US Russia in a Deadly Chess Game!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live and I think we may have gotten or audio problem resolved. Do let me know about that in the comments section there and we are gearing up this evening is a very important broadcast here we are seeing some developments that are happening in and around Israel dealing with Syria, Russia the United States as the title of our broadcast on there where we have our Israeli News Live Channel under Steven DeNoon or Steven Ben DeNoon. We are seeing a lot of issues going on it is truly a chess match between the United States and Russia and of course several other key players in the region Turkey, Saudi Arabia. A lot of different reports if you go to our Facebook page Israeli News Live we also have in their many of the articles that will be speaking about tonight Kuwaiti News some of the things that they brought out RT News, TASS News, and Israel National News etc. we have posted many of the links on the things are going on here.
But anyway; let’s go right in though to start with before we get started in the issue with Russia I want to take you immediately to Arutz Sheva that’s Israel National News and share with you again because the terror campaign the Intifada that is going on in Israel has not let up not even a single bit not a single day since it actually began. As we’ve shared with you when we were there in Israel not too long ago there we were already seeing this we saw the first casualties of it there photographed not even realizing that it was a terrorist attack that the man had been stabbed with the blood on his feet in the photo that we had taken our self.
(; anyway though three border police are hurt in a car terror attack near Hebron and I’ll just quickly kind of give you a little bit. This is just some of the aftermath there; I apologize for that there for those of you watching on Livestream there. Let me go back let’s let that play one more time again there for you those are watching their this is just the scene of the event there where there was an Arab man there ah; two of them actually wielding knives coming to attack. And then this is near ah; I think it’s near Hebron. Yes, Hebron or Hevron in English is the way you say it there they did kill one of the men that was wielding a knife I’ll be able to show you that here in just a moment. But the article reads here; three border police were reported hurt in a car terror attack at Bayt Einun Junction near Hevron. One victim suffered head wounds that were initially described as moderate but of course they were updated to; as his condition later deteriorated to very serious as well. Two others, one male and one female, also from the Border Police, were lightly hurt and taken to Shaare Tzedek Hospital. Emergency teams initially treated the casualties at the scene and the junction was blocked off there. Hevron by the way has been a scene of tremendous terror attacks. A lot of terror attacks in Hevron this you’ll see here this is at the same place you’ll see the man is dead there on the screen there, he is one of the attackers there. The other one did escape he was using a knife to attack but very serious situation in Israel.
As we have said before the intifada that is actually going on in Israel is a distraction for the Jewish people. It is a very well calculated; a very well thought out plan thing by the PLO and ah; there is definitely without a question there as reasons for what they are doing. The PLO as Mahmoud Abbas is working in concert with many different organizations the Vatican being one.
And as we have been watching these things unfold we are also starting to see that not only is the Vatican involved in but we are also finding out that the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and many of the other countries there are definitely involved in this particular unrest that is going on. But it is one big huge picture that is happening there and there’s a lot of different people that have a lot of different interest in Israel for different purposes different reason there and like I said; it’s only going to get worse. It is definitely spiraling out of control in the Region there.
Let’s take real quick I want to bring you just for a recap here; a couple of different prophecies here that we can look at because what is happening in Israel is definitely prophetic to say the very least and I’d like to take you to Micah Chapter 4; here on with the Mamre online it’s actually this is where you can actually find this this particular Bible passages here. I thought I was in the Hebrew English but I’m not let me take you real quick to the Hebrew-English Version of this is what I prefer to be in. Let me go real quick to Micah, here we go right here Micah Chapter 4. The reason why I want to bring this up because clearly it shows something that has happening to Israel and many of you guys are aware of this already. And that is one; in that day saith the Lord; verse 6; will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven away, and her that I have afflicted; this is the prophecy of Israel returning to their Homeland. (Verse 8); and thou, Migdal-eder, the hill of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come; yea, the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem. So she’s reestablished but then we find in verse 9 a problem occurs; now why dost thou cry out aloud? Is there no King in thee? You, is thy Counsellor perished, that pangs have taken hold of thee as of a woman in travail?
