The Greatest Sell-Out
This document is unabridged courtesy Brother Bill
Steven Ben-Nun: Shalom Chavrim. My name is Steven Ben-Nun. You’re watching Israeli News live. It’s been nearly six years ago, March 13th, 2013 after the announcement of Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentine cardinal who was elected to become the pope of Rome, the next pope of Rome.
Pope Benedict who had stepped aside Ratzinger that he is who had stepped aside from that position claiming that he was too wore out to continue on. Second time in the history of the Catholic Church. We had a replacement while there was an existing pontiff. So there’s still technically two pontiffs because Benedict, of course, is still living and still lives there in Rome. But why do I bring this up today? Well, I bring this up because of an amazing new revelation that has been given to me this afternoon that I needed to share with you guys.
And it’s a prophecy that I have looked at time and time again. I’ve shared different insights with you going back to Rebekah, the two children in the womb. Esau and Jacob – how there was a covenant made between Israel and Rome. But, today by the grace of God he revealed a touch more to me about this very matter this very biblical scripture and that is what I wanted to share with you.
Pope Francis as he has been come to know – be known as – there is a lot more about the history behind before he became the Pope of Rome. The involvement of Israel involved in him becoming the Pope of Rome that may surprise you. And of course all the way to the different prophecies that I’ve spoken about being fulfilled in the past drinking upon God’s holy mountain of Obadiah Chapter One verse 16.
And then we get into you know other prophecies as well. But this is what has really startled me the most is this latest revelation. I’m going to take you in just a moment to Genesis to the story of Rebekah and just a few minutes here. But let me first just share a couple little things on here with you going back before Pope Francis actually becomes a pope. Why he is still yet a cardinal?
Now this article here was dated May 15th of 2014. That is, of course, a little over a year after the election of Pope Francis as the Pope of Rome. And it says here, Jorge’s priests learn about their Jewish roots. And it goes on to say, “While he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires Jorge had some of his high priests go to a seven day trip in Israel from the 23rd to the 29th of February 2012. Notice now. This is just under a year or just a little more than a year before he becomes the Pope of Rome.
Watch. While there, they visited places sacred to the Catholic and Jewish religions, got in touch with their Jewish roots, visited Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial), went to Mount Herzl, attended lectures on Holocaust at a Chabad ‘Noahide’ Center, and participated in Shabbat observances. Sadly, the Congreso Judio website which had two articles on this topic had been revamped and the webmaster didn’t archive the old articles about this trip. We included these dead links in a case one of our readers has saved the articles and might be able to post them in the comments below. Fascinating, isn’t it?
By the way Cardinal Berg– excuse me, Jorge Bergoglio also was also in attendance on these ‘Noahide’ classes there by Rabbi Riskin. And you’re going to learn a little bit more about Rabbi Riskin as we go along and I really have to thank my wife, Jana Ben-Nun for some of this incredible research that she did that actually inspired this revelation because when she had given me this information and shared with me.
And I can tell you some stories guys because you know back even before that time going all the way back to the ’90s when I was a member of the Chabad organization even though I was a believer in Yeshua. You know I really was looking to try to help my people recognize Yeshua to be the Messiah.
So I kept my ties with my Jewish brothers and sisters but I remember Rabbi Ostrich, a very good friend of mine, a very dear friend of mine. In fact, he was a reformed rabbi but he was very much involved in the interfaith dialogue that was going on but he was troubled by the things that were happening in this interfaith circle.
But nonetheless, at that time, this is when these things were beginning in earnest and I had no idea back then that I was already seeing the birth of what we’re about to discuss from a biblical standpoint. Notice this article right here and this is on “Jewish-Catholic Educational Mission In Israel Completed”. That was March 1st, 2012. Now if you’ll notice, it was back in February of 2012 right at the end of February the 29th.
That’s when they had completed their mission there when Pope Francis who was then the cardinal of Buenos Aires had sent these men over to Israel to do the ‘Noahide’ Law Center to learn about the ‘Noahide’ laws, right? And so we find out on March 1st, 2012 and this article is published says, the Jewish-Catholic educational mission in Israel is completed. It’s just even the verbiage of the title blows you away, right?
A dream was actualized this week as a delegation of young Catholic priests from Latin America along with their local Jewish clergy counterparts completed a Jewish Christian educational mission in Israel. While in Israel, the delegation – excuse me – discovered the commonalities. Whoa! That I didn’t mean for that to happen. Back up.
Here we go. Commonalities between their faiths studied their joint histories and established important groundwork including practical models to advance Jewish Catholic relations back in their respective communities. You know this might give you a little bit of insight why there is such a big issue over Venezuela, Argentina, Columbia. Some of these other nations over there Peru etc. I mean there’s a whole list of them that have actually embraced what President Trump has said about installing a man that was never elected to be the president of Venezuela.
Now, I would agree with one thing. They should call an early election. There is no doubt about it. But to give this man only a week to do an election. That’s kind of preposterous. But there’s more behind what’s going on in South America. It has been a conquest. And all the other nations have fallen into line and the last one that has not fallen into line as yet towards this new world order agenda where both Rome and Israel the rabbinic community have joined hands together.
As this is being developed here, they need all those nations on board. And of course, Pope Francis wants to help unite not only all of South America to be one in one accord with Israel but also in one accord will be Africa as well. But anyway says the participants joined from Brazil, Argentina, Colombia. Thanks to the three partnering organizations who work in tandem to make this opportunity a reality.
