March 7, 2016;
Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon);
The One World Religion Headed By the Vatican!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live yet again another murder in Be’er Sheva, Israel this time as a young mother who was in the car with three of her young children there was shot and murdered while there on the road in Be’er Sheva. Again the Intifada still underway Jewish authorities right now are still saying that it could be the case of either a revenge attack or it could be the case of just a burglary gone wrong. They say; that the mother was the wife of a police officer in Israel but I on the other hand do not agree with that it is obviously once again another murder of the Intifada. And that brings us to a very interesting article and by the way this is a very in depth Prophetic look that we’re going to take tonight we’re gonna be looking in the Book of Daniel but before we get to the Book of Daniel which actually you guys don’t even see this on your screen I just realized that let me see if we can’t change this around because you should be able to see this as I’m doing this hang on. Okay it keeps popping up; there we go all right we can still come back to it just a moment.
(; but anyhow; Mahmud Abbas he’s calling his Intifada a peaceful, popular uprising. Can you believe that? It’s really hard to believe that he’s actually saying that this flash 90 photo here of him on Israel National News. Anyway; the Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas met with officials of his Fatah faction last Wednesday.
During the meeting, Abbas once again expressed his support for the French political initiative, which seeks to set up a support group of the permanent Security Council members, some Arab and European states and international organizations. “There is a need to convene an international peace conference in order to extract the current deadlock in the peace process, and that the Palestinians intend to appeal to the Security Council to get resolutions which will cease all settlement in the Palestinian territories,” said Abbas. Abbas dubbed the current Intifada as a “popular peaceful uprising” initiated as a proportional response to the “occupation;” this is just really insane I mean you cannot think of any better way to describe his remarks to the Intifada and to saying; a peaceful demonstration.
But then again I’m reminded by Louis-Jean Tauran the Cardinal of the Vatican who Giulio Meotti quoted in 2011 that stated that there will not be peace in Jerusalem until the Holy Sites are resolved. And then also we see in Hillary Clinton’s private emails that were released under the court order in America that her own Aides were telling her to incite peaceful quote-unquote peaceful demonstrations in Jerusalem to get them back to the negotiating table. So if Abbas calls this piece what really is peace then? Is butchering people the peace that they’re looking for? It’s hard to say.
(; anyway; moving on in other news as well this here is on Before It’s News a very interesting article by Lisa Haven; Don’t believe the One World Religion is here? You will after seeing this and you won’t believe what religion they adopt!
We’ve been sounding this trumpet for many, many years telling the people when they look to the Muslim Anti-Christ or excuse me; Muslim Mahdi will be the Anti-Christ they say; that he’ll bring about a One World Religion a One World Government many people say this about the coming Anti-Christ. Now I can’t say that Lisa agrees that the Pope being the Anti-Christ personally I think she believes him to be the False Prophet. But I did really appreciate the article she had here she says; 14 world religions and over 1,000 religious leaders participated in the 1st Annual Commemoration World Alliance of Religion’s Peace Summit, a signing ceremony for the ultimate forger of the One World Religion. They signed the Unity of Religion Agreement, a promise of religions to unite unconditionally and without discrimination to achieve “world peace.” Religious leaders who attended the ceremony included those from Shia Islam faith, to those of the Evangelical faith, to Catholicism, to Hinduism, to Buddhism, to Anglican, to Sheik, to Judaism and many others their goal? A One World Religion under the Papacy she writes. She actually gives you in the article there where you can see this for yourself including a clip here of the video of this particular signing ceremony that was going on which a lot of people have been sharing on social media here on Facebook. A lot of people been doing that already I think it’s really worth it to look at it we have included on Israeli News Live on our Facebook page of Israeli News Live take a look at that you’ll find that interesting.
Another thing she shared with me I asked about this and she shared with and I want you listen to this just about 2 minutes of this clip here. Now this was back in September last year this is when the Pope of Rome goes to New York again another Interreligious bringing the Churches together dialogue take a look at this right here.
Clip of World Council of Churches:
Cardinal Timothy Dolan: Papa Francesco on behalf of this very distinguished group representatives of the Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Native American, Jewish, Islamic and Christian Communities of New York City. Our Civic and public officials and the board of the September 11th Memorial Foundation I renew to our welcome and our joy at your visit welcome Holy Father.
Steven Ben-Nun: You can see that he is the predominant figure here guys. Let’s listen a little bit more I want you to hear this up to about 3 minutes and 50 seconds.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan: Now I can tell you Father Francesco we in New York are serious, we are serious we have many flaws, we’ve made many mistakes. But one of the things we do very well is sincere and fruitful inter-religious friendship.
Steven Ben-Nun: Inter-religious friendship!
Cardinal Timothy Dolan: Can be here for religious freedom and they found in New York City and atmosphere of respect and appreciation for religious diversity about the children spoke at the United Nations. We who have the honor of pastoring our people we work together, we pray together, we meet together, we talk to one another and we try to serve as one the city we are proud to call our earthly home while awaiting our true and eternal residency Heaven. So very often do we recall the faith of the Psalmists; God is in the midst of the city and your prayer and your presence and your words this morning inspire us. So thank you for being here.
