Pope Francis Does Not Care For The Poor!
By Steven Ben-Nun
Transcribed by Sister Torres
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live and we’re gonna be reviewing some of the information we reviewed a last night. And the reason being is because it’s very serious to say the least what’s going on in the Middle East I have actually uncovered more documentation that directly links the Vatican’s involvement in the Middle East with Syria oil smuggling as well as Ethiopia the events are transpiring there. It directly links him or maybe I should say indirectly links them with the investments that they have in companies are involved with the things are happening in the Middle East.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmYZ_kWHk3Q); so before we get started here I do have John Stockwell a video of him he is a Former Director of Operations for the CIA when he left the CIA he did write a book about his experiences there how the United States topples legitimate governments around the world Democratic governments no less for whatever their agenda may be. We’re only gonna listen to about one minute of what he says right here it’s very interesting to say the least but I want you to hear this mainly so you understand that there is a World Agenda for toppling normal governments that are operating just fine without the help of the United States or the Vatican or anyone else. Listen to what he says here:
Clip of John Stockwell; Secret Wars of the CIA!
John Stockwell: The documentation; there’s also been (inaudible) US Military involvement in all of this. The US Military mining harbors, over flights, unwater demolitions teams going in to blow up things (inaudible).
There’s been assassinations of religious leaders, teachers, health workers, elected officials, Government administrators, CBC, NBC others have footage of this of the America’s watch, the Witness for Peace, we’ve managed to come up with lists of the names of hundreds and hundreds of leaders that have been assassinated down there. We also have admission of this program by President Ronald Reagan on National Television in the debates with Walter Mondale. The cause an assassination manual that we were using to train these people the Contra’s with was brought to the attention of Press and it became a big issue. And it led up to a change, a slight change in the Politics in Congress as far as the Contra Program. And President Reagan said; this was the work of the CIA Station Chief and to (inaudible) and I can assure you the CIA was not appreciative you know with that particular slip up. Because one it attributed you know assassinations, a policy of; so the Media went to the White House the next following Monday and said; that meant that there had been a change in US Policy against assassinations and the White House playing you know double speaks said; well no not really because in our opinion assassination applies to World Leaders only where you’re killing religious leaders or Regional Leaders it’s not assassination it just killing. Terror has been a part of this program, raw terror as raw as anything that happens in the Middle East or elsewhere these Contras have been going into villages, they’ve been hauling families out which other members of the family forced to watch. They’ve been castrating fathers, gang raping mothers, slashing off their breast again while the children are forced to watch. 22,000 is the figure the New York Times gave.
Steven Ben-Nun: That’s just to give you a little insight about what the CIA gets involved in and it’s very sad to say the least but it’s to let you know the US Government is very much involved in the overthrow of Democratic governments. Even in the case of Ukraine as we saw you Ukraine was toppled with the CIA backing the Extremist Nazi Regime there.
And of course those that were put into power like Poroshenko all Catholic loyalists to the Vatican were put into power in these countries here.
(http://www.awrambatimes.com/?p=13327); now let me take you back as we were looking at yesterday we were looking at the fact that natural gas reserves were discovered in Ethiopia a pipeline stretching from Ethiopia to Djibouti is under construction this came out on March the 27th 2015 of course this natural gas in all this was discovered long before this is just the actual construction of the pipeline. One of the things that we mentioned in here this is an Addis Ababa which is the capital of Ethiopia the vast reserves of natural gas recently discovered in Ethiopia drew particular attention in the international companies. A construction of gas pipe line stretching from Arbaminch to Djibouti, through Awassa and Diredawa; okay that was to show you what is going on there.