Isn’t that interesting or is it just a coincidence that Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia – the three nations that are vocally against Venezuela and Maduro right now were the ones where the Cardinals came from that went to go back to unite to the Jewish heritage. Now, you might say, “Brother Steve, listen. Hey, what is wrong with uniting with our brothers and faith?”.
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with uniting brothers and faith. I’m all for that but there’s something you’re missing. And this has a lot to do with biblical prophecy. This has been my desire from the very beginning is to get my people not just to unite but to recognize that Yeshua is the Messiah, not replacement theology. And believe me, the Jews have dealt with replacement theology for years and that the Catholic Church is replacing the Jews. But you know, now it’s the other way around. They’re going to replace you with a new Messiah.
Believe it or not, that’s what’s coming. All right. So I’ll read the article links in the description below. But let’s move on. Let’s look at the prophecy now. And I’ve gone over this with you before back when John Kerry announced his nine-month negotiations – recall that? – When he did the nine-month negotiations for a two-state solution and at the time when he first announced it, I didn’t recognize for sure. I had to pray about it but then God revealed to me that the nine-month negotiation had nothing to do with the Palestinian-Israeli relations but it was rather the Vatican-Israeli relations. As Barry Chamish, Joe Bannerman had pointed out in 1993-94, the Oslo court is only being the red herring to the peace agreement between the Vatican and Israel. So see. Even back then when Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin were working on this secret covenant with Rome.
This was all prophecy in the workings in the making John Kerry’s nine-month negotiation had nothing to do with it. In fact, Paul Begley had me on his own broadcasts back then when I first revealed about the nine-month negotiation being a prophecy that was being fulfilled in modern days. And he really was trying to get me to pin it down. Do you believe there is gonna be a nine-month negotiation between Israel and the Palestinians? And I told him all I can tell you is this is biblical prophecy.
Let’s look at the prophecy now. Starting here we’re in chapter twenty-three I believe it is. I thought it actually showed it on my screen but it doesn’t. Let me go up there so you can see it. We’re going to start verse twenty-one chapter twenty-five. My apology. And we’re gonna go to verse twenty one. And Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife because she was barren, and the Lord let himself be entreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
And the children struggled together within her; And she said: ‘If it be so, wherefore do I live?’ And she went to inquire of the Lord. And the Lord said unto her: Two nations are in my womb, two peoples shall be separated from thy bowels, and the one people shall be stronger than the other people, and the elder shall serve the younger. Hold that thought in your mind. The elder shall serve the younger. And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. And the first came forth ruddy, all over like a hairy mantle; and they called his name Esau.
And after that came forth his brother, and his hand had hold on Esau’s heel, and his name was called Jacob. And Isaac was threescore years old when she bore them. Now, here’s what’s important. The boys grew and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. Now, Isaac loved Esau because he did eat of his venison; and Rebekah loved Jacob. And Jacob sod pottage; and Esau came in from the field and he was faint. Esau said to Jacob: ‘Let me swallow, I pray thee, some of this red, red pottage; for I am faint.’ Therefore was his name Edom. And Jacob said: ‘Sell me first thy birthright.’
And Esau said: ‘Behold, I am at the point to die; and what profit shall the birthright do to me? And Jacob said: ‘Swear to me first’; and he swore unto him; and sold his birthright unto Jacob. And Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils, and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way. So Esau despised his birthright. That’s the prophecy being fulfilled in our midst today. You see Esau and Jacob as I noted about the giant carrying his nine-month negotiations and I actually… Let’s see. I have that up here on the board here somewhere. Let me catch the right one.
Here we go. Kerry had laid out that nine-month negotiation. And although many people believed that this was a failed negotiation as the Washington Post put out at the nine-month mark is they said that the nine-month negotiations ends in failure. Let me actually pull that article. I can’t actually open it because you have to pay to be on Washington Post. Kerry’s nine-month quest for Middle East peace ends in failure was their particular… that was their article. All right. So I pulled up the one from the New York Times here just to show the nine months.
And this is what God had revealed to me. The nine months that John Kerry did represented the nine months of pregnancy that Rebekah would have to bring forth her children. And as the scripture clearly identified, there were two nations in her womb, Esau and Jacob. Rabbinical Jews to this day still believe that the Catholic Church represents Esau. And they get this from a biblical observation of Obadiah because Obadiah, it is attributed to Esau for the destruction of the temple and carrying away the temple treasures and that was the Romans.
And therefore, it is still attributed to them as being Esau’s descendants. And of course, you can’t say that David killed them all because even though the scripture says he did, the scripture went on a little further and speaks of Hadad. Hadad was the sole living heir of Esau that was taken out by concubines and certain men of Esau and they fled to Egypt where he was reared up as the son of Pharaoh. Later, Pharaoh gets him to marry his wife’s sister. And then he later, after David is dead and Solomon is dead, he requests to go back to his own country, ends up going up into Syria while in Syria becomes the king of Syria.
And then he moves from Syria. And we find, according to Obadiah, ends up in Rome, later which would only make sense because Rome conquered Syria later down the road and maybe one of the reasons why his descendants ended up into the Roman Kingdom.
All right. Now, that’s how we know biblically that Esau never his lineage did not fully die out and he did mix his lineage as he was doing early on in life. Now, of course, going up into Syria was not no big issue you know. But anyway, so it’s all saw that nine-month negotiations and those nine-month negotiations were critical, critical in order for the Pope of Rome to do this right here and that was to sit in the Upper Room and have his communion service.
