Vatican’s Plot To Take Over Jerusalem – Exposed!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live world leaders they must really think that Gods sleeps this is in light of looking at the different passages the Prophecies that speak about the Nation’s being gathered against Israel coming up into Israel’s. Different ones all the way from Psalms 83, Micah all the different Prophecies Joel et cetera that speaks of the Nation’s coming against Israel, the world leaders they are Confederate as Psalms 83 speaks about them. And yet all the leaders seem to be oblivious as they have made their Confederacy against the people of God, the Land where His chosen people were promised to return. When we began to take a look at some of the Prophecies in light of this and some of the latest news that’s going on in the Middle East and I come across some new things here that I think will be a blessing to you.
(; so let’s get right into it and course one of the first things I want to just kind of share with you here; the Oldest Man in the World; this was in Israel National News it came out today. It says; that the oldest man in the world is now an Israeli man and his name is Yisrael Kristal at the age 112 years old. There was another man just before him that was also under 112 years old that just passed away and but this man here now an Israeli who survived two World Wars as well as an Auschwitz survivor. This is very nice to see that he’s lived so long and we just pray that God will bless him well.
Anyway; getting right into the message this evening we look at; the Nations are gathered against you Micah 4:11; now also many nations are gathered against thee that say; let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion. Now if you think about that even in the Hebraic term as I looked at this this evening before coming on here the Nations that are gathered against you; that gathering is actually like in a barn so to speak the rooted of this word really comes from like that and it makes me think of the United Nations when I look at the Hebraic side of this terminology. And of course in this particular photograph here is when Pope Francis was addressing the United Nations and he has really led a charge against the Jewish people. He has sided with the Palestinians a Palestinian State clearly in violation of the Prophecy of Joel where Joel says (3:2); God will bring judgment upon those that are dividing His Land. And you know I know there are some people really think that he’s a good Pope but you know when you go directly against God’s Promises to Israel then how can you make him a good Pope period? He falls right in line with all the rest of the Pope’s the only difference is that he seems to be more seems to be like a peacemaker but he’s not a peacemaker. It’s very sad to see but yes this is where the beginning of this takes place this is where the Nations gather against Israel.
Now I want to share with you the same verse from the Septuagint and those of you that are not familiar with the Septuagint the Septuagint is when the Hebraic Scriptures were translated from Hebrew into the Greek language by 70 different Rabbi’s and Scholars of that Era back to about 2 or 300 years before the coming of Yeshua, the Messiah. And of course the Hebrew that we have today is not from that original Hebrew, the Hebrew we have today was translated about 300 years after Yeshua so there’s about a 500 year gap. And of course the Rabbis’ wanted to put the Scriptures back in the Hebrew language because they felt like it was to Christianized being that the Septuagint was a Greek translation of the day.
Now and I appreciate that I do understand that but when you begin to look at the Septuagint in some cases especially I’m really interested in the way it’s translated because it gives us a little bit different insight into what’s being said.
So as we drop back just quickly again Micah 4:11 from the Masoretic that’s what they call the Hebrew that we have today the Masoretic text says; now also many Nations are gathered against thee that say; let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion. But in the Septuagint says; and now have many Nations gathered against you saying; we will rejoice and our eyes shall look upon Zion. Now this is very interesting in light of Prophecies are laying in the Bible already about the rejoicing. When does the earth rejoice? For one at the death of the Two Witnesses as you see on the right side of your screen Revelation 11:10 they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gift one to another because these two Prophet’s tormented them that dwelt on the earth. So we know according to Ezekiel Chapter 35 verse 14; this is where God prophesies of destroying Edom or Esau which is we don’t have the time to go into it in this video here; but this is clearly identified as Rome if you look at the Book of Obadiah where it speaks about Edom and how his secret things are sought out. And of course Edom or Esau is identified as Titus the Roman General who was there in the day of Israel when Jerusalem was laid sieged to and her treasures were carried away. And he says (Chapter 1 verse 11); that you stood aloof as one with your brother just paraphrasing from the Book of Obadiah there. But it is of course Titus the Roman General that it’s speaking of. Daniel as well clearly identifies the Roman’s once again as being the Anti-Christ spirit when he says (Daniel 9:26); that the prince that shall come would be of the people who destroyed the Temple and the Sanctuary. Again letting you know that that Anti-Christ will come out of Rome.
Now some argued well it was actually the Assyrians that did that, Obadiah does also clearly identified that there were others involved in the destruction of the city but indicts the Roman’s for the guilty side of it and calls them Edom. Ae know in the Arch of Titus their memorial that they make for Titus for bringing back the treasures into modern-day Italy today. And according to one Jewish source it says; that he was allowed to see it by the Catholic Church in the Catacombs was allowed to see the Menorah that was an Italian; excuse me a man from Northern Africa, a Jewish man from there that was allowed to see that.
