In our latest
Broadcast of prophetic News Updates with Israeli News Live we examined some rather interesting scriptures that point to the events happening today in Modern Syria. President Putin in Biblical Prophecy! Events that even suggest that we are at the coming of the Two witnesses. But what is even more alarming is that the prophecies in the Book of in The Second Book of Kings suggest that President Putin is a type of Naaman, the Syrian warrior who fought for the ancient king of Syria BenHadad. The similarities between the Leaders thousands of years ago and today are striking. Naaman was a good man but a bit arrogant. we believe that President Putin is just such a man as well as Bashar Al-Assad. Assad never wanted to take power of Syria, he studied as a medical doctor married a British girl and seem to be low key. The Sarin gas used on his people has been recently proven to be the work of Turkey, the terrorist state backed by the West. Another Striking insight is that Elisha, Elijah’s predicessor was known of both men and helped by Both in his day. Elisha types the coming of Elijah as one of the two witnesses.
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Israeli News Live:
December 19, 2015;
Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon);
Bible Prophesies of President Putin and Bashar Al Assad!
Transcript By Sister Torres
Steven Ben-Nun: Shalom Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live we have a very eventful night for you this evening, a very Prophetic Segments of our broadcast of Israeli News Live. And I just want to quickly share with you something that was shared with me today; I say today may have been yesterday I get hundreds of emails in so it’s hard for me to keep up with everything but a precious friends sent us an article regarding Ethiopia. There’s been 50 more people this week that have been killed in clashes there in Ethiopia around Addis Ababa and of course the whole reason for it is the expansion of the Capital making way for the progress of the natural gas that has been discovered in the country the pipeline being built. Of course the Vatican owning a huge amount of stocks in the company Gulf oil that’s also part of this project there. We have Gulf or either it’s either Gulf or Shell they own stock in both of the company’s international Ethiopia as well and just very interesting to say the least things are going on there. Again this is from Daniel’s Prophecy Chapter 11 where it says; Egypt and Ethiopia would be at his steps; speaking the Vatican.
Let’s move on to other news here that I wanted to bring to your attention as well and we are looking of course those of you that already are aware President Vladimir Putin who was in Syria has been defending the President Bashar Al-Assad in this whole world coming up against Bashar Al-Assad. Now we’re gonna go into very deep detail about Bashar Al-Assad’s family how they came to power etc.
And also we’re going to be looking at Vladimir Putin there is an interesting passages that the Lord put on my heart today that I want to share with that’s going to surprise as you.
But keep in mind this is a compound revelation it has different angles and different twists to it to say the very least, if you’re gonna be following in your Bibles we’re gonna be looking at three different Prophecies from three different books in the Bible. We’ll be looking at 2nd Kings Chapter 5 we’ll be looking at the Book of Nahum Chapter 2 and we’re also gonna be going again back to Daniel Chapter 11.
And in fact let’s just get started right now on Daniel Chapter 11 there a very, very fascinating passage to say the least that I want to share with you. So let’s go right there and we’re looking here at Daniel Chapter 11, I didn’t actually think about doing this first there. Daniel Chapter 11; I believe we’re looking right around verse 14 I believe it is. Yes verse 14; and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South, also the children of the violent among thy people shall lift themselves up to establish the vision but they shall stumble. We shared with you the other day the translation of this how it really actually comes out in Hebrew; its right there on your screen there; ûv’nëy Päriytzëy aM’khä. Its Daniel’s people so it’s the Jewish people. And it says; the sons of the lawless of your people Daniel. They’re going to; yiNaS’û; which is they’re going to marry; l’haámiyd chäzôn; they’re going to marry the vision. This is why it says; they establish the vision, in other worlds their trying to bring together Biblical Prophecy and it would be the lawless of Israel that would do this.
And I really began to sit down and meditate on these things today and I’ve been looking at this and I actually feel like that we can go back even at the beginning, even before the beginning of the creation of the State of Israel back in 1948 when she became a nation. And the reason why I say that is because the Vatican was looking for a new way to take over this country the Turks had it, the British had it and of course it was in British control at that time there.