But before I go there, before I get that far ahead I need to back up just a little bit because as I said to you if we go back over here to Genesis the prophecy that got fulfilled that I didn’t even catch when I was looking at all this. I mean I was seeing the nine-month negotiations I saw Pope Francis come in, drink upon at God’s Holy Mountain, fulfilling Obadiah which we’ll talk about again in a moment.
I saw that that relationship come together. But I totally missed the part where Jacob says to him who represents the house of Judah today, who represents Israel today. He got Esau to sell him his birthright and Esau even says he was about to die. You see where does that…, what is… how does that lay in there scripturally. Rome, the Vatican itself is a religion that is much like Israel was when Yeshua visited Israel 2000 years ago.
And he said about the Pharisees that it was the blind leading the blind. And he said, if the blind lead the blind, don’t they both fall in the ditch. Where the scripture speaks about the church coming to such a state according to Leo desia chapter of Revelation Chapter Three I believe it is.
That she is… says she’s rich, has need of nothing and financially, she probably doesn’t need anything. But no, it’s not that thou art blind, make it wretched, miserable and don’t even know it. Consider the state the churches in. Spiritually blind at the point of death and what happens?
Then comes Jacob. Now, remember what Jacob did even in taking his birthright and even in taking you know, his mother getting him to put on the skins to deceive his father to get his blessing. That’s what Jacob had to repent for. He was being a deceiver as his name represented.
This is why God changed his name. After he overcomes, then his name was changed to ‘Yisrael’, a prince with God. And today, my brothers and sisters that are Jews today all over the world. Instead of trying to come up with a replacement theology for Christianity and making them sell out their birthrights to you which the ‘Noahide’ laws will cause you to sell your birthright of Jesus Christ.
And who did it? Jacob. At the point in time before Jacob’s conversion, when Jacob was willing to deceive his brother to get his birthright, and this is exactly what he did, he caused even the Pope of Rome to take and sell out his own birthright. When the pope went over to Israel with that delegation. And they… as It says here, they completed their mission, their educational mission at the ‘Noahide’ Center there. Rabbi Riskin’s placed there. Here’s Rabbi Riskin. How an Orthodox Rabbi became an unlikely ally of the Christian right. John Hagee also another one that is sold out.
See. What are these men done? They embraced the ‘Noahide’ laws. And some people say, what are the seven ‘Noahide’ laws. That’s just like the Ten Commandments. No, it’s not. It’s the interpretation of the ‘Noahide’ laws. I’ll get into that in a moment. Because idolatry in the ‘Noahide’ law is not like idolatry in the Ten Commandments. ‘Noahide’, they define it according to the rabbinical sages of the Talmud because they’re from the Talmud laws. I believe that ‘Noahide’ ten commandments just like God gave Moses and his only that God was reestablishing his covenant. And I say that you know why because the king, when Abraham went down and he took his wife he knew that he wasn’t to have that man’s wife if it was his wife and that’s why he brought and said, It’s my sister. Tell him that you’re just my sister.
And when the angel comes doing, says you’re as good as a dead man. He says, God, you know the integrity of my heart. He said it was his sister. See. Abraham knew that you could not take that wife unless her husband is dead.
Now that’s a shocker I’ll tell you about later too by the way. I was looking over in the Hebrew Matthew. You know when it talks about. I think in the King James Version of Matthew, we read in there that you know, a man that divorces his wife.
I think in King James’ causes her to commit adultery. Do you know what it says in the Hebrew Matthew? It says if he puts her away, he commits adultery and any man that marries her that man commits adultery. It’s not that the woman commits adultery. It’s the man in both cases at least according to the Hebrew Matthew.
You think the Jews would dare write something like that. No, they wouldn’t. Anyway, so Rabbi Riskin, that’s what he did. All right. Look here. Let me read to you what Rabbi Riskin said. This is, he had met with the Chabad Rabbi. It says here like so many prominent Judaic figures. Rabbi Shlomo Riskin is guided by the direction he received from ‘The Rebbe’ of the Chabad Lubavitch. Menachem Mendel Schneerson who is a hater of Jesus, right?
And in the video below, Riskin candidly states the guiding principle taught to him by Rabbi Schneerson. Now, that’s the video right here. And I didn’t… It’s an hour and a half long so I did not find it in there. You’ll have the link in the description. You can go listen to it for yourself. But this is what the quote states. I shared this with you guys the other day.
And I’ll try to make it bigger because I want you to be able to see this. Okay. Got to make it one smaller because it doesn’t fit the screen. Okay. Now, “the Rebbe said to me, ‘I want you to know that in every battle there is a certain people who have to dress up like the enemy. They have to go in the enemy’s territory, their own co-religionists. Notice that. Their own co-religionists will think that they are turncoats, that they’ve become rebels, but without those people, the battle can’t be won. You [Rabbi Shlomo Riskin] will win the war. You must produce ‘Shluchim’ (agents) for the entire world who are modern on the outside and Chabad on the inside.
Unless you know he was Chabad himself, right? What else do we have? This is on January 30th, 2011. Pope Francis is not the pope yet right? Pope: “We need to work together” with scheming, the ‘Noahide’ law coercing land-grabber Rabbi Shlomo Riskin.
This is why they call him… All right. I don’t want to put that to his charge as a land-grabber. Whoever gives him this land over in the West Bank they did that. I am not here to judge him on that issue.