Now Ezekiel 35:14 states; thus saith the Lord God when the whole earth rejoiceth I will make thee desolate. This is when Rome is made desolate when the earth rejoices. Well according to Revelation 11:10 that takes place; the earth rejoices at the time of the death of the Two Witnesses. But what was ironic was when we looked at the Septuagint according to Micah 4:11 it’s also the earth rejoices when the Nations are gathered against Israel there; they will be saying; we will rejoice and our eyes shall look upon Zion. Now it does say; we will rejoice, okay it doesn’t say; they’re rejoicing as of yet the rejoicing comes at the death of the Two Witnesses.
So what’s kind of ironic is the Nations are now gathered, all right and that gathering is two different types of ways that can be; one the gathering is like I said; it’s like kind of in a choral. So therefore the United Nation’s that is against Israel is a gathering against the Jewish people all right; that’s one form of gathering. But then God also says; He will bring them down and He speaks of different places; one places Jerusalem in the Bible. Another places in the Megiddo and the Valley of Megiddo there in the Jezreel Valley so we have different prophesies that speaks about how this will happen and at the same token there while the Nations are gathered one we see it in the United Nations they’re gathered against Israel.
And then we also see it in militarily many Nations is gathered against Israel and that’s another thing as interesting as well on the prophecy. It doesn’t say; that all the Nations come down in the case of Micah but it says; many Nations are gathered against thee. So they down they are against Israel and it says; according to the prophecy it says; that they will rejoice; we will rejoice in our eyes shall look upon Zion. And of course the rejoicing comes once a kill the Two Witnesses.
Now according to that young man, little Brother Nathan, the Jewish boy that saw in his near-death experience I thought it was kind of interesting because he sees those Nations come against Israel physically at the actual battle. When he says; when he sees the 2 two dead man raised up on the Mount of Olives and then of course he says; Messiah comes it’s like time stands still. So yes everything seems to be falling in line for these things exactly.
Now moving along going back to Ezekiel; Ezekiel says; why they rejoice. It’s because of taking Israel after their Two Witnesses or; excuse me after they are 2 States this is another thing that I think is important to bring out is why Ezekiel brings this out. Let’s look at verse 9 & 10 it says; I will make thee perpetual desolation and thy city shall not return and you shall know that I am the Lord. Ezekiel 35 verse 10 says; because thou has said; these two Nations these two countries shall be Mine and we will possess it whereas the Lord was there. Now according to this was the Masoretic says; was there. According to the Septuagint it was translated; whereas the Lord is there.
Now that is interesting as well again looking back at little Nathan’s near-death experience there he actually notes that the Mashiach happens to come at the time that the Nations are coming to attack Israel right up to the death of the Two Witnesses. So yes the Lord is there in that regard there according to the Septuagint.
And of course it’s also clearly identifying that there are 2 States at that time as well. So when the Two Witnesses are here there will definitely be a definitive answer that they are 2 States that will have definitely been done and of course the main man behind it all is none other than Pope Francis here as everybody wants to call him Papa. Well he’s not my papa that’s for sure he may be a papa alright but we won’t go into that issue at all.
Anyway; so the Pope has united the world against the Jewish people that’s what happened in Psalms 83 verse 5-7; for they have consulted together with one consent they are Confederate against thee; that’s speaking about against Israel, the Tabernacles Edom as we said in Obadiah we saw that already have. I’ve already shared that with you opened Obadiah clearly identifies it. Also; so does Daniel identify them as the Roman’s as being Edom. It says; and the Ishmaelite’s which are mostly for the most part that’s your Sunni believer’s in the Sunni Nations surrounding Israel of Moab the Hagarenes, Gebal, Ammon and Amalek and the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre.
Now I’ve actually done a video on this before I have no idea what I called it there but I speak about this in depth, I talk about you know where it says (Psalms 83:3); you know they have consulted against I hidden ones. The hidden ones are the Two Witnesses, tz’fûneykhä; that’s the word for hidden in Hebrew and I do believe that that refers to the hidden ones. Chuck Missler said; to me one time privately he asked me we were walking in the hallway in his place there in Utah and he said; Steve do you think that that happens to deal with the Rapture believers? And I the time I wasn’t sure so I wrote Chuck later and I told him; Chuck I don’t believe so I believe it is the two hidden, the Two Witnesses because why would they be taken a consultation against ones that are hidden if they’re not coming back? And of course those believing for the Rapture they know they go away and don’t come back.
