Open Letter to the “Critically Thinking” Group of The 5 Doc’s
This letter is directed to The 5 Docs, the self-proclaimed “Critically Thinking” group of The 5 Docs: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Palevsky, Dr. Northrup, and former Dr. Carrie Madej. Specifically, I am addressing Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Palevsky, and Dr. Northrup.
I aim to briefly explain a complex and distressing situation that occurred in our home:
On Saturday, May 27, 2023, we engaged in a written conversation with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny via Skype chat. During this discussion, we informed her that Carrie Madej had visited our home on December 5, 2021, and injected my wife, myself, and our father, Stefan Suto, with 21 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 500 ml of dextrose intravenously. Dr. Madej also nebulized Stefan with an improper formula containing 2 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 0.5 ml of water, without saline. We have substantial evidence of these events, including written admissions from Carrie Madej herself.
We informed Dr. Tenpenny that our father, Stefan, particularly suffered a rapid decline following Dr. Madej’s intervention to the point where he could barely eat, drink, or speak. Despite our pleas, Dr. Madej refused to return to assess his condition, which, at the time, we did not realize was due to her improperly administered hydrogen peroxide protocol. She left our family in distress, offering only prayers and claiming to be preoccupied with her own detox regimen and video production. Instead of returning, she mailed us a box of IV supplies, including more peroxide, and recommended repeating the same formula five more times on our father and my wife, Jana.
Stefan was subsequently transferred to a licensed medical facility in Florida, where doctors continued using Dr. Madej’s protocol, adding their own ozonated saline IV and direct ozone gas. These doctors were also part of the so-called “medical freedom” community. Sadly, Stefan passed away a few days later. A forensic autopsy revealed that he died as a result of hydrogen peroxide and other treatments, which caused hemolysis by destroying his red blood cells.
Following Stefan’s death, we investigated the treatments administered by Dr. Madej and the Florida physicians, discovering that these protocols were toxic, unproven, and dangerously inappropriate for human use. Dr. Madej’s administration of 21 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide was a toxic overdose. She caused significant pain and suffering without ever providing a consent form or warning us of the potential dangers of her treatment.
We have filed a lawsuit against Dr. Madej for her actions, as she has refused to take responsibility. We have also reported her to the Georgia Medical Board, urging them to investigate whether her hydrogen peroxide formula complies with any accepted medical standards. Upon learning of the lawsuit, Dr. Madej voluntarily surrendered her medical license, joining a “sovereign citizen” movement, and falsely claimed that she relinquished her license due to persecution. Regrettably, many, including you, have accepted this false narrative.
Dr. Madej has shown contempt for the legal process, refusing to defend herself or appear in court proceedings. The judge found her liable for Stefan’s death, and we are now awaiting an award for punitive damages.
We retain all correspondence with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who expressed horror when she learned the details of Dr. Madej’s protocol, calling it a “poison.” In writing, Dr. Tenpenny stated, “Dose makes a poison,” and even suggested that Dr. Madej’s actions could be criminal. However, Dr. Tenpenny also expressed concern that if the public became aware of what occurred, her “business” or “movement” could suffer.
Days later, when my wife, Jana, requested a private conversation with Dr. Tenpenny to discuss the incident in detail, Dr. Tenpenny refused, stating she saw no reason to be involved. She has since declined further communication with us. Astonishingly, despite her knowledge of Dr. Madej’s actions, Dr. Tenpenny invited her onto her program and promoted her publicly.
Dr. Northrup, we have video evidence of an interview you conducted with Dr. Madej just two months before she visited our home. In that interview, Dr. Madej publicly disclosed that she uses food-grade hydrogen peroxide intravenously and in a nebulizer. She specifically stated her formula was 5-6 ml of 3% food-grade hydrogen peroxide mixed with 500 ml of saline. However, when she treated us, she injected 21 ml of food-grade hydrogen peroxide into a 500 ml dextrose bag—more than four times the concentration she publicly stated on your program. During the interview, you appeared to agree with and support her protocol. We would like to understand your response to what happened to us and how you view the drastic discrepancy between the protocol Dr. Madej publicly described and what she actually administered.
After Stefan’s death, we thoroughly investigated these treatments ourselves. As Israeli News Live, we have always respected the doctors in your movement, offering our platform during the COVID pandemic so your voices could be heard. Dr. Madej was a guest in our home, where we provided her with care, food, shelter, and financial support, even encouraging our audience to support her.
