Israeli News Live:
December 30, 2015;
Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon);
The Vatican Unveils Its Muslim Antichrist!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live very interesting broadcast this evening.
(; and let me just take your real quick just to kind of show you the headline that we are looking at this evening as there; Turkey supports ISIS wants to revive Ottoman Empire Syrian’s UN Envoy. What you’re looking at here on the screen in behind me here this is President Erdogan in the picture there and he is seen amongst all of the different warriors that were used in their different armaments and stuff back during the time of the Ottoman Empire’s reign for oh gosh what? I guess about a 500 year period in fact it was the Ottoman Empire that built the current Old City walls around Jerusalem that was done years ago and very, very interesting to say the least here.
But as soon as I saw this the first thing that came to my mind is that well it’s not going to be long before the Christian Community is going to say; this is your Anti-Christ. And let me tell you real quick like he’s not the Anti-Christ. But I will say this; the Vatican has been grooming him just for that purpose. And everything that has been happening that’s been going on in the Middle East has been to push this man to a position to make him look like that yes he has the Anti-Christ that’s to come. In fact Walid Shoebat wasted no time at all on jumping on this when I looked up Erdogan Anti-Christ practically every article he’s is the one that is saying this may very well be the Anti-Christ.
But you have to look at what the scripture says about the Anti-Christ in fact the only place we see the word Anti-Christ is in the Book of John 1st, 2nd and 3rd John but it’s only in the 1st and 2nd parts. There’s one thing I wanted to read to you though from that particular book there that might give you a little insight about who the Anti-Christ really is. And that’s 1st John 2:18; he says; little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Anti-Christ shall come. All right now that’s a singular Anti-Christ. Even now are there many Anti-Christs; plural; whereby we know that it is the last time. Notice what he says next verse 19 1st John Chapter 2 verses 18 and 19; they went out from us but they were not of us for had had they been of us they would no doubt have continued with us. You see this is one of the main things that you can see who the Anti-Christ really is by that statement in itself the Anti-Christ was actually among the believers of Jesus in His day.
But they went in out from them; go back and look historically and see which ones were the ones that weren’t going out from the true believers. Look at the ones it didn’t stay with James, look at the ones that did not believe Peter’s teachings this is where you end up with the Early Church Father’s there’s actually a division in the Early Church Fathers. If you go back and read the historical documentation the Early Church Father’s there’s two different branches of Early Church Fathers one of those branches actually put together with Constantine the Roman Catholic Church. They went out from us because they were not of us; and what did the Early Catholic Church do? They burnt all the Ancient documents that they could find, all the writings that were written about Jesus they burnt as many of them as they possibly could. They didn’t want any other doctrine accept their own out there and then they went on a Crusade to murder all the Early Christians that believed anything contrary to what they taught. This is what the Anti-Christ Spirit was doing then.
And as John said; there were many of them already and they had went out from us because they were not of us; or they would have continued with us. But nonetheless it’s been a long crusade for the Vatican to come up with a good man that they could make their Anti-Christ or Caliphate among the Arabic people or the Mahdi that he is called in the Qur’an which is nothing but a Vatican written book to begin with. And so I say this also for the Arabic people that may listen to the broadcast, in fact yesterday we had a lot of Arabic people and also those that were anti-Semites that listen to the broadcast. If you’re wondering why we had so many down comments on there; we would have loved to actually put the comments up for you but the vulgarity of the language of all the anti-Semitic people that were against Israel that came on as a result of the video that we did about the Palestinians calling for more blood to water the ground of Israel with more blood; this is what caused all the downing of the video there. Its amazing to say the least but the F word was used so freely and every other type of nasty word that you could possibly think had they just disagreed without all the vulgarity I would have gladly posted their comments so you can see. But these were people that hated State of Israel they were calling us nothing but Zionist propaganda news network.
Well you have to remember we weren’t the ones that published it was the Fatwa one of their own members on their Facebook page they’re the ones that published this not us. We were only quoting what Israel National News had put out there and do understand I’m not against the Palestinian people either. I do realize and I had stated before that Israel should treat them as a brother especially if they want to live in peace but they don’t want to live in peace then what can you expect especially in this situation that we have now nothing but chaos in the area there.