And well we won’t go into that issue there but I will say this; the Two Witnesses they are hidden but yes they’re definitely coming back. Anyway they do have a Confederacy and that’s exactly what the Pope of Rome has done. Here’s you an example here; Vatican to Recognize a Palestinian State and the New Treaty, New York Times May 13th 2015 we know it’s a done deal it’s already actually been signed put into law and everything. And the Vatican has already done that as of January of this year 2016. But the article here stated; the Vatican announced Wednesday that it would soon sign a treaty that includes recognition of the “State of Palestine,” lending significant symbolic weight to an intensifying Palestinian push for international support for sovereignty that bypasses the paralyzed negotiations with Israel.
It’s done a lot more than that in fact the way is so tremendous behind the Palestinian people now that when Vice President Joe Biden came to Israel he went to offer Mahmoud Abbas of the PA, the Palestinian Authority, he offered him a Peace Plan that would divide Jerusalem and allow them to have East Jerusalem as his Capital no less and he flatly refused it.
(; let read to you a little bit from Israel National News on March 10th just a day or so ago it says; according to the Palestinian Al-Quds newspaper, the US Vice President used the opportunity to present Abbas with a fresh initiative, which would have included dividing Jerusalem and a total freeze on Israeli “settlement building” in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. In return the PA would be expected to recognize Israel as the Jewish state, and give up its demand for a “right of return” for the descendants of Arabs who left the country during the Israeli War of Independence in 1948. Abbas, not for the first, promptly rejected the generous offer. Why? The Popes already given him the offer and he took it, he took what the Pope gave him. And he knows he’ll get whatever he wants and that’s why he’s now holding out.
You know so the whole thing is the Nations are against Israel and this of course is not just to Catholic Church we see it everywhere.
(; Iran threatens Israel with the new missiles test; it is a report of one of the missiles was engraved with the message written in Hebrew; ישראל צריכה להימחק מעל; meaning Israel must be destroyed; that was on Euro news on March 9th of 2016. Now going back to the scripture on the Prophecies here it says Micah Chapter 4 verses 2-6; and many nations shall come and say; come and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord and the House of the God Jacob and He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths for the laws show go for that of Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. That’s one reason why the Pope is trying to get to Jerusalem, it’s why the Pope has made the agreement with the Palestinians is why they want them to have a State because the Pope will be able to reign from Jerusalem. The Pope wants to fake a Millennial Reign.
Now watch the way Micah’s wording this, this is why Pope is so strong about his siding with the Palestinians he believes he’s supposed to be there so that he can rule and reign from Jerusalem. And that the law of the Lord will go from there, he believes he is that Lord that should be raining from Jerusalem. Now verse 4 says; but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree and none shall make them afraid for the mouth of the LORD of Hosts has spoken it. In verse 5; for all the people will walk everyone in the name of his God; now that’s what’s written in the Masoretic, in the Septuagint in other words for all the people will walk everyone in his own way; is what it is and Septuagint. Then that Masoretic says; of his God and He will walk in the name; excuse me; we will walk in the Name of the Lord our God forever and ever.
Now this lets you know verse 5 whether you want to say in the Name of his God or in his own way, in his own way sounds more correct. But I will say this they both seem to still have a truth to them and I say that because it’s identifying that Micah 4:5; is definitely not a Millennial Reign. Because in a Millennial Reign the people are not going to be; the other Nations are not going to be walking in their own way of their own gods, they’re not gonna be there. So this is speaking about Prophecies being fulfilled here on the earth, all right. In verse 6 it says; in that day saith the Lord; will I assemble her that has halteth and I will gather her that is driven out and her that I have afflicted. Now that’s the returning Jews to their Homeland.
(; so let’s continue on; what is in a name, the Name of God? I brought this out this of course is the title of the article in Haaretz, June 12, 2013 because notice Israel holds to the Divine Name of God the Tetragrammaton there’s so many people are aware of the Yahweh, Yud, Hei, Vav, Hei in Hebrew but the other Nations walk every man in the name of his god, little g or in his own way. In other words they don’t follow the precept that Israel does in standing for the God of Israel.
Now the Haaretz did an article and I just want to bring this up to make a point it says here; Micah; what is in a name, the name of God? Awareness just part of the article; awareness of God’s name is enshrined in the Ten Commandments as a primary Jewish concern. Why? Because only through identifying God by name can we be invited to a real relationship. So Israel really holds to God’s Divine Name but the Nations on the other hand they have their own way in other words. Now we already know you have the Buddhist’s, the Zeke, the Gene, you have Allah the god of the Arabs all these are false gods, there are the little g-o-d or in this case here if you’re looking at the Septuagint where every man walks in his own way.