But anyway says, “Maimonides legislates that it is incumbent upon the Jewish people even to coerce the rest of the world if necessary to accept the Noahide laws (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 8,10). We certainly must proselytize every human being to keep those seven laws.” That’s quote-unquote by Rabbi Riskin.
Do you hear that? We certainly must proselytize every human being to keep those seven laws. Well, he’d already done it, right? Pope Benedict visits uhm… Pope: “We need to work together”. He says to him. The New-York rabbi who is the chancellor of an alleged Jewish-Christian cooperation group in counter… (Excuse me) in Israel met with Benedict XVI after Wednesday’s general audience.
All right. Rabbi Riskin, chief rabbi of Efrat in the West Bank, met with the pope and briefed him on the work of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) which receives extraordinary funding from ‘Christian’ Evangelicals which is used towards the religious Zionist project.
We are taking your holiness call to the stand in solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters in Israel and advocating on their behalf. Riskin said, according to the CJCUC statement. He told the Holy Father that the group is looking for ways to alleviate ‘Christians’ poverty in Israel and to foster dialogue on issues of faith. What a lie. What a lie.
Benedict responded, “We need to work together”. The statement informed. Okay. And then you can actually see the full article on that. Now watch this. So, go back to the date on this. That was January 30th of 2011.
All right. If you remember, Pope Francis had already completed that mission by March 1st, 2012, him and another group of cardinals and bishops. They completed it. Why do you think then Benedict was railroaded? I must say that Benedict was a great guy either. But why do you think he was railroaded and sidelined?
Once they had their man that they needed to be pope that’s who they were going for next. There was no doubt some strings pulled and I can’t prove that one there. But some strings pulled because don’t forget Esau sold his birthright when he was about to die. Sold his birthright to Jacob. All right.
Now, here’s what comes interesting. May 24th, 2011. After collaborating and working with various Christian organizations, leaders, and scholars over the past three years, the leaders of the Center for Jewish Christian Understanding and Cooperation in Efrat and Jerusalem have released a statement of A Jewish Understanding of Christians and Christianity.
CJCUC is the first Orthodox Jewish entity dedicated to engaging in dialogue with Christians world in partnership with The Witherspoon Institute in Princeton New Jersey. CJCUC recently publicized their scholarly work at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem and at Yale University on the topics of the “Covenant & Mission”. Notice Yale University, a Jesuit university.
“Covenant & Mission” and “Hope and Responsibility in the 21st Century.” In addition, CJCUC has collaborated with scholars connected with the Hebraic Heritage Christian Center in Atlanta, Georgia in discussing the issues in “Evangelization” and “Jewish Understanding of Christianity”. Don’t forget his evangelization, his proselytizing is of the seven ‘Noahide’ laws. And those have become law in many nations around the world including Russia, including the United States and 26 states in the United States now have laws on the books that you cannot speak a word against Israel. Think about it.
And listen Israel are a people. Israel is 12 tribes. Israel is the people around the globe that whether they recognize Yeshua as the Messiah, yet or not, their eyes are destined to come open because they will believe the word when their word is presented. All right. Now, continuing on. Another part here. This is uhm… We’ll see if that was where I wanted to be at.
Rabbi Riskin engages Christians in dialogue about our “United Mission”. All right. This is Rabbi Riskin once again. And of course, Rabbi Riskin, let’s see if this is his first point in his novel. Okay. That’s not the one. Drive to seek conversion of Christians to Judaism or notice this Rabbi Riskin pushes for a Jewish drive to seek conversions of Christians to Judaism or more to the point conversion of Christians in the escaton.
He finds passages in the Bible, Talmud, and Maimonides to support a mission to the Gentiles. But in each section, he returns and says there are two opinions, conversion or conversion to the Noahide code. He concludes with a need to teach gentiles Torah since they will be united with us in the escaton.
Covenant and Conversion: The United Mission To Redeem The World.
And it is generally not recognized that there is yet a third covenant, presented by God before the Jewish people entered into the promised land of Israel… The Bible states: Okay, so the mission is deception right now. And remember Jacob, this all is what he was doing until he had that one-on-one encounter with the angel of the Lord. And when you had that encounter with him then he overcomes, then he wasn’t about trying to deceive his brother any longer but wanted to truly make peace with him from a true heart.
But right now and I pray for Rabbi Riskin that his eyes will come open that he is being like he’s playing the part of Jacob now in deception, then Pope Francis who has sold the birthright in every Christian that embraces the ‘Noahide’ laws and lowers Yeshua down as to some little altar boy or some little minor prophet as they would like you to believe today. You sell your birthright to Jacob.
Don’t sell your birthright. The Scripture says, Esau that bitterly with tears and could not find rest for his soul. That’s what will happen to those that sell their birthright today. Now, of course, the culmination as I said to you, John Kerry. He did the nine-month negotiation while the nine-month negotiations were going on because already Israel and Rome were reaching the pinnacle of their covenant, right? If you remember, Tony Palmer came here in the meeting there with Kenneth Copeland. I’ll play a little bit of this for you.
Kenneth Copeland video: If you close your eyes, you know. Amen. Less at any time, they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and should be converted into that. I should heal them. But bless are your eyes for they see and bless are your ears for they hear.
Steven Ben-Nun: Now, you have to understand what’s going on with Kenneth Copeland and Tony Palmer is a reuniting of the Catholic Church in the evangelical realm. The Lutherans, the Methodists they had already come back into the mother church. And this was also a work that Israel was working on. This is why, even the night to honor Israel, I used to be a part of that. I’ve been there. I’ve filmed the sessions before. I got involved in it. Something John Hagee actually started this.
