Good afternoon, friends. Steven Bennun with Israeli News Live. Listen, I really owe you guys a sincere apology, maybe at the same time, you guys might be happy to know that Steve doesn’t know much about video games. The source that I had used in our video speaking about the Lazarus Effect, Resident Evil, I had no clue this was anything to do with a video game. So again, I do need to make sure I correct that. My sincerest apologies for that.
But as far as the information I was sharing with you, that is not incorrect information. That is very accurate. I don’t know exactly why we’re using the term T virus. I assume this is something that is pretty much inside the government circles. But the point is that there is much funding that is being brought in to recreate what is called the Lazarus Effect. Now, I happen to have up a couple of different articles, and of course, thanks to many of you letting me know, some not quite so nicely, some, you know, “Brother, you know you made a mistake on that,” and I do appreciate that. But normally when we see articles, like in the case of this one here, scientists from Bioquark are currently trying to get ethical approval from American health care regulatory agencies in order to begin the first stage of their program, which is called the Lazarus Effect. The name is biblical, bearing the analogy of Saint Lazarus, whom Jesus brought back to life four days after death. There are numerous articles like this out there and you always have to remember that when these types of articles are there, they’re trying to get approval or things are actually happening: different reports about bringing the dead back to life, which I’ll go into this. This is only what is being fed to us through the public media eye, and yet from some of the information that I am able to obtain, our science is far beyond anything that you ever even possibly could remotely imagine. So, it didn’t surprise me at all, minus the fact that video games, when I heard about what our government is working on. And of course, their ideology is because, as I mentioned originally, that if you’re going to have all these viruses, well, if they could put you in this deeper than a comatose state, basically kill you and bring you back to life, then they would actually be able to kill all the viruses that are in you. This is why there is so much funding being poured into these projects here. So, I wanted to share with you a couple of bonafide things here, at least they appeared to be. So, is resurrection a medical impossibility, right? This one right here: Dr. Sam Parnia works at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York. He is the head of the intensive care unit and was originally trained in the United Kingdom. Recently, he began to question the age-old question, “What happens when the body dies?” What happens to the soul? The memories, the character of that person? Through his research, he has extrapolated that, in some cases where the cause of death can be reversed, the individual can be resurrected by properly managing their death, allowing them to expire, reversing the condition that resulted in their death, and then resurrecting them before brain-death occurs. Before I read on, I want to be able to share with you some things that I know, personally, about what he’s talking about on the brain-death before the brain-death occurs, and why I know that this Lazarus effect can be very much a real possibility, even though death could occur to the body itself. Alright, when I say that, I’ll give you examples here. We know that since the “plandemic,” OK since the pandemic, a lot of doctors that I am personal friends with, have said to me that oxygen saturation levels are completely out the window. Alright, what do we mean by “out the window”? Maybe I can just pull up something on that. Alright, your oxygen saturation—OK, for those of you that might know, there are little do-hickeys that read it—this is what you want to know about oxygen saturation. Let’s see, this one here shows an oxygen saturation of 97 with a pulse rate of 92, the PR. The pulse rate, right? Normally when you go below a 90, this is getting dangerous. You should be on oxygen, not a ventilator, but oxygen because of the blood oxygen saturation. In other words, how much oxygen your body is actually getting becomes dangerously low. Alright, so the thing is that doctors and this was actually I think Doctor McCullough was one of the ones that mentioned this and some of his own peer review writings he’s been doing,, is that they have been seeing the patients that have suffered saturation levels dropping all the way down in the 80s, mid-80s, etc. Even low 80s, but not suffering any type of long-term brain damage, etc., as a result of that. Sad to say, I saw this very thing with my own father-in-law. I literally saw at one point his saturation dropped all the way to 62. Now that should have caused such severe brain damage that there would be no communication at all. But one thing that we were doing at that time was ozone therapy intravenously, because ozone, intravenously, and listen, I’m not a doctor, so I’m not giving you the advice to do what I’m telling you, I just know these things and. Have experience with it personally myself, but ozone with no nitrogen in it, can literally be delivered directly and as a slow push. Many doctors are scared to death of this, but I do know doctors that are willing to do that, and that will literally keep the brain oxygenated even though you’re not seeing it on a saturation meter, such as what we see pictured on the screen here, so not only that, but it’ll also oxygenate vital organs, the heart, the lungs, etc., the liver, the kidneys. So, when they talk about this Lazarus effect and, we look at, for example in the case, let’s see, this article right here. You know, if you can bring the person back to life before death sets in, keeping the brain alive, in other words, could