(; watch what Reverend Graham had to say and this is an article CNS News March 27th of 2015; when Graham stated; the title is; America Has Turned Its Back on God; When Nations d this the End is Near. He states this; President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, who are “progressives,” i.e., “liberals,” are pushing an amoral agenda on America, said Rev. Franklin Graham, who added that while this country was founded on “biblical laws and principles,” today America “has turned its back on God” and when a nation does this, the “end is near.” It sets the timeframe Micah is setting the timeframe like it says in the Septuagint; every man walking in his own way. Okay.
Now let’s go to Micah 4:8; and thou oh tower of the flock the stronghold of the daughter of Zion and to thee shall it come even the first dominion, the Kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem. Now I put on there something is missing! And what’s interesting is in the Septuagint because both verses are the same but in the Septuagint you see something there that; it’s really there also in the Masoretic text but it’s far clearer in the Septuagint. In the Masoretic it says; and thou oh tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion; but it doesn’t identify who the tower of the flock is. The Septuagint however though watch what it says; and though dark tower of the flock; that’s letting us know that that tower of the flock is an evil tower. And thou dark tower of the flock, daughter of Zion on thee the dominion shall come and enter in even the first Kingdom from Babylon to the Daughter of Jerusalem. It is clearly identifying for us in the Septuagint it’s far clearer that the daughter, see a daughter of Zion and it says; thou Dark Tower of the flock, daughter of Zion on thee the dominion shall come and enter in. In other words there’s going to be a daughter of Zion that’s going to get to reign in Jerusalem. But it says; even the first Kingdom from Babylon to the daughter of Jerusalem.
They’re going to reign a dark tower of the daughter of Zion in other words someone that was spurned out from the Jewish people which they Catholic Church was born from the Jewish people in early Christianity. Now we do know there was a divide there because not all the Christians agreed with one another, the Catholic Church was born in great opposition to the true believers of Yeshua that would not go along with Constantine and his Mithras ways. So there was a division in there and then they were putting to death all those that didn’t agree with them both Jews and Jewish believers alike at the time.
And that divide came in there but now in the day they were living in here is speaking of the day that is coming and it calls it that there would a dark tower of the flock and it would be one of the daughters of Zion. In other words its one of the; you know a descended from Israel; of thee dominion shall come and enter in even the first Kingdom from Babylon. Remember what the Book of Revelation said; Mystery Babylon, all right. To the daughter of Jerusalem; and what is it? It’s the Catholic Church ruling and reigning over the affairs of the Jewish people and they are a dark tower of the flock and it shows that they’re in trench into Babylonianism which we know that to be to be true.
Now that look at this the Septuagint in Micah Chapter 4 verse 8 says; and thou dark tower of the flock, daughter of Zion on thee the dominion shall come and enter in even the first Kingdom from Babylon to the daughter of Jerusalem. Now look at that in line with Daniel 11:14; in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South, also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision but they shall fall. Now the angel is speaking to Daniel all right; robbers of thy people, your people in other words.
So they’re Jews and I translated this myself literally from the Hebrew it literally means not instead of robbers it should actually say; also the sons of the lawless of your people shall not exalt themselves to establish the vision; that actually should say; marry the vision but they’ll fall. And that’s exactly; look here in the picture Shimon Peres one of the lawless of Israel! He comes up there with the dark tower the dark tower of what? A daughter of Zion why? Because Christianity was born from Judaism! And so they are a daughter of Israel but they’re born out of Babylon though! They took and mixed their faith in with Babylonianism now I’m not talking about all Christians there’s many true Christians that love the Lord nothing to do with that we’re talking about there system here!
And they have taken and they’ve married in with Rome and now of course the sons the sons of the lawless like Shimon Perez and others in the political arena in Israel have tried to marry the vision! What does it mean by marry the vision? Now they put in there establish the vision but literally in Hebrew word it’s the word for marry. Marry the vision, in other words they’re trying to bring to pass Biblical Prophecy the way they think it should come to pass.
And Perez he was; you know according to Yitzhak Rabin’s autobiography it’s stated in there that when he lived in Poland there he went to a Jesuit school. Now what good Jewish boy goes to Jesuit school none other than a Catholic Jesuit Jewish boy? So he’s trying to marry it because he believes the Papacy is right, oh my gosh friends; oh my gosh this is nuts I mean it’s just nuts what’s going on. And the Prophesies that are being fulfilled its amazing.