You see Benjamin Netanyahu is not working as a king regardless of Mike Evans anointed him or not as king over Israel it’s not working because Israel had rejected God’s Way of leadership through Samuel the Prophet and they wanted instead a king to lead the children of Israel and to be like the rest of the nation’s but it failed. And so God is asking that He also says; is thy Counsellor perished? And of course it a direct, direct point by the Prophet that indeed Mashiach which is Yeshua in fact would be killed. So the question is challenged to the Jewish people there; that pains that taken hold of thee as a woman in travail. Now God is showing them why these things are happening now keep in mind what you’re seeing now in Israel this is the beginning of a fulfillment of Micah’s prophecy here. He says; has thy counselor perished that pains have taken hold of thee as a woman in travail, see?
Now (verse 10); be in pain and labor to bring forth oh daughter of Zion like a woman in travail; for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and shalt dwell in the field, and shalt come even unto Babylon; there shalt thou be rescued; there shall the LORD redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies; which is none other is Esau we’ve proven that many, many times by the passage in Obadiah. We have shown that how Obadiah verse 16; fulfills was fulfilled by the Pope of Rome when he came and he drank on the Holy Mountain of Zion there in right there in Jerusalem on Mount Zion in the Upper Room. And then as well the following week they had Communion Service in King David’s Tomb; Special Forces drove the Jews out of there and very serious things that are happening in Jerusalem and prophecy definitely unfolding. But what’s interesting it says; that they will be driven out they will go forth out of the city.
Which city is that Jerusalem and there is a huge fight over Jerusalem Mahmoud Abbas with the Intifada is now begging at the United Nations come in and put troops on the ground there to secure the people of ah; the Palestinian people from as he calls it the aggression of the Israeli’s. Israeli’s are not aggressive I mean honestly Mahmoud Abbas have you no brains at all? Do you not realize they are responding in the violence that you’re doing to them you have actually been very methodical in your ways. And you have been doing this to draw Israeli troops and soldiers away from the borders of Israel that protects Israel and you brought them to the center of attention here as well as gaining; garnering world support in your plight claiming Israel as the aggressor when it’s actually the Palestinians that are the aggressor in this case here. And as we said before not Palestinians I often say; Jordanians because even though they’ve been living there for quite a number of years now most people forget where they actually migrated from in the first place.
Anyway; let’s move on here and don’t forget that Psalms 83 is something that has been going brewing on for quite some time in regards to all of this to begin with. All right; let’s go right back now look at the chess match here and you know what maybe; no maybe we really should pull Psalms 83 up here because Psalms 83 as I’ve said before is not the war itself that we are looking at in Psalms 83 we are not looking at a war but we are looking at a Confederacy and that Confederacy is with verse 7; the tents of Edom the Ishmaelite’s Moab, and the Hagrites; (verse 8); Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; (verse 9); Assyria also is joined with them. This is one reason why you’re not going to see Assad toppled Assyria or Syria in this case is going to be strengthened up just a little bit but in the process is going to be totally demolished by the different fighting Regimes in the area.
And now the United States is joined in to this is well not working whatsoever with Russia to combat ISIS is because why? The United States is the one that armed ISIS the United States is the one that arm the rebels there to overthrow the Assad regime and Russia is refusing to allow Bashar Assad to be pushed out of this particular place coming in there Russia has put their own airbase everything now the United States has stepped up the ante here in this Chess Game the United States now has moved in according to their estimates 50 Special Force Troops there, 50 Special Forces troops that according to RT News is actually to be used as human shields.
Now ironically according to the Kuwaiti Times Kuwait claims that they are not telling Russia where the Special Forces are at! This is only going to have grave consequences the United States the Obama Administration specifically is putting his own people in harm’s way And he’s doing this intentionally because if they are killed then it will only garner American support to come in and get involved in the campaign and fight with Russia. Do they really want an all-out war? And Turkey and Saudi Arabia are both threatening Russia as well so you’ve got the Sunni’s which that’s Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait these are all these Sunni led areas. Iraq is Sunni against the Shiites and Russia backs Shiites which is Bashar Assad’s Regime which even though Syria is majority a Sunni Nation and you have Iran which is a Shiite Nation as well you have Hezbollah you have all these different Shiites that are fighting back and forth and of course the big issue is about the oil in this region. The Pope of course though he only wants to war to secure for him ah; his desire and that he gets a hold of Jerusalem his own purpose there. So that is why the coalition is there the Tents of Edom and the Ishmaelite’s, Edom of course is Rome and God says; He would deliver Israel from Babylon.