Now back here to Erdogan let me share with you a little bit about what’s written in the article here says; Syria’s envoy to the UN has accused Turkey of supporting terrorist groups and covering for their invasion into Syria urging the UN to end Ankara’s violations and crimes. Basher al-Ja’afari also warned that Erdogan’s goal is to “revive” the Ottoman Empire. It’s interesting to say the least; I would say; there’s a lot of truth to it just by the mere staged photo that Erdogan is being a part of. Some people are saying; he’s claiming to be God now. Again you have to understand this is what the Vatican has been trying to do they have been grooming a man to make him look like the Mahdi. And they have intentionally looked for someone that could fit the bill so it would take all the heat off of them in the first place.
We’re gonna be going into a lot more of this, I’ve been doing some deep research on the Anti-Christ because of things that I had stumbled on with this article here to prove to you even more so who that Anti-Christ really will be. And I know a lot of people we said and we do know this because you have to remember John said; there were many Anti-Christs, every Pope of Rome has been an Anti-Christ. Anti-Christo the original word that this comes from which means instead of Christ, he is a substitute, he is one that is like Christ that’s why it says; that they were; John says; they went out from us because they were not of us. So the Anti-Christ actually has to be a person that professes Christianity. They cannot be someone that is a Muslim he doesn’t profess Christianity it has to be someone that is a professor of Christianity, professing that Christianity is true but yet in a perverted sense of it.
Syria’s permanent representative to the UN wrote in his letter to the world body, TASS reported “Those groups are being provided with funding, weapons, materiel and logistical support by states and regimes from the region and beyond.” In other words the United States as well.
While mentioning other players allegedly involved in the spread of Islamist terrorism, Ja’afari accused Turkey and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of playing the most active role.
“During the crisis, Turkish interference in Syria’s internal affairs took many forms, including direct involvement of the regime of Erdogan, the Turkish armed forces in offensive military operations in support of terrorists,” Ja’afari wrote to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the UN Security Council, as cited by RIA Novosti. Now it goes on to say; those speaking of the Turkish forces have also provided covering fire for the terrorists’ movements inside Syrian territory or along the Syrian-Turkish border, in order to facilitate the infiltration of terrorist mercenaries from Turkish territory into Syrian territory,” the letter said.
In his letter to the UN, Ja’afari cited the downing of the Russian Su-24 jet as another example of Erdogan’s attempts to “up his regime’s involvement in the smuggling of stolen Syrian oil by ISIS into Turkey and the smuggling of weapons and materiel by Turkey to terrorists in Syria.” Let me give you this last little section; appealing to the UN, the Syrian envoy also said it was Erdogan’s intention to revive “the Ottoman colonial legacy.” Ja’afari pointed to the Turkish leader’s statements on protecting people of Turkish descent a few years ago, ignoring the fact that they might be citizens of other countries. Syria has also called on the UN “to take a firm stand” to “put an end to these violations and crimes” committed by Ankara. Ja’afari’s letter was only the latest attempt to draw attention of the international community to Turkey’s alleged support of Islamist militants, including Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).
Now let me just share with you some interesting insight on this we have watched with all the things ever since the downing of the Russian bomber SU-24. The United States with no issues no backpedaling or nothing has stood behind Turkey 100% they are willing in fact to go to war with Russia over the downing of this Russian bomber if that’s what it meant.
It is obvious that Rome is causing the United States to keep Turkey up there as if they’re a great nation there and to back them to help make this Alliance that is going on. You have to also remember Turkey and Saudi Arabia also are very close Allies and partners and they’re there trying to topple Bashar Al-Assad. And now we see that Turkey has invaded a little while back into Iraq they’re trying to push Russia into a war.
And we see to that according to the biblical prophecy that Nineveh would be totally obliterated they would be without inhabitants. By the way Nineveh that its speaking out in the scripture there is actually Mosul and Nineveh their across the river from one another and this is where Turkey has gone in there and they have been doing what, they’ve been doing a genocide campaign against the Kurdish people in that region there. And now Russia is being put into a position not only is he going to have to protect Bashar Al-Assad from Turkey and the United States coming against him and you can’t say the United States is not coming against Bashar Al-Assad it is the rebel forces that the US is backing. The US has backed ISIS forces as well so has Turkey and what are they trying to do? Topple Bashar Al-Assad the US Obama’s Administration is still saying; that Bashar Al-Assad must go. Even John Kerry spoke about Russia and Iran’s leaders as problem children if they don’t agree that Bashar Al-Assad must go.