Micah Chapter 4 verse 9 this is another beautiful one I brought this one out many years or about a year or two ago. Micah says here; now why doest thy cry out aloud; is there no king in thee is they counselor perished for pains have taken thee as a woman in travail? That’s exactly right.
You see God is now through Micah because remember first He shows how that He’s bringing them back God in Micah shows how there’s being Covenants made, He showing how that daughter of the people of Israel which would come from the “Christian people” the Catholic Church would try to come in as a dark tower of Babylon and would come in there and try; their trying to come in there even as Daniel brings out to marry the vision. They’re trying to force their way in. So God comes to Israel and He’s beginning to remind Israel of their sins and this is why and this is why it’s not working; He says; neither does thou cry out a loud is there no king in thee? You see Israel we wanted a King back during the time of Samuel but that wasn’t God’s way of doing things. God was running the show using an anointed Prophet not with an anointed Pope. See the Pope’s not anointed, he’s anointed but it’s not of God! But by a Prophet but they reject Samuel and they too a King instead so God asked them; is there no King in thee? And even the Septuagint it’s pretty much the same way there in wording here.
Then He asked the fatal question; is thy counselor perished? As you can see here this is at face of the skull right there, the photograph there in Israel. I’ve taken many of these photographs there just outside of the Damascus Gate there and this is right where Yeshua is believed to have been crucified at is on top of this hill at the place called Golgotha or The Place of the Skull so given it is that name because it has like the skull looking face in side of the mountain there. So He says; is thy counselor perished? Yes! They killed their Counselor you know? Now He says; for pains have taken thee as a woman in travail. All right yeah pain has taken them in travail, why? Because look at verse 10: be in pain and labor to bring forth oh daughter of Zion like a woman in travail for now shall you go forth out of the city and thou shalt dwell in the field and thou shall go even to Babylon.
Now; that’s what’s kind of interesting the Septuagint words it a little different on that one sentence; and thou shalt reach even to Babylon. In other words; you’re going to take; I mean it could be two different things here. They’re going to dwell in the field and thou shall go even to Babylon that could have a two-fold purpose there, where also the Septuagint says; or reach even to Babylon, it maybe because they’re trying to get which has always been my thought; they’re reaching out to the Roman’s to get mercy because their Lands is being divided. But they don’t realize this; the United Nation is run by Vatican. So you can reach the Babylonians all you want they’re not going to rescue you! But says; there shalt thou be delivered; there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. Now God identifies that the Babylonian that dark tower of the flock becomes then the daughter of your people there they’re actually your enemy! Now not all believers of Yeshua are the enemy of Israel there’s many that stand for Israel but we’re talking about that Roman enemy. You might reach out there yeah that’s when you’re going to get deliver; God is showing you you’re going to be delivered when you’re thrown out of the city.
(; now that’s proven fact in the Op-Ed right here at the top; The Vatican Wants the Temple Mount Taken from the Jews this was done by Giulio Meotti, Israel National News, June 30th of 2015. And this is part of what he states; the Vatican-PLO agreements have been signed to enable the eviction of the Jews from Jerusalem. What did Micah say? They’re going to go out of the city and dwell out in the fields; that’s right. Giulio goes on to say; this follows a memorandum signed by Palestinian and Vatican officials in 2000 which repeated the Vatican call for an international mandate to preserve “the proper identity and sacred character” of Jerusalem.
It means a return to a time when half of Israel’s capital was under Islamic control, the Old City was closed to Jews, the synagogues were desecrated, and walls, barbed wire, and snipers divided the city by force. Prophecy friends is being fulfilled, you’re watching it all around you.
Verse 11; Micah 4; now; also many Nations are gathered against thee that say; let her be defiled and let our eye look upon Zion. (Verse 12); but they knew not the thoughts of the Lord neither do they understand they His counsel for He shall gather them as the sheaves unto the floor. (Verse 13); arise and thresh oh Daughter of Zion for I will make thy horn iron; pay close attention I put it in yellow because I really wanted you to watch that one there; for I will make thine horn iron and I will make thy hooves brass and thou shalt beat in pieces many people and I will consecrate their gain into the Lord and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth, right? So Micah 4:13 where it says; for I will make thine horn iron; when I studied the Word of God this is one thing some people don’t like about me I like to search from the aspect of every document I can get my hands on. Even as I shared with you tonight thus far from the Septuagint, the Masoretic Text I look at the Syrian Codex you know everything you can think of I’ll look and I’ll search looking for God’s truth. And I look for the places where they fit together.