Now we reported the other day though thanks to Brother Chris there that sent us this article there that in Rhoades they’re raising up this Huge Colossal Statute there the Rhoades Statue there which is for the worship of the Sun God being powered by the solar panels on it solely for that particular purpose. And as I said; it’s not an image onto the beast but clearly it’s kind of like a pre-figure of it. I look at the; when I look at the Image of the Beast one thing that really concerns me when we look at the prophecy about the Image of the Beast from the Book of Revelation where it says that; he breathes life into it. And I’m going to study that deeper for you guys because when it says; he breathed life into it; it only made me realize that what is the Anti-Christ to begin with. He is one that takes the place of the true Christ which is Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua, and Ha Mashiach. And when Christ was there in the beginning and working with God for the creation of all things on the earth the one thing that He did is He formed a man in His own image and when that man was lying Adam, the humankind was lying there He breathed into that body the breath of Life. And it was the plural (Hebrew of Genesis 2:7); waYiPach B’aPayw nish’mat chaYiym; see; He breathed into that body that plural form of God’s own life showing because why? It was both Adam and Eve in the same body but the beast as well they raise up an image to the beast and what did they do? The Bible says; that he breathes into the image so that it lives, I’m just paraphrasing this of course. But that is really got me concerned right there is it a metaphor of something or is it could even be and I only say this speculator; could it be like a clone or something? You know that Satan is doing and they breathe life into it. In other words they bring something to life, I don’t know I’m kind of getting off track sorry about that guys.
(; let’s move on here but I want to go back into these articles here this one here is the Kuwaiti Times as well. This is one that I wanted to bring up to you though real quick here. This is Kuwaiti Times here it just came out today we are in agreement that there will be; there will certainly be no role for Bashar Al-Assad. He added he said; that in a recent talks; wait a minute; I’m sorry didn’t go, oh, oh my apology totally wrong, didn’t get the right place. Turkey, Saudi warns Russia over ‘big mistake’ in Syria – Syria regime in new offensive as Putin blasts the US! Of course that photograph right there this is exactly what’s happening. This is why I say Damascus will be a ruinous heap according to the prophecy is because the constant bombing and shelling Russia bombing like crazy and now the United States really pushing up the ante it’s about to really turn into a major problem there. It says that; Turkey and Saudi Arabia yesterday warned Russia over the consequences of its intervention in Syria, with Ankara telling Moscow its bombing campaign in support of the regime was a “big mistake”. The two Majority Sunni Muslim powers both support the moderate opposition in Syria and have been infuriated by Moscow’s bombing campaign to prop the regime of President Bashar Al-Assad. Ankara is particularly concerned over claims-denied by Moscow that its bombing campaign has targeted anti-Assad rebels rather than the stated aim of Islamic State ISIS Jihadists. “Saudi Arabia and Turkey are in agreement on supporting the opposition in Syria. What is important is a political solution,” Jubeir said. Regime forces backed by Russian air strikes pushed an offensive in central Syria yesterday as President Vladimir Putin slammed Washington for not working with Moscow on the conflict. Now you have to understand too what’s going on why they’re bombing there in Syria, in Central Syria there? It’s because ISIS had gained and pushed back the Assad Forces out of that area.
And so now Russia had to go in there and begin to do some bombing there to try to stop the ISIS onslaught there. He also goes on; like it says; Vladimir Putin slammed Washington for not working with Moscow in the conflict. Like I said; the US will not ever divulge where their Special Forces are so if Russia in their bombing campaign hits them it’s gonna be a major disaster. It’s gonna bring out a massive war in the Region it is truly a Chess Match. Now the United States did say that their up in the Northern part of the country so basically the reason why they’re not pinpointing where the US led Troops are is because the United States is trying to make a safe haven for all of ISIS Forces to be able to come back re-group and hopefully Russia will not bomb attack there. I don’t know if Russia’s going to play this game very long though that’s the concern there.
Russian warplanes launched at least 15 air strikes to support government troops as they began a new operation just north of the city of Homs, a monitoring group said. Syrian state television, citing a military source, said the army had begun a military operation in the north and northwest of Homs province “with the goal of restoring security and stability to the villages and towns in the area”. “Russia is making a big mistake,” Turkish Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioglu told reporters after talks in Ankara with Saudi counterpart Adel Al-Jubeir. “What it does will bring no meaning or benefit, other than delaying the transition process to help Syria out of the chaos,” he added. “We will continue with our warnings.” “We are in agreement that there will certainly be no role for Bashar Al-Assad,” he added. He said that in recent talks with top Russian officials, Riyadh had told Moscow that the Syria crisis should be solved according to the 2012 Geneva communique which envisages a political transition in Syria. Let me just let your know here and you can pick the rest of this article up on our Facebook ah; Israeli News Live page.
