Muslim Cleric Insights Murder of Jews!
Steven Ben-Nun: So Shalom Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live and for those of you that are watching on Livestream it’s been on heart to try to get to where you guys can see what’s going on at the same time everyone else does and I finally have figured out how to resolve that very issue here. So it was all a matter in contrast we already had the screen that we could use here but we just never have been able to put it out we got it mounted in today and now you guys can actually watch live what’s going on. So in live motion we’re like a real new studio where I actually live and able to see everything in real time.
We’re gonna kind of take a recap Israel what’s going on in Israel and also the incitement of violence. And today I was able to capture the memory TV actually I say capture its actually we have it right here on the internet here they’ve made public here Memory TV has put out a video this is a Palestinian Muslim inside the Gaza Strip there inciting violence against the Jewish people inciting the Intifada, a Holy War or Jihad everything you want to talk about. I’m gonna share this with you now don’t know how well you guys can see the subtitles on the screen behind me but I will read it as we go and I will also try to make sure the volumes not too high there so we don’t have it super loud with him. But I’d like for you to be able to hear him as he’s ranting and raving in the background there but he’s going to take a night and show how to kill the Jews. The media’s gone mad at that’s all I can tell you.
(; let’s take a look at this here it starts off with this is Gaza, this is a place of trenches is what he starts off by saying. Of course Memir TV Palestine Sheikh Muhammad Sallah Abu Rajab says; brothers we must constantly remind the world and everyone who has forgotten. The world must hear viva these cameras and via the Internet this is Gaza, this is the place of trenches and guns. This is the West Bank this is the place of bombs and daggers, this is Jerusalem…Jerusalem is the code word. This is Jerusalem much can be told about Jerusalem this is where the soldiers of the Prophet Mohammad are; that’s a joke. This is the grace of Allah the soldiers of the Prophet Muhammad are here. Brother this is why we recall today what Allah did to the Jews we recall what he did to them in Khaybar.
Today we realize why the Jews build walls they do not do this to stop missiles but to prevent the slitting their throats. My brother; in the West Bank stab! Look at him with his knife now. My brother in the West Bank; stab the myths of Talmud and their minds! The Talmud; ha-ha, my brother in the West Bank; stab the myths about the Temple in their heart’s! Today we have declared a curfew in Israel! He just continues to repeat the same thing. Listen to what the Jews are saying to one another! Stay at home or go outside to your death! They have no alternative! Oh man of the West Bank; the first phase of the operation; require stabbing in order to bring about a curfew! And he keeps waving that knife around. Now we are imposing a curfew with daggers, and in the next phase which is Allah willing about to be realize! We shall not send you back to Russia, Bulgaria, the Ukraine or Poland. We shall not send you back there you have come here; the Islamic Military Court has ruled this court presided over by the Prophet’s companion S’ad Ibn Mu’ahd has ruled; false prophet. S’ad Ibn Mu’ahd has reappeared in the West Bank. S’ad Ibn Mu’ahd is now on the streets of Jerusalem, Afula, Tel Aviv and the Negev. And it keeps waving his knife around in the screen there.
S’ad Ibn Mu’ahd is now okay he already said that; the Islamic Military Court has made the divine ruling; it’s definitely not divine. You will get nothing on our land accept for slaughtering or stabbing. And he takes his knife and show them how to cut their throats; why the world will say that we are terrorists that we incite. Yes! He’s right yes they do incite violence! Oh Prophet; sufficient for you and for whoever follows you the believer is Allah. A false god! Oh Prophet of Allah; incite the believers to fight! You know it’s calling on the devil is what it is.