Then we had the British Mandate that set up a State of Israel and also a quote unquote later a State of Palestine which finally has come into being. But at this time here they were trying to create a State for the Jewish people to go home to and the whole thing was the lawless of Israel there were some renegade families like the Perez family, was Shimon Peres who actually went to a Jesuit School during his time in Poland which was kind of an odd thing for a Jewish boy don’t you think, to be going to a Jesuit School? But these families that came into power would later be used to help to try to bring together to give the Vatican full control of the Land it was kind of like a swap, an agreement so to speak
And we saw people like me Shimon; excuse me; Shimon Perez who in 1993, 94 as it was stated by Barry Chamish and there’s another journalist there my mind goes blank on his name right now but actually exposed what the Vatican was doing and putting together to try to take over Jerusalem. And Shimon Peres then had promised to Internationalize the City give it over to a United Nations Force which is what they’re really pushing for now and that the Vatican would have full autonomy of Jerusalem. And we’ve actually watch nearly everything come to pass and they’re even calling now for an International Force for a United Nations Force to come into the City.
(; they’ve been talked about dividing it Giulio Meotti in one of his articles on Israel National News has spoken about how that they will soon evict the Jews from Jerusalem in an Op-Ed there very interesting the things that are going on to say the very least. And then as I began to study deeper into this seeing that Israel the lawless of Israel now I’m not talking about the true Jewish people that are there to see the coming of the Messiah there are many that are waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
There are people like myself Jews that believe that Yeshua is the Messiah that’s He’s already come but we’re waiting for Him to return we’re also waiting for the coming of Eliyahu, Elijah the Prophet. And we’re waiting for the coming of Moshe with him who is no doubt one of the Two Witnesses Moses and Elijah we actually have many on our YouTube Channel. For those of you that would like we have a section in there about the Two Witnesses, I’ve done many teachings on this, very much in detail so I encourage you to go and take a look at that it’ll be a blessing to you no doubt.
Now I want to take you over to the Book of 2nd Kings we’ve established, we know that Israel is being basically as I said the other day; Shimon Peres what did he do like his former father Ahab he had married Jezebel which is the Roman Catholic Church Esau’s descendants have been married into as far as this marriage covenant that they were bringing together as Daniel states; it would be a marriage; they’re trying to marry the vision. What does it mean when it says; marry the vision? You have to understand what it is; the Catholic Church has always known that God would re-establish Israel they would once again. It would become an International City to where all the nations would come there and they would seek to worship the Lord their God. The Vatican wants to be the savior they want one of the Pope’s that’s there to be that savior in a not so distant future.
Whether or not the current Pope we have now stays or goes makes no difference whoever is gonna be there is going to be their man. He is going to be their man of peace so to speak and they’re trying to make that vision come to pass. Now I do believe though that God intended for the House of Judah to return home according to Zechariah’s Prophecy. So no matter how much of the lawless ones that got involved for the creation of the State of Israel I do believe it was God’s hand as well.
God uses the enemy like He did with the Egyptians in a time of the Exodus and Moses left and he said to them; to go and borrow of their neighbors all the gold and silver and they did. Although they did use it for evil in the Wilderness journey made a molten Golden Cap out there to worship instead. But nonetheless it was still using something for a good purpose and there are Jews there today fulfilling Zechariah’s Prophecy and many other prophesies in the Bible that the House of Judah would return in order for God to open their eyes and get them to recognize who their Messiah is as we see in Zechariah Chapter 12. To save time we won’t go there though.
Anyway because what I want to look at is what’s happening in and around Israel today. If you go to the 2nd Book of Kings; and this is what I really wanted to share with you guys’ a fascinating, fascinating passages here in Chapter 5, as we read the Story of Naaman. Naaman who was the warrior for Syria in his day but he was also a leper. Now if you go back to Chapter 4 in 2nd Kings you find out this is where Elisha has come. Now Elisha is a representation of the coming of Elijah as one of the Two Witnesses why? Because he is actually replacing Elijah of his day, he is that one that the Spirit of Elijah comes off of him goes on to Elisha and he carries on that ministry as Elijah up into a chariot of fire and Elisha he begins that great campaign.
Now when you look at it in Chapter 4 of 2nd Kings we find a very interesting thing that happens there; we see two specific miracles that take place in Elijah’s ministry and one of those miracles happens to be the feeding of the multitude. And of course the other one that preceded that was the raising of the dead the widow woman. He promised her a son, God gave her a son and when the boy grew older he died and he comes and lays his; or breaths upon him; sneezes on him 7 times I believe it was and the boy comes back to life.
