, the US and allies didn’t launch the attack on SAA and Russian forces!
New reports by Russia’s MOD claiming that missiles were fired from a French frigate in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Other reports claiming that IAF jets launched missiles. US denying they were involved in the air strikes. Many Russian and Syrian air defense missiles were fired at the incoming missiles and/or jets. Some missiles brought down, but no reports of jets going down. Oh, wait! An ALERT was just broadcast on YouTube in which the Russian MOD claims a Russian jet carrying 14 military personnel has disappeared from radar and radio contact with it was lost suddenly. Uh oh!
Oh, and of course, media sources here in the West claim that the SAA “accidentally” shot it down! What a load of bull crap!
To say that tension is rising in the MiddleEast is a no-brainer! Reports on social media now claiming Russia is “shocked and furious” that NATO participated in the Israeli attack on Iranian targets in Latakia, Syria! Emergency meetings are being held in Moscow. so its being claimed, right now. An electronic surveillance and communications aircraft flown by the Italian Air Force was in the air over the Mediterranean at the time of the attack. Italy is a NATO member country. Russian’s have their own methods of electronic surveillance and comms so in all likelihood they knew something was going to happen. War “games” are over!
Reports are coming in claiming that the Russian MOD has confirmed that their ELINT systems monitoring what was going on in the Mediterranean Sea did, in fact, detect “missiles” being launched from a French naval frigate located off Syria’s coast. The radio connection with Russia’s ELINT aircraft operating in that area was lost at about 11pm Moscow/Israel time as it was approaching the Russian air base in Latakia about 35 miles off the coast. The attacks on the Russian naval base in Tartus and the air base in Latakia began around 10;20pm. Reports of anit-aircraft missiles being fired from Hama, Tartus, and Latakia lasted about an hour. Its possible the Russian ELINT aircraft operating in the eastern Mediterranean Sea spotted the missiles being fired from the French frigate and also spotted the four IAF F-16s launching their missiles. Its possible that the Il-20 aircraft was brought down by one of those “missiles”. Sophisticated radar systems can pickup missile launches from the ground, from aircraft, and from ships. Not saying this is what happened, but its possible. There are other possibilities, too many of them, which social media is flooded with right now, especially coming from social media sources that regularly bash Russian media reports. Impossible to trust major news agencies based on past history!
Just found this news headline posted on Twitter by Russia International News!
“Russia MoD : Israeli jets have shot down an Il-20 over Syria during an attack earlier. This is an act of war,”
Unknown if the RIN news source is reliable or not. Tried to find information online about this Russian news source, but all I got was news by all the Western news sources decrying, bashing, and blaming the Russian’s for everything going on in the Middle East and the Ukraine! What’s that tell you!
Another report by Russia Insider on Twitter claims in a headline that, “Russia Detected Missile Launches From French Warship as Its Plane Went Down off Syria’s Coast”
What’s next?
Well, after yesterday, my question “What’s next?” was answered. Putin and Russia are not going to do anything to jeopardize the “Geneva process”, which I’ve detailed in other posts on your website! Iran, Russia, and Syrian officials met in Geneva on Monday and Tuesday this week to discuss drafting a “new constitution” to be implemented in the “transition to power away from Assad”! U.S. Secretary of Defense Mattis is quoted saying, ““Our goal is to move the Syrian crisis into the framework of the Geneva process so that the Syrian people can choose for themselves a government that is not led by Bashar al-Assad,” Mattis said this at a press conference on Tuesday (August 28th) at the Pentagon. Few people understand the power and influence Geneva has been “allowed” to exercise in this world, and continues to exercise! It is not a coincidence that there is a statue of “Shiva’, known as “The Destroyer of Worlds”, outside CERN, the top science and physics research facility in the world located in GENEVA, Switzerland! The “Destroyer of Worlds” is known as the “….angel of the bottomless pit: his name in Hebrew is Abad’don, and in Greek he is called Apol’lyon.” (Revelation To John, chapter 9, verse 11, RSV, 1952) Oh, you didn’t know? Know you do!
