Only the Anti-Christ Can Fulfill These Prophecies!
Clip of Pope Francis speech at United Nations:
Pope Francis in Spanish: Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you. Thank you for your kind words once again, following a tradition by which I feel honored, the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of Nations. In my own name, and that of the entire Catholic community, I wish to express to you Mr. Ban Ki-moon my heartfelt gratitude.
End clip:
Ben-Nun: I’m Steven Ben-Nun and you’re watching Israeli News Live we have had so many prophetic things coming to pass here that we basically are just having to stay in Prophetic Segments of the news on daily basis here. And here once again Sister Amy Williamson I believe is Amy’s last name there sent me on Facebook and she wasn’t the only one that noticed this but she sent this to me on Facebook about Pope Francis claiming to come in his own name that’s exactly right. I played that clip for you right here at the beginning of the news broadcast I don’t know if you caught that or not but I wanted to play that for you so that you could actually see it. The yes he does say I come in my own name now if you remember according to John Chapter 5 in verse 43 we find a very similar thing this is where Jesus speaks about the one that does come in his own name. He says; I Am come in My Father’s Name; this is Jesus speaking; and you receive Me not if another shall come in his own name him you will receive. See?
How can you believe which you receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that comes from God only? That’s exactly what’s happening now. People are receiving Pope Francis as if he’s a savior, some kind of God that will bring peace to the world when he does not.
And even recently in Philadelphia when the Pope was in the United States you know of course many argued that he didn’t mean it the way it sounded by nonetheless he actually says; that in the natural speaking it appeared that Jesus was a failure on the Cross. Well how could anyone even say that regardless of the way it looks or anything! What He did on the Cross was not a failure in fact it’s what restored our relationship with Yeshua. It was a fulfillment of a prophecy that was written all the way back in the Book called Adam and Eve in the 1st Book of Adam and Eve.
And for those that don’t believe in these books here it’s kind of strange this book is dated all the way back to 100 years before Christ came and it states in there; God says; I will; He will come and; because Adam was trying to offer up blood he had of himself that he’d gotten injured and when he did the blood was on the ground. And he takes the dirt and puts it on the altar and God comes down to Adam and say; why are you doing something I never commanded? Because he was only to offer the pure oblation; the grains of the field the First Fruits; so God asked him; why did you do this? And so then God tells Adam and Eve He says; I will come and I will lay down My life and I will give My blood for you in 5 and ½ days. Now He’s actually speaking a thousand years as one day of the Lord and right on the dot according to the different fragments that we’ve seen that’s exactly what took place. But the Jews didn’t want that as part of the Canon because clearly since the coming of Yeshua and the fulfilling of this prophecy they would have to accept and believe that Yeshua truly was the Messiah. This was one of the reasons why that book is thrown out like so many others like the Book of Enoch.
The Book of Enoch is thrown out because the Book of Enoch clearly states that the eating of flesh was taught by the fallen angels. It’s another thing that people have problems with when it comes to the Humane Gospel or any of these Gospels here but yet you forget historically speaking Tertullian, Clement, Saint Basil the elder Pliny all of these speak of the vegetarian way of the Early Christians they didn’t eat meat. But many people say; well Jesus ate meat and Jesus multiplied fish and Jesus tells them to go back fishing and all this kind of stuff here. Things clearly that have been added to your Canon. Yeshua says in the Humane Gospel Himself; that My Words will be changed and will be altered and things that I never taught shall be taught. And we’ve seen these things come to pass.
In fact I’m going to refer back to this book in just a moment because things that Pope Francis is doing is again prophesied in the Humane Gospel of Jesus just like it is in John. In fact in the Book of John another interesting thing that you mighty notice John always refers when he’s speaking about Jesus where Jesus says; keep My Commandments. But you don’t find any Commandments ever recorded you don’t find them in the Book of John nor do you find them in Matthew, Mark or Luke. But when you go to the Humane Gospel Jesus did declare 12 Commandments to His Disciples so we finally find an answer to the question where Jesus says; or to the insight that Jesus is expressing; keep My Commandments found in John. Where are those Commandments? Well they’re right here in that Humane Gospel. So we’re gonna have to refer to this because like I said; Jesus said another will come in his own name and him you will receive! This is what happens with Pope Francis. Notice what happened when he was in America two children by the way I thank Brother Kellen Davison for sharing this with me.
