Israeli News Live:
January 2, 2016;
Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon);
Vatican Enters League With Israel’s Rabbis!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live. (; and violence is breaking out in Iran at the Saudi Arabia embassy in response to the assassin or not assassination but the death penalty that was handed down and carried out by the Saudi Kingdom against the Shiite Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr; he was killed and it has caused backlash all over the Middle East the Region’s there. The Iranians have condemned that even the United States has condemned the killing of this particular Shiite Sheikh. And you cannot help but wonder is this something that is being done by the Saudi Kingdom intentionally? Do they want to go to war in the Middle East with other Arabic neighbors especially in the case of Iran? Iran a very powerful nation we know the Saudi Kingdom has United States holding its back just like Turkey does. But there again these two are enemies as well as Iran is against Turkey as well, a very serious issue there.
(; and by the way we’re going to look at a couple of more major headlines that are going on before we go to our main particular news story this evening that where we’re speaking about Vatican Enters a League with Israeli Rabbis that is very serious breaking headline something that are you happen but God has just revealed to us where this isn’t Biblical prophecy.
So we’ll be going to this Biblical prophecy, this historic Biblical prophecy in the Book of Daniel that is being fulfilled as we speak and what the ramifications are going to happen next what will happen in Israel next as well.
(; but before we do that we need to look at some of these major headlines and were breaking as we got ready to go on air. Another serious thing in Israel Hamas of course ISIS supporters of ISIS are claiming to send rockets over into Israel from the Gaza side. And yet Israel has retaliated for these rockets were fired into Southern Israel I believe there were 5 rockets fired Israel responded by bombing 2 empty buildings according to the Hamas officials and claiming that they will hold Hamas responsible for any rockets that fall into Israel’s land.
Now keep in mind we have mentioned before that once rockets start coming out of Gaza it won’t be long before Hezbollah will attack Israel from the north. Now this just may be a first trial for Israel to see exactly how well Israel’s gonna hold and what Israel’s response is going to be. But you can count on one thing you will see an increased activity in the Intifada against Israeli civilians are from the Palestinian terrorists is well as Hamas will attack from rockets from Gaza and Hezbollah will attack from the north. This is what Israel no doubt is about to come under this type of fire in the very near coming days more than likely I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t happen I might say.
another very serious news broadcast here and this is; Putin Names the United States among threats and new Russian security strategy for their rise. Very sad to say indeed but we can understand why did the President of Russia is feeling this way because naturally we know that the US has mounted all kinds of heavy weapons around the borders of Russia. Everywhere the United States can they have also moved in nuclear arms and warheads into Eastern Europe as well. And they claim they’re not directed at Russia but Russia’s not stupid either.
Anyway; it says; a new appraisal names United States as one of the threats to Russian National Security for the first time a sign of how relations with the West had deteriorated in recent years. The document about the strategy of “About the Strategy of National Security of Russian Federation,” was signed by President Vladimir Putin on New Year’s Eve. It replaces a 2009 version, endorsed by then- President Dmitry Medvedev, the current prime minister, which mentioned neither the United States not NATO. It says Russia has managed to heighten its role in solving global problems and international conflicts. That heightened role has caused a reaction by the West, it says. “The strengthening of Russia happens against the background of new threats to the national security, which has complex and interrelated nature,” the document says. Conducting an independent policy, “both international and domestic” has caused “counteraction from the USA and its allies, which are striving to retain their dominance in global affairs;” very serious news indeed; coming out Israel, out of Iran, out of the Middle East there and out of Russia as well.
(; moving on though the main purpose of our broadcast this evening is; Vatican Rabbinical League. Now in the covenant that was signed and I call this part a covenant because if we go down to the document that the Jewish Rabbis have just signed recently in the 7th section here they mention the word covenant. Right here dedicated to the covenant is what they say you can see that on your screen there. It says; in imitating G-d, Jews and Christians must offer models of service, unconditional love and holiness. We are all created in G-d’s Holy Image, and Jews and Christians will remain dedicated to the Covenant by playing an active role together in redeeming the world. Now they’re terminology used here is the word covenant and many people are automatically gonna go to Daniel.
They’re going to look at the covenant Daniel Chapter 9 verse 27 it speaks about the covenant make for one week and Daniel’s 70 weeks. And also in Daniel Chapter 11 it speaks about the Holy Covenant. Now my only concern in that regard is that the Holy Covenant would have to be something God establishes if it’s holy and in the Hebrew language it does speak of a Holy Covenant. But in this particular case here what we’re looking at; I don’t think we’re looking at a 7 year covenant that is spoken of Daniel 9:27 but rather we are seeing a Biblical prophecy being fulfilled by the Vatican and the Rabbinical Rabbis that are involved these are Global Rabbis. All of these Rabbis by the way are very Pro-Palestinian and very Pro Two State and we’re gonna mention that in just a moment here from the World Jewish Congress what they have said in their own statement there.
