Israeli News Live:
November 14, 2015;
Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon);
The Reason ISIS Retaliates Against France!
Steven Ben-Nun: Shalom Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live right now as you have seen on the screen there in the background there. There has been a terrorist attach of course in France not just one but there is multiple attacks and even now there is over 100 hostages being held there. No one has publicly actually claimed responsibility there was a friend of one reporter though that was in the building where the hostages were taken that managed to escape during the hostage taking their in Paris, France there. And he stated that there was a lot of talk in there by the terrorists in Syria and so for us its quite often we do believe that ISIS is the one that is involved in this attack here. We believe it is in retaliation for the French bombing the oil fields of ISIS controlled militants there in Syria they are trying to repay France for what they did. It’s very obvious it’s very sad though to know because there has been already over 100 deaths as a result of the bombings as a result of the gun fighters that been taking place in Paris in many different locations including the Sports Arena, in a theatre I believe as well and a bar. Just really horrendous the effects that are going on with ISIS and of course even the media has been reporting there that the government is closing their borders and people are concerned that one of the main causes for these type of attacks is that they had tens of thousands of refugees come be a totally undocumented, unaccounted for. ISIS had said that they would do this they would mingle in amongst the refugees that were being thrown out of the country there being forced out as a result of the war going on there that was originally started by the United States in trying to topple Bashar Al-Assad President of Syria.
And so they have created the problem themselves the United States created it the United States created the ISIS group to begin with as well as the different factions that are fighting, the Free Syrian Army that’s trying to topple Bashar Al-Assad. We know that Vladimir Putin though as well has now stepped up to, supposedly is there to keep Assad from being overthrown started his own military base there in the region. All of this is happening because why? The World is wanting to take full control of the area there in ah; in and around Israel. The world is mourning the different World Governments are wanting to get ahold of the Land of Israel they want Jerusalem, the Vatican wants Jerusalem. So they are pushing for this fight to begin with that they can get control of Jerusalem the different countries, the United States, the EU, the European Nations, Germany, France and Russia they all want to get control of the Golan the oil rich fields, the natural gas the oil that is off the coast of Israel, off the coast of Syria and it has created a major chaos.
Now we actually mentioned to you guys the other day those of you that are watching the Prophetic Side of this is that in the Book of Micah this is something that is actually Prophetic that is happening right now. We are clearly seeing a prophecy from the Book of Micah being fulfilled right before our eyes. And I think it’d be good to bring this back to your attention Micah Chapter 7 and this is in regards to Syria and what is actually happening there in Syria there. So let’s quickly go back to this so that you can see what is going on here. When we go into the 7th Chapter when we get down say about the 12th verse; in that day also he shall come even to thee from Assyria, and from the fortified cities, and from the fortress even to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain. Now this is those Nations that will come against Israel in the very coming months ah; maybe years down the road but it is definitely it is preparing.
But it says; they come from the sea to sea, from mountain, to mountain the Nations will come all around Israel to be able to attack it. (Verse 13); notwithstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings. Now that’s Syria He’s speaking of or Assyria as the Biblical Name for Syria is given here that the land would be desolate, Syria would be desolate. That is exactly what we are seeing it as a result the United States beginning this bombing campaign on the Syrian nation it has disrupted the people and it sent refugees throughout the World, the United States, Germany has the most of these refugees also France has taken refugees in as well. And one my concerns has been is why would ISIS attack France a nation that is welcoming in all these different refugees from Syria?
But you have to understand there is a motive by ISIS to do this and that is because France bombed their oil ah; their gas refinery, their oil fields to try to stop the production. And the reason why they did this is to try to hide it was they were actually doing there. So if you see images, by the way the images on the screen this is where I believe one of the bombings took place in many people were killed in the suicide bombing there or the bombing I should say suicide to the bombing attack this is the Sports Arena that is going on there in the background now there was attacks there as well.
(; but anyway let me take you real quick here the reason why the attack is happening in the first place here this is called the Middle East Eye I just copied this it’ll be on YouTube we’ll have a link on the video here on Israeli News Live and we post this on YouTube. But it says; UK, the US Turns a Blind Eye to Islamic State Oil Sales. Now the reason why is because in more recent reports by the way this report came out in July of 2015.
But in more recent the US media has been trying to make it look as if it is Turkey and Bashar Al-Assad that is the ones that are selling the oil to other nations. They’ve totally taken themselves out of the blame here and yet Russia clearly has identify that he knew who is buying the oil and he says; why aren’t sanctions being put on these nations because why? Because Russia knew that the United States that the European Union themselves who were part of the coalition of putting sanctions on Russia were in fact the ones actually buying the oil. And even says we know who’s doing it.