End clip:
Steven Ben-Nun: I don’t know if you really caught that or not, I’m sure many of you will and that is that God is in the midst of our city and basically he’s implying Pope Francis has come. That he is implying him to be God in the midst of the city, very sickening if you ask me but what can you expect there?
(; another one that I want to share with you before I go into the Biblical account tonight this is from The Trumpet, Brad McDonald writes this a columnist, he’s speaking about; Why is the Pope Provoking War in Israel. He says; first the Cuban; now the Palestinians. Pope Francis is a man on a mission but what is his mission exactly? The rhetoric and body language, the gracious gestures, the incessant smiles and compliments give the impression of a selfless leader determined to broker peace, cooperation and tranquility in Cuba, Israel, and all over this chaotic, disunited planet. But consider the decisions and actions in both Cuba and Israel, the Vatican is creating tension, disunity and instability that are likely to lead to conflict and war. Yesterday the Vatican revealed that it had formally recognized the “state of Palestine” in a newly finalized treaty with the Palestinians. (Pope Francis and the Vatican had previously supported the “State of Palestine,” but never formally like this). The treaty defines the Catholic Church’s activities in areas controlled by the Palestinians, and will be signed by both sides this Saturday when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visits the Vatican. Of course we know this has already been done, cleared and officially taken care of back in January 2016.
Critics of Israel and patrons of Palestinian statehood are elated. The movement to recognize a Palestinian state has gained momentum in recent years, particularly within the United Nations; an endorsement from the Pope and the Vatican is huge.
Time will tell, but gaining the support of the most respected and admired leader on Earth could be just what is needed to get the project of Palestinian statehood over the finish line.
For the Jewish state and its declining number of supporters, the Vatican’s decision was an enormous blow. “This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations,” Israel’s foreign minister said in a text message to the Associated Press. Indeed. In return for its vital support of Palestinian statehood, the Vatican required absolutely nothing from the Palestinians. There was no requirement of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to sincerely engage in peace talks with Israel, no demand that it recognize Israel’s right to exist, and no demand that it sever its connection with Hamas and publicly renounce Hamas’s ambitions nothing!
“The one thing we can be sure it won’t do is to improve the chances for peace,” explained Jonathon Tobin, senior online editor for Commentary magazine. “By granting the Palestinians official recognition without first requiring them to make peace with Israel, Pope Francis and the church have only made it less likely that this will ever happen” (emphasis added throughout). Others were more dramatic. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, released a statement saying that the Vatican’s action “serves to undermine the only real solution to the decades-old conflict.” Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, warned that the Vatican’s endorsement of Palestinian statehood is a sign of the resurgence of “the historical Catholic enmity towards Jews.” Now I can’t agree more. I really could not agree more with the statements that are being said here. And quite frankly friends we are; you’re fixing to see a lot of the reasons why when we look at some Prophetic Insights here from the Book of Daniel. Things that I want to share with you that might lend to some of the reasoning behind all of this.
Let’s go right into Daniel Chapter 1; in the 3rd year of the reign of Joachim King of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon into Jerusalem and besieged it. (Verse 2); and the Lord gave Joachim King of Judah into his hand and with part of the vessels of the House of God which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his God. And he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his God. You know it’s kind of funny history only repeated itself and those of you that know Babylon today or Mystery Babylon as the Book of Revelation speaks of; we’ll bring that out in just a minute; is none other than Rome, the Roman Catholic Church. And they have taken and brought the part, now notice even Nebuchadnezzar didn’t get all of the treasures of Israel’s Temple but they got some of those treasures and took them to Babylon and put them in the Temple of their own god, in the house their treasures.
Well the Vatican is loaded with golden treasures unbelievable and we here in the Book of Obadiah who indicts the Catholic Church for doing it. (Chapter 1 verse 13); thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of My people in the day of their calamity, yea thou shouldest not have looked on their infliction in the day of their calamity nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. Well Obadiah clearly indicts Rome as we see the Arch of Titus and by the way it calls him Edom if you go back up to about the 6th verse, you find out that Obadiah calls the Romans the Titus there as he stood aloof on the other side; as the scriptures also says about him. In other words it wasn’t the Assyrians but as we can see those artifacts, the Golden Menorah, the Pipes ah; I believe it’s the Shewbread box all were carried into Rome. Now of course the Vatican was not there at that time, we know that Titus the Roman General took it back. But later those items do fall in the Vatican’s hands as it was pointed out by one Rabbi from Spain that was given the privilege of seeing it in the Catacombs of the Vatican.
Maybe a little; you know might say something dangled over him to get his co-operation, he wasn’t very cooperative though.
Anyway looking at Daniel Chapter 1 verse 4; children in whom there was no blemish; because we go into how that he requires for the children of Israel that certain of the children of Israel be brought up to him that are wise and have all the knowledge and all these things here. So it says; children in whom there was no blemish; but well favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans. Now; you’re going to find this interesting because as I said; we know according to the Book of Revelation Mystery Babylon is who Babylonian is today. It’s no longer the Persian Kingdom in Iran but we’re speaking about Mystery Babylon and we’re gonna find out the similarities between the two because Rome certainly has become the dominant world leader just as Nebuchadnezzar was back in his day as you saw in just some of the evidence is we’ve just shown you. Even those that are against the Catholic Church the Jewish writers that are writing against the Catholic Church there, against this Peace Initiative that the Pope is doing and of course the Palestinian State they call him the greatest leader on the earth! That’s everywhere Time Magazine makes him Man of the Year we get on and on and on with these things here.