So you can’t help but wonder I mean it’s very strange the way things are going on in the Middle East there. And I’ve been looking very seriously too as far as that King of the South in Daniel 11 could that be Saudi Arabia and the Alliance that he is putting forth? I thought about recently when I saw the mention of Saudi Arabia sending in 100,000 troops there to fight against Syria. And out of that Coalition of troops there or as they say; ISIS but really the goal is to topple Bashar Al-Assad.
And one of the main things that Saudi Arabia is doing those fighters including 90,000 from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the different regions down out there, Kuwait would bring together that 10,000 troops from the United States. Well if you look in Daniel 11 there is mention of 10,000 times thousands there that would actually be destroyed. Now I’m not saying it is of yet because I’m really studying and prayerfully looking at this. Could that be the force that is being spoken about that they’re putting together with the United States and Saudi Arabia? And is Saudi Arabia that King of the South? And there again it’s a conjecture at this point here I don’t say that it’s so Im prayerfully looking more in do this.
(; let me share with you some more things though that’s going on and this is something that the Vatican did that was reported on, its reported on many different media outlets bit I just share this with you as well. This happened a little while back; it has been a few months; Turkey summons Vatican’s envoy after Pope describes the Armenian Genocide. Pope defends his pronouncement by saying it is his duty to honor the memory of the innocent men, women, children, priests and bishops who were ‘senselessly’ murdered. That was in the beginning of the 20th century back in 1915 when the Ottoman Empire before its collapse there had murdered some estimates by scholars one and a half million Armenians. And you know yet remember many of the Armenians are Christians even to this day we have an Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem there that makes up the first quarter on the right hand side when you come into Jaffa Gate that is the Armenian Quarter. Wonderful people I’ve met, I have many Armenian friends there. But anyway Pope Francis says here; during an American mass marking 100 year since the mass killing of Armenians in April 12 the 2015.
It says; that the Armenian slaughter the Pope remembers first genocide of the 20th century in Turkey even as even a respected filmmaker can’t discuss Armenian Genocide, David and Goliath and the Caucasus. The Pope Kim Kardashian escaped Nazi the PRM politics of genocide recognition. Reuters noted; Turkey told the Vatican’s ambassador on Sunday it was “deeply sorry and disappointed” that Pope Francis had called the 1915 mass killings in Armenia a genocide, an official said, adding the pope’s comments had caused a “problem of trust.” Turkey also called its ambassador to the Vatican back to Ankara for consultation, the foreign ministry said on Sunday.
Now again we have to remember Turkey is backing ISIS the United States helped fund it even the funny thing is; even the Mossad, Israeli Mossad has also been involved with this organization of ISIS there’s been proof they had one of their own top ranking officers that was leading ISIS in the field captured by the Kurds. So this is another reason why you see the United States backing and turning the other cheek so to speak while Turkey went into Iraq and attacked different Kurdish villages there and killing the Kurds there as we saw in RT’s footage we even saw Navy Seals working with the Turkish military on this.
So you can’t say that they’re not involved they are involved in why is all this happening to begin with? It seems to me that the Vatican along with United States, NATO and Allies they’re trying to rile up the Muslim world because they need an Arabic Anti-Christ. And the sad thing is Erdogan he’s gullible enough to fall for all this. They have put him into power they have placed him where they want him and they’re raising him up to be that Mahdi so that the Vatican can look like the Savior. You see this is why we see even and Daniel 11 verse 14; the lawless of thy people, Daniel’s the lawless of thy people will try to marry the vision.
And this is what’s happening here they’re trying to bring to pass Isaiah’s prophecy and Chapter 2 this is exactly what we see going on in the Middle East there and Israel, he has his own lawless ones they’re not even the Orthodox Community. I’m not talking about the Orthodox Community that just signed the agreement stating that the Vatican is their friends and that they should work together and basically just opened up and married them. You know have you guys ever read the Book of Malachi? I will share one thing with you in the Book of Malachi because I’m gonna tell you something guys you need to know this in Malachi Chapter 2 let me just; I think this is really important that I take you to this here.