Doesn’t it remind you of the story where Yeshua takes Lazarus on of His friends and yet while he’s even dead He says; I’ll go raise him? And then Elijah feeds a multitude and there’s still food left over, it shows that it’s the same God that was with Moses back there in the Wilderness Journey there where God came and feed the children of Israel manna from Heaven, the angel’s food. And then Yeshua did the same when He was on earth, what was this all about? This was signs to us as Jews that we should have recognized that Yeshua was Messiah because He was repeating everything that was happening back then and that’s what we have here in Chapter 4 of 2nd Kings.
But then after that we go into Chapter 5 and it seems like in Chapter 5 Elisha seems to represent the coming of Elijah because we find out that the King of Israel doesn’t even; it’s Jeroboam or Joram at the time was the King of Israel during that particular time period and he doesn’t even seem to recognize that God has a Prophet in his midst. Let’s take a look at this; Nahum (Naaman) I believe there’s two types that I can see Nahum (Naaman) as one; he’s actually a type of Vladimir Putin. Now the reason I say that if you notice Nahum (Naaman) is stricken with leprosy he’s a good man at heart but he’s has a bad curse upon him as well.
But it also Nahum (Naaman) also types the Church who is strong in powerful, I’m not talking about the Catholic Church either friends either I’m talking about the Modern Day Believers of Yeshua who are strong. Who has come down through the last 2,000 years as we even see in the Book of Revelation; where it speaks about the 7 Churches of Asia Minor which represent in every age the different forms of the Churches of their day. There’s some that are lukewarm like the Laodicean Church age of today but they were lukewarm back in the beginning as well. Every one of those churches is here today and you find out that when Nahum (Naaman) dips in that river 7 times it represents just that.
Let’s take a look at some of the Scriptures here; verse 1says; now Nahum (Naaman) Captain of the host of the King of Syria was a great named man with his master and honorable because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria. He was also a mighty man and of valor but he was a leper. And if it wasn’t for President Putin friends believe me there would be no Syria as of right now, it would be totally wiped out already why? Because the west and NATO and their Allies have been bent to overthrow Bashar Al-Assad; which is a fulfillment of the Book of Nahum we’re gonna go into that.
Because you’re gonna see something that I discovered and it threw me off the other day and I haven’t brought a message out on it as of yet and then the Lord shared with me some things today that just really set it into place there. All right verse 2; when you look at it on the screen here the word Aram is actually the word Syria it’s the same thing an Arameans I’m actually reading from the KJV as I’m reading this but just so you can follow along. I’ll read it from there but I’ll use the word Syrian’s there because that’s what it is in your KJV and many other interpretations as well. (Verse 2) and the Syrians had gone out in bands, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman’s wife. (Verse 3); and she said unto her mistress: ‘Would that my lord, were with the prophet that is in Samaria then would he recover him of his leprosy.’ Now see what is it? In 2nd Kings it is showing you it’s setting a time frame for you friends when God is going to send the Two Witnesses! Interesting! That may be a shock to you there let me just show you there; this man right here he’s actually a sign post like Nahum, even a professor that Yeshua is the Messiah claims Jesus Christ to be as his own Messiah. He’s not ashamed to tell you what he believes.
Now like I said though he’s also a beautiful type of Naaman why? Because leprosy regardless of the profession that he has regardless of what kind of valiant warrior his faith is contaminated with leprosy. And we find out like for example how did Miriam get struck with leprosy? How did get Gehazi Elisha’s servant get struck with leprosy? When he did something against the Word of God, they went against the Word of God and in Miriam’s case she laughed at Moses, her and Aaron both. In the case of Gehazi Elisha’s servant he wend and did something in Elisha’s name that Elisha never commanded him to do! And then tried to keep it from Elisha he was stricken by leprosy and all of his descendants. There’s your Church of today she’s cankered with leprosy but God is willing to heal, all right.