But you know they brought these wise men in and by the way one thing you might not know about is; did you know that during Nazi Germany they grabbed up the Jews that knew science, archaeology, all kinds of wisdom and knowledge and what did this crazy Hitler want of them?
He wanted them deciphering the codes that the Ancient Babylonian Empires and the Ancient Empires even before Babylon, the Egyptians and everything else he was trying to decipher how the great things that were made in the earlier civilizations. He was using them much like Nebuchadnezzar needed this as well, all right. But notice he teaches them the tongue of the Chaldean’s that’s very interesting to say the least there. (Daniel Chapter 1 verse 4); children who was no blemish but well favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the King’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans, correct?
(; now this is interesting guess what they’ve been doing in Israel? This is according to the Embassy of Italy in Tel Aviv see? The Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv recently the possibility of introducing the teaching of the Italian language in various high schools and academic institutes in Israel has been successfully negotiated. For the academic year of 2005 2006 Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv open 3 academic courses in Italian culture and language and the interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. Italian is taught in 4 of the 7 University’s in Israel and Israeli students study medicine, law, science, politics, architecture and art at Italian University’s. You think Babylon is still at work? I think they are, they’re still taking the best that Israel has and teaching them everything of the Chaldeans. Today it’s Mystery Babylon instead.
Let’s jump from verse 4 let’s go to verse 6: now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: (verse 7); unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego. That’s kind of interesting because it didn’t change any. The same thing happened back in the Ancient Days as well and even though Daniel and the three brothers are companions that he has their names were changed it was not made an issue as well as the eating of the Kings meat. Did you notice that? They never complained about their names being changed now I use this as a type of Yeshua’s Name.
Now we know that Yeshua’s Name in Hebrew was Yeshua. Now some people believe it was Yahshua, or Yoshua was actually Joshua’s name. Yahshua would be putting the Yud at the beginning of the name being that God’s Divine Name a part of His own Divine Name. So some people say; it’s Yahshua, some say it’s Yeshua. In the oldest documents that we can find on Yeshua it is Yeshua. But that still up for debate I can understand for saying Yahshua of the Yud representing God but there again we’re still trying to pronounce the Name of God when Zephaniah’s Prophecy clearly states to us; we will not know that correct pronunciation until; until when? Until Israel’s ready to be crushed by the world’s armies, the armies are surrounding them, when God brings them into judgment that’s when we’ll know that Divine Name. Moses and Elijah will reveal it. Remember Moses; they asked the question to God; they will ask Me (Exodus 3:13); Mah–SH’mô? What is His Name? What do I tell them? He says; eh’yeh ásher eh’yeh; sh’lächaniy; I Am that I Am has sent me unto you. So the point is they never asked that question; Mah–SH’mô to Moses. We don’t have any historical record for this so therefore we must conclude that this is still a future Prophecy to be fulfilled about Moses.
But I found it was interesting because Daniel and then they never complained anything about their name being change but it was you know; it was more to deal with the fact of the food that they were eating. The meat and the wine that they were drinking; he did not want to be corrupted; as the Bible says; with the Kings meat! Now that brings up a can of worms you might say; what kind of meat was the King eating? So that’s a debate that a lot of people really don’t care for me to get into but nonetheless and by the way Daniel when he did his fast he didn’t just fast from the King’s meat he didn’t eat the meat period. Remember they had to try him for what 3 ½ years? So he didn’t eat the meat period, they eat what was it potage or something like that and drank water they didn’t drink wine or anything. But there is a type of about this though and this is what I’m wanting you to see there’s a spiritual type that I think is more important than anything that you catch on this.
Now let’s move down to Daniel (Chapter 1) verse 8 there; but Daniel purpose in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. So eat the King’s meat and or drinking the King’s wine was defilement to Daniel as well as Meshech, Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego! It was defilement the changing of the name was not the defilement. So therefore this is why I say this; friends listen; you know some people call Yeshua Jesus don’t condemn them and we can’t really say that this was from the God of Zeus because you have to understand the name Jesus was not given back 2,000 years ago during Constantine. This name was actually given much later in his history they were transliterating the name from Hebrew to Greek using the letter I, Isa Zeus. You know I prefer Yeshua I just tell it straight out but I don’t think that God is much worried about that because He knows He’ll restore everything at the End of Time.
If you look at some of the; like the Syrian Codecs for example one of the oldest known Testaments of the Bible ever written it’s not written in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John but this is where they derive their writings from. We see in there that there is no you know you don’t have the issue of the Name there. I’m sorry I had my mind on another thought at the same time.
Anyway; going back here they didn’t want to defile himself with the Kings meat or drink. Now this can have direct implications but the spiritual’s a very deep as well and abstaining from the modern-day Babylonian diet is extremely important. I wrote that as a note what am I talking about here? The spiritual application of he didn’t eat the meat, the King’s meat nor drink his drink, see remember what Yeshua say in Matthew 16:11 & 12? How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? (Verse 12); then understood they how that He bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. You see that is the meat that they’re offering to you today, the wine that they’re offering to you and the Communion Service at the Catholic Church their also are willing to make this as a Universal thing. The Pope is even lifting this up now he’s allowing the Lutheran’s to start partaking of the Communion all right!