And the thing is I had no idea the implications. What they were really trying to do behind the scenes? This is where Christians were being duped into something that they have no idea they are being duped into because the ultimate part was to get you to a place where you’ll accept the ‘Noahide’ laws and lower Yeshua’s identity down to only just a minor profit.
They came to Israel 2000 years ago and was not the Messiah as John Hagee stated. Now, someone told me recently the other day that he came out and actually publicly said once again that no Jesus is the Messiah. No, I don’t know what side of the river is on the day but I sure hope you’ll come back if that’s possible. But what you hear? This man right here, Tony Palmer, he claimed that he came in the spirit of Elijah.
Tony Palmer video: And a change that many years later. I got a call, an email actually from Rome, saying Tony, we’ve seen your ministry. And we’d like you to share your ministry with the Roman Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Would you be willing to come to Italy? And there was a clause you must be self-funded. I thought no problem and we as protestants we’ve being praying for the Catholic Church for years.
So obviously, people are going to back me in saying thing [laughter]. Message and I wanted you to understand the connection between KCA and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal because the Catholic Charismatic Renewal is the hope of the church, the Catholic Church. I was at a meeting at St. Peters. And I think it was about a year and a half ago, it was Pentecost celebrating, remembering the coming of the Holy Spirit and the Pope Benedict. It was four hundred and fifty thousand of us outside of St. Peter saying, “Come Holy Spirit”. All Catholics, except the couple of us who they called us The Ecumenical Delegation [laughter].
Steven Ben-Nun: Now, the point is that I’m trying to get you to see here is they’ve been building this for years, building it for years. And Tony comes in there and he does say that he comes in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers. That was part of it. Riskin was doing his job at getting the uniting going on.
Now, while all this was going on, this is when I also, I was contacted by Lori and she comes to my house and tells me, “You’ve got to stop speaking against the Catholic Church and exposing the Covenant of 1993 and 94 that Barry Chamish and Joe Bannerman had already exposed which cost Joe Bannerman his life”. I was told that I was causing problems amongst some of the Jews that were listening to my broadcasts. This is only when I had only about twenty thousand subscribers.
Maybe only got a thousand views a day and she said to me, “No, you have millions of people watching you. You just don’t know it.” But at that time, I was being warned to stop speaking against the Catholic Church because it was hurting the ties because they were working on a covenant to sign and there were some Jews that were willing to stop that from being signed.
As a result, I had no idea that we had the influence that we had at that time. Imagine what we have today if only people would listen. But at any rate what happens, I found out later, the covenant that she was speaking about was the very covenant that was signed and that was the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity after Pope Francis was able to unite with Israel.
And before the signing of the agreement between the Jewish Congress, he also wanted one part in this and that was Mount Zion. That was his gift in participating in this. And of those of you that may remember, it was, of course, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under Halakha law made the rabbi of Mt. Zion hand over Mt. Zion to the Pope of Rome. Otherwise, he could have never held this communion inside the Upper Room. And even if he did the one in the Upper Room which I wouldn’t have a big issue with that myself.
They couldn’t have gone down a week later and thrown the Jews out of King David’s tomb and held a communion service in King David’s tomb. Many Orthodox Jews protested this. That lets you know that this was a minority of rabbis that are building this ungodly union. It was a minority that took and was willing to deceive and to bring about a false covenant because there’s still a lot of Jews that didn’t want to see this happen, right? So, it took that. It took Kenneth Copeland doing what he did with Tony Palmer and a lot of other evangelicals, and other churches around the world. And then we had the fulfillment of scripture of Obadiah 16 [speaking in Hebrew]
Right? I, for as you have drunk on my holy mountain. All right? And that’s masculine plural [Hebrew word]. [Hebrew word] is feminine or (excuse me) a gender inclusive plural. And [Hebrew word] all the nations will drink continually upon where Mount Zion. The first one was meant only and by the way, the Pope of Rome and his delegation were men only.
Well, they may try because I push this so much one day to come up and lie to you and say, Oh no, we had one woman in there by the way. No, they’ll dare me. Their own documentation said it was men only. All right? So they fulfilled that scripture there and then of course, once that was done all the exchanges were made. Esau got his pottage. By the way, that’s the pottage room. That’s where they got to eat their pottage. It was right there in the Upper Room, right?
That’s where he did it. Esau is at the point of dying so as Rome at the point of death as far as troop faith in Christianity. And at the point of death, they made a covenant with Jacob. In order to be able to do just that, be able to have this little last supper right there in that Upper Room. They give him that. Israel agreed to do it. And of course, they did that nine-month negotiations. John Kerry’s nine-month negotiation was a negotiation between Israel and the Vatican to be able to bring this all to fruition. That was what that was. That was the two children wrestling in the womb, wrestling for power. But at the end of the day, after they wrestled for power, then what happens, then the selling time comes.
Now, the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement on Christianity To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians. After nearly two millennia of mutual hostility and alienation, there’s that hostility that children wrestling in the womb. We Orthodox Rabbis who lead communities, institutions, and seminaries in Israel, the United States and Europe recognize the historic opportunity now before us. We seek to do the will of our Father in heaven by accepting the hand offered to us by our Christian brothers and sisters, Jews and Christians must work together as partners to address the moral challenges of our era.