So when we look at the horn of iron it’s interesting to note in the Book of Enoch in Chapter 90 and verse 9, 90:9; I looked until a big horn grew one of those sheep and their eyes were opened! Wow the sheep’s eyes are opened when it gets a big horn and God’s going to take and turn their horn into iron and beat down their enemy. You know friend’s that Prophecy right there has nothing to do with a military battle; a horn denotes the sounding of warning or the sounding of judgment. As we even see the horns that are sounding in the Book of Revelation; this is your Two Witnesses coming up.
Now some people saying; well the Book of Enoch is not of God, its not is not a true Bible well the Book of Jude does; Jude quotes he was a brother of Yeshua, he quotes the Book pretty doggone accurately I might add. And as well this very book was found in the Qumran Scrolls that were discovered along the Dead Sea there and it was considered part of the Biblical Text or the Bible passages of their Scrolls. I kind of think it was really over God and by the way that Qumran Community is mentioned by the Ancient Church Father Plinty that was before he got into the corrupted Church Father’s back in the 3rd and 4th Century. Plinty was from the year 75 he lived during the time of the Apostles and he wrote about them even Josephus wrote about the Qumran Community there and said; that they lived a life that was above reproach even. Plinty spoke about this group as well so as a Godly group there they’re on the Northwest corner of the Dead Sea that’s the Qumran Community.
Anyway; the Book of Enoch Chapter 90 and verse 9 and I looked until a big horn grew on one of those sheep and their eyes were opened. Well we’re going to look a little bit about that in just a moment but that 90:9 that verse 90 and 9 also reminded me of what Yeshua said of Matthew 18:12; how think ye of a man if a man have 100 sheep and one of them be gone astray doeth he not live the 90 and 9 and goeth unto the mountains and seeketh that which is gone astray? Isn’t that kind of interesting in that one sheep in Chapter 90 and 9 and Enoch happens to be the one that; and their eyes were opened you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Let’s back up here to verse 4 and Chapter 90 in the Book of Enoch; and I looked until those sheep were devoured by those dogs; and by the way just to set the stage for you a little bit Enoch prophesies of everything that was going to happen to Israel in a story form using animals as the characters of the people’s or representations of Nations et cetera. In this case here the dog’s represent the German Nazis’ all right.
So let me just share with you these are just my personal views on it but let me just share it with you and you’ll see why I feel this way. (Book of Enoch Chapter 90:4); and I looked into those sheep were devoured by those dogs and by the eagles and by the kites and they left them neither flesh nor skin nor sinew until only their bones remained and their bones fell upon the ground and the sheep became few. (Verse 5); and I looked until the time that the 23 shepherds in pastured they completed each his time 58 times. (Verse 6); and small lambs were born from those white sheep and they began to open their eyes to see and to cry to the sheep; now I do believe that that is speaking about after the Holocaust. I believe that verse 4 there is dealing with the Holocaust; their devoured until there’s no flesh on their skin, there’s no sinew until their bones are maimed; you know they fell onto the ground and they became few. Six million Jews killed in the Holocaust right?
So anyway verse 7; but the sheep did not cry to them and did not listen to what they said to them but were extremely deaf and their eyes were extremely and excessively blinded. I think what it’s speaking of here this is the Jews after the Holocaust their descendants they’re having children and the ones that their eyes are beginning to open this is the Jewish people that are beginning to recognize that yes Yeshua is the Messiah. And they’re trying to tell their forefathers, their parents and things but they’re still deaf and blind and will not receive it and will not open their eyes.
Now looking at verse 4; let me take and share with you another thought here, going back to verse 4 to prove to you where I believe this actually does stand for the Holocaust; and I looked into these sheep were devoured by those dogs and by the eagles in the kites and they left them neither flesh nor skin or sinew until only their bones remained.
Remember the Prophecy of Ezekiel 37 verses 1 & 2 here? Of course there’s a lot more in that Prophecy; the hand of the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the Valley which was full of bones. And caused me to pass by them round about and behold there were very many in the open valley and lo they were very dry. What is that? That was the Holocaust, something the Lord revealed to me a little while back it was the Holocaust victim’s! And if it wasn’t for the Book of Enoch I would have nothing to verify that my revelation truly came from God.
But when I read this in the Book of Enoch then I knew that the Lord had revealed this to me and that it was correct. And of course we know the story God; He speaks to them, He tells them they can live again, they’re going to live again and they’re going to stand on their feet a mighty army.
(; now let’s move right on the head and by the way this picture here was from article called; An Uncovered Mass Grave Containing the Remains of People Killed in Majdanek Camp in I’m not sure where that camp is I think that is actually in the Czech Republic.