they actually cause the body to die, but they keep the brain alive with oxygen separately from the body? That’s very possible. Very possible. And like I said, I do have first-hand experience on this and so, therefore, I do know that that is a very a real possibility. Now, of course, when you’re dealing with something like that, you know, you still have to have a blood flow, though, in the case of ozone in order for that blood to get to the brain. So even if the heart is not pumping, you have to have a way for that blood flow to be going, going forward. But again, I am not part of any type of research of what they would call, quote-unquote, the T virus, where they want to create the Lazarus effect in order to figure out how to kill the viruses that are in the body. As I said, this is being romanticized as something that was actually a real possibility. Now, my concern, as I mentioned to you guys already, is kind of like David Icke’s, you know, when you talk about the reptilian theory here, well that’s actually going into the hall there that the Vatican uses. So let me see if I can find a different one here. I did have one the other day pulled up and I don’t see it right off the top of my head there, but where…I actually lost my train of thought there. Oh, I know what it was. My wife had sent that to me. The article where the shapeshifting goes on. If you remember the video I’ve done over, and I actually think I pulled that up if I’m not mistaken. Let me see if I can go back to YouTube. We’ll pull that up again there. The video I did over on Patreon, not too long ago, was… and I got to switch accounts ’cause that is actually over on my Steven Bennun account, which I see a few people did subscribe there. Thank you. I’m glad you did. Because like I said, some of the videos that go on Patreon, by the way, do end up getting released later down the road here. Alright, so you see several of them are still unlisted, but in the video, I did on Planet X. Now I actually have to redo this video because the audio is unbelievably horrible, and we finally got that fixed with this right here. Let’s see, it does clear up. I apologize. It’s only at the beginning but. Let me see if I can find this here for you. Let’s see here. What we’re looking at, I think this is the video where it’s at, when Planet X will come through. Back, historically, what I was told according to the Mayan documents that are not released to the public, they’re still classified, the Maya document said that there was a battle between the Reptilians on this planet X and that of the earthlings. Now the earthlings were not our ancestors but the giants, the supergiants. But they said that what the Reptilians were attempting to do was to take the human host. This is the whole reason I got into this Lazarus effect or this T virus that I know the government is putting funding into. And granted, like I said, why I got this name from them, I’m not really sure. I’ll see if I can find out what it is, or maybe that’s what they’re calling it behind the scenes in the government. But my thought was, is that not just so much for the purpose of being able to use this to put a person in a death type of state, and yet to where the virus that is in the human body would die off, and could you keep the brain oxygenated separately, and then pull that off? As I said, I don’t know the answer to that. I do know that you can keep the brain oxygenated even when saturation levels are beyond anything normal by using ozone. Now, how long that would work, I don’t know. So, they’re going into a type of research that is totally beyond anything that I would ever understand, but that is very much possible. And by the way, I didn’t go into that issue with you. If you were to drop, like in the case of my father-in-law, all the way down to a 62 saturation, they would consider that going into, you know, having a stroke, coming out brain dead, or severe brain damage, etc. But we actually saw his saturation even go back to normal over the case of why we were battling what he was going through. And I can’t go into those issues right now. All the different things that were happening to him or that happened to him, but I will tell you this much here. The ozone kept his brain function 100% clear. So, I’ve seen that. I’ve been a witness to that myself. The miracle of this ozone and I’m not talking about doing ozone where you pull the blood out, oxygenate the blood, and put it back into the body. I’m talking about, literally. Well, maybe I shouldn’t go into all the details behind that. As I said, I’m not a doctor, so I’m just kind of sharing information with you about this. So, the point being though, his brain still was perfectly OK, and like Dr. McCullough had pointed out, you know, we’re seeing all kinds of different things when it comes to what has happened to people from this. But we were helping that artificially to make sure that we did not have to suffer those types of irreversible issues thereby using the ozone. So, science is very much in support of this. And like I said in this video here, let me see. “They said that they feel like that anything that would threaten the earth they can open up a black hole and just,” Ha-ha, yeah, that was the other thing too. They’re talking about opening up a black hole with planet X there. Let me see. “They have a completely different outlook on the situation. The meeting that I was in, that was not saying that Planet X is not still going to come.” OK, still trying to find it on there. “I need to go back and still review notes there.” Anyway, I think this video is where it’s at. I’ll put a link in the description for you. Just keep in mind the 1st for a few seconds there maybe half a minute, something like that, the audio is really bad, but it does clear up. You can watch this over on Steven Bennun on YouTube. But again, like I was saying, the whole purpose for the T-virus that they’re funding right