In Malachi Chapter 2, Malachi says a very astonishing prophecy here that many people completely overlook and I am amazed that so many people don’t even see this part here. And it speaks about Judah here, let me just find this real quickly for you, I think this is it right here. Verse 11; Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. Do you not know what they’re doing when they say they married the daughter of a strange god? This is when Judah and remember its Judah is who’s at home right now the House and Judah is the ones that are in Israel. The whole creation of the State of Israel was so that it can fulfill the prophecy of Zachariah where God said; that the House of Judah returned home first. This is where God would take the time where He would reveal Himself to the House of Judah but while they are back this is what God says; Judah hath dwelt treacherously at an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem! Why it’s a covenant for the Land! For Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. That strange god is the Pope of Rome!
The daughter bringing them in together; now notice what it says in verse 12; may the Lord cut off to the man that doing this him that calleth and him that answereth out of the Tents of Jacob and him that offer an offering unto the LORD of Hosts. The man that married in Rome into Israel may be cut off; gonna be held to the charge Shimon Peres? I don’t know! Is it to be held to all these Rabbis that just sign this document bringing in; marrying in to the great whole of Rome? I don’t know. That’s up to God to decide but what I’m trying to show you is that prophecies friends prophecy is being fulfilled on a regular basis. The Vatican is only setting up the stage.
(; let me show you something here; Germans torch 222 Muslim refugee homes. See that’s another thing the whole crisis, the refugee crisis was created by the Arabic people to begin with of course supported by the United States they’re ISIS movement. But ISIS are the people that crated the refugee crisis as we have seen in Micah Chapter 7; I shared with you before.
Micah Chapter 7 let me just read it to you so we don’t have to go back and forth I want you to see these things. In Micah, Micah clearly prophesied what happened there and I will come back by God’s grace very soon I want to share with you guys what the Lord has been revealing to me that is going on in Daniel 11. I have sincerely been praying before the Lord about Daniel 11 and the top thing is God said it wouldn’t be revealed until the End Times. So you know I don’t know if He’ll reveal it you know because of these things I had no idea. Anyway verse 13 (Micah 7); notwithstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein for the fruit of their doings. This is speaking about Syria actually it’s Assyria which is not just Syrian it includes parts of Iraq, Syria all the different regions there that are war torn over there.
They do it of their own doings and now we see what’s going on. Just like the sister from Norway when I got the little thing a friends shared with me on Facebook not long ago the prophecy of the 90 year old women in 1968 that talked about that in the Latter Days when the coming of the Christ would be near that there would be a huge refugee crisis that would come up out of the Middle East up into Europe and Scandinavia. And these people would end up being treated just like the Jews were before the Second World War and the Sister said; God what have enough, the iniquity would be filled and that’s the iniquity of the Amorites it would be fulfilled at that point there and then God would bring judgment.
Now I realize many of these people that come up in here are nothing but a bunch of warriors to begin with young men ready to fight ready to cause trouble bit there’s many of these refugees that are displaced Arabic people that missionaries have longed their entire life to be able to witness to. And now they’ve come into your own country where they’re no longer under Sharia Law and the opportunity to witness to them is there and instead what happens? Torched 222 Muslim refugee homes that’s the way we receive them? You know I realize that there is an epidemic also in Europe I realize that I know that they’re being killed by the thousands as far as the European citizens are being murdered here this not being reported by the news. Women that are being raped by these gangs but this stuff is being incited and the Neo-Nazis’ they are rising up here in Germany that are doing this like they did to the Jews is being done intentionally to cause unrest to cause the Muslim world to get nuts after seeing all their people murdered and stuff so that why? So that they can say that there is a Muslim Mahdi so Walid Shoebat can become the famous guy who’s nothing but a Vatican puppet you know?
And I’m gonna tell you something Walid and I were gonna be on an interview together before but the sister that was having us on her program they called me up and they told me; whatever you do when you’re on the interview with Walid Shoebat you do not speak anything against what he has to say when it comes to the Anti-Christ. You do not speak your own opinion this is the honest to God truth I was told not to speak my own opinion. And I’m like; what is it? I didn’t even know; I had heard of Walid Shoebat but I don’t know anything about the brother you know. And I’m like; you’ve got to be kidding me? You expect me just too just keep my mouth shut and say nothing? And the sister tells me she says; Walid doesn’t look at the Catholic Church as being the Anti-Christ and he knows it’s the Muslims. And the sister tells me; Steve I believe that you’re right but when he’s all this interview year to keep your mouth shut and do not go against him one single bit let him say what he wants.
