Israeli News Live covered the story of Russians being among the dead of a deadly US airstrike that included multiple aircraft, on February the 8th only hours after the incident occurred near Deir Ezor Syria. Pro Syrian fighters suffered the most casualties as high as 100 dead according to Pentagon statement that was released the following day by CBS News. What was interesting was Israeli News Live was one of the first News agencies to report on what the Syrian government called a massacre and a result we were bombarded with negative comments and accused of being “Fake News” because it was no where on Main Stream Media.
The following day there was Rt, BBC, and as we mentioned CBS all supporting in one way or the other our initial reports. Yet their reports still only suggested that Russian Mercenaries may have been among the dead. It wasn’t until a week later nearly that the evidence began to surface that proved Israeli News Live’s reporting and sources on the round in Syria were in fact reliable and the story unflawed.
Photos of the dead Russian contractors were being published on social media and then The Moscow Times to reported that Russians were among the dead of a US airstrike that some estimates are now saying were nearly 200 killed and over 10 being Russians embedded fro the Military contract company called Wagner
Corporate controlled “mainstream media”, as well as “alternative media, have lied on numerous occasions with regard to many major world “events” that have occurred, and that are occurring right now. The list of “fake” news reports that have been created to cover up the truth with regard to past “events” is quite long, and goes far back in time, and long before this electronic communications system existed. Since the dawning of the “Information Age” though the capabilities of the electronic communications systems to manipulate and control human perceptions has greatly increased. Many of the sciences and technologies involved with the development of this communications system to manipulate and control human perceptions are patented, but many remain “classified”! Today, the ability to deceive human beings has evolved to the point where “fake” news is being generated by human intelligence agencies and non-human intelligences. Information can be created in various forms which appears to be real, but is coming from a source that is interested in perpetuating a specific point of view, thereby causing desired actions and/or reactions. Information is now being created by artificial intelligences which in appearance is so real it is virtually impossible to determine that its “fake”! As it is written, the deception is great, so great that even the elect might be fooled! Who are God’s “elect”? As of yet, they have not been revealed, but they will be!
Smith-Mundt Act & National Defense Act of 2012
Mr. Steven DeNoon.
I UNI being held hostage please grab a scapular or blessed rosary and a mantle and go to cave of St. Joseph under old St. Joseph Church in Israel.
Thank you brother for your obedience.
Here’s an example of how people’s perceptions are being manipulated. On a social media website the following statement was made:
“Turkey is a militarist autocratic dictatorship engaged in an illegal war for the purpose of ethnic cleaning while targeting civilians and vital infrastructure.”
Is this someone’s subjective “opinion”, or objective “fact”? How would the reader of this statement know one way or the other? Other’s have stated their “opinion” concerning Turkey’s actions in northern Syria, but this is not necessarily “fact” either. Opinions are like noses, every human has one! The facts are rarely revealed, and usually long after the facts have occurred, when it comes to “worldly” affairs!
Now, having stated this, there will be those who will think that I’m supporting what Turkey’s forces are reportedly doing in northern Syria. This, once again, is their subjective “opinion”, not objective “fact”! This all goes back to the problem of knowing what is true vs what is fake. Obtaining information that is “fact” vs what is “fake” is very hard to do today as I previously pointed out. I’ve made the mistake of accepting what is being reported by corporate controlled MSM and AltM to be “fact” on many occasions, only to find out later that it was “fake” news! Corporate controlled social media is hardly any better as there are many scam “artists” who present “fake” information to garner more “views” just to make money on social media, and this is a FACT! Like I said, and as it is written, “the deception is great”!
How do we know if you are genuine?
Lance, Very good perceptions–thank you! Sheeple ought to be more judicious when it comes to the
time-honored American “Evening News”. You can’t believe everything you see or hear! They should
take note of Revel 21:8; God hates lying/”bearing false witness”; it’s of the devil.