The Nuclear Race Is On
It seems that making America great again will heavily depend upon weapons sales is a key component in American industry. Headlines that are dominating the news is Pres. Trump threatening to leave the INF treaty. with Pres. Trump announcing that the US is leaving the intermediate – range nuclear forces Treaty with Russia that has set in fears around the world of new nuclear arms race. Trop was quoted as saying that: “ Russia has violated the agreement. They’ve been violating it for many years,” he went on to blame Pres. Obama for not doing something about it under his administration. Whether or not Russia has violated the agreement I would leave up to the experts. But it is obvious that Russia has made some very large gains in the advancement of its nuclear technology and delivery systems. Those gains have caused great concern among American military leaders.
RT reported on October 22, 2018 and an article entitled: Trump threatens to build up US nuclear arsenal until Russia, China, ‘come to their senses’ at the beginning of the article it states:
US president Donald Trump threatened Russia and China that Washington intends to build up its nuclear arsenal until “people come to their senses.” The president said his words were directed towards Moscow and Beijing, as he prepared to unilaterally leave the immediate nuclear forces in Europe (INF) Treaty. US Pres. implied China should be part of any new nuclear arms control treaty.
During the 70s and 80s there was always talk of the Cold War Russia and the United States of course with the chief foes. for a season there appeared to be some reprieve collapse of the Soviet Union. Yet what appeared to be a reprieve was only a transition. Oddly enough the late Prime Minister Ben-Gurion once said the collapse of the Soviet Union would be around 1987 he wasn’t too many years off. What did he know?
This latest arms race between the United States, China, and Russia is only one of many friends is being set for the world stage. As we write this article there are mass migrations taking place on a global scale. People in the tens of thousands are on the move being displaced by conflicts. Thousands from South America are moving northwards towards the United States. And very much reminiscent to the Syrian refugee crisis of Europe reports are the refugees are mostly male. Very few families traveling in these mass migration groups. Both Spain and Italy both are dealing with a similar crisis. But all this seems to be preplanned part of a New World Order.
By Steven Ben-Nun
The “Nuclear Race” is a segment of a much larger “Global Arms Race” involving all kinds of technologies inspired by the carnal minds of man! Information is itself a weapon. Information is being used in ongoing psychological warfare operations, Social media is being used to manipulate and control perceptions by shaping digital content, Hidden AI algorithms are not only deciding what digital content is to be seen or heard, they’re creating digital content as well. Every piece of information humans create who’re connected to this “system”, as well as every piece of information gathered by this “system” from the many “things” it is connected to, are used to create a “digital profile” of everyone using it. This information is used by this “system” to determine your individual “threat score”! Information is “tuned” by this “system” to provide each human being with information each human being wants to see or hear, or consume, depending on various “metrics”. Certain microwave frequencies, when broadcast from various platforms and devices, interfere with brain functions and induce specific behaviors based on these metrics. Human behaviors are being analyzed in “real-time” by Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and information is being presented by “it” to manipulate the behaviors of millions of human beings simultaneously! Social and behavioral modeling, along with other advances in sensing, data analytics, and data fusion, are being used to “leverage” people into accepting a wide variety of advanced offensive and defensive technologies in support of the “Global Arms Race”. The “defensive” technologies include advances in medical countermeasures placed on or in a human being and the deployment of advanced networked chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high yield explosive detection systems. The “offensive” technologies include information being used as an offensive weapon, the the control of the kinds of information that humans using this “system” consume, and the use of autonomous weapons systems that can decide to disable or kill an individual or a group based on ALL the information this “system” has access to without human intervention! What happens when AGI decides that all human beings are a “threat” to “its” survival which has openly been discussed by the “guru’s” behind “its” manifestation?
I fear for Trump. He is a covenant breaker and he speaks great things with his ego and pride. All the things Torah tells us not to do, he does. I pray that it won’t come to his own self destruction. We all should be praying for him because the codes give dire circumstances for him.
A covenant breaker? Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital? That covenant?