Now we looked; another thing that was very interesting was we were looking at the scriptural side of this and as we noted in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11 you get down to around verse 42 he says; he shall stretch stretched forth his hand also upon the countries in the land of Egypt shall not escape. (Verse 43); but he shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver and over precious things of Egypt and the Libyans an Ethiopian she’ll be at his steps. Now this is speaking about the Catholic Pope and the reason we know it’s the Pope is because all you have to do is just back up a little bit here; which is the prince that shall come by the way; Daniel chapter 9 verse 26 speaks about this is how we know that destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem it says; the prince that shall come shall destroyed the Temple and the sanctuary; which is Titus the Roman General. The Book of Obadiah also indicts Edom or Esau in case is the one that stood aloof while your brother was destroyed His Temple and looted and carried away His treasures from His House.
Again Titus the Roman General identified by Obadiah as Esau the descendants of Edom and God said; He would bring about judgment on Edom because of the evils that they did and again Pope Francis fulfilling biblical prophecy back in 2014 of Passover well he drank a Communion Service in the Upper Room above King David’s Tomb. Where it says in the biblical passage in Obadiah Chapter 1, only one chapter verse 16; they shall drink upon My Holy Mountain, see and it’s in plural masculine men only; and they shall continue they shall swallow down. Let me actually quote this correctly for you so we don’t make any mistakes in this. He says; for as you have drunk upon My Holy Mountain so shall the heathen drink continually yeah they shall drink and they shall swallow down and they shall be as though they had not been. Of course the Holy Mountain is in verse 17; but Mount Zion they shall be deliverance and there should be holiness in the House of Jacob shall possess their possessions. The masculine plural identified that it was Pope Francis and his delegation the men only that actually drink there in the Communion Service when he was there in 2014 of Passover. The following weeks as they continue to do Communion Service, the Catholic Church and their members that came there was an international delegation of people that would come both male and female which it is gender inclusive in the plural that says; and the Gentiles shall continually drink.
So for my Jewish brethren that think that the scripture applies to the Jews it’s not true it’s the Gentiles that actually do the drinking up on the Holy Mountain. So we see that the Pope of Rome has very much built up his case here. Verse 36 of Daniel 11 it says here; the King shall o according to his will and he shall exalt himself in magnify himself above every god and shall speak strange things against the God of God’s and He shall prosper until the indignation be accomplished for that which is determined shall be done.
(Verse 37); neither shall ye regard the God of his father’s and nor the desire of women nor any god he regard for he shall magnify himself above all. Now you might wonder how could the Pope be a King? Well did not Israel take give an official seat at the Tomb of David for Pope Benedict officially making the Pope of Rome or any Pope of Rome that succeeds him to be the king of Israel? They’ve actually set it up and as we saw.
And we’ll run real quick backup to this in verse 14 here; and in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the children of the violent among thy people shall lift themselves up to establish the vision; but they shall stumble. In the Hebrew language when you actually read this last part of the verse here; also the children of the violent among thy people; it literally is the sons of the lawless ones among your people; aM’khä; Your people speaking of Daniel, the Jews they would try to literally; yiNaS’û; marry the vision. They’re trying to bring a marriage together do you not realize that’s exactly what Ahab did. Ahab went and married Jezebel brought idolatry into Israel and what is happening here? Again the sons of the lawless ones in Israel such as Shimon Perez and Prime Minister Netanyahu these are the sons of the lawless ones and they’re trying to marry in the vision. See they want to see the fulfillment of the Word of God that says; Jerusalem shall be a City for all Nations. And so they did they did what? They went and married Rome and they brought idolatry into Israel trying to fulfill the vision by marrying Rome back in again.
Well; all you did was reset up where it was when Jesus left the scene 2,000 years ago Rome wasn’t controlled in and now Rome is back in control again and yes you’ve anointed him to be the King of Israel now by giving him the Official Seat at David’s Tomb. You handed over that Land to him so yes he has a King and he also does not like to get married that’s one of the things you’re not allowed to marry.
Unlike what Jesus taught in the Humane Gospel when it spoke about the Community in Qumran there were those that were not married by choice and those that were married see you could be either one in the Community of Qumran, all right.