We now ask you—Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Palevsky, and Dr. Northrup—why you continue to promote and tolerate Dr. Madej among you, knowing exactly what she has done. Would any of you subject yourselves or others to an injection of 21 ml of hydrogen peroxide? What evidence do you have that this protocol is safe or appropriate?
Moreover, Dr. Madej has misled you in other matters, falsely claiming that 911 responders demanded her COVID status, social security number, and health insurance information during a plane crash. We have obtained the full 911 call recording, and it clearly shows her allegations are untrue, yet you have allowed these lies to be presented as fact on your platforms.
We formally request that your group contact us at Israeli News Live to have an open discussion on these matters. We are prepared to present our evidence, and we invite you to make your statements. To contact us, please email us at [email protected].
This is our first public request to the “Critically Thinking” The 5 Docs. If we do not hear from you, further public requests will follow, along with the publication of all supporting evidence on our website.
Steve Ben-Nun
Israeli News Live
Brenda J Jones says
To Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and the rest of “The Five”,
I want ya’ll to know that your Appearance of “gathering round the wagons” to protect someone ya’ll have known as “a fellow doctor” is causing me GREAT Angst against the medical profession that I already have lost faith and trust in because of the whole “covid” nonsense!! As a very close, years long, sister in Jesus Christ to Steven and Jana, I was VERY Familiar with everything they and the INL Ministry was doing to support ya’ll, and your message. They provided the INL Platform for ya’ll to speak to people!!
I was also ACCUTELY AWARE Of what Carrie madej was doing at their home in December 2021, AND Her Refusal to return, leading Jana and Daddy to deteriorate toward death!!! I was constantly on the phone with Jana, and frankly, what Carrie Madej did, AND THEN REFUSED TO Come back and reexamine infuriates the daylights out of me!! We TRUSTED Her, AND We trusted you 5 doctors!!
Carrie Madej HAS BEEN Found complacent in Daddy’s death, and it seems to me that ya’ll have the Responsibility to do the Right thing in supporting and helping Steven and Jana in this horrible situation. I’ve heard ya’ll talk about “being Christians” over the last 4 years. Well then, prove to me that you are, and do the right thing to bring justice to this horrific wrong. Otherwise, for me anyway, ya’ll are just more “mouth horns” out to make a name for yourselves, and to hell with what is right and just. Sorry!! I’m just being my honest self.
Kate Catinella says
Doctors, do the right thing. Be ethical and responsible to your medical oath, “do no harm”. You are protecting the wrong person for the wrong reasons.
Ingo Schneuing says
To the “Christian doctors”::
The Word of eternal truth brings it to light:
Mt 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Your fruits are displayed in the open
Repent, repent, repent before its to late…. the end is within reach,… we of all ages are the last generation on earth … a new earth created by God Almighty in a moment of time is due shortly.
Kathy Williams says
To the Five Doctors,
This is an absolutely shocking situation on several levels. The most shocking part to me, is that the person who caused such heartbreak, is apparently not repentant nor taking responsibility, but professes to be a follower of the Most High God!
This person needs to do the right thing while living or she will have repercussions after her life ends. She needs to know this!
Shirley Mitchell says
Sadly, doctors bury their mistakes, don’t they and rarely take responsibility for them.? I used to listen to and admire you doctors during the Covid hoax, but have for some time now felt you have another agenda entirely. What Dr. Madej has done to the Ben Num family is not only despicable, but criminal and she needs to be appropriately punished.
You other four are certainly complicit in this tragedy by refusing to speak out against it.
You need to pray for guidance and forgiveness for this awful situation that your silence is perpetrating.
Blanca says
It amazes me how these so called and touted doctors cover, protect and continue to promote a criminal. No responsibility taken and not even a word of comfort to the Ben Nun family for their loss, pain or trauma. This just cements what I’ve always thought about the medical community: profits over people.
May God expose ALL culpable parties like the noonday sun in the Name of Jesus Christ! Repent IF you are a true believer, is it not written: It is a fearful and terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God [incurring His judgment and wrath].
Ric & Wen says
I’m am so sorry that this ever happened to you and your father. May the love of CHRIST hold, heal, surround and comfort you both!!!
Laurel says
I’m so disappointed to hear the response from Dr. Tenpenny. This reminds me a lot of when a preacher is revealed to actually be a pedophile. preying on the children or having an affair or embezzling church donations, and the deacon board rallies around them to protect them. They are the wolves, it’s the congregants or the patients in this case that need the protection. I’m so sorry Jana that this happened to your dad, my heart is heavy for you and I pray all the time that you and your family will receive justice.
Diana says
For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. John 12:43
Their own reputation is more important than the truth.
