The Prophet Hosea nearly 3,000 years ago prophesied of more than just Israel's future, but the future of United States, her presidents, them turning grey and even the NATO mission led by The United States and her bombing campaign against ISIS. Hosea even saw the UNited States turn on Israel forsake the commandments of God and doomed for judgment. … [Read more...] about Hosea Prophecies of Gloom For The USA
Paris Climate Change Conference Fulfills Biblical Prophecy
In a stunning News Broadcast Steven Ben-Nun share Brother Kellen davison's revelation regarding the laws being passed on Global Climate Change. Brother Kellen noted that these laws would be used to specifically target the Two Witnesses. As stated in Psalm 83:3 we see that they have "...consulted against thy hidden ones" the hidden ones are your two Witnesses that according to … [Read more...] about Paris Climate Change Conference Fulfills Biblical Prophecy
Mahmoud Abbas Has Agents Attacking Israeli’s
In a startling new twist of events Palestinian Authority leader Abbas not only is encouraging attacks on Israeli's but in the latest Terror attack one of his special agents is killed by the IDF. Catch here the Pod Cast of Israeli News Live latest News Brief. … [Read more...] about Mahmoud Abbas Has Agents Attacking Israeli’s
Hosea Prophesied US Syrian Oil Connection!
Hosea Prophesied US Syrian Oil Connection! Steven Ben-Nun: Shalom Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live thank you for those are watching on Livestream those of your trying to catch us on Livestream if you typing Steven DeNoon you should bring you right to our channel there that’s D-e-N-o-o-n. We are looking at probably one of th … [Read more...] about Hosea Prophesied US Syrian Oil Connection!
The Reason ISIS Retaliates Against France!
Israeli News Live: November 14, 2015; Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon); The Reason ISIS Retaliates Against France! Steven Ben-Nun: Shalom Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live right now as you have seen on the screen there in the background there. There has been a terrorist attach of course in France not just one but there is … [Read more...] about The Reason ISIS Retaliates Against France!