Now the article here clearly comes out and condemns them for doing this. It said; key Allies in the US and UK led war on Islamic State (ISIS) are covertly financing the terrorist movement according to senior political sources in the region. US and British oil companies are heavily invested in the murky geopolitical triangle sustaining ISIS’ black market oil sales. The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq and Turkish military intelligence have supported secret ISIS oil smuggling operations and supplied arms to the terror group, according to Kurdish, Iraqi and Turkish officials.
It says; one British oil company in particular, Genel Energy, is contracted by the KRG that’s the Kurdish Regional Government; to supply oil for a major Kurdish firm accused of facilitating ISIS oil sales to Turkey. The Kurdish firm has close ties to the Iraqi Kurdish government. Genel Energy operates in the KRG the Kurdish Regional Government with the backing of the British government, and is also linked to a British parliamentary group with longstanding connections to both the British and KRG oil industries. The relationship between British and Kurdish energy companies, and senior British politicians, raises questions about conflicts of interest – especially in the context of a “war on terror” that is supposed to be targeting, not financing, the Islamic State.
So you can see why there is a battle brewing here that is going on over this ah; this oil rich region and at the same time Germany has been known to purchase oil as well. They’re getting it for like 15 to 20 dollars a barrel, it is paid in cash. And of course they’re taking advantage of these lower prices so that they can; the millionaires and billionaires that own these companies that have stock in these companies they will make far greater profits because they’ve not lowered your gas prices or your oil prices as they build on this momentum that is going on.
It says here; that one of ISIS’ most significant sources of revenue is oil smuggling. The Islamic State controls approximately 60% of Syria’s oil, and seven major oil-producing assets in Iraq. Using a carefully cultivated network of intermediaries and “middlemen” in the Kurdish region of Iraq, as well as in Turkey, ISIS has been able to produce a phenomenal 45,000 barrels of oil a day, raking in as much as $3 million a day in cash by selling the oil at well below market prices. So you can only imagine to the weapon manufacturers and everybody that that’s making the millions and billions of dollars that are doing this again.
It reminds me of what Yeshua says in the Humane Gospel (Chapter 61:3) or the Ebonite Gospel there that many of the Early Church Father’s used to recite from this book that they would take and those that had power would gather lands and riches for themselves and they would imprison but not with prisons the people in order to gain this money here. And that’s exactly what we see happening today there.
So that the issue that is going on in France right now is a direct result of the conflict that or the escalation of violence is happening in France as a result ISIS is retaliating because why? They were playing the game along with the European Union, the United States and they were built by the US ISIS was to be able to topple the Assad Regime.
But now that Russia is the region there it is stopping the EU, the United Nations is hindering their ability to get control of this region in which they wanted to do. This is one reason why you see the fulfillment of Micah’s prophecy that the land would at it says; here in verse 13 (Chapter 7); notwithstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings. You see the ones that dwell therein because got involved with the United States they took the funding they caused a Civil War in the country they caused refugee crisis. They have fulfilled Biblical prophecy they have caused many of the Arabic people to flee the land and to go into Europe, into the United States. And you know you cannot expect the Bible clearly says (Galatians 6:7); whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. And Jesus says (Luke 6:31; Matthew 7:12); do unto others as if you would have them do unto you. So this is exactly what we see happening here it is very sad to say the very least that is taking place its very sad for the loss of lives here no doubt we feel for the French people and what they’re going through.
I can certainly attest to that I’ve been to a suicide bombing myself I know what it’s like to be there what these things are like period. But it is very sad but then again you have to understand ISIS is retaliating because the French government along with the US Allies are trying to silence so that the world does not find out that yes they bomb these facilities so that no one will know that they were actually purchasing the oil as well only to make their millionaires and billionaires far more wealthy far more rich. The arms sales would increase as well so the buying the oil gives them the money which in turn lives the militants and the ISIS groups there the ability to buy arms from those multi-billionaire arm factories there the United States, the European Union etc. in order to fight even more.
So now that they see the ones it has helped them to gain power in the country only turn against them they are going to turn it against those people as well and unfortunately the civilians and the citizens in this region here they have no idea what their Governments have done and this is what’s really sad, very sad. I’m Steven Ben-Nun shalom. God bless you and we certainly will be praying for those that are under this type of attack, shalom.
Praying for your wife recovery. God Bless You and family in Jesus name Amen