So the problem is the meat that the Babylonians ate and the wine that they drank is the Doctrinal leaven that the Catholic Church has added to the Word of God, the interpretation and that goes right along with all her little Babylonian harlot daughters that she’s had since then which is all the other different religions that are out there. They’re all drinking from the same cup and taking of this same false, ungodly leaven bread that they have to offer and Yeshua warned His own apostles about partaking of that. So these are just little clues here and there through the Book of Daniel that we see.
Now I want to read to you a little bit more here and they’re going to look at some other things here but let’s jumped to Chapter 2 in Daniel; and in the second year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar; Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams wherewith his spirit was troubled, and his sleep brake from him. And by the way what really got me started on this Sister Jennifer called we Skyped speaking with my wife earlier today and they were talking about the story of Joseph from the video I did the other day about Joseph’s ah; when he came up there with the butler to interpret Pharaoh’s dream. And as I said; Pharaoh’s dream was a type of God’s Word because Joseph said; that God gave him the dream. Two dreams are one in the same they were dreams from God to warn him of the things that were coming.
But the reason why Pharaoh’s sons could not ah; not Pharaoh but Pharaoh’s magicians and stuff could not interpret it was because they had imprisoned Joseph, the revealed word for his day, they’d imprisoned him for 2,000 years just like the Catholic Church has imprisoned Yeshua the Divine interpretation to his word today has been imprison for 2,000 years starting with Constantine. Or even before that but Constantine when they put together their Mithras Religion and they mixed it all together you know yes we have a lot of truth in our Gospel’s there’s no doubt about it. In fact the majority of it there’s nothing wrong with it but there’s a little bitty things of leaven that got stuck in there that didn’t belong there.
And they have mixed this all up and so the Divine Revelation when trouble has set in and we have all kinds of catastrophes facing this earth and World War and things like that there’s no man that can give you the interpretation of the of the prophecies that are written in the Book because they’ve imprisoned Him. And I want you to know the true way to get into the Presence of Almighty God to get the revelations.
Now this is going to get deeper though because in Daniel’s case he doesn’t even get the dream told to him. See in the case and Joseph he’s pulled out a prison and then told what the dream said, all right, now will go back to Joseph in a moment here. Now verse 2; the King commanded to call the magicians, and the astrologers, and the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, for to shew the king his dreams so they came and stood before the king. (Verse 3); and the King said unto them, I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream. (Verse 4); then spake the Chaldeans to the King in Syriac, O King, live forever: tell thy servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation. (Verse 5); the King answered and said to the Chaldeans, the thing is gone from me: if ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.
(Verse 6); but if ye shew the dream, and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honor: therefore shew me the dream, and the interpretation thereof. (Verse 7); they answered again and said, Let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will shew the interpretation of it. (Verse 8); the King answered and said, I know of certainty that ye would gain the time, because ye see the thing is gone from me. (Verse 9); but if ye will not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you: for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me. Notice those words were already prepared; till the time be changed: therefore tell me the dream, and I shall know that ye can shew me the interpretation thereof.
Now in the case with Joseph the butler when he was in prison along with the baker he interpreted their dreams they told him his dreams interpreted and they came to pass exactly the way it was.
Now Joseph tells the butler this is jumping back to the story in Genesis now but right now we’re looking at Daniel as well. But and the story of Genesis Joseph takes tells the butler who is the man that holds the wine cup for the King which is a type of the Catholic Church today the Pope of Rome claims to be bearing the cup for Jesus to the multitudes see, and wine does represent a stimulant. But see God doesn’t need a false stimulant to give revelation! This is why Daniel abstained from the King’s wine he doesn’t want an intoxicant to cause him to get a revelation. He wants to direct revelation from God that’s why a Nazirite vow was taken and they abstain from meat and they abstain from wine and they didn’t drink any of these things. Or they didn’t eat the meats they’d stayed with the vegetables the way God had given it originally in the Garden of Eden.
Now here’s the thing though in this case here Joseph says to the butler; remember me when you come into the presence of the King. But it doesn’t remember him instead he leaves him in the prison for 2 more years and those 2 years represent the 2,000 years the Catholic Church has allowed the True Anointed Word of God that could reveal that things that are hidden in this Book here. You know when Yeshua was here He was telling the people what His Word really meant. Remember what He says (Matthew 12:7); if you knew what this meant you would have not bound the guiltless. You know He talks about these things in another place He says to them (Matthew 5:38); you know you’ve heard it said of them of time you know an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (Verse 40); but I say unto you; if a man takes your coat give him your cloak also. See what was it? Yeshua like it was in the prison with the butler and the baker he was revealing Divine Interpretation of the Word of God!