The Shoah ended 70 years ago. It was the warped climax to centuries of disrespect to oppression, rejection of Jews and the consequent enmity that developed between Jews and Christians. In a retrospect, it is clear that the failure to break through this contempt and engage in constructive dialogue for good of humankind weakened resistance to evil forces of anti-Semitism that engulfed the world in murder and genocide.
Esau did chase his brother. Esau did want to kill him. Ain’t no doubt about it. And he spent the next thousands of years doing exactly that. Trying to kill the Jews which was wrong. Absolutely, the spirit of Esau on the death of the Jewish people has been a crime against God’s people from the very beginning. But nonetheless, as I scrolled down on here this was the [Hebrew word] that had been in work for 50 years to get this sign started with Pope John the twenty-sixth, I believe it was after they did and they did seven sections on this for the seven Noahide laws.
But when you begin to look at all the rabbis’ names on here, there is one man that will stand out in there for you as well and that is Rabbi Riskin. He also is listed in here as one of those rabbis and I’m just trying to find his name real quick on here for you. But he too is listed as one of the rabbis and for me, I knew already that this covenant that was made with the Jewish Congress which the Jewish Congress is not the Knesset but they did it with the help of Prime Minister Netanyahu. It could have been done without him.
All these evils that have been done. All these false covenants. This is why the scripture says in Daniel 11 verse 14. He speaks about the violent among your people. We’ll try to establish the vision. A pastor’s name in there somewhere but you can if you when you look at it you can see it for yourself. Rabbi Riskin’s name is actually on this document as well as here it is right here Shlomo Riskin. Rabbi Shlomo Riskin here from the top where you can see now is the fourth one down. They’re putting down his Israel. He’s actually a New York born rabbi but he does live in Israel and the West Bank. Francis is the type things that you’re not just going to hear anywhere else.
And we’re trying our best to tell people the truth. And I realize sometimes I get upset, I come down hard but I will tell you one thing. I want to see my people truly believe that Yeshua is the Messiah. I don’t want to see my people to forsake God. I don’t want to see the Christian community who are also my people as well. I don’t want to see you accept and embrace ‘Noahide’ laws that are not of God. Don’t sell your birthright.
Sometimes, I come hard against my Jewish brothers that are you know, supposed to be believing in Christianity but are selling the people a different thing. Listen, I love you. And I want to see a repentance there and to take the people quit taking them to a false doctrine take them to the truth, quit taking the people of the world you know, and I say this to the rabbis of Israel as well quit promoting the violence in the Middle East there.
We got to learn to love. That’s what Jesus was all about. Yeshua when he was here it was peace. Not like the Maimonides wrote in there that Yeshua and his disciples were the fulfillment of Daniel 11:14 that they were the violent among your people that tried to establish a vision but they would stumble. No sir. There is no way. Yeshua and his apostles were never violent. It was peace and love. He could have as he said to Peter when he cut off the high priest servants here. He said put away your sword. Could I not call right now?
Twelve legions of angels and my father would straightway give them to me. Sure he could have. But he knew that what he had to do was give his life in order for what was inside of him to come back out upon the believer. Listen if any of you out there if you have not knowing maybe. Maybe just foolishly not realizing that these covenants were going on. Like I told you hey, I used to. I’ve been to the Night to Honor Israel meetings before. Got friends that are involved in it. I had no idea that this was all part of a movement here that’s headed towards a ‘Noahide’ law system.
I had no idea. My desire has been from the beginning to try to win my people to Christ to get them to recognize a true Messiah which is Yeshua Hamashiach. There is no other true Messiah and there is no other one coming. And you cannot say that it’s Rabbi Schneerson because let me tell you now, we’ve had about in Judaism. We’ve had about eight different people they thought it was the Messiah and none of them have ever died and rose again. They all died, went to the grave, and that’s where they’ve stayed.
So why are we any less Jewish because we believe the Yeshua is the Messiah. You can have your eight and it’s okay but we’re not allowed to have ours. Listen, I want to invite you right now. If you don’t know Yeshua as your Messiah. If you’re Jewish and you’re watching this, you can email me privately and talk to me about it. You can use Steven S-T-E-V-E-N and Ben-Nun B-E-N N-U-N I get hundreds of emails up and it takes me time. Please forgive me. Just put on their prayer or salvation whatever.
I’ll call you. I’ll pray with you. If you don’t know Yeshua as your Messiah, I encourage you to please seek him now while there’s time. Repent of your sins and get baptized. Find someone that are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach did baptize in his name. Friends, we don’t have much time left in this world.
And I know that soon the two witnesses will come. They’re going to restore things but they’re going to come in a very tumultuous time. I trust that this is a blessing somehow for you. I’m going to pray with you real quickly here just as we close. And if you want to support this ministry, if you believe that standing for what we stand for here is a Godly move and it’s the right thing to stand for, consider helping us to keep this alive and going. Our address appears at the bottom of the screen for you here. Also, on our website, it’s You can donate online and we thank you for that.
You can donate at the bottom of the video right there in the… Just underneath the… where you subscribe to this channel and do subscribe. YouTube won’t sing you updates that I’m doing videos. Well, I do them every day. So if you always check by late evening, I’m normally that’s already out by then. But listen, I love you guys and I note things I say sometimes are very hard and they cut.
But I’m trying to do everything I can to get you to wake up to what’s going on. You have no idea what’s coming and just like this issue over Venezuela. Everybody gets upset with Maduro. Steve is such a bad guy. I know he’s a bad guy. Listen any man without the Yeshua as Messiah truly from their heart serving… a good guy can tell you that right now. But also knowing what’s really going on in this world. And there’s a lot more, I just don’t say all the time. I’ll try to talk about some of these things on Patreon tomorrow.