Moving on in the Book of Enoch in verse 8 that is; and I saw in the vision how the ravens flew upon those lambs and took one of those lambs and dashed the sheep in pieces and devoured them. And I actually made a note about this when it says; that the ravens took one of the lambs and then dashed the sheep into pieces; I wonder of course the ravens representing the Catholic Church if that wasn’t them taking up Shimon Peres and using him against his own people once Israel became a Nation; that’s just a conjecture. I can’t say that’s right.
Verse 9 says; now I looked until horns came upon those lambs but the ravens cast their horns down and I looked until a big horn grew on one of those sheep and their eyes were opened. This is where it gets interesting; and they first get their horns; that shows that Israel becomes a military power. But they’re always broken up they can’t stay going through their torn down.
And it says; and I looked at them and their eyes were opened; this is in verse 10; this is after that first, that big one comes along. Remember when we saw in the Book of Micah he said; I’ll turn your horn into iron? And then we see when they get one of these sheep get that big horn their eyes come open. And then He says; and the sheep and the ram saw it and they all ran to it. (Verse 11); and beside all this those eagles and vultures and ravens and kites were still continually tearing the sheep in pieces and flying upon them and devouring them and the sheep were silent but the rams lamented and cried out! Now; the United States happens to be an eagle, of course so was Nazi Germany they used and eagle as well. Vultures are you Arab, the ravens are the Vatican and it’s Churches that are back in with them and of course Britain is actually know to be like the kites, they actually consider that to be a State Bird at one time. Didn’t vote it as one but it was considered to be one they’re very prominent in that country as well. I did some research on this is where I came up with these answers can’t say they’re perfectly right but it’s my thought on it.
But notice what happens that while their eyes are coming open they don’t stop trying to rip them to pieces. All the Nations they’re under attack trying to tear Israel apart and this is all along while you’re Two Witnesses are opening the eyes of Israel. And so beside all this those eagles and vultures and ravens and kites were still continually tearing the sheep in pieces and flying upon them and devouring them.
And the sheep were silent but the rams lamented and cried out! Do you remember the Prophecy of Zachariah; when they look upon Him whom they’ve pierced? Now I know the Jewish Rabbi’s say; it doesn’t say pierce it says; thrust through. He was thrust through as well in fact the thrusting through is more important because His blood and His water was separated from him and that was a sign from God Almighty to the Jews that that was the Rock that was being smitten because water was coming out of the Rock that was there on Calvary. Hum-un! And the Bible says; they took and separate each one to their own family and they wept and mourn for days as a family that lost their only son; there’s your lamenting and crying right there in the Book of Enoch. And then people say; oh it’s not anointed of God. You know they like it because of some of the things that are written in there, you know where it talks of the fallen angels taught men to eat flesh that’s why they don’t like the book.
And verse 12 says; and those ravens battled and fought with it and which to make a way it’s horn but they did not prevail against it. Remember what it says in Revelation about the Two Witnesses it says; they come up against them saying; if any man tried to hurt them fire proceed from their mouth and in this manner they must be killed?
(Verse 13); and I looked at them until the shepherds and the eagles and those vultures and kites came and cried to the ravens that they should dash the horn of that ram in pieces. Did you notice it mentioned shepherds this time? That’s pastors, that’s Church pastors that come against the one that’s has the horn, the one that sounding out to Israel what the truth of the Word of God is and not even the Church, not even ministers like them! It ain’t just the Catholic Church my brother its pastors, its so-called Christians that hate the true Witnesses of God.
(Verse 13); and they cried to the ravens that they should dash the horn of that ram in pieces. See that horn is what makes the noise; it’s what sounds out the Word of God, the True Word of God! (Verse 13); and they fought and battled with it and they fought with them and cried out so that its help might come to it; and fought with them and cried out so that its help might come to it. (Verse 14); and I looked until that man who wrote down the names of the shepherd brought them up before the Lord and the sheep and came and he helped that ram and showed it everything it’s helps was coming down. You’re talking about a hallelujah day as they say in the Pentecostal circles that’ll be a hallelujah day.
Verse 15; and I looked into the Lord of the sheep came to them in anger all those who saw him fled and they all fell into the shadow in front of him. (Verse 16); and the eagles and vultures and ravens and kites gathered together and brought with them all the wild sheep and they all came together and helped one another in order to dash that horn of the ram in pieces. So see the horn of the ram is not the Messiah it’s not Yeshua because now we see that he comes. And he looked unto the Lord of the sheep came to them in anger who saw him and fled. Verse 17; and I looked at that man who wrote the book of the command of the Lord until he opened that book of the destruction that those last 12 shepherds has wrought. And he showed in front of the Lord of the sheep that they had destroyed even more than those before them had. (Verse 18); and I looked until the Lord of the sheep came to them and took the staff of his anger and struck the earth and the earth was split. And all the animals and birds of the sky fell from those sheep and sank in the earth and it closed over them. Little Nathan said; that Mount of Olives will split he said; but it’s not an earthquake or anything like that. When Messiah comes He’s going to open up the earth. It’s interesting it kind of makes you wonder if Planet X has anything to do with that.