But instead of the baker, I mean the butler when he got put into power there instead of him remembering what the Word of God did when He was here on the earth he forgot all about left him there in prison. That’s why the Syria Codecs and others make the statement that His Words would be hidden until the Latter Days, that’s why Daniel, the angel says to Daniel (Daniel 12:4); seal up the book and write it not, it’ll be revealed in the Latter Days what you’re writing here Daniel. And of course now we know Daniel Chapter 12 is dealing with the Two Witnesses coming to reveal these words! It’s not even a mystery any more why? Because we’re living in the Latter Days of the revelation of His Word!
Now so Joseph right when there is a problem and the dream that King, that Pharaoh has is of God, it is really of God, a true written Prophecy. And Pharaoh’s ready to kill all of them because they don’t know the interpretation of his dream and then they actually got to hear his dream. But they don’t know the interpretation of it just like they say about Planet X. Planet X everybody are saying; well the Ancient, the Mayan’s and everybody else says; it’s coming it’s been here before and they know it’s coming but there’s no man that can reveal what’s truly going to happen! Why? Because the Vatican has kept all the hidden from you they kept Christ locked up in their prison. You know the Catacomb it’s full of Ancient documents I’d love to be able to know the Greek language and things like and be able to go in there and read it. I’d love to be able to read the ones they have in Hebrew.
It’s like my good friend Gershon Solomon told me he said; Steve they found a document hidden there under the Temple Mount that exposes the Vatican that it’s a false religion and it’s the document was written by early Christians. And he said; Yeshua didn’t say half the things that the Vatican claims. So interesting things I have to tell you.
But anyway; let’s go back to this here; now I want you to look at what he says here in verse 9 (Daniel Chapter 2); but if ye will not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you: for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me; did you notice that? They had already pre-prepared corrupted words; till the time be changed; oh my God! That’s all the way to this day; that’s actually a prophecy all the way to this day; till the time be changed.
Remember the other day I shared with you a prophecy from the Book of Barak? Barak is actually part of the; I think the Syriac Gospel or the Syriac Bible. And in there he states; how that in the Latter Days’ time would speed up! Nobody has ever known why all the sudden time is going faster than normal you know everybody thinks; well it’s just; well you know we just think that because we’re in modern technology. Well in the Book of Barak it actually states; that time will speed up in the Latter Days because God is ready to hasten His judgment; that’s just paraphrasing I don’t have it in front of me I wish I did. (Verse 9, Chapter 2 Daniel); but here we see till the time be changed; this is when corrupt words to speak before me. It makes me think of a prophecies Jeremiah spoke of.
Now as I said here; because joseph was in prison 2 years we already talked about this today is no different Yeshua’s true words has been held in bondage by the Vatican for 2,000 years. Obadiah verse 16; proves they hold the cup. Now that’s speaking of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Church is holding that cup of their wine to this day. Now we know this by Obadiah in verse 16; because Obadiah speaks about this and I thought, let me see I thought I put that in here I guess I did not, my apology. Let me read it to you real quick. In Obadiah Chapter 1 verse 16;there’s only 1 chapter friends I get that in my head mixed up a lot of times.
It’s says; for as you have drunk upon My Holy Mountain so shall all the heathen drink continually. Ye they shall drink and they shall swallow down; they shall be as though they have not been. And that was fulfilled when the Pope of Rome had a Communion Service in the Upper Room on Mount Zion in Israel it was men only that is in the masculine plural the first part of that Communion speech. The second part where it says; and the Nations shall drink, they shall; they’ll do it continually that is in the gender inclusive plural. Now this is exactly what happened and by the way I told you; if you want to know what is for sure go to verse 6; how are the things of Esau searched out, how is hidden things sought out? Esau who hated his brother Jacob and the Catholic Church still hate the Jews to this day. Why we just read that in that article it’s going to bring up that age old hatred of the Jews, Esau and Jacob that’s exactly what happens.
So Jeremiah prophesied before the captivity of Daniel is during the captivity though I just want to bring this out for you too; Jeremiah prophesied before the captivity of Daniel it’s during the captivity born around 25, 30 years after Jeremiah. In other words Jeremiah and Daniel because we’re looking at the prophecies of Jeremiah and Daniel and I just want to share that with you.
Now; let’s go over to Daniel; let’s drop down to verse 26 (Chapter 2); the King answered and said to Daniel; his name was Belteshazzar; art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen, and the interpretation thereof? (Verse 27); Daniel answered in the presence of the King, and said, the secret which the King hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the King.
(Verse 28); but there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these. Now see even Daniel knows it’s in the Latter Days just as I showed you right there in verse 9; till the time be changed, see? Corrupt words, so see they had prepared corrupt words. These false teachers who are not true teachers like Daniel, Meshech, Shadrach and Abednego see these were the true teachers of God. But they brought in a bunch of corrupt words to speak to Daniel and they were all false. And he says; that they would be for the Latter Days, this is what his prophecy is.
Now look at Zechariah 8 verse 23; thus saith the LORD of Hosts in those days shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the Nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, we will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you. Now I brought this scripture here for a purpose because notice; in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, none of the Gentiles had the answers for friends! The only ones that had the answer were the Jews! And it speaks in Zechariah Chapter 8 verse 23; that the day is going to come that 10 people of the Nations are going to take hold of the skirt him that is a Jew and say; show us your ways, we heard that God is with you! Now friends this has nothing to do with the Jewish Nation right now! And then trying to take you back into Judaism of 613 Laws that’s not what he’s talking about! You know if Yeshua says; that I will right My laws upon your heart, do you think you can memorize 613 Laws? No you cannot! When you write them upon your heart it’s because you can remember them. I think you can really remember the Ten Commandments. The 10 Commandments and 2 Statues is what Moses gave. Its funny Yeshua does the same thing you know. It even says in the Book of Revelation; those that believe in Jesus Christ and keep His Commandments or keep the Commandments.