Why? Oh America oh Crusader aggressors, oh Arab Zionist, oh Zionist from among the criminal Jews are we aggressors? You have come of your own volition to be slaughtered in our land. When the promise of the Hereafter comes we should gather you from various nations. That’s absurd! Allah has brought the Jews as enemies and enemies of humanity, enemies of humanity! That’s absurd! Who have destroyed our own and Syria, Iraq, Egypt and everywhere! The Jews didn’t do that. Oh people of Al-Abrar Mosque and the people of Rafah from this Mosque of yours you have the honor of delivering these messages; false messages. To the Man of the West Bank; form stabbing squads we don’t want just a single stabber. All young men of the West Bank; attack in threes and fours and some should restrain the victim while others attack him with butcher knives and knives. Do not fear what will be said about you. Oh men of the West Bank; next time attack in groups of 3, 4, 5. Attack them in groups cut them into body parts. I mean do you understand the absurdity; absolutely absurdity in what you just heard here? I cannot even for a moment understand the evil of a human being you know if there’s ever people that needed Christ it’s definitely these people there there’s no doubt about it. But what really gets me now this is a type people that the Catholic Church backs.
You know if you remember when we had Avi Lipkin on in the interview here; well actually in our apartment in Jerusalem here Avi actually stated that the Catholic Church would not back his political Jewish ah; Judeo Christian Party because they knew that he was against the Muslims. And they said we will not back anything that is against the Muslims. So if the Vatican is actually telling Avi Lipkin they will not back him if he’s not with the Muslims and they won’t back anyone that is not what the Muslims then the Vatican is showing their support their backing for this. What you’re seeing right here on your screen this is what the Vatican backs the Vatican is backing murder and mayhem of the Jewish people. They’re doing it everywhere when they tried to annex Bethlehem into Israel for the protection of the Christian people there the Vatican refused to allow Bethlehem to be an Annexed as part of Israel. And more than 80% or 90% of believe it is of the Christian population is completely gone out of Bethlehem today as a result because why? The Vatican sides with the Muslims. Well the question and this is not I don’t put this on the Catholic people I have many Catholic people that watch these videos many of the written me.
And have made the stand for Israel and many of them have come out of this demonic system because the headship of this system the Roman Catholic Pope and I don’t care the people writing me and telling me its enemy some articles that the Pope may resign next year what about the Anti-Christ then? You don’t understand the Bible says; there are many Anti-Christs Satan never changes all he does is change his man. If this one dies he takes another one’s place or another one takes the place in the same devil is in him it doesn’t make any difference. The point is about Pope Francis is that it clearly he is fulfilling the biblical prophecy of everything that is written about the Anti-Christ.
And the one thing that has made me think that maybe and that’s only a maybe there could be possibly one more Pope yet to come and I know there’s a lot of people already saying; no he’s the last Pope it’s all gonna end, the books have been written about it. And I don’t see it very often but I have said it before and especially when I wrote; read about the Apocalypse of Thomas a book that is not part of the Canon it was found much later. But in the Apocalypse of Thomas it writes about Thomas writes about there being a King that rises up from the south that bankrupt the world economy with his Roman soldiers.
Now I’ve always said; that’s either Barack Obama because he comes from Kenya or its Pope Francis who comes from Argentina the South. He bankrupts the world economy with his Roman soldiers because why? The Vatican wages wars all over the world using the military’s like NATO and now using Russia so they bankrupt the world’s economies because they can’t; how do you keep affording to spend all this money? And the Bible even says; that he would do what? According to the Apocalypse of Thomas; he would take; he would be for redistribution of the money and take it from the elderly and give it to the poor. Pope Francis is calling on this but notice though the Apocalypse of Thomas says; that he doesn’t call this man the Anti-Christ He calls him the King that rises up from the south. And he says then Thomas writes; the Anti-Christ will follow him. So I have wondered could there yet be one more Pope as a result of that particular writing? I’m not sure I don’t know what to think about that as of yet unless Satan himself incarnates into the same individual. I don’t know nonetheless Pope Francis is for fulfilling everything as an Anti-Christ. He’s doing the miracles now as his Brother Kellen pointed out last night in the broadcast here on Israeli News Live. But he point is though the Vatican backs this type of violence they back this type of incitement!