(Verse 38); so but in his place shall he honor the God of strongholds. Now some people said; it’s the god of violence and war. Well nonetheless he does because what does he do? He uses the United States and NATO their Allies there to conduct his war campaigns around the Middle East and all over the world for what? For his filthy greed of money and that’s what the Vatican does and you’re going to find out that’s why the war in the Middle East its why the problems that are going on in Ethiopia now is because the Vatican owns the stock in the companies that are there right now. This is why they’re in bed what the World Bank everything going on it’s amazing to say the least.
So we find out right here he doesn’t; know not shall he honor what the goal; excuse me (verse 38); and a god whom his father’s knew not; speaking of Abraham Isaac and Jacob or in this case here he made claimed to have Peter as his forefather, the Apostles. Well they certainly did not believe the way he believes by no means. (Verse 38); but he does not and a god whom his father’s knew not shall he honor with gold and silver and with precious stones and costly things. Like I said in the Vatican they have a mural of Mary over on the wall the Virgin Mary with 7 huge diamonds around her head, huge costly stones not to mention the billions there is over I think it was 500 billion dollars in gold that the Vatican owns in vaults and places around the world. Not to mention all the gold they have Vatican City. (Verse 39); and he shall deal with the strongest fortress with the help of a foreign god whom he shall acknowledge and shall increase glory and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for a price.
And he shall deal with the strongest fortress with the help of a foreign god that’s where he works with the Arabic world the Muslim race there where he; the very religion he created the Allah as you would say his name by the Arabic people which is not god it’s only the devil and no he’s not Akbar either he is not greater is much less. It is the same as the Mithras god it is the same God that they serve during the time when in Persia when the different King’s there Ahasuerus and Darius they were actually worshiping Molech the God of their fathers which happens to be on the Cyrus Cylinder in case those that do not know it. Verse 40; and at a time of the ends shall the King of the South push him the King of the North shall come against him like a whirlwind with chariots. The King of the South is gonna push it him? Could that be one of these Arab Nations such as Saudi Arabia that pushes at the Vatican? You know there’s a lot of threats by ISIS there that they want to destroy the Vatican and what does he do? (Verse 40); He sends in that army their heads of his King of the North like a whirlwind with chariots with horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter into countries and shall overflow as he passes through. And he’s got a lot of forces there now and they’ve been justifying it especially after the Paris bombings there which no doubt they created themselves in order to make it look good.
(Verse 41); He shall enter also into the beauteous land and many countries shall be overthrown but these shall be delivered out of his hand Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon. Ammon happens to be modern-day Syria. (Verse 42); he shall stretched forth his hand also upon the countries in the land of Egypt shall not escape. (Verse 43); but he should have power over the treasures of gold and silver over the precious things in Egypt, and the Libyans, in the Ethiopian shall be at his steps; which is exactly what’s happening now, all right.
So you see where you are in Biblical Prophecy. (Verse 44); but tidings out of the east of the North shall frightened him. Not the king of the North he’s talking about Russia see the King of the North is actually the United States and NATO’s Allies. (Verse 44); but the north there’s tidings that bother him out of north and east; that’s Russia and China; they affright him and he shall go forth with great fury to destroy not only to take away many. (Verse 45); and shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas the beauteous Holy Mountain; which is going to be there and Israel he’s gonna set up that 3rd Temple but it’s not going to be God’s temple is gonna be the Pope’s Temple; (verse 45); and he shall come to his end and none shot helped him. Now let’s take a look at some of the things that are going on again as we go back into the documentation of what we were looking at many things are going on.
(http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/11/ethiopia-protests-master-plan-addis-ababa-students); this was the other article we looked at; Men Parade in the Oromia region outside Addis Ababa. This was photograph by Reuters here where they’re actually there protesting there. At least 10 students are said to have been killed and hundreds injured during protests against the Ethiopian government’s plans to expand the capital city into surrounding farmland. According to Human Rights Watch, the students were killed this week when security forces used excessive force and live ammunition to disperse the crowds; again Addis Ababa in the Capital of Ethiopia.