Now let’s take a look a little bit more here, let me go back to it here for you guys so you see this; follow along right here with me. (Verse 4); and he went in, and told his lord, saying: first she tells his wife that there’s a Prophet in Samaria Elisha. And he went in, and told his lord, saying: ‘Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel.’ (Verse 5); And the King of Syria said: ‘Go now, and I will send a letter unto the King of Israel.’ You know who that was? It was Ben Hadad. And then Hadad; by the way friends this was not; I mean he fought against Israel yes but he was really not that bad of a King. He sends word to Elisha, he believes him, and he believes Elisha to be the Prophet of Israel. We’ll go into that in just a moment I don’t want to lose thought here with you. (Verse 5); and the King of Syria said; ‘Go now and I will send a letter unto the King of Israel.” and he departed, and took with him ten talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of raiment. (Verse 6); and he brought the letter to the King of Israel, saying: ‘And now when this letter is come unto you, behold, I have sent Naaman my servant to thee, that thou mayest recover him of his leprosy.’
(Verse 7); and it came to pass, when the King of Israel Joram; had read the letter that he rent his clothes, and said: ‘Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy? But consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh an occasion against me.’ It’s funny, now notice there’s two things in here friends one; he sits there and he’s thinking that Hadad’s has something against him, Ben Hadad. Or Naaman the warrior like Vladimir Putin and he doesn’t even recognize that Elisha is in the Land. The King sends and says; I hear there’s a Prophet in the Land and he doesn’t recognize it!
Even Putin visited Israel one time I think it was before he was in power Israel on a private tour there because he wanted to see the Christian sites, he had a heart to know what was there! I mean I realize he’s Russian Orthodox I mean it’s not any different than a Roman Catholic really about the same thing maybe not as bad. But you know the pot can’t call the kettle black but the point is; like I said; remember Naaman had leprosy but he wants to get healed of the leprosy! Do you know that there’s actually documentation that’s have been stated that Putin in his own custody has one of the old Biblical Manuscripts that was never included in the Bible there and told the Pope of Rome that he would expose him imagine that? Willing to expose the Pope of Rome that takes some guts for a world leader to stand up like that no wonder why they’re trying to kill the man. Now I’m not saying; he’s a Messiah or nothing like that and don’t get that in there at all, all right? What I’m trying to show you in his heart I believe the man may have a good heart, see?
But that leprosy’s there and Naaman also represents the Church! See the Church has done great things, they’ve been great warriors. They’ve been out there trying to do good things in the name of the Lord but they have leprosy they’re cankered up! Let’s go back friends. So he rent his clothes and he’s worried that Naaman and Ben Hadad is out to get him!
Israel’s still doing the same thing today and the thing is it’s also showing today that they’re not going to recognize when God sends the Two Witnesses and they’re in their midst Israel’s not going to; the leaders won’t even get it at first. So verse 8; and it was so, when Elisha the man of God heard that the King of Israel had rent his clothes that he sent to the king, saying: Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? In other words; why did you tear your clothes? Let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a Prophet in Israel. Oh brother, sister you need to wake up on that one. My gosh; then he’ll know there’s a Prophet in Israel that’s what’s about to happen! And see there again as I said; Naaman has got different facets of Revelation here Naama represents Vladimir Putin as a timepiece to show you that this is when you’re Two Witnesses are going to come, is when that great warrior that’s cankered is gonna stand up for Syria!
But also Naaman represents the Church that the Prophet Elijah is going to say to Israel; send them on over. They take ahold of a skirt of him that’s a Jew.
(Verse 9); so Naaman came with his horses and with his chariots, and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. Verse 10); and Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying: ‘Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come back to thee, and thou shalt be clean.’ Isn’t that interesting he sends out a messenger to him? Just like the Church, the Church is looking everybody’s wanting to see the Two Witnesses oh you’ll see them all right. But you know he sent out a messenger instead why? Because he was there dealing with Israel and what did he do? What did he say? Go wash in the Jordan 7 times, in other worlds when the Two Witnesses come they’re gonna tell you some simple things that you need to do to get cleanse of the leprosy that’s the Church is so cankered up with! And I can imagine the Church is going to act the exact same way that Naaman did.
(Verse 11); but Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said: ‘Behold, I thought: He will surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place, and recover the leper. That’s the way people are today that’s the way many Christians are you know they’re expecting when the Two Witnesses get here you know come out here (claps his hands) clap your hands and let’s throw some fire out and fire come out your mouth and gobble up all the people over there. Praise the Lord now we believe that you’re the Two Witnesses. May be it isn’t going to be that way, may be they might tell you that you need to go wash in the river 7 times and that you need to get cleansed of your leprosy. May be they will be here to call out the sins of the Church as well as to Israel to recognize her Messiah! (Verse 12); are not Amanah and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? That sounds a lot like the Church too! Don’t we already believe that Yeshua’s the Messiah! Don’t we have it better than the Jews that they’ve been blind all this time and you have your mind all on them? May I not wash in them, and be clean? See that’s what the Church is going to be doing too when the Two Witnesses come what do you mean? Tell them to dip over here in the river 7 times and everything don’t you know I’ve already been baptized? I already believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! But you have leprosy something is still not right.