now, I can’t help but wonder if they’re not doing it so that they may claim that this is going to be to put you in a Lazarus type of effect so that you could [save] your loved ones. The virus could die off, and then they could be resurrected again. But are they actually planning on using this in order to put you into that type of a state, and actually, literally, basically turn you into a sacrifice, to where when the devils come by, you would end up becoming a host body for aliens instead? So, this was my big concern about this whole thing, and this is the reason why I shared this information to start with. And you know, but like, sadly, you know the whole thing was is, I ended up using a site that was a video game and that really, really detracted from the science behind what I was trying to share with you, so I hope that this will help clarify that. I forget now, I know I had the Neom AI city on there as well on that video. I think I know why that was now and I’ll go ahead and share this with you guys as well, just so that we kind of touch on that subject there too. Excuse me, when I did that video the other day, another very interesting development, and I’m still planning on doing a video about this tomorrow. I do not say that I agree with this. I can only tell you what has been told to me and that is that they are planning on bringing the Antichrist out of Saudi Arabia, or false Messiah. In the video I did “Neom AI city for Pagan Worship,” I go into the fact that Jabal Alawz, as the mountain that Moses met God on, is part of the Neom City. Neom is going to be part of a Tri City-state, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, the whole Silk Road initiative. Everything is built around this, and now I’m being told it’s all still very much classified, but they’re going to bring out a Prince from Saudi Arabia that will end up being the Antichrist. Now, how does that fit in when we’re looking at, for example, Nimrod. Nimrod, by the way, happens to be a mega case for a Lazarus effect, not four days, but what[?] 4000 years later, and supposedly they may have actually brought his body back to life? Do you know? That’s pretty bizarre in itself. And I’ve heard of some very, very interesting technology, but I do know that when I was told this, the scientist that shared that information with me said he didn’t even think it was possible. But he’s wanting to see if he can’t find out firsthand, and he’s got that ability and he’s got the clearance to be able to find that out. So, let’s see if we can find out anything about it. He’s gotten a lot of reports from where the body of Nimrod is being held, and again, I have wondered because I know there are some people that believe that Nimrod will be the Antichrist. I’ve also wondered as far as we know, that as I’ve shared with you guys before, our government has been deeply involved with an extraterrestrial being, actually, it’s his spokesman, so to speak, that’s been interviewing with the government, and also the United Nations, some of the officials there, bringing about a New World Order, one-world religion and claiming to be the representative of Ra, the Sun God of Egypt. But you got to remember Ra had a pharaoh on the throne, so will this Saudi Prince end up being a Saudi, I shouldn’t say a Prince. I don’t know if he’s a Prince or not. Will he end up being one of the Pharaohs that will sit on the throne for this Ra the Sun God? Will that be the Antichrist? Where does Nimrod fit in the picture of all this? And is all of that mixed up messed up? And you know, so I’m only sharing with you information that I hear about. I don’t sit there and say that I agree with it. I don’t say, “Oh, that’s really going to be the Antichrist.” I do know that Israel is going to be the head of the New World Order, which I know for a fact. They are going to take and produce the Antichrist and say it’s the Messiah, the Mashiach. And a lot of people know that the Saudis are considered to be Crypto-Jews. This is getting weirder by the day. But I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging on this. And listen, I really appreciate Havar (?), our sister that sent me the message. There are others that sent me the message to let me know, “Brother you made that mistake there,” so I could get that corrected because the information is too important just to let this go by. Let me just see, I had this article up here too, “The exact mechanism behind the Lazarus syndrome is unknown, but there are a few theories behind the various cases, air trapping, rapid ventilation rates lead to lung hyperinflation.” That’s just another article that goes into the people that actually basically revive after being dead and after CPR resuscitation has stopped. My mother was one of those types of people. My mother had died and had been dead for about 15 minutes, was being taken to the morgue when my mother sat up. So that was many, many years ago, and of course, you know, praying for her that even though she were dead, God would be obligated to raise her up. [It’s] not that I felt that God was obligated to me, but to his Word. (Oh wow, they have some very interesting other articles here too, references. I’ll try to include this in the link for you below, as well.) You know, but I was fortunate enough because, mainly, I believed that if you like, in the case of where I stood my ground on that with our Heavenly Father, was because I felt that I was no better than Rahab the harlot. And if she could get her entire family because she believed, then if I believed, I believed that God would raise my mother up. I needed to hear with my own ears, and my mother believed that Jesus Christ wasn’t truly the Messiah and that he was her savior, and I did get to hear that she was raised up. She lived 2 more years, became a true, genuine believer in Jesus Christ, and then went on to be with the Lord thereafter. So, that was a very happy moment for me in my lifetime.