John speaks about His Commandments talking about Yeshua that He gave Commandments. Well He gave Commandments like Moses did, hum-um! My gosh friends! So it’s the Two Witnesses is what this is speaking out right here in Zechariah 8:23 he’s speaking about the Two Witnesses why? Because none of these Priests and Prophets and all that you have in the land none of them have the answer! The bunch if they do nothing but they lie to you and they make up a bunch of stuff and they’ve been writing, they have things all pre-prepared and everything, it’s all a bunch of lies, my gosh friends.
Drop down to verse 43 (Daniel 2) another one I marked here; and whereas thou sawest; because you guys already know, I believe you guys already know the whole story here and I apologize if the prints not big enough here. I tried to make one side bigger and it’s kind of been a rush and couldn’t get it big enough. But it’s Daniel Chapter 2 verse 42; Daniel’s already told him about the entire vision, the head of the gold and you know it gets all the way down to the feet and the feet are made of clay and iron, okay. It says; wherefore as thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. This is what the Pope is doing with trying to bring together all the world’s religions not just the world religion trying to bring all the political leaders together as well. He is mingling; he’s trying to mingle themselves with the seed of men! For one he’s all corrupted as it is so it doesn’t matter. But who really is this Babylon there? See this is talking about the iron and the clay of the Latter Day let’s see who he is. Revelation 17:4; and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colored, decked with gold and precious stones and pearls and having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and fill the nest of her fornications. And by the way remember if you remember Brother Chris, I shared with you his video; let’s see what is Chris’ Channel?
Code Searcher or Code something Theory gosh forgive me Brother Chris my mind is blank on it right now. But anyway; Code Search Theory or Code Search Theory Research something like that, anyway; Chris’ Channel there he spoke about how that even the same colors that are worn here in Revelation of this woman here are the same colors that are worn by Aaron’s High Priest. And so they’re trying to make the Pope of Rome as the High Priest even for Israel. Because remember that whole united even the Jews were there and this big One World Religion uniting the thing that Lisa brought out there. What do we find? They all re-united underneath the Papacy. So he is making himself to be God on earth! And ya’ll are looking for an Anti-Christ from somewhere else why? Is everybody that blind? You see this but you’re that blind.
(Verse 5); and upon her forehead was a name written; Mystery Babylon the Great the Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. (Verse 6); and I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. Oh my gosh friends I don’t see anybody misses this, I really don’t.
(; I pulled this up I wanted you to see this as well an It says here; influential American Pastor Rick Warren spends much of his time fighting for social justice and participating in political groups and discussion. He believes everyone must work together for peace—that all religions must unite and, with the help of the global government, solve poverty and corruption. The unity Warren is proposing fits perfectly in the New World Order paradigm of the Papacy and the United Nations. Ecumenism among Christians and across religions is one small part of a huge initiative towards a global government and global religion that satisfies them all. Sure it is it’s exactly what they want.
Daniel Chapter 5 verse 1; Belshazzar the King made a great feast to a thousand of his lords, and drank wine before the thousand. Again now Belshazzar by the way was Nebuchadnezzar’s son he makes that great feast and he drinks the wine before them. There again notice there’s always that wine drinking why? Because Mystery Babylon continues to carry the cup of Babylon to this day there a Babylonian religion and just like the Babylonian’s when they got the Jews down into Babylon they tried to pervert the Jewish people as well. There was very few like Daniel and Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego that stood and kept the true faith of God while they were in captivity. Imagine how many of them fell because of fear of being put to death under the King’s command. We know of 5 that didn’t but what about the rest?
Now (verse 2); Belshazzar, whiles he tasted the wine, commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem; that the king, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, might drink therein. See notice princes, wives and his concubines might drink therein! (Verse 3); then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem; and the King, and his princes, his wives, and his concubines, drank in them. (Verse 4); they drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, of wood, and of stone.
Did Pope Francis say; Lutheran’s can take Communion as Catholic’s? See, Belshazzar, his princes and his wives, the princes by the way of the Catholic Church are the Cardinal’s their called the princes of the Church. Yes they can take Communion. His wives that’s the Catholic people themselves, his concubine is none other than the Lutheran Church directly married to the Catholic Church who always wearing a goofy little white thing stuck in their collar where you can run around like this with a little square there the Lutheran’s do that.
That’s the concubines to the Catholic Church, they married back to the Catholic Church they all the concubines. You don’t see the scripture laying it out plainly, laying it out right for you, see? This is the Vatican’s concubines.
(; now this is on its shared on Facebook by David Gibson; Religious News Service November 23rd of 2015; Pope Francis has not for setting traditional teeth on edge with unscripted musings on sacred topics. He recently did it again when he seemed to suggest that a Lutheran could receive Communion in the Catholic Church after consulting her conscience. The exchange came up during a prayer service last Sunday evening (Nov. 15) at a Lutheran church in Rome that had invited the pontiff. And he used the occasion to engage in a question-and-answer session with some of the congregants.
