Police are on the scene in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, police have warned, for people to stay away from the area because the situation is still active. Early reports heard on Police Scanners was the shooter shouting “all Jews must die”. The synagogue in Pennsylvania was called the Tree of Life. According to CBS 8 people are confirmed dead. CNN reporting 12 shot 4 confirmed dead. Officials are reporting that the crime is being filed as a hate crime.
The shooter was identified as a 46 year old man his name, Robert Bowers that killed multiple victims. It has been reported that Mr Bowers took to social media just before the attack: “can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
Details emerge the shooter of the Pennsylvania synagogue is now in custody. According to police statements there are multiple victims and at least three police officers have been shot during the altercation to try to subdue the shooter. According to early reports the shooter was using AR –15, a 9 mm pistol, as well as another firearm attached to his ankle. survivors have reportedly stated that they barricaded themselves in the basement of the synagogue while the shooter wreaked havoc on those in the main auditorium.
Bystanders have reported that the synagogue is used for three different area congregations. In video footage there is at least one ultra-Orthodox Jewish man walking down the sidewalk. It is been stated that the community is predominantly a Jewish community. No doubt many are grieving in our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of the synagogue as well as our prayers are with the police officers that have been wounded in this exchange.
Is paul Begley giving fake news about the snake and pigeon on the western wall. No one else has given this news
Wasn’t it Mr. Rogers who beseeched us to use our imagination? I’m sad to say, Mr. Rogers was leading us children astray, and he was in on the conspiracy. I saw a short clip of his after the synagogue shooting in his neighborhood. The whole thing showed photos from “outer space.” That had absolutely nothing to do with the synagogue shooting. Satan uses every ounce of air time..”For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJV.
The root word for imagination is image, and the root word for romance is Roman. Hollywood uses romance and imagery to captivate the minds of billions, just like NASA. Oh how I wish we would stop sitting our children down in front of the television. Satan is the great deceiver, and he is the prince of the air, as in air waves. If TV and movies aren’t enough, he also uses the radio. Sin begins in the mind. You have the power to turn off his influence, “and have a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” 2 Corinthians 10:6 KJV.
I heard that this was a bris for a set of twins of a homosexual couple…