Two people brought their children up and they were grabbed one FBI Agent that knew where the caravan was going spoke to one family said; be at a certain, certain point for what reason? To get the child to the Pope, the Pope kissed the baby on the head. What happens later? They find out that the baby went to normal.
We also find that a child with 2 holes in his heart after the Pope lays his hand on the chest of the baby and offers a blessing they go back to the doctor the one hole is gone the other hole is partially filled in as well. So people say; is it a false miracle or is it a devil? No; because Jesus says; many will be the miracles that this false savior will do. So it’s not the fact that it’s not a miracle remember divine healing has a lot to do with your faith in Christ, in what He’s done. God honors faith. And these people really believe their reaching Christ through this Pope very interesting to say the least there.
So anyway let’s take a look at this again I want to thank Sister Amy for sharing this with me there was also a brother that noticed that as well where he says; I come in my own name. All these prophesy’s being fulfilled even like the breaking of the staff. Another brother wrote and he says; Brother Steve also the staff was broke when he was in Israel. That was just fascinating in itself to think of that. All these places the staff breaks God clearly is showing that he is the Babylonian, that he is the King of Babylon in this day here.
Let me take you to the Humane Gospel once again like I said many people don’t seem to like this, many of you are actually very interested. Many people are saying; because He speaks of Father, mother things like this it bothers you, remember in Genesis God says about Adam He said; this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife. There was no other human being at that time, the only one it could have referred to was to Adam!
So even our own Canon speaks of a father, mother but when Yeshua speaks about the all parent or the Father, mother He refers to it as one. Because He says; in God is both male and female. He’s both Father and mother so don’t let these things stumble you. There’s many others that people have written me that also have been stumbling blocks all you have to do is search your own Canon and you’ll find the answers to them there. I even found in the Humane Gospel of Peace that Yeshua spoke about the angel of the air. I thought that was kind of strange as well. Never heard of anything like that before then I found in Hosea if you look at it in the Hebrew language it’s a little bit more clear it said; when the angel embraces you with his wings you shall be ashamed the angel of the air. When He embraces you with his wings you will be ashamed. So these things are there but again like Yeshua said; His Words would be hidden in the age to come or in the ages to come.
Let me share with you here this (Humane Gospel of Yeshua) Chapter 61 some of this we went over already but I didn’t read some of the other parts I think is important to read to you now. It says (verse 5); in that time of trouble no creature no. Let me back up to verse 4; for in those days the many shall be held in bondage but yet not in prison and they shall be used to increase the riches of the greedy. Yea even the innocent beasts of the field shall be greatly oppressed for every cruelty and lust shall be worked against My innocent brothers and sisters of the great Household of God for many shall lust after the taste of flesh and blood shall flow freely as high as the bridle of the horse! And by the way there’s been no time of the slaughter of animals in all the world’s history as much as it is in modern times. Everywhere the cruelty and the abuse of the animals it is documented over and over and over and over and over but the murder of the innocent animals is unbelievable. And at the same time we claim to be the Temple of God and the Bible says this, Paul taught that as well; ye are the Temple of God.
You know he takes this actually from the Humane Gospel; Jesus is the one that taught that you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the Temple of God for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you. And Yeshua says; the Temple of God is the Temple for the living not for the dead. And think about that even the Temple back in the Biblical Times was there in the Old City. It was not supposed to be for animal sacrifice it was to be for pure Oblation. A lot of people disagree with that but Jeremiah disagrees the other way Jeremiah says; that God never commanded Moses when he came out of the Egypt to offer up animal sacrifice.