And no don’t say they don’t the whole world I mean yeah John Kerry gets a little bit brave today and says; well you know Israel has a right to defend itself. I mean nonsense! You know the hypocrisy of the American or the Obama administration is beyond me completely beyond me. I don’t even understand it because they say that; well the reasons why you have the problems you’re having an Israel is because you’re not letting the Palestinians have their land. You know let me tell you something the United Nations and now Russia and Syria, the Intifada; the Intifada is only to draw all the soldiers away from the borders of Israel to be totally bogged down in the internal battle in Israel. And then once they weaken the borders then Hezbollah, Hamas, Hezbollah and isn’t it funny I say Hamas, Hamas is not struck yet a couple of little rockets have been flying in here and there but I’m Hamas has not done an all-out assault on Israel why? They’re letting the quagmire letting all this get bogged down bringing in the soldiers into Jerusalem in two different cities dealing with all the violence there.
Then when the time is to go Hamas will be the first one to start lobbing rockets into Israel. It’ll catch Israel; Israel will have to start dealing with that. Again Israel will have to bring more forces there; forces will be in Jerusalem, forces are in Tel Aviv forces are in Afula everywhere they’re doing attacks; attacking, killing, stabbing and bringing terror to the Jewish people that’s when Hezbollah will step in; invade. Russia will make sure that the United States doesn’t do anything about it. It’s kind of interesting because you know John Kerry let me let me just kind of bring this up for you here John Kerry in a statement if I can find the one where he’s talking; here we go right here; Israel has the right to defend itself; this is what John Kerry says. Now the ironic thing about John Kerry stating that they have a right to defend themselves only makes me wonder is something about the place that they know about that Israel is was gonna have to defend itself?
But will the United States do anything to help Israel when it comes? Or does Russia have the United States in checkpoint? That’s a very good question.
(; the article here says on Israel National News; Israel has a right to defend itself Kerry tells Netanyahu. Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday evening telephone Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his remarks in an interview on NPR National Public Radio in the United Sates in which he said; that Israelis have the right to defend themselves against violence in Jerusalem’s Old City and everywhere. Everywhere; Mr. Kerry do you know something that you’re not telling the rest of the world? Kerry also told Netanyahu that the Palestinians must in the incitement and the Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas must condemned the violence in a loud and clear voice as he had said in that same interview. Mahmoud Abbas is just inciting its just the opposite way around. He’s sitting there are accusing Israel of killing someone killing a little boy; thirteen year old little boy that was laid up in a hospital being treated for his wounds after he had already critically wounded two people. It is completely senseless to say the least.
Now one thing that I want to say to the Jewish people that may listen to this news broadcast here please keep in mind the Muslim world is trying to bring terror into the Jewish people. And at one time the world was afraid of Israel I’m not talking about modern-day Israel but I’m talking about biblical Israel. The world at one time was very fearful of Israel what could happen because Israel was a force to be reckoned with this is something that Israel must return to once again. And the only way that Israel becomes a force to be reckoned with is when Israel comes to the place where they really begin to pray and seek God with all of your heart with all of your mind and with all your soul.
This is the way Israel has always been great in the past it wasn’t that we were some great army some bigger army or some better person than somebody else the thing was with Israel is that Israel was great because Israel believes in the God of Israel and would fight with faith believing you see this is what Israel did originally. And this is exactly the way it needs to come back again.
(; let me share one other news broadcast here with you here this was kind of interesting in fact I can actually pull it up on a larger video because I have this video as well. This here this happened today give me one second here so you can see this the quality of the images not that great there on this here but let me explain to you what was happening here. This ah; I forget if this was in Hebron or exactly where it was but it was somewhere in the West Bank in one of the settlement areas there. And an Arab terrorist’s; a Palestinian terrorists attacked the Israeli soldiers with a knife but he approached them dressed as if he were a journalist. And of course journalists are here filming now keep this in mind as you watch this video he comes up as if he’s a journalist. And you’re gonna see the journalists as well in the film part here you know to see what the man looked like when he came up to the Arab soldiers but then he attacked them with a knife. They did shoot him dead but then they begin to realize they’re being filmed by Arab journalists and wondering of these journalists are not the same as this man right here.