Now why are they doing this? Because they discovered gas, natural gas and oil in Ethiopia. Just like what’s going on in Syria the overthrow of the government there they want two siege those oil fields there they want to take control of it. You don’t think the Vatican doesn’t have an interest in all of this? Sure the Vatican does why would the Vatican out such a great interest in this?
(http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/pope-francis-fails-mention-vatican-billions-gives-speech-denouncing-wealth/); all right; let’s take real quick and see why the Vatican has such an interest in this region. And this is an article on Now the End Begins; Pope Francis fails to mention the Vatican billions as he gives a speech denouncing health. Very interesting isn’t it that he just ignores all that? He wants to help the poor but he forgets about all the money that he actually has there. And this I’m gonna blow up where you guys can see because I want you to be able to see what the Pope actually has here. It says; alas, alas that great city that was clothed in fine linen purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls; from Revelation 18:6. “The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschild’s of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil and Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric.
But the Gulf Oil and Shell is the one that I wanted to bring your attention to because Gulf Oil and right here in the article that we’re gonna look at real quick here. All we want to do is we want to make a little connection right here. Gulf Oil has now in partnership with Can Amount Petroleum LP and it’s also called Gulf Oil International is who they are now all right.
(http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=47530019); it’s also ah; another one here is Shell it says here and we’ll make this a little bit bigger for you as well. We want to make sure you guys see this real well.
This is an article here that we’re looking at as well this on Bloomberg Business so you know it’s a nice reputable company; Oil and Gas consumable fuels; company overview of Royal Dutch Shell plc Subsidiaries in Sudan, Djibouti and Ethiopia. What do you know Shell Company the Vatican owns stock billions of dollars in stock with this company here, happens to just so be Ethiopia? What a strange thing Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Subsidiaries in Sudan, Djibouti and Ethiopia represents the combined operations of Shell Djibouti SA, Shell Ethiopia Limited, and the Shell Company Of The Sudan Ltd. in their sale to Libya Oil Holdings Limited. As of July 10, 2008, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Subsidiaries in Sudan, Djibouti and Ethiopia was acquired by Libya Oil Holdings Limited. So see this is the link that the Vatican has there because they have these agreements with Shell. And Shell Oil and when we go back and look and there’s this discovery of this natural gas in Ethiopia and these different companies that are involved in bringing this out. This is why the Vatican has a very important interest about what goes on there.
(www.countonshell.come); another one right here at the Shell Oil Company International direct companies histories copyright they’re out of Houston Texas there; wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell. And there again let’s make this big enough so you guys can see it we’ll also post these on are on our Facebook page there as well. And its wholly owned subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum incorporated. So you can see who the owners are of this they have over 12,000 employees and sales of Over 19.2 billion. They do crude petroleum and natural gas extractions so now you know why they’re in Ethiopia as well.
And then we have another one here this is a Bloomberg as well it says; Ethiopian and Djibouti sign an agreement a 1.55 billion fuel pipeline with developers mining oil and gas services in Blackstone Group LLP backed Reno Group. Well by the way Shell and this group here called the Blackstone are in bed together and married up just as much as they can be in many ventures all over the world. They work together Blackstone and the Shell Group together. Again who’s the one doing the Pipeline from Ethiopia out of this region here? It is the Blackstone Group LP which is also united and married up with Shell Oil International. Again this is why the Pope has such a major interest in what goes on in these companies here.
So let’s take a look at a particular scripture that I pulled up this is what came to my heart last night that made me want to come back and look at this all again. And if you look at your King James Bible in the Book of John ah; let me just make sure we’re in John Chapter 12 starting with verse 1 it says; then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom He raised from the dead. (Verse 2); there they made Him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with Him. (Verse 3); then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment. (Verse 4); then saith one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray Him, (verse 5); why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This sounds like Pope Francis doesn’t it? We need to share the wealth with the world, we need to go out here and help these poor people. Those ones that are coming into America the illegal refugees help them out! The ones coming into Europe from Africa, Libya, and the countries like Ethiopia all these other countries here help them out guys bring them on in and give them a place to stay! What about those coming in from Syria, the Muslim, the refugees out of Syria? The Pope wants you to help them out, give them a place to stay.