At any rate there, this is what it’s all about. This is what the T-virus is really about. Secret funding all again. I’ll just clarify that secret funding is going on in the government right now for being able to create what we call the Lazarus effect. Basically, you being in a dead state, they’re going to create it now,
keep that in mind, not a Lazarus syndrome where you die, and then you resurrect later, but literally, where they can put you in a comatose state, but deeper than comatose, a dead state and then revive you back to life again. Now, as it was said to me by the scientists I spoke with, he said talking about open-up the possibility for zombieism. That’s a real, real possibility. So, there are some real dangers to all these friends, very real dangers. Let me just see what I had over here. According to Haitian folklore, zombies can develop when bokers reanimate someone who suddenly died from an acute illness who was purposely poisoned. Alright, there’s that, yeah, I’d kind of included that the other day, as well. I don’t think there’s anything so much wrong with this article right here. It’s just on my culture and science how they come together and how they merge here, but very, very, very troubling to say the very least there. What we’re talking about here is to know that we are dabbling in that kind of science. Listen, over on Patreon I hope to talk though, and hopefully tonight I can pull this video off as well. I want to do a short video there about some very serious things that are in the forecast this year, and there again forecast like forecasting the weather, it is, you know, could be, maybe, maybe not, but there are some very troubling things that they’re anticipating that we’ll be sharing there with our friends over on Patreon. Thank you for listening, and God bless you.
We are going into the second seal. The second horse is fiery red in Greek
The first horse rider had a bow ( toxon in Greek)’and a crown ( corona)was given to him and he went forth to conquer and conquering.
Use Greek,Latin and Hebrew for key words, The holy languages nailed above the cross.
I do not know the Link to Patreon to join it. I don’t know how to tell you because you have “comments off”, all the time on YouTube. I’m not technically inclined and I’m just using a phone. do I subscribe to patreon? I tried months ago and it didn’t work for me. I need help doing this. Ty Steve
thank you for reaching out to us sorry for the delay
I know this is going to sound like sci-fi and crazy at the very least, but if you do any research on the super soldier program (not gaming – a real and horrible abduction and training program for children) run by the Germans of the 3rd reich, they can already reanimate dead people and have been doing it for years, mostly off planet but also in Antarctica.
I can’t believe every person’s testimony who comes forward with their story but many people are believable.
Jews who have lived for a long time and away from Jerusalem in other countries, according to the law of return, to Israel, to the cities in the center of the country, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem. In 1956, 1,000 arrived.
000 people with things, tools, books, necessary in life. So, the declaration of creation of 11.1947 before that, and in 1948 the creation of the country of Israel in May. The predecessors of the Israelis do, an agreement 125 years ago with the world foundation and at the congress, decide to buy the country for their tasks, development and work, construction, tourism. Since the human race knew about the possible options, the Jews made an honest contract and paid money for it. The working people of the Jews came to where they dreamed of living. Several decades have passed and new modern methods of work have again shown the seriousness and rightness of intentions. Good.
having done much research on many topics (most would’ve been classed as arcane) including nephilim, reptilians, the black awakening, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Khazarians, Freemasons, etc and having read multiple times 1 Enoch, Yashar, Yovheliym, 2 Baruch, 4 Ezra to name some, I ask the Ruach ha Qodesh to filter out the irrelevant and enlighten the rest. I too have read that Nimrod will return as the antimessiah (Peter Goodgame wrote a book on it years ago), but I’m not sure it’s correct. As to the AM coming from Saudi again it seems implausible as I’m told by a messianic rabbi that the Jews won’t follow a non Jew and if Janna’s article is correct it seems more likely with each day that passes. A brother was given multiple prophecies by the LORD (over 800 pages) in the last decade and I’m still parsing some of what I’ve begun to read, but if I understand correctly BHO had been controlling even DJT in the shadows but will soon re emerge to take control. After almost 20 yr of research I thought I knew much, but after watching a documentary on rumble I learned that which I had not hitherto known, I think it should be required watching by everyone but especially believers.
Frightening to think BHO could have been controlling DJT and will re-emerge? He has been controlling Biden (or the actors portraying Biden) this entire puppet administration to present. I now know my first instinct about BHO was dead on. Required reading on Rumble, but what is the title and by whom is it posted?