In a stunning News Broadcast Steven Ben-Nun share Brother Kellen davison’s revelation regarding the laws being passed on Global Climate Change. Brother Kellen noted that these laws would be used to specifically target the Two Witnesses. As stated in Psalm 83:3 we see that they have “…consulted against thy hidden ones” the hidden ones are your two Witnesses that according to the book of Revelation 11 interrupt nature in a major way. Listen here to the podcast
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Dear brother Steven,
I saw last week you videos and the reactions of the people about the Two witnesses.
Yesterday I was reading the “Apocalypse of Peter”, In “THE ETHIOPIC TEXT” I found the following excerpt:
– And our Lord answered us, saying: Take heed that no man deceive you, and that ye be not doubters and serve other gods. Many shall come in my name, saying: I am the Christ. Believe them not, neither draw near unto them. For the coming of the Son of God shall not be plain (i.e. foreseen); but as the lightning that shineth from the east unto the west, so will I come upon the clouds of heaven with a great host in my majesty; with my cross going before my face will I come in my majesty, shining sevenfold more than the sun will I come in my majesty with all my saints, mine angels (mine holy angels). And my Father shall set a crown upon mine head, that I may judge the quick and the dead and recompense every man according to his works.
– And ye, take ye the likeness thereof (learn a parable) from the fig-tree: so soon as the shoot thereof is come forth and the twigs grown, the end of the world shall come.
– And I, Peter, answered and said unto him: Interpret unto me concerning the fig-tree, whereby we shall perceive it; for throughout all its days doth the fig-tree send forth shoots, and every year it bringeth forth its fruit for its master. What then meaneth the parable of the fig-tree? We know it not.
– And the Master (Lord) answered and said unto me: Understandest thou not that the fig-tree is the house of Israel? Even as a man that planted a fig-tree in his garden, and it brought forth no fruit. And he sought the fruit thereof many years and when he found it not, he said to the keeper of his garden: Root up this fig-tree that it make not our ground to be unfruitful. And the gardener said unto God: (Suffer us) to rid it of weeds and dig the ground round about it and water it. If then it bear not fruit, we will straightway remove its roots out of the garden and plant another in place of it. Hast thou not understood that the fig-tree is the house of Israel? Verily I say unto thee, when the twigs thereof have sprouted forth in the last days, then shall feigned Christs come and awake expectation saying: I am the Christ, that am now come into the world. And when they (Israel) shall perceive the wickedness of their deeds they shall turn away after them and deny him [whom our fathers did praise], even the first Christ whom they crucified and therein sinned a great sin. But this deceiver is not the Christ. [something is wrong here: the sense required is that Israel perceives the wickedness of antichrist and does not follow him.] And when they reject him he shall slay with the sword, and there shall be many martyrs. Then shall the twigs of the fig-tree, that is, the house of Israel, shoot forth:
many shall become martyrs at his hand. Enoch and Elias shall be sent to teach them that this is the deceiver
which must come into the world and do signs and wonders to deceive. And therefore shall they that die by his hand be martyrs, and shall be reckoned among the good and righteous martyrs who have pleased God in their life. [Hermas, Vision III.i.9, speaks of ‘those that have already been well-pleasing unto God and have suffered for the Name’s sake.
It is a portion off text of the following website:
Do you think this is a reference to the two witnesses?
I am from Belgium and here nobody talks about this stuff. When I speak to people about “End Times” , I can hear them thinking “ she’s ready for a mental institution”. The only people with whom I can talk about this are my family. My mom, my husband and my children. Thank you for your videos, I learn so much of them.
many greetings from Belgium,
Marleen Fidlers
PS : Sorry if I wrote errors, I’m Dutch and I can’t write English very well.
well my Sister I have not heard of this passage as of yet so it is new to me. But I would agree it would be in light of the two witnesses. I know many have said that Enoch is one of the two, and this must be where they get the idea from. I am not opposed to the idea myself in fact from other writings I have seen it seems to imply that even the Apostles return. So who is to say for sure. But I am delighted you have shared this with me I will look deeper into this