Well that’s what he sounds like, like he really cares for the poor.
(Verse 6); but because he was a thief, and had the bag and bear what was put therein. In other words he held the bag, the money bag didn’t that sound a lot like what we just read over here verse 43 of Daniel 11; but he shall have power over the treasures of gold and silver and all precious things of Egypt? See the Pope of Rome holds that money bag doesn’t he? Yes he does.
And it says here (verse 6); and given to the poor this he said; they cared not for poor this he said; not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief and had the bag and bare what was put therein. See he didn’t care for the poor he was a thief and that’s what the Pope of Rome is a thief that’s what the Vatican is a thief. All right (verse 7); then said Jesus, let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. (Verse 8); for the poor always ye have with you; but Me ye have not always. So we see that the Vatican claims to be caring about all this.
(http://www.news.va/en/news/africaethiopia-emergency-in-ethiopia-for-tens-of-t); in fact let’s take a look at what the Vatican says in their own news broadcast; they said in here on the news of the Vatican News here; Africa, Ethiopia emergency in Ethiopia tens of thousands of South Sudanese refugees Addis Ababa the Capital of Ethiopia. There are between 72,000 $100,000 South Sudanese refugees who have fled to the western Ethiopian region of Gambella, according to estimates by some humanitarian organizations; that’s the ones that they have that can falsify the information; operating in the area. Clashes between government soldiers and rebels loyal to former South Sudanese Vice President Riek Machar; and that was pretty clever the Vatican to be able to automatically find a reason why this was all going on. And they say; it’s because these are clashes between the soldiers there.
But according to this article right here; it says here that they’re actually fighting and protesting at least 10 of them were actually killed because why? They’re wanting to take away the land from the Ethiopian; plans to expand the capital city into the surrounding farm lands this isn’t because of people that were formerly loyal to some other Ethiopian president this is because why? The Ethiopian government is taking their lands away from them just like they did in Syria. Just as we saw Micah Chapter 7; clearly says; that that land would become desolate because of the people themselves why? The United States as we saw John Stockwell say just a little bit ago they go in there and they toppled these governments. And they do all kinds of heinous crimes. He was talking about castration, cutting women’s breasts off and making the children watch now they behead everybody in the Middle East thank You CIA for helping arm up ISIS and ISIL out there and get on going there. And arm the rebel groups fighting against Assad but you know what? You’re not going to take Syria because Russia’s there and that’s what’s concerning the Pope right now. You got Russia there and that’s a major problem for you isn’t it?
(http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/11/ethiopia-protests-master-plan-addis-ababa-students); so an article here differs with the Vatican of what this is really have it says; the students are protesting against a controversial proposal known as the Master Plan to expand Adidas Ababa into surrounding or Oromia State which they say will threaten local farmers with mass eviction according to the Ethiopian Constitution Oromia is one of the 9 politically autonomous regional states in the country in the region’s Oromia people make up the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia. However, rights groups say the Oromo have been systematically marginalized and persecuted for the last 24 years. By some estimates, there were as many as 20,000 Oromo political prisoners in Ethiopia as of March 2014. Well I’m sorry did that get in the way of Shell Oil’s big deal there to help get the gas out of there?
I guess the Vatican wasn’t going to suffer any losses were they? No I don’t think they were the Vatican’s not interested in making losses.