Seeing reports out of North Carolina claiming that the Brunswick nuclear power plant has declared a “low level emergency”. Employees at the plant are not being allowed to leave, the facility is in “lockdown” and has been since right after the hurricane dumped so much water on the state. Reports are claiming at least 650,000 customers are still without power in NC. Sure are lots of strange un-natural “disaster’s” happening lately, huh! The “Destroyer” is here! It is written, “The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan, will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders. and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.” (THE SECOND LETTER OF PAUL TO THE THESSALONIANS, Chapter 2, verses 9, 10, RSV, 1952)
It appears that Freemason Albert Pike’s prediction about how “they” would foment WW3 between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World is coming to fruition. Major world wars have been caused in the 20th Century in order to bring about major changes politically, economically, physically, socially, and spiritually. The main “change” that is about to occur as a result of WW3, as we’re so often reminded these days, will be due to what artificial intelligence will bring about. What is artificial intelligence already being used for? Completely autonomous weapons systems are already able to make decisions on their own when deciding whether or not to strike a target or kill someone! This is fact, not fiction! There are open meetings taking place to try to stop the development of these weapons systems, but, oops, sorry, its already out of the bag! Think about that the next time you drive down the road in your artificial intelligence controlled self-driving vehicle which can determine who you are based on your “profile, and what you think about “it” based on the data “it” has access to, and the electrical signals “it” picks up from your body and brain from sensors hidden in the vehicle! Comforting thought, huh. Isn’t technology great!
Oh, and by the way, if you care to look at the symbols of Freemasonry that are available to see for yourselves online there are some very interesting images used by them that prove they DO NOT worship and serve the GOD of Moses, Abraham, and Israel, who was a man named Jacob before GOD changed his name!
Its quite apparent now that certain points of view are NOT being allowed online, especially if they do not line up with those of the corporate/government/artificial intelligence controlled online “New Age” media!
One more little tidbit of information. The Freemason’s “brotherhood” exists in EVERY nation and every religion, including the false Christian system of religion they created which they forced down everyone’s throat under threat of imprisonment and/or death! Will the real “men of violence” please stand up!
And another tidbit of information you should chew on. Look up the hidden Masonic symbols in logos online! Satan is everywhere!
Remember the alleged “coup” that occurred in Turkey awhile back which resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of tens of thousands of Turkish citizens by the Turkish government? I’m sure you do! Did you know there are reports that government authorities in D.C. believe there is an ongoing “coup” against the sitting President? Did you know that there are reports that there are tens of thousands of arrest warrants for American citizens in America waiting to be served in the event a “national emergency” is officially declared? Did you know that on October 3, 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, in coordination with the FCC, will conduct the nationwide “Presidential Alert” test of both the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA). A “Presidential Alert” would be issued in the event of an actual “national emergency”, for example, a declaration of war or coordinated terrorist attacks. Did you know that in Chicago the last couple of days there have been reports of unmarked military helicopters flying over the city, landing on buildings, carrying, deploying and retrieving fully armed special ops soldiers during daylight hours? Question is, when is a “test” not a “test” even though its being called a “test”?
Heard your latest short 2-minute quick-report on the coming Jesuit Trump Israeli deal
Greetings from Orlando, FL, USA. Your site is fairly new to me, but in that short clip, you mentioned Barry Chamish. I was one of Barry Chamish’s last 2 web-techs. I helped him do videos, interviews, maintain his website, and publish books – in between working. I learned a bunch from his research and from other things I found beyond that. I study things from a Biblical perspective. Also I have kept up with the Jesuit involvement in things for the last few years, finally working on re-piecing history together now. I just thought I’d reach out to say hello and to cheer you on. Also offering that if I can be of some service to your ministry outreach or web-stuff, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Praying for your team,
a live-slave of Jesus,
friend of the Jewish people worldwide,
Steven Henry
Thank you for an honest opinion. And a correct one. The dirty war against Syria was manufactured by the US and allies and the lies and propaganda used throughout to justify this unjustifiable terrorist-proxy regime change attempt war make WMD’s in Iraq and Incubator babies in Kuwait lies look like child’s play.