Just go to Facebook type in Israeli News Live it should bring into the page there where you can see these articles. But Saudi Arabia actually was planning to attack Russian Forces and we’re gonna come around to that article here in just a moment.
(; in fact let’s just go straight to that article now it’ll probably do us good here; this is on RT News that was reported here and the journalists there is Finian Cunningham he is the journalist it wrote this article it says; Obama’s decision to send Special Forces into Syria is being widely viewed as a US military escalation in the country. The troop dispatch also signals that the US trying to forestall Russian successes in wiping out Washington’s regime-change assets in Syria. In short, the US Special Forces are being used as “human shields;” he says; to curb Russian air strikes against anti-government mercenaries, many of whom are instrumental in Washington’s regime-change objective in Syria. Now remember; notice kind of after he called them mercenaries this is exactly what Vladimir Putin called them in one of his addresses on RT News as well that was covered there that they were paid mercenaries. Who’s paying them? As he said; whoever the highest bidder is, is paying them and of course once they have control of the oil fields which they do in many cases there. They are selling the oil on the black market and as President Putin pointed out why is there no sanctions on those that are actually doing this? Directly pointing the finger at the US; Obama Administration. First of all, we need to view a host of developments, including the hastily convened “peace talks” in Vienna, as a response by the US and its allies to the game-changing military intervention by Russia. That intervention, beginning on September 30, has not only dealt massive blows to militants, it has completely changed the balance of forces to give the Assad government the upper hand in the war against foreign-backed extremists. That, in turn, has sent the US-led powers trying to topple Damascus into disarray.
I recall the scatter reactions from Washington and its allies, including Britain, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. At first, Washington tried to rubbish Vladimir Putin’s order to aid his Syrian ally with airstrikes as “doomed to fail”. Then there were overblown, unverified, claims of civilian casualties from Russian strikes, plus there were American claims that Russian cruise missiles had gone wildly astray, hitting Iran. There was also much angst over Russia striking “moderate rebels” instead of the Islamic State terror network. All such accusations, encouraged with Western media amplification, were designed to undermine Russia’s military operation. It’s definitely true but you have to remember why would they think that Russia would not bomb the forces that are loyal to the United States that are trying to topple Assad? Well Russia has made it clear they’re there to protect Assad; they’re there to keep him in power and to get him fully back in control. And yet Israel is gutsy enough to bomb also Assad’s Forces when one mortar shell crosses the border even though it may not be Assad’s Forces doing it that’s what they will do.
Now the concern I have with this being it’s my own people there is that what part of the government is willing to instigate a war with Russia? Now it’s clear that Russia no doubt is backing those are going to invade Israel to begin with but to instigate the fight is not something that we need to do. It will take God to intervene to protect Israel once this all breaks out and it’s about to break out at any moment. Keep in mind if a confrontation between Russia and the United States takes place here in the Middle East Israel will be one of the main targets that all the Arabic people that are against them will come up against them. And even though Turkey and Saudi Arabia sides of the United States and is against Russia they hate the Jewish people as well.
Turkey would love to attack Israel but I don’t believe Turkey will actually be involved in this particular attack but clearly we are going to see Hezbollah from Lebanon; we’re going to see Iran from Damascus invade Israel on the Northern border there. And this is the one reason why you have seen that Hamas in the Gaza Strip has held off doing their own attack in Israel with an all-out onslaught of missiles. They’re only preparing as the Intifada gains momentum and they can continue to keep Israel in an uproar there are only preparing why Israel is distracted with other issues then they’ll come in for the kill this is exactly what the devil would like to see happen.
Let’s move down a little bit further in the article it says; another seeming knee-jerk response came from Turkey and rightwing politicians and pundits in the US which revived talks about the creation of “safe havens” in northern Syria, ostensibly to protect civilian refugees, but also tacitly and more importantly, to give cover to “rebel” groups from Russian air strikes and Syrian government ground troops. You know the only way you can have a safe haven to begin with would have to be for the militants why? Because most all the civilians have already left the country and are now in Europe and places ah; in the United States etc.… What is the purpose for this plan? What really is going on with all these things that are happening nonetheless? One thing I want to bring to your attention here this was kind of a little interesting video that a friend sent me here and I wanted to share this with you as well.