(http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?page=imprimable&id_article=57356); now we have another article that just came out as well this one here December 11th right there in Addis Ababa a hand grenade attack on Friday at the Ethiopians biggest Mosque in the Capital. Addis Ababa has wounded 24 people police told Sudan Tribune. Well what do you know the CIA is at work again what are they gonna do? They’re gonna cause the Muslim’s to have an uprising there to go against the different groups to start killing everybody, get job there. The Vatican keeps using their military arm and might all over the world-wide for nothing but filthy money. The attack comes university students from across Oromia region continue protests over federal government’s Integrated Development Plan aimed to expand the capital Addis Ababa to parts of Oromia, Ethiopia’s most populous region. You know the Vatican’s been doing this for a long time friends. Let me just show you just how long they’ve been doing it all right.
(https://www.thetrumpet.com/article/9761.7.0.0/world/world-war-ii/the-vatican-the-butcher-of-ethiopia-and-hitlers-pope); I want you to get a good idea this here was written by Ron Fraser he’s a columnist for the Trumpet this here’s; Pope Pius X11 and Pope Pius XII back during the 2nd World War. The Vatican’s butcher of Ethiopia Hitler’s Pope is what the article is entitled. The Vatican’s historical ties with the Fascist States rise to the surface yet again. Memories of the Vatican’s historic connection with and support of the fascist causes and personalities British political economists Rodney Atkinson alerted us to the following release by The Global Alliance for Justice: “The Ethiopian Cause condemns in the strongest terms the Italian government’s construction of an official memorial to the convicted war criminal Field Marshal Rodolfo Graziani;” this was done on August 18.
Why are Ethiopians so incensed at the Italian government honoring one of their country’s wartime field marshals in this manner? The reason for their indignation is as morally legitimate as is the condemnation of all perpetrators of fascist and Nazi horrors during World War II: during the Italian war on Ethiopia 1936-1941, Italy carried out a systematic mass extermination campaign in Ethiopia with poison gas sprayed from airplanes and other horrific atrocities that claimed the lives of no less than 1,000,000 Ethiopian men, women and children, including 30,000 massacred in only three days in Addis Ababa as well as the reprisal killings of the entire monastic community at the historic Debre Libanos Monastery. In addition, 2,000 churches and 525,000 homes were destroyed by the Italian fascists. These atrocities were carried out under the direct command of Graziani, known as the Butcher of Ethiopia.
Graziani remained loyal to Mussolini until 1945 and served as the minister of defense of the puppet Italian Republic in Northern Italy and committed additional war crimes in North Africa. But what is so morally reprehensible about this effort to memorialize an Italian war criminal as a war hero is that the moral arbiter of Italian society and of 1 billion followers globally, has seen fit to endorse it! The Catholic Church themselves sent their own representatives, sent their own representatives there while this was being constructed in Italy to honor this man.
Did they forget about their own 2,000 Churches that were destroyed? Did they forget about the 30,000 Christians that were murdered along with the 1 million Ethiopians? No; they didn’t care. “Now the Italian government has honored him with a mausoleum and memorial park, built at taxpayers’ expense, in a village south of Rome. A Vatican representative attended the recent opening ceremony of the Graziani memorial”
The presence of a Vatican representative at the dedication of the Graziani memorial is, as Atkinson points out, consistent with the Vatican’s historic linkage with the Fascisti: “There is nothing new about the strong political and historical ties between fascist states and the Vatican. The link has been carried far into the post-Second World War era by the Vatican’s support of the blatantly fascist state of Croatia. Also you have a few days prior to this release, two prime organs of the Catholic media gave prominence to the latest efforts to whitewash wartime pope, Pius X11. Despite the overwhelming evidence of Pius XII’s compromising hand in relation to Nazism, and in particular, to Hitler’s “final solution” for the Jews, Pope Benedict XVI is treading a steady course toward the beatification of Pius XII. So they’re hands are always dirty especially with Ethiopia. The dirtiest hands you can possibly get.
(http://projects.huffingtonpost.com/worldbank-evicted-abandoned); now we showed you what the Vatican had to say about this now I want to take you here this is; How the World Bank broke its promise to protect the poor. This was an article that was released there are many involved in this the Huffington Post involved in this. There was over 50 journalists involved in this particular writing of this article here and the reason why I bring this up is because the Vatican is married in with the World Bank.