Let’s pray together; Heavenly Father, [Hebrew words]. Hear my prayer Father for these people. They have need of you, Father. Whatever it might be tonight, Father. I ask you for sincerely from the depths of my soul, Dear God. Save those that want to be saved. Those that have… that want to come back. I pray Father God that you’ll bring about that repent of heart. And those Father God that have need of healing.
Father, I pray Father that you’ll place faith within their heart for faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Help him, Father. Heal the diseases among the people. That’s what Yeshua did when he came to the people. He first healed their sick then he brought out the word. They loved him as long as he was praying for the sick and the sick were being made well but when he sat down and he really began to preach the Word of Almighty God and to lay that word right in there, that’s when they had trouble with it.
Father God, we don’t have another generation to solve this. Open the ears, Father. These ears, Father. I pray for more than anything that the people will have ears to hear and eyes to see [Hebrew words]. Blessings to you my friends.
The long and short of this Brother Stephen is that the movement to establish One World Faith, or One World Anything is a movement to marginalize our savior Jesus and pave the way for the introduction of an anti-Christ. In the world of mankind, compromise often makes things work better, but in the world of or Father, there can be NO compromise, for no man comes to the Father but through Yeshua. Thank you brother for keeping true to the Word.
This here shocks me ↔I never knew about this piece of underground secret but like Yuhshua said anything in the dark will come to light and this right here is what we seeing ????Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentine cardinal????
⚡Under scoop of things the Ruah Ha’Qodesh is revealing to people like Jana and yourself. I m not going to leave Jana out at all in my statement why❓I have seen both of you have an assignment by Elohim and yes you all are operating under total obedience when it comes to submission
〰You know when YHWH sent me to this channel I knew it was for his purpose and I know truly I m palal/pray and support this ministry because there is a lot like you have said and no don’t blame this Schneerson like you have mentioned because we all should know he can never be Ha’Mashiach. How foolish man can get but when someone is carrying a spirit and not the Ruach they ears will be stopped up with wax…eyes blinded from the truth …therefore they hear but didn’t ….see but as though it never happen…
I m going with the vision you guys had been embarking because this is truth to get us in the Malchut.
When I saw there Brother Steven❗where you said don’t sell your birthright…..I was taken back because this is what the father told me don’t sell yourself for nothing …and I blog a lot so I put that …just saying Ahimen
Is is Mark biltz Zionist and does he uphold the noahide laws?
just listen to Mark or ask him
I jump back on here to say this ❕I have read this before but reading it again I m led to leave this for my Jewish brethren that Yuhshua is the Mashiach and YHWH had sent his Yachid to redeem us who had fallen due to sin
Therefore he’s calling you to accept Yuhshua he is the messiah —I have you my Jewish brothers and sisters in my tefillah Ahimen❤ you all.
hell Mr Steven Ben noon i have a possible candidate for the man of sin the lawless one the son of perdition the messiah Ben David the Maitreya for the Buddhists the final avatar of Vishnu a Hindu god the imam Mahdi for the Muslims Balder for the Norse or viking version of end times or Ragnarok and other various religions the little horn the beast out the sea it could be Barrack Obama, Jared the Donald trump’s son in law, or prince William of England the messiah Ben Joseph false prophet beast out of the earth could be pope Francis or Benjamin the current prime minister of Israel also find it funny the former president was sitting on a huge black throne from the game of thrones television had a golden crown on his lap a crossbow on a desk Mr Obama could takeover for his cousin Donnie Donald trump via Obama’s mother in 2020 making a third Obama term he finds out he has Ashkenazim Jewish blood via his mother but he change his name to be Joshua Emmanuel Davidson making him fully converted to Judaism just like in the Talmud and kabbalah says somewhere you can lie to a gentile or a christian to deceive them. remember Joshua is another translation of Jesus or could it be prince William he has a Merovingian bloodline or could it be one of the Rothschild s family members one of the Rockefeller family members remember there was a David Rockefeller until he died the Kennedy bloodline or family is another option they could just clone JFK or a relative of JFK like in a science fiction novel or movie or television show and mix it with the genes from the shroud of Turin one of the DuPont family members the Astor family the Bundy family then we have a Freeman family according to Fritz a researcher you should have on your program the Collins family is another option the Onassis family is another important one the Russell family or bloodline could also fulfill end times prophecy the Van Duyn family is another one with significant power and money the Bruce family is another someone needs to research De Medici family is another important one then there is Disney for some reason Hanover Hapsburg Krupp family MacDonald family Romanov Plantagenet Sinclair Warburg Del i Banco family someone from these masonic bloodlines could be the one to be the last false messiah the fake Messiah ben David after all only Jesus Yeshua Yahshua or Joshua is the true king of kings prince of peace shalom as the Jews say wonderful counselor everlasting father Yahweh Emmanuel in human flesh the lamb of god alpha omega the start and finish of all time and space so many bloodlines or families going back to old serpent in the garden Cain Nimrod the fallen angels the sons of god who mated with the daughters of men want to compete for world domination before Jesus cast whoever will pretend to be him and deceive many. if you want a first kind of original Antichrist look at Cain who slew his brother Abel becoming the first murderer then look at Nimrod building the tower of Babel others are Cyrus of Persia others are Alexander the great the Roman Caesars the Byzantine empire the holy roman empire the ottoman empire Napoleon desired to conquer the world Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin Vladimir Lenin Mao Zedong pol pot and so many other previous dictators, kings, queens, prime ministers, presidents, chancellors