Now they had already asked me to tell all the people that listen to our channel about the interview and which we did back then we weren’t that big at the time we had maybe 20,000 subscribers. But because of that I wend and researched who the man really was and when I saw who he really was I went back to the sister I said; I need Walid to call me. I need to speak to him personally. He never would. I said; because I cannot do an interview with this man and then hold my tongue and say nothing. I said; I would like to speak to the brother as brother to brother about my differences with him before we go on a program at least express my own opinion with him. And of course I was told that it would be done he never called me and when the time came for the interview they want me to do anyway. I backed out I said; no. I said; now you’ve already got all the people that follow our ministry listening to this and believe a lie. I was forced to go tell our own people that follow the teaching’s that we were doing at the time and I was forced to go tell them the truth of what I believe.
And what Walid would actually be saying in this particular meeting and I back out of the interview completely. Myself I spoke about it, I showed how he was not a terrorist turned Christian from the Palestinians, how CNN had exposed him etc. All kinds of things that I had discovered and the thing was you’re talking about bringing out the worst in Walid Shoebat when I did that that that really got him riled up but he should have come to me. I tried to get him to come to me so we can speak about it but there was no way I would allow the people to believe a lie. Especially when they threw me out there for the wolves just to be thrown out there to be attacked and be told everything I believed was a lie and I’m supposed to keep my mouth shut? That’s nonsense if you have a different opinion its ok but we should at least be able to speak about it as brothers in peace and in love. Instead I received the worst email you could have ever imagined I’ve received an email with more curse words from any other person not even the people that were putting the nasty comments on the channel about the Palestinian video we did in the news yesterday not even all these people did all the thumbs down with all their nasty words couldn’t even compared to the nasty things that this man wrote me.
So and my point is and I know Walid he married a Catholic girl he has written a book and I forget the title of it but’s it’s dealing with Catholicism he’s very supportive of the Catholic Church. So he is a main man to help promote a Muslim Mahdi for Rome. He is has been taken in by all the big time ministers, Chuck Missler and Chuck’s a friend of mine. Chuck supports what Walid does and he’s big for the Muslim Anti-Christ. In fact for a while there Chuck was actually back stepping a little bit. I spoke with Chuck on this extensively I told Chuck one time Chuck you never taught like this. And when I sent Chuck some serious things about the Vatican was doing Chuck had an emergency meeting and Chuck put out there as well to it to his own people he said; we may have underestimated the Catholic Church.
And then of course Chuck went back the other way again. But friends let me tell you something this is going to be the man I believe now I can’t say for sure but I believe this is who they’re going to use as their Muslim Anti-Christ. They have to make the Pope of Rome look like a savior and I don’t say that Pope Francis is the last Pope there still may be another Pope coming in. But they’re all the Anti-Christ because that’s what John says he speaks about the one Anti-Christ will come. And then he says; there are many Anti-Christs already and they went out from us because they were not of us.
So this is what we see and what’s happening? NATO who backs and supports this strange god this Anti-Christ who’s really the Anti-Christ in Rome they are working on causing all kinds of violence amongst Arabic people. Turning Arabic people against themselves turning the Arabic people against the Europeans, the Americans everybody until it’s going to turn into nothing but a huge bloodbath. And then the United States will come into the Middle East like a whirlwind and then they’ll start doing some serious war over there just so the Pope of Rome can take over Jerusalem. I think this is when Israel will come under heavy attack they want to force the Jews; the honest-to-goodness good-hearted Orthodox community that really do love the Lord they’re just blind to who the Messiah is.
They don’t want Pope of Rome in their country they don’t want this a Ecumenical Movement along with this Orthodox bunch of backsliding renegade Orthodox Community that has sucked up to Rome. We’re working on that too by the way we’ve have several friends and working with us to investigate all of these different Rabbis are involved. God bless those that are out there working with us to bring us together, to bring a report to you to show you what’s really going on.