(Verse 13); and his servants came near, and spoke unto him, and said: ‘My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing wouldest thou not have done it? How much rather then, when he saith to thee: Wash, and be clean?’ What if they do come and tell you something simple that’s lacking in the Church you know? Many of the people they want to go in a Rapture what if they come to tell you; yes He will Rapture you away but there’s some things you need to do to get cleansed up in order to go into His Presence?
To go into the Presence of the King, you’ve have to get some things cleaned up in your life, what if he says something like that?
(Verse 14); then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God; and his flesh came back like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. (Verse 15); and he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him; and he said: ‘Behold now, I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel; now therefore, I pray thee, take a present of thy servant.’ But you can’t buy the Gift of God. Naaman meant well. He did mean well he wanted to support the work that the Prophet was doing but he was all right he had everything he had need of. Now Gehazi that’s when he was given leprosy he went and chased the money instead. So the Prophet’s out there that you have that are claiming to be one of the Two Witnesses are just out there just for money only no sire that’s not what God is looking for. You know God knows it takes finances to support His work that’s true but He’ll help you with that right?
Now watch what He says though this is Naaman and (verse 15); and he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him; and he said: ‘Behold now, I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel. What does the Churches says? Now we know that the truth is here!
Now Zechariah Chapter 8 verse 3. Let’s quickly hit it, come on friends let’s know what the truth is! We need to get the truth in, we’ve have to get tightened up now friends because it’s going to get serious here soon. We turn right here to Zechariah Chapter 8 and we run down here to verse 23 okay? Thus saith the LORD of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations. See, oh my gosh!
(Verse 23); all the languages of the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying: We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’ That he is a representation of Elijah the Prophet, a Prophet to the Nations friends so this is where we’re at here.
Now this is what I wanted to share with you about Nahum, I want to show you something else that’s gonna blow you away here, the other day I wanted to share with you some things from the Book of Nahum sounds just like Naaman. In fact a lot of time I keep calling Naaman, Nahum so forgive me it’s just a slip of the tongue if I said it in the video I don’t even remember but if I did forgive me. I get the two mixed up in my brain there sometimes when I’m thinking. Chapter 2 though is where we want to go here and this is oh my gosh friends. I was reading and studying this and I’ve shared some of this with you on the news the other day because we’re looking at ISIS, we’re looking at Nineveh, we’re looking at Syria. And in Nineveh it says right there; that as old like a pool of water yet they shall flee away and stand and shall; I’m sorry verse 8; let me take you down, let me do it here. It’s actually one verse different here when you’re using the the Hebrew Bible (www.mechon/; it’s verse 9 there but it’s actually verse 8 for those of you that are using like King James or one of the Christian translations there okay? (Verse 9); but Nineveh hath been from of old like a pool of water; yet they flee away; ‘stand, stand’; but none looketh back. (Verse 10); take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold; for there is no end of the store, rich with all precious vessels. (Verse 11); she is empty, and void, and waste; and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and convulsion is in all loins, and the faces of them all have gathered blackness. (Verse 12); where is the den of the lions, which was the feeding-place of the young lions, where the lion and the lioness walked, and the lion’s whelp, and none made them afraid?
Now I mentioned to you because Nineveh this whole region here and I don’t recall now it seemed like to me that Nineveh was actually part of Assyria. Well it was it was part of the Assyrian Kingdom there at one time now its part of the Northwest corner of Iraq today. But when we look back at this Nineveh, Modern Day Mosul is where Nineveh is this is the country right now and of course Syria as well, Syrian and Northwestern Iraq there is where the Syrian Regimes are fighting. It’s where Turkey is now in Mosul and the prophets have already said it’s in multiple places in the Bible at least 2 anyway where Nineveh will become totally without inhabitants and never be inhabited again. And we’re about to see these things come to pass but he actually prophesies here (verse 10); take the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold out of Nineveh. And do you know that ISIS did exactly that? And not only did they do that but even in here in Nahum it speaks about that they would take the treasures and the gods and stuff out of Syria and take them into foreign lands. Well I shared with you the other day here on Israeli News Live I showed you how that they had taken 500 million or billion dollars’ worth of gold and silver out of the banks from Nineveh and Syria altogether that’s what ISIS did. And as well they were looting all the treasures of Syrian and Nineveh and they were showing up in some of the British Auction Houses in Britain amazing isn’t it? And they’ve gone all over the world since then.