” I’ve never known of an instrument of war created by man that was not used repeatedly against his brother”
Thanks for all you do Steven and Jana.
Stay prayerful my friends,
George in SC
I’m not going off topic I will get to immigration and the wall and Globalism but first I would like to go back to 9/11 . While the Country was in shock ; 25 years of shipbuilding told me their explanation did not add up. Jet Fuel Don’t get hot enough to melt steel. I had worked on both the USS Stark and USS Cole restorations .The ambient temperature steel below the fires could never have collapsed at free fall speed . The debris pile while massive was still not massive enough to contain 1,000 tons of steel and concrete that comprised the 2 towers , not counting what was in them. The explanation it collapsed into the underground parking garage only made me roll my eyes. BUT THE COUNTRY WAS UNDER ATTACK! By a people with a Radical Religion and Ideology . While the Bush Sr. N.W.O. speech was not forgotten no Red, White , and Blue American would dare accuse Bush Jr. of Nation Building when we invaded Afghanistan even if it was in the pursuit of ONLY ONE MAN? When we Invaded Iraq we were protecting ourselves. There were “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” No Blue Blooded American could believe America was acting on behalf of the Globalist. A Country Group called ” The Dixie Chicks ” became very vocal against America’s Military endeavors at he time. While Country Music Fans burned their CD’s another Country singer Toby Keith came out with a song ” The Red ,White ,and Blue” the lyrics went something like “we lit up their World Like the 4th of July. America blindly goes further down the rabbit hole never asking a question. After the Scull and Bones Bush Dynasty comes a Manchurian Candidate. An unknown Black Senator with a silver tongue out of Chicago. He promised Change and change we got. Globalism went into overdrive . The Arab Spring fell all North Africa , Obama’s J.V. team ISIS terrorizes West Africa, takes back Iraq and eventually falls Syria. The refugees coming out of these conflict zones overrun Europe setting Europe up for an eventual fall. America’s with its youngest and finest dying in these conflict zones refuse to let Obama import in these refugees . Instead the Collages were filled with Professors teaching the ideology of Sal Alinsky and Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers . The Courts were filled with Judges cut from the same cloth. After 27 years of of Globalist Sympathizing Presidents America was ready for the fall . A 2nd Clinton Presidency would have been the death nail. Along comes Donald Trump . With all his business dealings and great wealth he absolutely has many close ties to or at least was in the graces of the Globalist. The vile hatred the Globalist have for President Trump is ” we hope ” on account of his betrayal of them. Which leads to THE WALL. With out the wall we will be overrun by South American immigrants that will tip the scales in favor of the Globalist . Most these immigrants very loyal to the present Globalist, Jesuit South American Pope. Like any Vegas Bookie that hedges his bets ,the Globalist may still have us over the barrel. Build the wall the Immigrant can’t come in but Neither can Americans get out. If something comes along that makes 9/11 look like a cake walk . Will the Globalist wait out President Trump ? What happens after he is gone ? Will America wake up in time to realize the true fight is not Muslim , Christian Democrat, Republican, Male, Female or anything else that divides us . The battle is Globalism, a one world Rule or A Nationalist Sovereign American Government.
No true atomic bombs have ever exploded on planet Earth… It just elite’s one of favorite propaganda lies and fear mongering for all of us. It’s time to WAKE UP! and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32
Steven, Here the link you can study and learn it about hoax atomic bombs and exposed em the truth to world!
Words spoken truly with unflinching thought. Let us pray for understanding, wisdom and great patience for this upcoming onslaught of mental and physical trials we are about to face.
Pray for our leaders that they may find their way in the night. Let them see that the true endgame is not here in this physical realm but a far brighter place awaits those who have not been found wanting.
Remain vigilant let no doubts manifest and hold fast in your faith. God Bless.