(; this was a protest that was being done a Brother posted there in ah; that this actually took place there in the United States at Nellis Air Force Base protest against US support of ISIS. And this Brother here is actually speaking there and I’ll move you along pretty quick here to get you into the thing there.
But then they go out there he takes you there to where the protest is actually happening and I was surprised to see this. But on the sign that they had there their blowing the Shofar they stand for Israel I do appreciated this so much here. But then he has a sign there it says; Russia for killing ah; thank you Russia for killing ISIS. You’ll be able to this sign here as this brother here shares that with us there you can look at that on your screen I don’t know if you’ll be able to read the sign once he brings it down. But he’s actually gonna show the sign there and they’re thanking Russia for killing ISIS. Let me just kind of move you there he goes killing ISIS right there he shows it there; thank you Russia for killing ISIS when will America make the same stand or stop terrorism; is what it says there. Then he goes to another sign there they’ve got; looking for terrorists go to the White House! (Chuckles) I thought that was just, just hysterical to say the least in all of this.
(; one more article though I do need to bring to your attention let me go to that right away here. This is on ah; I think this is United With Israel is where this is at Fars News is one that actually reported it. It says; Iran’s Armed Forces will respond decisively to any attack by the US; the Iranian defense minister stated, in response to remarks by his American counterpart that the military option remains intact should Tehran fail to comply with the nuclear deal signed in July. I was kind of wondering why all this is up on the board all of a sudden. The Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan stated on Saturday that his military would deliver a crushing blow to any act of war instigated by Israel or the US, the Iranian Fars News Agency reports. “Our Armed Forces are always ready to give a response to the US administration and the Zionist regime’s mischiefs,” Dehghan stated.
His warning followed remarks made by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter in Washington last week at a joint press conference. Carter warned that if Iran does not comply with the nuclear deal signed with the six global powers, it will face an American military threat, and he alluded to close cooperation with Israel. I’m under instructions from President Obama to make sure that the military option remains intact, and I worked very hard on that, and we brief our Israeli colleagues on that from time to time, as we have for quite a long time,” Carter said. Ya’alon spoke about Iran’s “non-stop attempts at harming Israel” with the help of proxies, adding that the Islamic Republic “also challenges US interests in the Middle East.”
Now one thing friends let me just say this here in closing our broadcast here ah; it is definitely without a doubt it is very clear that what is going on in all of this here we are definitely seeing biblical prophecy manifesting right before our eyes in every direction. I’ve seen many, many cases already where Rome is involved both politically and with the religious leaders of all the Arabic Nations that are surrounding Israel. It is a major catastrophe in the brewing but prophetically its things that have got to happen. I find it kind of interesting though that the United States is finally stepping up to be an Ally with Israel and I have a feeling that the real reason United States is doing this is because now the interest at the US has had in toppling the Assad Regime has been severely curtailed by Russia’s presence there in the Middle East.
Now Turkey is threatening to get involved as we mentioned here already Saudi Arabia is threatening to get involved both against Russia to attack Russia. Russia has the backing of Iran, Hezbollah from Lebanon and of course Turkey though has a military that is very powerful in itself very much kind of equivalent to make it what Iran actually has and then the United States and Russia to make major nuclear world powers.
And then Israel is caught up all in the middle of this and every Arabic Nation would turn against Israel in heartbeat that’s one thing that would actually unite them but fortunately thus far for the United States there is a major division between Sunni’s and Shiite’s if they ever stop battling each other it would be a big issue altogether. But prophecy is definitely brewing and things are not looking good right now it will definitely take God’s intervention for the people of Israel definitely. We can see the United States is trying to move their chest piece now. They’re trying to position to get a foothold there and Northern Syria interesting but on the border of Turkey again another way to be able to launch a ground invasion if the United States needs to do so. Russia actually has warned that could happen the US may try to bring in a ground offensive it’s about the only way you’re going to push Russia out. And I don’t think you’re gonna push Russia out. I’m Steven Ben-Nun you been watching Israeli News Live those of you that are on Livestream if for any reason we’ve had technical difficulties you can catch this later this evening on YouTube on Israeli News Live on YouTube. We have actually changed the name of our channel there is now Israeli News Live so you can catch to broadcast their I’m Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live, shalom and good evening.
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