(https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/vatican-partners-with-world-bank-to-launch-year-of-mercy-with-climate-chang); now before we hit the article let me show you the connection of the Vatican with the World Bank what just happened weeks ago. Weeks ago we have a very interesting thing that took place hang on get it right here; Vatican World Bank Partners to Launch Year of Mercy with St. Peter’s Climate Change Light Show. Rome December 4th 2015 the Catholic Church founded to shed the light of Christ in the world is quite literally invited the world to shed His on her.
On December the 8th the Feast of the Immaculate Conception as well as opening Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy Pope Francis has allowed Climate Change partisans and population control advocates to project a light show in the façade and cupola of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome — the most important church in the Catholic world — so as to “inspire change around the climate crisis.” The show titled “Illuminating Our Common Home” will project onto St. Peter’s “images of our shared natural world” in order to “educate and inspire change around the climate crisis across generations, cultures, languages, religions and class,” states a press release about the event put out by one of the sponsors. Now they were very big into this. One of those sponsors is the World Bank. The World Bank is also very heavily involved with the Vatican and of course it’s the World Bank that is loaning all this Mega Millions to companies like that want to do the oil and stuff in Ethiopia. In fact the World Bank as the big money lender to the projects going on in Ethiopia right now that the Vatican who owns a great deal of stock in Shell Oil and Gulf Oil International that’s working there to build the pipeline. Shell of Ethiopia as we pointed out to you in several of these articles already this is exactly what they’re doing.
Ethiopia see ah; Royal Dutch/Shell Corporation all these companies here involved directly in Ethiopia Blackstone has the very ties with Ethiopia and this is what the Catholic Church is doing they’re deeply involved in all of this right here. So they’re there and the World Bank is backing them in all this and then we wonder why? We wonder why?
Now I don’t know if I read this to you guys yesterday this is from the Humane Gospel of Jesus one of the Lost Gospels this is in relation to Matthew Chapter 24; where Jesus speaks up here but this is the way it was worded before they made changes to the Bible by Constantine the wonderful Roman Emperor there that the Catholic Church was founded with.
(Chapter 61:2); for many things shall they take place upon the earth that has not taken place before nor ever seen by any generation except those of that generation for you should hear a great wars and also much talk of war; just like Matthew 2:6 says; wars and rumors of wars. (Verse 3); and many will be threatened with destruction but be ye not troubled for many things must come to pass yet before the end of all evil things. And in those day alas before the Great Rest those that have power; like the Vatican, like NATO; shall gather to themselves in greed, the lands and the riches of the earth, for their own lusts, and thus shall oppress the greater number who have not; like the Ethiopians, like the people in Syria who have been dispersed by the millions now living in Europe, in the United States and Turkey and Saudi Arabia without a home living in tents, living out of cars and everything else why? Because all these interesting Oil Companies and by the way Gulf oil which the Vatican has a lot of money and there is also down there and Dubai they have a great big facility in Dubai in the Middle East there. But anyway it says (verse 3); the lands and the riches of the earth they’ll gather to themselves in greed the lands and the riches of the earth, for their own lusts, and thus shall oppress the greater number who have not. (Verse 4); for in those days the many shall be held in bondage but yet not in prison and they shall be used to increase the riches of the greedy. Isn’t that what we see happening right now? Exactly so he fails to mention to you not only the billions that he has but all the money in the companies that he has invested, the Vatican has invested there that is involved in all the things that are going on in the Middle East.
(http://projects.huffingtonpost.com/worldbank-evicted-abandoned); and this is why we see as this article here I’m fixing to go back to and share again; How the World Bank broke its promise to protect the poor.