cult leaders like Jim Jones, Helena Blavatsky, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, Charles Manson, Joseph Smith, Muhammad, Baha’ullah, L Ron Hubbard, and other guys who made up religions or follow new age witchcract voodoo maybe scientists like Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin , Stephen Hawking Bill Gates Elon Musk and other so called scientific minds or literary minds who wrote books filled with Satanic or masonic Illuminati messages inspiration movie producers directors musicians celebrities from Hollywood singers dancers video game developers so many people going to the lake of fire televangelists John Hagee pat Robertson Kenneth Copeland Joel Olsteen Jim Bakker and so many more that spread deception or cheat bible believing christians out of there time and money or even there lives Billy Graham is another possible deceiver along with his children and other family members people who make and sell drugs or inject people with poison like vaccines or make and sell genetically modified foods i think have a special spot in that lake of fire warmongers bankers and many political and religious leaders who head into the lake of fire unless they repent of their own individual sins against god Yahweh Jehovah Elohim El Shaddai and Jesus Christ Emmanuel Joshua Yeshua Yahshua however you like to say but differenly not Buddha Allah no other gods shall come before me people who spread lies about god lying political leaders and religious leaders lie on mainstream media will be awaiting the great white throne judgement those who murder or hate their biological brother or sister disrespect disobey parents the elderly or righteous older believers in Jesus Christ those who kill babies via abortion practices drunkenness drug abuse drug dealers pharmacists doctors police firefighters soldiers people who are cowards those who practice sexual misconduct rape pedophilia bestiality homosexuality like gays lesbians transgenders all those who do not repent and change their wicked ways those who harm animals that god Yahweh created or to nature which he created those who abuse the right to be alive those who are proud stubborn narcissism stiff necked greedy gluttonous from too much consumption of material wealth power or waste anything made by god Yahweh people who backstab and spread gossip disinformation cannot control their tongues and say curses or swearing too much that tongue god Yahweh gave us is very important those ears listening to music or sounds that distract us from salvation or receiving rewards in heaven i remember the devil likes to make noise the devil Satan Lucifer made customer service automated answering that is his idea unjust notices huge unjust bills and fees also from him the prince of darkness the prince of the air the prince of this world parking tickets hmm maybe that is from him he owns all the corporations to make and sell things including utilities he made car alarms motorcycles leaf blowers nightclubs bars pubs gangster rap rock and roll all kinds of music the gas companies the electrical companies the water companies soft drinks fast food parking meters he does it to rile us humans because he hates our stinking guts he can make candy bars and sell along with other material goods while humans buy them and humans will sell each other out and god Yahweh and Jesus Christ in a millisecond people are being massacred in Palestine Syria Yemen and other countries around the world and we humans yawn people are also starving and hungry homeless in prison and we humans give only a few dollars pesos shekels rubles or any form of currency in charities to help or in the collection plate at churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, and other places of worship do you know most wars are because of land and water he said to be in my face once in a dream that 75 percent of all land is unoccupied even in the united states the devil starts the wars but he said to me it takes fools and buffoons to finish what he started he said the human race is a bunch of losers he said to me he takes sheer delight in creating havoc in the world pitting rich against poor poor against rich race against race country against country humans against humans but most special thing he does best is humanity against God Yahweh Jesus Christ he had Judas betray him his own people the Jews mock and spit on him watched Pilate wash his hands of the blood watched him get whipped carrying the cross down the narrow streets of Jerusalem enjoyed the moment when he was crucified was defeated when he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven he still tries to cause war, chaos, death, destruction and evil but humanity finishes what he started he makes people care about dumb political issues right wing versus left wing left wing against right wing politics it is all a distraction he created these political parties across the world to sow division.
Mark Biltz is clearly in favor of Noahide. I watched his video today and he is either lying or completely ignorane of the judicial side of Niahide. He mocks the “decapitation” stuff, but decapitation is plainly spelled out on item 16 of the Judicial section. He and Hagee are buddies, and I know Hagee. He is a mean-spirited little schmoozer who loves to cozy up to Bibi. This Noahide stuff will gain traction, for sure. And don’t be surprised if we eventually see Jarred Kushner, a Chabad Jew, slaughter a pig in the Third Temple. Steven, you gave an excellent analysis of the Easu/Jacob story mirroring the Catholic/Israel story. Also, I read that Pope Francis is Jewishn and that he is a Jesuit. He is also probably a Mason, as I have a photo of him with the “hidden hand” in his jacket, looking directly at the camera. The 21st degree Masons are, I read, the executioners in all this, and they are in every town in America. The symbol for the 21st degree Masons is a black-hooded figure called “The Executioner.”
I am trying to follow what you are saying, but most of it is over my head. I am a Bible student, I am BIG into the Hebrew Scriptures and Jesus is my everything. I’ve been called to write, so I research everything until my eyes bleed. I’m not that smart, so it take a few times for me to catch on. I’m going to have to go over this several times to take it in, but I see the Esau and Jacob correlation and how that was typology for what is happening between Rome and Zionists. I’m NOT a fan of Zionist Israel or Netanyhu. I can’t stand Copeland or Hagee, I know they are snakes. Last year, I found out that I am not the grand-daughter of an Italian catholic gentile, but an Italian catholic Jew. Now, how weird is that?
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