The IDF has announced via their Twitter Feed that last night was one of the largest operations for the year of 2016. The Israeli Forces conducted major raids shutting down arms and illegal weapons factories inside Judea and Samaria.
Tensions are on a sharp rise with the recent attacks by Hamas in southern Israel. And Israel has responded with counter Airstrikes on terrorist facilities within Gaza. Israel is facing tremendous pressure from all sides. Hamas has promised a new war, and Israel is faced with World pressure not to retaliate with continuous missiles fired on its civilians. All eyes are on Israel, but the Obama administration can wage war and topple legitimate countries and no one seems to notice. Where is the justice in such a tiny Nation like Israel in their survival. Only the coming of HaShem’s deliverers in Obadiah will change the Tide.
It’s true…I’m all whom I love dearly for the sake of Yeshua…but much more than that…WE are His and very LOVED…BLESS ABBA He said so?in His Covenant… John 3:33. Us who believe His Testimony have sealed to our hearts Abba is True?
Very well said, May Abba bless you all the days of your life.
I pray for you Israel, God will help you. Thank you for your tremendous work. God Bless Israel.
Israel should not wait for obama before they defend their right
Are they forgot that they take no order from any body nor bow to any man but yaweh (God)
Israel should arise and defense their citizens and their promise land and recover all from the hand of the infidels criminals
Obama is history! Finally.
I do believe though, he will still be a danger to USA when he leaves. I believe him to be Malcom X illegitimate son. He is with terrorists!! A complete disgrace that American gov did not impeach him.
He never showed honest proof that he was born in USA. Possibly born in NY. But I believe he is son of Malcom X. Hiding it.
Check photos.
We are coming into reliable, gov for the people of America and Israel.
lets hope so
God will save Israel, read Revelations…………….
I find it very deceptive that you point the finger of blame in all direction from the center of Israel, Irael is behind all matters stemming from thier involvment in 911 to the walling up of palestinians and killing them with white phosphorous, where did you come from? and how all the major support, ALERT!! MUST WATCH!! YEA WE SEE.
I am realizing more and more the governments involvement in evil acts around the world and am exposing as I go.
Of course. And the concentration camps were fictitious propaganda. Go away with your ignorance.
Isaiah 52:12
For God will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.
We live in the world that is full of falls promises and contradictions
Israel must unleash their weaponry on the enemy regardless of who says what.
While our prayers are essential, they must act.
God bless Israel and God bless netyeahau…..I’m a Christian who prays for Israel….
Israel should not listen to any forking human right activist in challenge their actions to defend their civilian