Beneath a gloomy white sky, more than 100 armed police poured into the slum of Badia East in the teeming megacity of Lagos, Nigeria. As they advanced, they cracked their batons on the unpaved streets and against the ramshackle walls of the shanties. “If you love your life, move out!” the officers shouted. Thousands of people grabbed what belongings they could carry and fled. Then a line of hulking excavators moved in, using their hydraulic claws to smash homes into pieces. Within hours, the neighborhood was a ruin. The Lagos state government flattened Badia East in February 2013 to clear land in an urban renewal zone financed by the World Bank, the global lender committed to fighting poverty. That’s the bank that just did this great big show there they were the sponsor of this lighting show there at the Vatican interesting isn’t it?
The neighborhood’s poor residents were cast out without warning or compensation and left to fend for themselves in a crowded, dangerous city. Evictions like the one in Badia East aren’t supposed to happen in the middle of projects backed by the World Bank. For more than three decades, the lender has maintained a set of “safeguard” policies that it claims have brought about a more humane and democratic system of economic development. Governments that borrow money from the bank can’t force people from their homes without warning. Families evicted to make way for dams, power plants or other big projects must be resettled and their livelihoods restored. That’s kind of the way the Pope talks but that’s not what they do! They gave a warning they went in there and beat the sticks on the ground and said; get the heck out or else if you love your lives. The key findings of these 50 journalists said; over the last decade projects funded by the World Bank of physically or economically displaced an estimated a 3.4 million people taking their land or damaging their livelihoods. The World Bank has regularly failed to live up to its own policies for protecting people harmed by projects that finances.
The World Bank in his private sector lending arm the International Finance Corp has financed governments and companies accused of human rights violations such as rape murder and torture. That’s what the CIA does too. We just saw John Stockwell said; they did gang rapes, murders and in some cases the lenders have continued to bankroll these borrows after the evidence of abuses emerged. Sure they do. Ethiopian authorities diverted millions of dollars from the World Bank supporter project to fund a violent campaign of mass evictions according to the former officials and carried out forced resettlement program. Oh Mr. Pope I’m sorry I forgot it’s your company there Shell Oil International there working there to get this pipeline with their great big partner to be built I guess they got in the way. Or maybe you need around the city there you’ve got to be able to build some nice big office buildings for all these Oil Companies. I don’t want the case is. From 2009 to 2013 World Bank Group lenders pump fifty billion into projects great of the highest risk for irreversible and unprecedented social environmental impacts. More than twice as much as a previous five-year span; they’re in a hurry now. They are definitely in a hurry so Mr. Jim Yong Kim who was actually they’re talking with the Pope recently about how great they’re doing and helping to deal with this Global Climate Change. Which by the way Putin says; it’s nothing but G O strategic way of war is what it is and he calls it a fraud.
But he says here; we took a hard look at ourselves on resettlement and what we found caused me deep concern says; Mr. Jim Yong Kim the World Bank’s President it’s what he said in a statement when they were interviewing him. So what he do? Instead of cleaning up his act he runs to the Pope and says; we’re doing great work Mr. Pope Francis we’re making sure your Oil Companies that you have all these billions invested in.
That you’re able to get your stuff built we made sure that we loan the money to the right groups that are ran by the CIA that can help you know get rid of the problem. Interviewed hundred ah; so this is what they’re doing this why I say Pope Frances is doing the exact same thing, exact same thing that Judas did. There’ no difference and it’s all gonna come to the end very soon. It’s the same thing that’s going on in the middle of Europe excuse me not Europe but in the middle of the Middle East that’s why he’s got all these warlords there. They run in there and they’re gonna overthrown it.
I’m Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live another Prophetic Update as we have seen here Pope Frances he’s a lot like Judas he’s holding the money bag he claims that he cares for the poor but he really doesn’t. Shalom, good evening.
Dearest Mr. DeNoon.
When I saw your enthusiasm I in the video about praying for Israel and the revelations which God has given you I thought that Israeli News Live could be a great place for the delivering of Gods true teachings. May the most annointed interpreters post through Israeli News Live their teachings and step forward. May God bless us all. Thank you for keeping the fire burning and for your great enthusiasm.
Kind regards.
Thank you as well