Recently I had the privilege of going to the Knesset for my first time, it was at the request of my good friend Pastor Paul Begley the host of the television program “The Coming Apocalypse”. I was to film his interview with Rabbi Yehuda Glick for the American audience – not that Pastor Begley is limited to an American audience. His YouTube channel named after him has an enormous global following and he has made famous the old southern expression “Whaaaat, are you serious!” which has become a hallmark to every episode.
We were greeted by Rabbi Glick’s aide, Uri, a kind middle aged man that was very organized in the political affairs needed for Rabbi Glick one of Israel’s newest Knesset members. Rabbi Glick was obviously pressed for time in his new found position coming from one house meeting with us waiting and another interview in the wing then to be ushered out to you another pressing governmental issue.
By the time Rabbi Glick made it to his office we were already permitted entry to set up cameras and lighting, there was nothing fancy about the settings – simple small but functional. Rabbi Glick came and greeting Pastor Begley as one greets his friends. It was obvious they had forged a trusting relationship since the assassination attempt on his life at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center on October 29, 2014 where a would be assassin apologized before firing 4 bullets to his chest a point blank range.
Rabbi Glick was frank regarding his time so quickly the interview set in motion, it wasn’t long before Pastor Begley went right to the point regarding a “Two State Solution” and the French government’s involvement. Pastor Begley says “Israel’s not at the table and neither are the Palestinians so do you realize they are trying to force this Two State solution?” This struck a nerve with Rabbi Glick he said adamantly “They had their chance in 1947, and in 1967 and in 2,000” and he reminded Pastor Begley of the words of Prime Minister Netanyahu “How can you have a marriage without the Bride and Bride Groom”; In reference to the French meeting on a Two State solution without the two parties attending. Rabbi Glick went further and said “there is no more Two States”!
‘No more Two States’ Rabbi Glicks words really caught our attention because I had interviewed Shimon Tov earlier that day where he stated that a Two State deal had been signed in a secret meeting in the Knesset under Ariel Sharon. Watch the interview “here”
Rabbi Glick concluded that if they want to talk we will talk but did not back down from his position
shalom my brother, regarding sons of lawlessness, if a prime minister (BiBi) allows LBGTQ movement and the gay pride parade, would he not be considered son of lawlessness? also on speeches, i have not yet heard him glorify God Almighty for His wonderful works in Isreal, nor heard him pray the the Lord God, for peace in his country. i dont want to judge cause i’m not perfect by any means, but God is faithful and merciful. i’m i wrong??? btw may God Almighty protect you brothers, and may God our King Jesus our Lord and Savior keep using you both to bring out the truth, while we still can amen <3
There is a possibility and even they have a chance to repent but will they
Has anyone noticed that the bible found melted on to a piece of stainless steel at the 9/11 site has a piece of metal pointing to a portion about making pledges and the fact that Jerusalem is the city of the Great King?
If you have a bill like a duck, if you have feathers like a duck, if you “quack” like a duck, and if you waddle around like a duck, the chances are, you are a “duck”.
If you are a Christian you believe Christ Jesus is the prophesied Messiah. In this metaphor, you are a duck.
If you do not believe Christ Jesus is the prophesied Messiah you are not a duck.
You are or you are not.
Second: Arabs are not “Ishmael” – never were, never claimed to be – misinterpretation and a jump into delusion has led many in Israel to wish they were Ishmael; sorry, not true.
What Arabs worship is a desert god derived from Ka’bala – a goddess worshipped like “Baal” was worshipped. Her name was “Ka-bala”!! The Mecca gathering is in reality, a gathering around a pagan, Baal female consort of Baal.
“What does Christ or God have to do with Baal”? Answer: Nothing
So much for this “gathering”.
“Arabs are not Ishmael”, Sir, from where did you get your info from? what is your source, another man/women writer? how do you know they are not from Ishmael when scriptural evidence, and present geographical and national characteristics proves otherwise. The true Arab world is the descendants of Ishmael, Read your scriptures and not man’s machinations of whose who and from where etc. Ismael had 12 sons, Gen25: 12-16, who were to become very numerous, just like Esau had many sons, from whom came Edom(Turkey), and Amalakits(Palastineans) etc.
במאי Yehova, ישוע חה Mashicach, ישו אדוננו ומושיענו יברך ולהגן על כל עמי israle, אני מתפלל לשלום saftey של כל מי יברך את האנשים האלה. מי ייתן הכוסות על זרימה שלך, בתי האוכל שלך שלי ocver לזרום כוסות משקות, אהבה, שלום וכיסופים לחפש החסד, הרחמים, forgivenss והאהבה הנפלאות שלו בתשובה דרך האמונה כי אנו פונים מדרכיו החוטאות שלנו לקבל את האחד ישעיהו Chpater 51-53 כמו ture והיוצר מדהים של כל הדברים שאנו רואים, לשמוע, לגעת, להריח, לטעום, ולהבין את כל הדברים … זה אלהינו מי מקבל את כל התהילה ואת הכבוד ture אהבה יוצרים לנו שרוצים מה הוא רוצה עבורנו ….
ברכה רבה על העמים שאוהבים אותו fo rthose אשר dont אני מתפלל שהם יראו אותו בגלל מי שהוא באמת לבין למי ppurposefully denhy לו שאני מתפלל לבבות ניתן לשנות, ועבור מי באמת לא אכפת לי, רשאי אתה קצת איך לשנות לבבות, miinds ואת נפשותיכם אבל אני לא לשמור רק רוח הקודש יכול לחסוך לך בבקשה לקבל מתנת חינם שלו מותו בשבילך כדרך להצלת הנצח שלך מהגיהינום לגן עדן ….
בכל אני מתפלל, THWH הוא זה!
במאי Yehova, ישוע חה Mashicach, ישו אדוננו ומושיענו יברך ולהגן על כל עמי israle, אני מתפלל לשלום saftey של כל מי יברך את האנשים האלה. מי ייתן הכוסות על זרימה שלך, בתי האוכל שלך שלי ocver לזרום כוסות משקות, אהבה, שלום וכיסופים לחפש החסד, הרחמים, forgivenss והאהבה הנפלאות שלו בתשובה דרך האמונה כי אנו פונים מדרכיו החוטאות שלנו לקבל את האחד ישעיהו Chpater 51-53 כמו ture והיוצר מדהים של כל הדברים שאנו רואים, לשמוע, לגעת, להריח, לטעום, ולהבין את כל הדברים … זה אלהינו מי מקבל את כל התהילה ואת הכבוד ture אהבה יוצרים לנו שרוצים מה הוא רוצה עבורנו ….
ברכה רבה על העמים שאוהבים אותו fo rthose אשר dont אני מתפלל שהם יראו אותו בגלל מי שהוא באמת לבין למי ppurposefully denhy לו שאני מתפלל לבבות ניתן לשנות, ועבור מי באמת לא אכפת לי, רשאי אתה קצת איך לשנות לבבות, miinds ואת נפשותיכם אבל אני לא לשמור רק רוח הקודש יכול לחסוך לך בבקשה לקבל מתנת חינם שלו מותו בשבילך כדרך להצלת הנצח שלך מהגיהינום לגן עדן ….
בכל אני מתפלל, יהוה הוא זה!
Who are tge Arabs?
Abraham came from where?
Hagar came from where?
Their progeny went where?
The way to get back the temple on the mount is to be brothers with the Arabs as it was in the beginning.
At this time the Christian Arabs are being slaughtered in Lebanon and Syria. They claim that most of them are the 1st converted Jews to Christianity.
Why not help them?
#Announcing the rebuilding of the Temple of God in Israel.