So I want to show you what’s happening here. Let me just give you a little bit of information about this; with the influx and the asylum seekers Germany has seen a wave of violence against Muslim refugees and immigrants, including attacks on shelters and homes, Agence France-Presse reported Monday. Germany has volunteered to take the highest number of refugees in the European Union, expecting between 800,000 and 1 million asylum seekers, most from the war-torn Middle East, before the end of the year. At least 222 homes belonging to refugees were lit on fire since January, the Local reported, citing an investigation in German newspaper Die Zeit. Of those attacks, in which 104 people were wounded, four people were prosecuted for their involvement. Including the arson attacks, Die Zeit’s investigation found that at least 747 crimes had been perpetrated against refugees in the nation since the beginning of the year.
You know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of back there in Germany when they had the night of the breaking of the glass windows and stuff of the Jewish shops this is what it reminds me and who was it? It was actually government people that went against them; it was part of the Nazi Party that dressed up as civilians and made it look like let the civilians were against them. I think these atrocities of being conducted by governments only masquerading as extremists in the country or maybe they’re just paying the extremists. Isn’t it funny how there’s been no prosecution’s they can’t seem to find the perpetrators of all these violent acts? They’re trying to stir up unrest in Europe its coming to America as well this is why the black communities in America is being stirred up as well. And I just encourage you my brothers over there don’t be a partaker of this what the government’s trying to do a stir up your communities to cause civil unrest in the United States. They need to bring about a One World Government, a One World Order and they’re well on their way to doing it, well on their way to doing it.
(; one other quick little news update I’ll tell you her; RT News brought out that today or maybe I think this was on Saturday actually; Provocative close call US Military Fume after Iran test fires a missile only 1.3 kilometers away from the USS Truman. Boy that was close. The USS Truman was going; it says; the US military was outraged when Iranian ships fired rockets in the Strait of Hormuz as the USS Harry S. Truman, an aircraft carrier, was reportedly passing 1,500 yards away. US Central Command called the drill “provocative, unsafe, and unprofessional.” The incident, which was originally reported on Tuesday via two unnamed US military officials speaking to NBC News, allegedly took place on Saturday. One of the officials said that the US ships had been in an “internationally recognized maritime traffic lane” and not in any country’s territorial waters during the time of Iran’s naval exercises. Iran issued a warning over maritime radio shortly before conducting the missile test asking vessels to remain clear. The USS Harry S. Truman was about 1,500 yards (1371 meters) away from the launch location. The rockets were directed off the carrier’s starboard side, away from commercial ships and the traffic lane, the sources said. Yet, while Iranians were “clearly not” trying to target the US ship, the officials called the drill “unnecessarily provocative and unsafe.” I have to agree with that I do agree with that you know Iran; it is clearly that the Iranians are doing this intentionally for provocation against the United States. Are they trying to get the United States to strike back? I mean it’s just nuts, nuts.
Anyway I’m Stephen but you’ve been watching Israeli News Live. If this news broadcast is a blessing to you we do need your support as the year closes out here. We thank you for your kindness we thank so many of you that are being a part in helping us to continue this type of Prophetic News Broadcast keeping it going forward.
You can go to our website they have a place you can give online or if you go to which is our ministry site we also have an address in Europe where you can send a check to us here. And yes you can send US checks because we deposit electronically into a US Bank so it’s perfectly okay to do that. If you send money orders we end up having to send them back to the US in order to get to deposit by a friend that we have there. Anyway I’m glad you tune in this evening on Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live shalom and good evening.
The Pope Kim Kardashian escaped Nazi the PRM politics of genocide recognition????? I loved it!!!
steven I belive that the pope or should i say the Vatican is the little horn of the book of Daniel chapters seven an eight, what is a little horn a very small country, is not the vatican a international country that sends out and receive ambassadors like Israel or america , love your report and bibical info your brother in Christ tho i am a gentile
The little horn was Alexander the Great. When the little horn broke 4 came up in it’s place. That was when Alexander’s kingdom was split between his four general’s. This beast persisted till WW 2 when it desended into the bottomless pit. However the world will wonder over it when it comes back. This is the Beast of Revelations called the Caliphate. The False Prophet of Revelations heralds the coming of the beast.