We also find that Hosea says the same. Micah the same, Malachi also claims the same, David in the Psalms Chapter 51 said; if God wanted sacrifice I would have offered it but He delights not in the blood of bulls and goats. But you see what was it, if you touch something that was dead you were considered unclean what more then are you if you bury that dead animal within your own body the Temple of God. People say; you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes because you are what? You’re defiling the Temple of God! Shouldn’t drink alcohol many different things even down through the years I’ve been taught you defile the Temple of God. Well what is even worse then to become the cemetery; the place where the bodies of the dead animals are placed are in your body defiling the Temple of God.
Remember when Jesus saw the maniac of Gadara He was dwelling in the graveyard where all the dead were this is where demons live in graveyards. In fact one of the early Church father’s I believe it was Clement, I don’t know if it was Clement or Tertullian one that actually says very much the same thing that the worse demon is the demon of valley we make it a graveyard. I know these things are very difficult but my point is too, brother, sister listen to me and I’m not judging you if you choose to do it that way I’m trying to show you the more perfect way the way that God would have you to live.
If we think of it in this manner here if God put us on a vegetarian diet in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were put on a vegetarian diet and we say that God cannot change then why do we think that God changed His mind on our diet? Why do we think that God has; that He can’t make up His mind on what we should eat? And by the way in Genesis I believe its Chapter 9, where He commands Noah; most people say that He allowed the eating of the animals there. No He clearly says to Noah; that he’s not to eat any, any flesh that has blood, the soul therein. The reason why He distinguishes blood is because only animals with blood have a soul and nefesh. And by the way clearly in Genesis those that have asked before they say; you mean to tell me that an animal has a soul? Yes it does. In Hebrew it just says; they were living creatures. But God says; in the Hebrew language there that they were living souls not creatures; nefesh just like Adam and Eve had a nefesh, their living souls. And God clearly commands Noah that he was not to eat anything that had blood because it has a soul. Now that’s perfectly in line with what Yeshua taught here. Well there’s those that say; well He multiplied fish, He ate fish and all these type things here. But remember Yeshua said; that His Word would be changed so people could be taught a lie.
These Early Church fathers were avowed vegitarians makes a large
statement as to what we may have read in the Bible before it was
worked on at the various ecumenical councils. It was not until the
time of Emperor Canstantine (Fourth Century) that vegetarian
Christians had to practice underground-that was because Constantine
was a meat eater. He was also a manic and Church history abounds
with the stories how he poured molten lead down the throats of
Christians vegitarians for their chosen diet.
Reality/The inconceivable Truth by: Michael Duncan
Constantine poured molten lead down the throats of those that would not convert from vegetarianism back to eating meat these are in historical documents. It’s even written in the Talmud that at the time of the destruction of the 2nd Temple many had become vegetarians and had stopped eating meat or even drinking wine. Clearly Yeshua’s ministry had a tremendous impact on the children of Israel at that time.
Let’s continue on (Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61 verse 6); for many shall the miracles ah; I’m sorry let me go back to verse 5; because I didn’t read verse 5 yet; in that time of trouble no creature of God nay man nor beast shall escape the cruel judgment of the wicked generation save Mine Holy Elect under the charges of Mine Holy Angels. For I say unto ye this day; that a strange savior shall rule the minds of many and that generation shall believe not in the evil of the world but shall judge all evil good and all good evil. Exactly what they’re doing with the Pope of Rome, everything that he’s doing, the media, the people, the President’s, the leaders their all, even the Church leaders are saying everything he does it good. And everything that good the things like what we’re trying to tell you here it’s all being judged as bad.
The Associated Press got an exclusive tasting of some of
The dishes on Francis’ five-meal New York menu, which
Took it’s cue from the Pontiff’s healthy diet in Rome. His
Doctor reportedly is trying to get him to lose 15 pounds.
The tomato and lobster salad gave way Thursday night to
veal with porcini mushrooms. Dessert was Concord grape
sorbet and angel food cake.