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17
It boils down to who is being worshipped? God or mammon?
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:11
We must stand against evil.
Lis Hoe says
In my opinion the 5 doctors, who are supporting Madej is no better. She murdered Jana father, and they dont do anything.. Why, what are they up to… Wonder if they are trying to se how far they can go, using innocent people.
So sorry Jana, so very sorry. But I believe we are close to the 2 coming of our Saivor. You will soon hugg your father again. I hope I will to with my parents..
Kathie says
Oh wow! I don’t even have any words…I am in shock and disbelief by this situation. I believed in these doctors and what they were saying! Are they all fakes? It’s just mind blowing and so sad and I’m so sorry for what happened to your father and Jana at the hand of dr. Madej…someone you thought was your friend and doing what was good for your father! And even stayed in your home! Just unbelievable! I am praying for you all and for your protection and healing and strength. God bless you and be with you! Stay strong!
Annamarie Benigni says
I remember during Covid I went to a group of online doctors because my husband and myself had come down with it. I remember people saying how cheap ivermectin was a how well it worked on the virus. Well by the time we got an appointment and were to receive the RX we were better on our own. Because of the cost of the ivermectin and the cost of our online doctor’s appointments we could not afford to fill the prescriptions. For 2 patients and 2 prescriptions it was in the area of $1000.00. These doctors were not helping their patients they were only helping their bank accounts! Sorry to hear of your tragedy! Praying for peace for you and your family.
Ty says
Dr. Madej and the Florida doctors should all be charged and prosecuted for 1st degree murder and be convicted and punished with a life sentence in prison with no parole. All the doctors promoting Dr. Madej who are aware of her crime should be boycotted. All doctors using unsafe medical treatments should have their license revoked and be prosecuted if their medical treatments have caused harm to their patients. Unrepentant murderers and their supporters will face the eternal damnnation of hell. Carrie Madej wrote on her legal document that her God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Well that God is Moloch/Baal/Lucifer/Yaldabaoth. Satan has many names.
I’m sorry for the suffering of the Ben Nun family and I hope you receive justice.
Teresa says
Just a head’s up: there’s no apostrophe in 5 Docs. It’s purely plural, not possessive.
Keep up the good work.
Steven Ben-Nun says
thank you got it all corrected
W Thompson says
My condolences. I wondered why Carrie Madej disappeared online. Now this explains why. Thank you for exposing this. Godspeed.
Elizabeth Glass says
I am so sorry, Jana, Steven, and family for your loss. These individuals – particularly Madej – should be in jail.
Sharon Dunn says
So very sad and so disgustingly disappointing. Carrie actually does have a website: Practicing the truth in health. Seriously. I am on her email but I won’t be following her anymore or the rest of the 5 docs. Thanks for sharing this.
Jennifer Marshall Rogers says
I am a board certified MD and I cannot believe what Carrie Madej has done as someone trained in medicine. I know of no one that would have treated any patient with the drug cocktail she used on this poor innocent man. She caused him to suffer a grotesquely inhumane death. I have read the autopsy report. She knew what she had done was murder or she would not have relinquished her medical license. She is a psychopath in my opinion and needs to be prosecuted for murder. She is a danger to normal society at the least.
Teresa Mahaffey says
I am also a board certified MD and have been helping the Bennuns with this case for the past 2 years. I am astounded by the silence from the medical thank you for your comment!
All 3 doctors involved in this horrific crime should be in prison..but all 3 are still hawking their snake oil . We need to recruit more respected docs to get this case the exposure it needs .
Janny says
This whole sorry saga is obviously a nightmare. This, or anything remotely like it, must not be facilitated to happen again.
Sharon B Juday says
This entire ordeal is nothing short of absolutely heartbreaking. I must say, this is what rears up a righteous anger within my spirit.
I read the Hippocratic Oath and taking a few words from the Greek Version, I found these interesting. ( I swear by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.) (I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.) Note this oath has been updated to different times and some wording has changed or been withheld. I just found it odd how the original version took oath to pagan gods/goddesses.
Nothing hides from GOD…..Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
Prayers for the Hands of our Lord and Saviour to cover y’all. GOD bless.
Margaret Schmidt says
Where is the video that you posted late yesterday? 😕
Elizabeth Glass says
“.These individuals – particularly Carrie Madej – should be in prison.” (my statement above) Edit: “The doctors responsible for this crime should be held accountable; Madej deserves a lengthy prison sentence. Hopefully the four doctors of the “Five Docs” take appropriate action and ditch Madej.
Eon'e Crotz says
So sorry for your loss and trauma.