You know there was a Chapter of Scripture that just read recently and I want to say it was Isaiah 13 I don’t recall right off. Another interesting passages of Scripture it makes you wonder about this elusive Planet X could it be God’s final judgment? I don’t know.
I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live shalom and good evening. You’re Prophetic Segment and by the way friends this is pretty much the teaching I would have done Saturday so I don’t know exactly what I will do tomorrow. So those of you that look forward to me teaching on Saturday or Shabbat ah; Yom Shabbat in the Hebraic language this is the message I would have done then but I’m a little bit early. It’s actually already begun for us as far as the Yom Shabbat the day has begun already in Israel. Shalom and God bless you.
Hi Steven! I’m a wild oil branch grafted into the oil tree(Jesus is the oil tree)
I’m so happy,u understand the Bible well,u see clear. Our Church faith,base the same as yours. I want to tell more about things,but just in private mail.
About the bones into a Valley: I heard a preaching about.The bones are Istael,dead spiritually,when gathering together the bones,etc,just no life in it,that means God gathering together Israel 1 more time.The life into the body means,God will send His Holy Spirit brobably,I’m not sure in it, just for the 144 000,who accept Jesus as son of God who came down as son of the man,died for our sin,and he is the Messiah .That will be 12 000 from every house of Israel:Benjamin,Joseph,etc.So the 2 witness will be the warning sign before God’s wrath.So God sends always warning before the catastrophe comes to Israel. During that time the christians will suffering,bc of the closed “door”,means no repentance will be,the door of mercy will be closed,bc God will turn back to Israel. And the rfid chip a sign too,the economical disaster too,bc the antichrist will bring in (probably with the force of law) the chip,who doesn’t have it,can’t sell or buy. So christian can’t steal,can’t have gun. So have to behaving as Christ did as lamb,He didn’t open his mouth.So what they did to him,same goes to the followers .Christians will die for the name of Jesus,bc they cannot accept the mark of the beast,they will beheaded. So will be scary what will come to the christians.The 2 witnesses will come with the spirit of Moses and Elijah.They will come during the antichrist reigning,to bring back Israel to God.After the rapture will comes that war,when God will fight for Israel,people will gathering together as u saying at the mountens,that will be Armageddon war.Antichrist will have power too,to tempt the choosen one from God.(magic?)He can bring fire from the sky,etc.He will sit in the temple as God.He will step on everything what called God’s.U know that what the pope said about Jesus.
I wish to own that Bible,what has more books in it,bc lots of people translated it,and (my opinion ) they putted in what they want,so not the whole things in it.But what’s important,still in it.
So I’m waiting the 2 witnesses ,rapture is close.
Revelations 7:3-8
Revelations 13:10 15:2-3
Steven ,about the last days and the rapture is in Mathew 24.Prophecy about Israel and christians
You are absolutely right – the Roman Catholic Church is set on dividing Jerusalem.
The Vatican beasts have manipulated and used many nations in the region for decades to ensure Jerusalem stands divided. It is sad that the Jews and the Arabs do not comprehend the evil desires of the Pope and the Church mafia.
Until peace is restored in Jerusalem according to the Will of God the whole world will be in turmoil and chaos.
I really enjoy the Lakota Indian documentary on your website.
Dear Brother Steven,
I have just watched your You Tube video (Donald Trump The Antichrist? (Special Documentary)) and was fascinated by your reference to the Catholic Church owning the land around Mount Zion which must also be the City of David and they are intending to build the third Temple on that site.
Have you read the book “The Temple” written by Bob Cornuke which clearly establishes this as the real location of the third Temple?
Is it not the case that the Third Temple has to be built in the wrong place i.e. the Temple Mount which is subsequently desecrated by the Anti-Christ after 42 Months in order that when the Lord returns with his Saints during the Millennium He builds the 4th. Temple in the correct place (Zech 6v12-13) which is Zion, City of David.
So if your analysis is correct then what do you think about the Apostate church short circuiting the outworking of prophesy at this time by building the Third Temple in the correct place?
I would be fascinated to hear your comments assuming you are in agreement with my views
Blessing to you and all at Israeli News Live
Nick Harris