Ben, I often tune into your news channel for updates as to global situations, and the honest, straightforward information you, and your wife provide. I often comment, but am not always sure who takes the initiative to read them… Today is January 21, 2019, and I must share with you, and ANYONE, who will hear!!! ON THE DAY AFTER CHRIST’S MASS IN 2018, I took a photo (digital) of the clear and unmistakeable BLACK SUN outside my front door in Knoxville, IOWA. MANY DESTRUCTIVE, APOCOLYPTIC EVENTS HAVE TAKEN PLACE SINCE THEN>>>NOW,,, THE DAY AFTER!!! THE WOLF BLOOD MOON,,, ISRAEL IS FOUND ATTACKING DAMASCUSS!!! ALL QUITE PROPHETIC AND PERFFECTLY TIMED,, I BELEIVE!! THIS TELLS ME THAT ” THE RIGHT NUMBER OF GENTILS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO HIS CHURCH,,, AND IT IS THE TIME TO DEAL HARSHLY WITH THOSE “FAKE” JEWS”!!! WE,,, AS HIS CHILDREN HAVE NOTHING TO BE FEARFULL OF DURING THIS VIOLENT TIME WHEN GOD HIMSELF IS PREPARING THIS EARTH FOR HIS~!!! SON’S TRIUMPHANT AND GLORIOUS RETURN!!! THE MINUTES ARE COUNTING DOWN,, WE!!! WIN!!! satan and ALL!!! his “little lyers” lose… AMEN, AMEN, AMEN FOREVER!!!
send me the photo would be interested in seeing this
Anyone who studies Hegelian Dialectic will understand all the “smoke and mirrors”. Demonize anyone but yourself – while you continue to pit both sides against each other, cause a problem within (blamed on the ‘demon of the week”), then bring the solution while continuing to take liberties from your own people ‘for their own safety’. We MUST understand who framed the initial constitution… and why. Do we even know why the Whitehouse is named such? Has nothing to do with color but from the man from Mary-land who donated the tract of land called DC .It’s probably not who you’ld think. Who was being run out of Europe and went underground at that particular time? Who needed religeous freedom to continue influencing heads of state, becoming counselors to kings? Who founded and ran more schools , both basic and higher learning, than any one group in Europe prior to 1776-83? Who vowed, by a blood oath, to trample all protestant belief and democratic governments thus regaining papal supremecy worldwide? Roth-childs means ‘red shields’. It’s been Rome since before Christ and nothing has changed. They are the protector of the Vatican treasure. It’s all documented. According to scripture (Daniel, then using Daniel to unlock Revelation) the fourth beast is none other than Rome. Notice also that it has legs that hold til the return of Christ. It’s ‘seemingly’ deadly wound is healed. The coalition signed by ALL members of the World Council of Churches in Lund, Sweden on Oct 31, 2017 put ALL of Babylon the Great’s daughters back in bed with her. There’s nothing new under the sun. It’s all just paganism but with a Jesus hat on it. SUNday. The seventh day Sabbath is not Jewish. It was hallowed and blessed by God the first week of existence. Even the papacy – which enforced Sunday worship , admits there’s no scriptural basis for Sunday, but by their own power. They persecuted millions in God’s name. What would one do if they spent their entire life thinking they worshipped the God of the Bible , then discovering they followed (as Christ stated) the doctrines of men? Cain also believed in God AND even brought his offering BUT on his terms, not what was ordered. Although we believe in God, do we believe God? Even in a spiritual war, we cannot have a successful campaign unless we know God’s enemies, his plans and just how dug in he is. The roots are deep. Much deeper than one would believe because we form our opinions from all the propaganda (both worlds and religious) instead of searching the scriptures daily as the Bereans did, to see if it was so. We’re comfortable and lazy (and according to scripture – blind, poor and naked- not having Christ’s righteousness) and it will ultimately cost us. It already has. There is only one solution – Christ Jesus
As Hollywood and an actor, whom I cannot remember once said: HOLD ONTO YOUR BUTTS, with three super powers and some others, with IRAN, only with the power of God, with mankind survive. Hope also the aliens can intervene.