But this is what kind of threw me off when I was reading all this and that was about the lions. Now even going back to Naaman, let me go back to Naaman just a minute here. I wanted to share with you I did a little bit of research on the names of the players that we have today. Naaman in Biblical times Naaman’s name meant pleasant, beautiful okay. Do you know that Vladimir Putin’s last name actually or his first name means peace? All right pleasant, something that’s pleasant is nice, peace is something that is nice as well.
Now his last name means belong to the way that’s interesting isn’t it? He belongs to the way. And even though he is stricken with leprosy he’s still a professor that Jesus Christ is the Messiah so he belongs to the way he’s just stricken with leprosy. And Naaman was pleasant, now neither one of their names had anything to do with being warriors but they are both warriors as well. And they’re both there to do what? To protect Syria, Putin’s there to protect them in Modern Days and in Ancient Days it was Naaman protecting Syria. And another thing that was interesting as well Ben Hadad and let’s see I’ve have them all down here Ben Hadad he was not a bad King you know and people might disagree with that but he was not.
Even the Prophet Elisha when Ben Hadad was dying he sends for the Prophet Elisha and wanted to know if he would recover from the illness? His servant goes to Elisha to ask him this and he says to him; yes he would recover but he will die. And it didn’t make sense to the servant and then Elisha began to weep and he said; why doest thou weep? He said; you will kill him and you will reign in his stead and he did, he killed him. Now Ben Hadad did he do wars against Israel? Sure he did but even Elisha this is why even King Joram wanted to kill Elisha he wanted to have his head cut off because of what was happening to Israel at that time. Now we’re talking about Ancient Biblical I’m not talking about Modern Days we’re talking about in the old days there. Syria had come up against Israel but God was bringing judgment on Israel as well and that’s why it happened.
Now Hadad his name also meant thunder. In Modern Days Assad his family actually Sulayman al-Wahhish was their original name which meant wild beast. Their father changed it to Assad and of course he was Bushra Al-Assad, now the funny thing about all of this right here Bashar Al-Assad this is him there with his wife he was educated in Britain as a doctor. He’s really not the type of man to be a King of a Country or a President of a Country.
His own family saw that that was not the type of trade in him, he married a British girl over there and as far as I know he may even be a believer in Jesus in whatever kind of way they do. You have to understand I don’t like to beat up people in the different doctrines they have I believe that God will send the Two Witnesses in order to straighten out the mess that people are in. Because you’ve got all these different denominations and they’re all a mess there’s none better than the other you know. Some seem to be a little bit better I mean naturally I mean Baptist are definitely have a whole lot better than the Catholic Church does that’s for sure but they all have their petty doctrines, all right.
But Bashar Al-Assad really is not as bad as what people are making him out to be even the part where they say that he used chemical weapons on his people. There’s been enough evidence proven that ISIS did the chemical weapons and we find out from what Russia discovered on there and not just Russia, the Turkish people’s own man recently exposed that it was Turkey that sent the chemical weapons in there for ISIS to use it to be able to make it look like Bashar Al-Assad did it and he wasn’t the one that did it!
Now his father was not that good of a man though he’s the one they actually got into power there and he’s the one that actually set it up to where it was more of a dictatorship that’s what his daddy did. And his daddy Hafez Al-Assad he died in the in the year 2000 but he started years ago and no doubt CIA and all that probably has a hand in getting the this family into power and stuff like that. He tried to bring together as one big huge Arabic Region there like it was a Biblical Times what he was trying to do; when he was at the point of death they though he might die he look to put his brother into his place. And his name Rifaat Al-Assad but he was a corrupt man he even tried to overthrow Hafez when he overcame his illness but they ended up exiling him.
