President Vladimir Putin has not ignored the way the US and their allies exploited the ethnic make up of Ukraine and in sight hatred and violence between the two side in order to topple a sovereign Government. In the case of Ukrainian’s President Viktor Janukovyc his nation was one in a long string of success of the US governments abilities to topple Democratic and non democratic States. Neither was the Russian State oblivious to the Civil war between Iran and Iraq that later lead to hostilities between Iraq and Kuwait. The US successfully killed off some of these two nations toughest fighters by in sighting a war between rival factions between these two nations – there by weakening both sides. Then the target was turned towards Kuwait, Iraq invaded the tiny nation of Kuwait and began to pillage, rape and murder its civilians. That of course brought the US and in like a Knight in shinning amour to save the day. Kuwait never had to fall victim to an invasion but the US wanted this to give more reason to justify toppling Saddam Hussein and control his rich Oil Fields to maintain Oil prices in the US.
President Putin no doubt has learned from the past two decades just how the US and its allies are toppling regimes and clearly sees that Russia as well may become a target, perhaps not to so much topple the Nation of Russia but just to weaken it by internal conflict. In an article published by The Moscow Times, that sight how that Putin felt a strong need to create an agency to handle ethnic and religious affairs to thwart any type s of political threats. Putin has seen that foreign powers are using both ethnic and religious differences between groups to create unrest and even civil war. This was something that he also alluded to in the Documentary that aired on Russian Television: Crime, The Way Home.
Most nations see a conflict within their own borders that are racially or religiously charged normally lean to one side and begin to annihilate the other side. but in this case wisdom of President Putin may just pay off in keeping his country together and again many one step ahead of those that oppose him.
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