Let’s look at Daniel Chapter 11 and we’re gonna look at specifically 4 verses because these are the verses where we’re gonna see prophecy that is unfolding. Part of this has already happened when it says verse 20; they shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom but within a few days he shall be destroyed another and anger nor in battle. I do believe that that was Pope Benedict he was very much a champion for causing the world’s governments to rein in all the tax dodgers there were out there that had been hiding their money in offshore accounts. And he got the United States and many other governments especially the European Union to go after these billionaires and millionaires and brought in a lot of tax revenue. But then suddenly Pope Benedict seemingly needs to retire and we know that Pope Francis is also talking about that he may retire as well this year. If he does I can only imagine who the next man will be but nonetheless it will not change one thing about the Anti-Christ System that John speaks about.
In John the 1st Book of John there where he says; they went out of us because they were not of us or they went out from us because they were not us. It clearly defined that the Anti-Christ must be a believer or professed believer in Yeshua, in Jesus that is. But they go out from us because they are not if us they do not believe in the Holy Covenant of God is what it is. Anyway going on into this let’s take a look at what it says here verse 21; any in his estate shall stand up a vile person; in his estate it’s interesting because he’s not destroyed neither in anger nor in battle. And Pope Benedict technically is still a Pope of Rome so Pope Francis is serving Pope Benedict’s own reign right now.
Is says in here and in his estate, in his place see? Shall stand up a vile person, he appears to be a non-vile person. But very much on the inside there’s a different story. To whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom but he show come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Doesn’t that seem exactly like the type of man we’re seeing today in the Vatican? (Verse 22); and with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him and he shall be broken and also the prince of the covenant. (Verse 23); and after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully for he shall come up and shall become strong with a small people. That’s where he comes up with the Palestinian’s that’s what he does after the league is made with him. (Verse 24); He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province and he shall do that which his fathers have not done nor his father’s fathers he shall scatter among them the prey and spoiled and riches. Yea and he shall forecast his devices against the strongholds even for a time. Now what is it about the spoil, the prey and the riches? Well he actually restored to Israel back those covenant items from the 2nd Temple Period I’m not sure exactly what his plans are but he is going to take and scatter among them the prey and the spoil and the riches.
This is also the dividing of the Land, the Two State Solution which what this covenant, this league in other words is being made with the Rabbis and with Rome is being done here. This is exactly what they’re intentions are.
(; let’s take a look at that real quick like just to share with you. This is on October the 28th Attacks on Jews are Anti-Semitism as are attacks on Israel Pope Francis tells the Jewish Leaders. This was when the leaders of the world Jewish Congress on Wednesday issued a strong condemnation of anti-Semitism in a private audience with World Jewish Congress President Ronald S Louder in the morning. The Pontiff made it clear outright attacks against Israel’s existence as a form of anti-Semitism and you can see here the meeting he has here with the different Jewish Congress members that are here in the meeting here. But notice what it says here in yellow; Jews and Catholics today marked the Anniversary of 1965 Declaration of Nostra Aetate this is what they were doing there they were looking at this document that the Vatican signed 50 years ago and now the Jewish Congress is willing to do the same. They’re willing to sign and join in with this league and by the way a league is a fellowship, it is a coming together that is exactly what the league is. If you look at this and the Hebraic language this League is a fellowship, a coming together of the minds there. Notice what it says here in the article here in the bold here; Louder praised the Pope for this powerful message and said; relations between the two faiths were stronger than they had ever been before. The World Jewish Congress President added; Pope Francis does not simply make declaration he inspires people with his warmth and his compassion, his clear and unequivocal support for the Jewish people is critical to us.
Moving on down in the article another bolded area here; enemies and strangers have become friends and brothers a council with the declaration of Nostra Aetate paved the way it said; yes to the rediscovery of the Jewish roots of Christianity and no to any form of anti-Semitism and condemnation of any insult discrimination persecution derived from that.
Now here’s the important part right here in the highlighted yellow; the Governing board reaffirmed its continued support of a Two-State Solution and urged Israel and the Palestinian Authority to resume peace talks without preconditions as soon as possible. The board also called on the International Community to maintain and if necessary expand sanctions on Iran until there is a verification of International acceptance of Iran’s caught compliance with the conditions of the nuclear deal. What just happened? The United States placed sanctions back on Iran. You don’t tell me the Pope of Rome doesn’t have some power! And the only reason the Pope of Rome ordered the United States to put the sanctions on Iran is because he got the Jews to agree with him in a league together to make a Covenant if you were to say it like that.