And then of course the next person that was in line was Bassel Al-Assad which was Bashar Al-Assad’s brother but then he dies in car wreck 1994 and then Bashar Al-Assad finally takes over even though he really wasn’t ready to be the dictator of the country he ends up taking over.
Now I bring us all out for a reason why? When you look here let’s go back, let me just share with you here real quick ah; take you back to the Prophecy here verse 11(Nahum 2); she is empty, and void, and waste; the country is not just Nineveh. If you really look all of Nahum it’s dealing with Syria and Nineveh both, all right, deals with both countries. And the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and convulsion is in all loins and the faces of them all have gathered blackness. Because the countries just being torn apart especially right now in Nineveh and Mosul. (Verse 12); where is the den of the lions? When Hafez changed the family name to Assad, he changed their last name in Arabic that means lions. So it says; where is the den of lions? In other words; where’s the family of lions; which was the feeding-place of the young lions, where the lion and the lioness walked, and the lion’s whelp, and none made them afraid? Now this could have many different applications here but I see clearly the Assad Regime. The father set it all up, the sons came along, he’s married, and he has a lioness see?
(Verse 13); the lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps; now there came an uprising in the Country when Hafez was first the dictator and he put it down he did a brutal put down of the rebellion. His father he was a dictator no doubt for the greed of money. And it says here; (verse 13); the lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps; in other words he killed a lot of men in order to make sure that his children would stay in power.
(Verse 13); and strangled for his lionesses; murdered people to makes sure his wife stayed at a nice fancy, luxurious Country, in all the best places; and filled his caves with prey, and his dens with ravin. But then God says here (verse 14); Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of Hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions; his son was killed in an auto accident; and will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard.
Even though Mr. Putin, President Putin of Russia is there in Syria and he’s trying his best to keep President Bashar Al-Assad in power President Assad will end up being assassinated. Somewhere along the way they’re gonna take him out because it says right here in the prophecy (verse 14); and the sword shall devour thy young lions; his children. More prophecy is fulfilling each and every day. It’s amazing to watch things unfold. I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live. By the way let me just remind you this whole thing is a Prophetic Sign in front of your eyes. Remember Naaman not Nahum who the Prophet here but Naaman type the Church and President Putin and when you see him in there in the country there or this is the hour that Israel will end up receiving her Two Witnesses.
But the nation of Israel, the Government won’t even realize; do you realize that that prophecy actually shows in 2nd Kings Chapter 5 that the leaders of Israel are not even a recognized the fact that the Two Witnesses are there at the beginning? They will begin to really recognize it when they begin to heal the leprosy of the Church itself. Like I said; Putin is only he’s the pond to show you the time frame because he represents the warrior part to show you the time frame were at. And then it picks up as the Church itself is 7 times dipping in the river showing those 7 Churches in the Book of Revelation that are here today friends they’re here today as well.
We better wake up. Pray seek God. Seek Him with all your heart while He may be found. We never know when our time will be up. I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live another Prophetic Segment of our broadcast, shalom. Good evening.
I can appreciate your tremendous zeal for the House of the Lord for it is a living example of the zeal our Savior had for His Father’s House. Thank you for your dedication to God’s Word and compassion for the lost. We are most certainly is the final days of Bible prophecy and the Word is being fulfilled at break-neck speed. As a born again believer in Jesus, the Son of God, I feel we should contend for the faith once delivered to the Apostles who were given the true doctrines of Christ for the building of the Church. When you say that all denominations have made a mess of things try to remember that we are as you in that we are also fighting for the truth. Every now and again you might want to acknowledge our efforts as I have acknowledge yours at the beginning of this comment. You may also want to include yourself as part of the cause of confusion for there are many things you proclaim as dogmatic that never come to pass. To forsake truth for the sake of peace is false peace but to say you know all the truth is to say you know as much as God and that would be blasphemy for you take God from His throne and make Him like us. Contend for the Truth without compromise nor apology but remember I am not the enemy because I am upholding Baptist doctrine which I believe carries an unbroken line to the Apostles themselves. With much love in Christ, Joshua Ingle.
calling yourself anything other than a child of god and a follower of Christ, his son, gives glory to mans creation of worldly sects and is an act of blasphemy… I would give you scripture to reference but you and I both know that isn’t needed, god obviously lives in you and has touched your heart so you maybe just needed told, be humble and wait brother… there are no churches and no denominations in the kingdom that is to come I promise you