And by the way they’ve been doing it ever since Lutheran’s are now taking of the Catholic Church of their little Communion Service. Friends, we’re living in a late hour, a very late hour. And I do believe that God is going to put His Two Witnesses right before the world very soon. I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not they’re here on the earth I believe they are. But the revealing of who they are is yet to be made public. God’s not revealed who they are; I don’t know who they are. But I believe they are here I’ve had a lot of people send me their thoughts of who they thought they were. You know different guys, one guy out of Africa and stuff like that I do not believe that at all. I believe that when God reveals them one the world is going to hate them that’s one thing that is guaranteed. The world religious leaders will hate them as well there’s going to be very few people really believe the message they bring.
I’m Steven Ben-Nun we’re living in an Ecumenical time. And it won’t be long you won’t be able to buy or sell unless you agree with this One World Religious System that’s coming. I’m Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live a Prophetic Segment of our broadcast, shalom and good evening.
“And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, then to wait until his enemies should be made a stool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. And the Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying, “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord; I will put my laws on their hearts and write them on their minds,” then he adds, “I will remember their sins and their misdeeds no more.” Where there is forgiveness of these there is no longer any offering for sin.” (Hebrews 10: 11 thru 18, RSV, 1952)
The offerings and sacrifices of the priests in their services held in any of their houses made with hands in any manmade religion cannot take away sins, period!
Why is this question awaiting “moderation”? Do the spirits in the ether disagree with my comments?
I am not here everyday so it sometimes takes a few days before I return
Ever read the letter written by Freemason Albert Pike in which he describes how “they” would bring about 3 world wars? The first two world wars were brought about by “them” just as he foretold, and the 3rd world war is being fomented by “them” today. This 3rd world war is being fomented between the “political Zionists” and the leaders of Islamic nations of the “Moslem Arabic World”, by the Freemasons, and their “agents” in every nation, by taking advantage of their differences. This is being done by using various forms of communications technologies associated with social media to generate conflicts between individuals and groups via feedback, either by human agents or by artificial agents. The nations, under the control of the “international community”, are being forced to provide resources/assets to one side or the other, and as a result of this, they are being exhausted to the point where their nations are collapsing physically, spiritually, morally, and economically, which has been going on for some time now, and can be verified in many news reports today. Nihilism and Atheism are being heavily promoted via social networks, which can only lead to lawlessness, savagery, and bloody turmoil, which is exactly what “they” want! The increasing lawlessness is evidenced in the news everyday in the way people are acting towards each other, and especially at staged political events on TV, or at rallies, or other staged events. The “citizens” who are not allied with either group are being socially programmed to view members of each group, and those who support them, as a “minority of revolutionaries” who pose a threat to civilizations way of life. They will rise up to defend themselves against these “destroyers of civilization”, and call for their extermination. If you don’t think so then you’re not paying attention. The nations of the “international community”, are now moving to join forces and are calling for the extermination of “terrorism”, which means those who engage in what is defined by “them” as terrorism. Anyone “they” setup and/or designate as an “extremist” is considered to be a terrorist. ANY activities, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, actions, strategies, etc., that DO NOT conform to the “mainstream” ideology or doctrine held by the programmed “citizens” of this high tech “civilization” will be, and are now, considered “extremist”. For example, anyone who does not agree with the “non-discrimination” policy of the “international community” is considered an “extremist”. This policy, among others, is purposefully designed to discriminate against anyone whose ideology, or doctrine, does not support “civilizations” ideology, or doctrine. Those labeled as “extremists” include a wide variety of “cells”, either individuals or groups, religious or political, violent or non-violent, private or public, and especially those involved in Christianity. Syria’s being destroyed by the “international community” has everything to do with its history, and the fact that Antioch, Syria, is the place where those who first professed Jesus as The Christ, who practiced and preached the “doctrine of Christ”, were first called “Christians” by the “nations” that surrounded them! Christianity, and professing Christians, today are being persecuted, denounced, marginalized, criminalized, and demonized by the “international community” in the mainstream media for being “intolerant”, or “bigoted”, and “extremist”. Many talk show hosts and politicians are false representatives of Christ who’s words and actions are scripted. People realizing they’re being lied to by them will, naturally, become disillusioned with Christianity. Its all part of the programming. The ultimate goal of the Freemasons is to conquer and destroy Christianity and Atheism, and to bring out into full public view the “….pure doctrine of Lucifer”.
Rev. 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Notice 31 words and chapter 13.
Rev. 13:16 and Rev. 13:17 each have 26 words. 26 + 26 =52. 52=SIX 6=sin. Man created on the 6th day. Man of sin
We must use gematria to count the number. Gematria assigns a numerical value to each letter.
A=1, B=2, C=3…Z=26
Six hundred threescore and six total count 313 and 26 letters
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin total count 313 and 26 letters
AND=19 SIX=52
1 + 9 =10 5 + 2 =7
13\666= 1952
This is Vladimir Putin birth date 10-7-1952. 7 heads and 10 horns
Pope Francis described in Rev. 13:11. He is the 2nd beast or false prophet. He became pope on 3-13-2013. Notice his number is 313. 3 means complete and 13 means rebellion from God. In Re. 13:11 two horns means two in gematria is 13. This verse says he will come in 2013 or 213. Rev. 2:13 Seat of Satan. 3 + 1 + 3 +2 + 1 + 3 =13.