And so therefore the Pope is throwing his weight now forcing the United States to put these sanctions on Iran and Iran in retaliation in a news article today said; that they are now making 500 kilometer long range missiles in response to the US’ sanctions. And the funny thing is this month at the end of the month President Rouhani of Iran is supposed to go to the Vatican to meet the Pope of Rome. And does he not know who’s the one that put the sanctions on him it’s not the US it’s the Pope of Rome but he’s a puppet like all the rest of them. Anyway; by the way I thought it’s kind of interesting who was actually on the governing body of the Chairman of the World Jewish Council it is David D. Rothschild. I know a lot of people that are against the Jewish people speak about the Rothschild’s and their billions that they have that help put together the Jewish State.
But remember even though they had that part in there it doesn’t mean that God hasn’t brought home his faithful that love Him that things will work out with. Going back real quick guys let’s look back at the scriptural part of this. Notice what it says and Daniel 11:23; and after the league made with him; right a league had to be formed, a fellowship had to be made between the Vatican which is the prince that shall come. And we know this by Daniel Chapter 9 we find out that the princes shall come would be out the people who destroyed the Temple and the Sanctuary which was the Romans. The Roman’s under the Roman General Titus came and destroyed the Temple and the Sanctuary that’s how we know. We also know about the Book of Obadiah it describes Esau to the destruction of the Temple and the Sanctuary; and said; that he stood aloof. So it wasn’t just him alone it was the Assyrian’s involved in this battle as well but we do know that the Romans are the ones that God has held responsible for being the ones that destroyed the Temple and the Sanctuary. He holds Titus that guilty one there. But in the day that we’re living in now he said; that there would be a prince it would come. There would be of these Roman’s that’s the Pope of Rome right here he’s the guy that enters into this league with the people of Israel. And then he will come up strong with us small people. Doesn’t say anything about the Jewish people that’s the Palestinians because he makes a league with these Rabbis here from the Jewish Congress that gives him that foothold to get into Israel. And then he uses the Palestinians for the extra leverage once the Jewish Congress has made sure that this Two State comes into full power and now the whole thing is playing out. You are watching Bible prophecy come to pass it yet again and I’m praying friends to understand more and more and more about this scriptural passages here in Daniel Chapter 11. It doesn’t play out like some people think it does it really doesn’t.
You’re going to find out even in here the Two Witnesses can be seen you can see the Two Witnesses right here in Daniel’s final prophesies, Chapters 9, 10, 11 and 12 there. They’re there they are the ones that will reveal what Daniel’s prophecy is all about. My gosh it is exciting times we’re living in the world is in chaos and now at the beginning of 2016 we are seeing a heightened sense of urgency all over the world, Middle East, wars about to erupt the United States, Russia at odds with one another as well. And at the same time the Pope making his league with the Rabbis there and is about to come in and take over that Land and he’s doing it nothing with a bunch of flatteries there. You would be amazed and surprised if you went back and looked at the things that have been happening between these Rabbis and the Vatican for the last 10, 15, 20 years they’ve been working on this for a long time. Now you have the league, the league has been made; both sides have signed it Nostra Aetate was already signed by the Vatican 50 years ago. Now the Jewish Congress has signed their side of the deal it is done the league has been made between Rome and Israel. I’m Stephen you’re watching Israeli News Live your Prophetic Segment, God bless you and shalom.
Let us see what this leads too. Can’t jump to conclusions just yet.
We are in the midst of the Egyptian Plague of Darkness, this is the Revelation… that Exodus is about us, designed to help us out of this descent into Hell. Religion has long held secrets of hidden technology, and it is the disclosure of the existence of time travel and mind control technology that is the purpose of the Second Coming and the story of Exodus. From the Burning Bush beginning to show us that 9/11 was predicted throughout the Bible.. as the great and terrible day of the Lord in which “many nations will mourn,” God is proving the existence of time travel.
On January 20, 2001, George W. Bush fulfilled an ancient prophesy, by reciting during his inauguration Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1, together. These two verses answer a riddle posed in Revelation 1:20–one which Heralds the Second Coming of Jesus Christ by showing us that these chapters and verses match the dates of the inauguration and attack perfectly. Revelation 20:1 describes the darkness that comes in it’s wake, as He saw an angel coming on the clouds holding a great chain in his hand.
The end goal of this disclosure is to show us that language itself holds a hidden message from God, one which proves beyond doubt that English and our modern culture is the focus religion itself. There are hundreds of examples of holy scripture being used to highlight this message, and show us how to find it. This book provides numerous examples, and gives us a path to find God’s message and the true purpose of Creation itself.
Just like in Exodus, there is a Plague hiding the light of the Son, and it is your inaction and disbelief that is being used as a weapon against the truth, against you, and against me. This message will free us from darkness, and I need you to help yourself and our civilization by reading and sharing it.
Try, really try. This is enlightenment being handed to you on a silver platter, yet I feel like I am screaming at a wall in the dark.
Adam Marshall