Mystery Babylon is Mecca. If you pay attention to what happens to Mystery Babylon it is written. John was taken to the wilderness. There is no wilderness in middle east. This should say desert. It says it will be destroyed from Teman to Dedan. It says it is the land of the Edomite which was Seir. It says YHWH loved Jacob but hated Esau. That is not about Jacob or Esau but about the land of their respective inheritance. Lastly it says the Arab shall no longer pitch their tent. The Arab pitches their tent in Arabia that is why they are called Arabs. Mystery Babylon is no mystery it is Mecca. The country with all the afore mentioned land’s is Saudi Arabia. The water’s in Johns vision were people’s from many nations as the Angel told him. It is the description of the Haj at the Kabbah Stone. If you wish to learn more check out Armageddon News on YouTube.
Mystery Babylon is Mecca., type this in the box,. Recep Erdogan n scroll down a lil n.look at the number next to name. Plz back me if this is correct.
Hi have you heard thIs buzz questioning whether Yahshua was a Jew or not??
From Amazon download, Journal of Discourse and search, two witnesses and desolation..
Christ will testify of the truth.
Joseph Smith taught the things that you are, He Prophecied the destruction of the Catholic Church in the 1800’s
Read the scripture about Peter being the rock again. The rock that Gods church will be built upon is REVELATION, NOT PETER.
Never be to prideful to hear the Lords truth. If your mind is closed so is your heart.
The Father, the son, Jesus Christ our Lord and savior and the Holy Ghost, the testifier of truth. Sorry about spelling, Multiple Sclerosis has taken a lot from me
Brother Stephen I really admire your work and ministry that God has called u to do it’s amazing and I’ve received great knowledge from it I’m from Northern Ireland born and raised and still live here and as I’m sure u know we’ve had our troubles between Catholics and Protestants but my mother and father always said the pope is an antichtist it all centres around what he will try to do.
I would like to donate money. You have been a blessing of truth. I’m spreading your information to all that will hear.
May GOD be with you.
Please email where I can donate …cash check whatever means will work best for you
even here on this site there is a donation button, but if you prefer mail go to under contacts is our address. thank you for your love and kindness
Hi new to this excellent site. Thanks for this info, much prayer needed for The church against deception.
Thank you for your insightful essay. Please email your address for donation, U.S. Check. Also note:
Tucked away in the New Testament is Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians…” Originally written in Aramaic. No doubt losing meaning in translation to Greek, then English, The chapters…emphasize the unity in the church of Christ that has come about for both Jews and Gentiles within God’s household.”
Thus he spent a great deal of time in prison. (While he moved about as a Roman in Israel, he eventually was converted and taught the teachings of Christ, going against Rome.) As it were, even in chains, and high up in towers, he always escaped. The letters are primarily to the Early Catholics begging unity. Interestly, in Revelations, enjoyed by both Jews and Christains, 200BC to AD200 specifically speak to the FALL of the church, Rome, as end time attacks on Israel and the coming of the Messiah, the Savior of All Mankind.
The U.S. Involvement in wars abroad, the designer of the Arab Spring and disruption in the area, war, is not what Americans want. It is the power brokers who want to maintain their “way of life,” coffers and manipulation towards complete control ~ NWO. Unfortunately, the current administration, the democrats are not a friend to democracy, nor Israel and the GOP left their dirt as well. They are also eroding our rights here in the states going so far as corrupting the voting process. What is happening in Israel, the area, and world wide antisemetism is breaking our hearts…yet MUST be acknowledged and CONFRONTED…we want only peace and treatment of Israel as second class to stop. As far as the migrant populations goes countries appear to be sending back, or blocking actual peace loving displaced families, yet allowing criminals to stay. Since 9/11 America has accepted 1 million immigrants a year…16 million to date, and some terrorists. This goes to the purpose of disruption to enhance the aim of a NWO with the big facilitators, Rome, U.S., Russia and the UN involving al in a major wold war that we must prevent.
Thank you so much for your kindness.
I had not realized that the document to Ephesians was in Aramaic, I do need to see this. I don’t know this language but can still study word by word
DeNoon Institute
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God Bless You Br.And Prosper Your Ministry! Wonderful Information Bringing To Us Awareness Of What The Anti-christ Is Doing In The Middle East.Please Humble Request Keep Emailing To Me In My Email Box Eager To Learn and Know More.Thanx Yours In Christ Jesus Amen.(odida Charles)
Malachi chapter two is about MARRIAGE! It’s NOT prophecy!