(; it’s a whole new different way and they probably got the idea from the man that that ran over the people at the bus stop they Bezeq; ah; Bezeq is the internet company there.
Maybe that’s where they come up with the idea because here he is in a company vehicle and runs over the people jumps out and stabs everybody. Nobody would think that a company like Bezeq, Bezeq is the largest Internet company provider in all of Israel. That you would think that the employee would jump up run people down with his car and then jump out and start killing all the people at the bus stop. So they are getting smarter in their ways of attack to disguise themselves to be able to get closer to the people. And this is where Israel’s got to be really, really vigilant because the next thing you know they’re gonna be dressing as if they’re Jewish people. And that’s going to cause mayhem in Israel.
Let’s take a look at this video footage right here and ah; it’s a little bit shaky here in the beginning here at the first here. They’ve already shot the man down there running out to get away they’re trying to get a little bit away from the what’s going on there gonna zoom back in at the time you can’t really see it very well but they actually; one of the their soldiers are down on the ground as well they’re treating him from his wounds. The man laying on the ground right there at the bottom of the screen there he is the man who was dressed as a as a journalist he’s got a black vest on and what it is ah; it looks like I don’t know if it’s a bulletproof vest or not but this is what the journalists are wearing as well. You’ll see that in just a minute dressed just like a journalist I don’t know if he had press on or not. But you actually get to see that and then the soldiers realizing that this man attacked on the question’s going to be now who are these journalists are here? So they come to these journalists to see who they are because they’re concerned as it is. You can see the black they’re wearing. Okay see how they have the jacket’s on with press on it. And this is what the man actually did; he posed as if he were the journalists approach the military there and then begin to stab one of the Israeli soldiers as well.
Anyway I’m Steven Ben-Nun this is just a quick update here for you of things that are going on tomorrow morning we will also be doing a broadcast won’t be running it live though but will be uploading it on YouTube there; a broadcast about the events that are transpiring around the world as well but also will be looking into some more of very interesting Biblical accounts of things that are going on in The Last Day Prophecy things of that nature. They’re so tune in it’ll be on DeNoon Institute of Biblical Research right on Steven Ben-DeNoon YouTube. And for those it’ll be watching on Livestream we will be running Livestream on a regular basis starting Sunday. So I hope you’ll start staying tuned to the broadcast there we will actually set the time be a little bit earlier in the day for some of you guys there. We’re probably gonna move it up to about eight o’clock p.m. Israeli time which is about seven hours difference on the East Coast there. So once I get that time set in will load them in to where you can see the different news broadcasts that will be appearing this week. I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’ve been watching Israeli News Live shalom, God bless you and good evening. Let us know if you would send us an email at [email protected] or you can go to email us there and let us know if this type set up here is working for you on Livestream, shalom and good evening.
Let’s build the fence, and mark our territory because the enemy doesn’t know where to draw the line . I am with you in prayer.
I was really disappointed that you would state Christians were responsible for calling this woman who was asking witnesses to spell their names who later received death threats as REAL Christian’s follow Christ and would be praying for her soul. In addition, not all trump supporters are Christians. Just look at the #walk away campaign. In addition, how do you know it wasn’t a Jesse Smollet type scenerio where BLM and Antifa wanted to add fuel to the fire? I’m not saying she knew about it, but who ultimately benefits from her calling on “her soldiers”?
I think it was incredibly dangerous to say it was Christian’s threatening to lynch her since TRUE Christians consider themselves sheep amongst wolves and expect persecution and even death, but we pray for those who persecute us! When the republicans were actually shot at a baseball game by a socalled Bernie Sanders fan, no one blamed Bernie Sanders. That was actual violence. Christian’s support this president on Christian principles, but many others do because they believe in capitalism and fear losing it. You have athiests for Trump, LGBTQ 4 trump and Democrats for Trump. I think you need to really think about the repricussions of your own statements and clean up what you said since TRUE Christians would never do something like this.
God bless