Las Vegas is the great city of Babylon that God destroys described in Rev. 18
America is the whore is Rev. 17:15 America is the 13th Israel tribe Ephraim renamed Joseph and double blessing and renamed Israel the first born. America has 13 stripes, 13 olive branches etc. America AM means multitude many people. AbrahAM
Russia Putin with 10 other nations destroy America Rev. 17:15-16
Rev. 17:17 For God hath [put in] in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
God gets all the glory and credit
A footnote for Revelation 13:18 in some Douay [Catholic] versions of the Bible says, “The numeral letters of his name shall make up this number.” Notice the chart below, which shows what happens when we total up the Roman numeral value of the letters of the name.
V = 5
I = 1
C = 100
A = 0
R = 0
I = 1
U = 5
S = 0
F = 0
i = 1
L = 50
I = 1
I = 1
D = 500
E = 0
I = 1
Total 112
* V and U each equal five in Roman numerals.
K. It would have the mysterious number 666 (Revelation 13:18).
yes I am well aware of this and agree
i – 1 D – 500 V – 5
E – 0 V – 5 i – 1
S – 0 X – 10 C – 100
V – 5 A – 0
S – 0 C – 100 R – 0
L – 50 i – 1
C – 100 E – 0 V – 5
R – 0 R – 0 S – 0
i – 1 i – 1
S – 0 ……………………… F – 0
T – 0 666 i – 1
V – 5 L – 50
S – 0 i – 1
i – 1
F – 0
i – 1 D – 500
L – 50 E – 0
i – 1 i – 1
i – 1 ………………………….
D – 500
E – 0
i – 1
No doubt that the oficial dead language used by the roman catholics, and perhaps her branches, have many
titles scoring that infamous number.
But, speaking of something noble, the name of the Messiah.
I don’t know if you already have seen a video of a brasilian man that went on a tv show with evidences, on paper, proving how they forged the name jesus and put it on the place where the original name of the Saviour was in the early writtings.
Plus, he even tells the original hebrew name of the Father and the Saviour.
By the way, according to your thought, Steven, that the Two Witnessess are the ones to reveal it, i am not saying that this man is one of them. I’m just letting you be aware of this break through regarding their holy names, all right? I’m with you that Mehushua ( Moses) and Ulyaohu (Elijah) are the ones to come when the time arrive.
(This is just the 1st part)
I have no doubt in my heart that the hebrew language is special among other languages just is His chosen people. I mean, if He is the One True Creator of all things, how come each religion has a different name for Him?? Different tittles i get it, but names…i don’t think that ” the creature will give a name to the Creator” !And as He states through His prophets “even if all the humanity is a liar, He is true” and the scriptures are filled with lessons of false prophets among the rank of the pastors within His own flock….
I also know that the translation of hebrew to other languages makes part of the hebrew essence be lost in the sense we should be perceiving the prophecies, through the words. And that is enhanced even more when the men translating do it with negligence… that’s why i do appreciate hear your opinions about everything concerning this times we are living because i found many incongruences in sentences and terms within the many bibles, even written in the same language that, in my case, portuguese. For instances, i have a catholic bible whose word differs a lot from the jeovah’s bible, i mean, it’s like a sudden change of landscape. So, i can imagine how more beautifull are the insights on the scriptures in hebrew. And i only imagine because i don’t have that instruction. None the less, i’m glad to be able to learn some bits and pieces of that mighty language. For example, i just realize that the olive oil, in portuguese is the same pronunciation of HaZeytim.
Anyway, i do love to learn as much as i can regarding our Father in Heaven because i know that without Him i couldn’t correct myself of my adolescent doings and would probably keep living to dye, in an efemerous an vain satisfaction.
People wishing to walk in the way of light and truth, bringing justice to the spirits of the mislead, are always in my prayers, and you are no exception.
That the peace os Yaohushua be with you brothers and sisters living righteously in this spiritual calamity times. Amnao
The first part of my comment is a mess, i’m sorry. I had no clue it would appear like that.
Basically, are the scores of “CRISTVS FILII DEI” , “DUX CLERI” e “VICARIVS FILLI DEI”, in latin.
I also want to let you all know that President Obama is the leopard in Dan. 7:6.
Dan. 7:6 After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it.
America founded in 1776. 7 plus 6 is 13. America number is 13. Four wings of a fowl is the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. Four heads is Executive, Judicial, US House, and Us Senate of Government. President Obama is the 44th President. Now we need to get the number for the Leopard to see the President.
Gematria A=1, B=2, C=3…Z=26
Leopard = 71 Total count
Now we have the number we need to use Gematria on this number to find the President Number
Seventy and One = Total Count 163
Bararck Hussein Obama = Total count 163
Forty and Four = Total count 163
President Obama is the last US President and Putin the Anti-Christ man of sin destroys America.
Rev. 17:17 For God hath PUT IN their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
God gets all the glory and credit.