He said,
“For Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. THAT STRANGE GOD IS THE POPE OF ROME!”
Now that really takes the cake. This isn’t a prophetic passage, so for Mr. DeNoon to say this “strange god’ is the Pope is beyond ridiculous since there was no Pope during Malachi’s time!
Malachi 2:11 is talking about the intermarriage between the people of God and their heathen neighbors.
Ungodly intermarriages are mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, MOSTLY to preserve the bloodline of the Messiah.
Israel married women from Moab and brought the curse of God upon the people (Numbers 25).
Solomon married foreign women who took his heart away from God (1 Kings 11:1-10).
Ahab married Jezebel – a foreign woman – who led Israel into new depths of depravity (1 Kings 16:29-33).
Paul says that believers and unbelievers should not be joined together in 2 Corinthians 6:11-18.
The verses that follows Malachi 2:11-12 deal with these priest who performed these pagan marriages.
“May the LORD cut off from the tents of Jacob the man who does this, being awake and aware, yet who brings an offering:”
God said He would punish the priests who married these foreign pagan wives, Then in verses 13-16 these priest commit even more offenses……
Thanks for the link Sherry!
Erdogan is the Antichrist. Not only does he intend to revive the Turkish ruled Ottoman Empire but He has threatened to conquer Jerusalem for Islam. Both of these things are foretold in the Bible. Erdogan is the chief prince or primary governor among the provinces of Turkey mentioned in Ezekiel 38:1-3. According to Ezekiel he will lead the Islamic nations into Israel. According to Daniel he will invade Egypt by many ships. Turkey has begun building a large naval personal carrier. Erdogan has vowed to reinstate Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi back into power in Egypt. Jeremiah 49:23-27 describes an invasion into northwestern Syria at Hamah and Tell Rifaat. The Turkish Army is gathering against Tell Rifaat now. According to Jeremiah after Hamah and Tell Rifaat hear reports of a coming invasion then the residents of Damascus will flee and Damascus will be destroyed. There is more. Turkish President Erdogan is the Antichrist.
that is what Rome wants you to believe
Think you are pushing the 1 John 2:18-19, just a little bit. First John is giving these Believers some encouragement, and that although they Thought they were in the “last” time, just like believers have all this way up till now. John is Not saying where there anti-Christ will come from, he is saying how the anti-Christ spirit was already there even among them the believers. And that these who had left the church to go back into the world, that they have the spirit of anti-Christ because they did not continue in the faith. But John is NOT telling them WHERE the actual end time anti-Christ will come from! Let me offer a little idea. Maybe just maybe, we have THE anti-Christ in a Muslim, and then we have THE False Prophet in the Pope of Rome? I think the two have met, Erdogan and the Pope. Both systems are very anti-Christ, so could it not be like this where both marry each other, because their is no way that the Pope is going to get the millions of muslims, to reject their faith and become Catholic, nor the leader of the Islamic world going to get the millions of Catholics to renounce their faith either! Not to mention the real true believer’s in Christ who are also in the millions, and they will be here through the entire tribulation! Revelation 7:9-17, where does such a large gathering of the CHURCH, they are in white robes, from all over the globe come from if you have a rapture before the tribulation? These also come OUT of the GREAT Tribulation! Ask yourself when is the first resurrection? Rev. 20:6, tells you! Then Paul’s words in 1 Thess, chapters 4-5 back this up, so does Matt 24-25, 1Cor. 15:51-52 as well; all done at the LAST TRUMP when Jesus Christ is actually coming BACK to the earth! Read those chapters it all fits with Joel’s chapter 2 “THE DAY of THE LORD” Anyway I hope this may help, I think we will all see this happen very very soon! So be prepared just as Christ told His followers the 2nd time He sent them out!
I have heard an anti christ is one who denies the Gospel message.But specifically I have heard it will be a Pope speaking from Israel & even a Jewish one
I feel Daniel 8:9 says the little horn grew toward the south toward the east and toward the glorious land if so than the starting point is the northwestern section of the seleucid kingdom a shadow of what Antiochus epiphanies did same area Revelation 13:2.