Posted by Fox Nws September 28, 2015
Veal is made from a stolen Calf
People say; well Steve the Pope also believes in a vegetarian lifestyle as well but he’s not a vegetarian. So he’s just a hypocrite. You know they also say; or the Pope actually taught you to move to the cities, Jesus says in the Humane Gospel; stay away from the cities there’s nothing but evil in them but live in the countryside. Verse 6 says; for many shall the miracles of the strange god work in the earth; I’ve just shared with you some of the miracles that he’s done. He’s also changed dry blood to liquid blood. See? Yeshua calls him a strange god. (Verse 6); and and the people shall worship that savior with much devotion for all hope in the god that is not a god but deceives the people of every nation.
Okay listen to me; if you’ve ever listened to me before I beg you to listen to me now; this is clearly a prophecy, this Book is written from a fragment that is ah; it was done within the 1st hundred years after Yeshua was on the earth. We have no fragment at all for Matthew, Mark, Luke or John it is believed though that John is validated from a real document because even John’s Book lines up more with the different Essene documents that we actually have fragments of.
But did you just hear what He said in verse 6 (Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61)? Let me read it to you again slowly; for many shall the miracles of the strange god work in the earth and the people shall worship that savior with much devotion for all hope in the god that is not a god but deceives the people of every nation. This document friend’s is about 19 hundred years old and you don’t think it’s accurate? Everything thus far has been a prophecy and everything I’ve said to you thus far has come to pass even if you believe its okay to eat meat. And I will say this; I do believe that there is a permissive will of God.
(Numbers 11:4-5, 18, 33); He allows the Jews in the wilderness journey to have the flesh of the birds. But it angered God so much because God said; they lusted for the blood. He wasn’t upset over the melons, the garlic any of the fruits of Egypt but He was angry over their lust for the blood that’s what the Bible clearly states. And God took and killed a thousand of them in one day with the plague while the meat was yet between their teeth. But they did get a permissive will, God did allow it but it’s not His perfect will that’s what we’re trying to get you to recognize the perfect will of God. You’re going back by the way to a Millennial Reign where there is no killing, there is not gonna be any slaughter houses in Heaven whatsoever. So you’re ever gonna get used to it this is a good time to get started on it. Not to mention like I said; you are the Temple of God. The Temple of God was meant for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you. Don’t feel it, don’t make the Temple of God as a graveyard.
(Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61) verse 7; But the Eternal Spirit of All, shall send forth His holy messengers and they shall restore the Holy law anew; that’s your Two Witnesses, messengers plural; which wicked men have hidden by their vain traditions and those that believe not the holy law shall perish…And in that day shall all they that keepeth My law and commandments be hated of all Nations for My Names sake, for many shall be offended at My holy laws , and betray one another and shall hate one another for many false prophets shall indeed arise and shall deceive many. That’s all these television preachers and stuff that are running around out there against you know the Holy Laws not to kill the animals. And I have gotten a lot of hatred for making this stand again it’s clearly as a prophecy and I see it being fulfilled.
(Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61) verse 8; Yea, I tell ye in that age yet to come the Father’s Name shall be blasphemed in a manner like never before in the history of the world greater than even the star count of Heaven itself! When He speaks about the Father’s Name being blasphemed it’s because people are saying; that God has commanded to do this or to do that and that’s okay.
Just like the building of the 3rd Temple their wanting to restart sacrificial service again and Jeremiah clearly says in Chapter 7; that God never commanded your fathers when they came out of Egypt to sacrifice animals. I know a lot of people say; what about Levitical Law? We do see Moses goes back up after the First Ten Commandments to be rejected? And he does come back down with a whole new set of Laws for the people because why? They rejected God’s perfect will. God never wanted this to happen that’s not what He did at Mount Horeb. Mount Sinai is altogether different. Mount Horeb which Jeremiah refers to as well as Malachi refers to is a different story altogether.
But He says; he’ll blaspheme the Name of God like never before in all the history. And of course as I said; Revelation Chapter 13 verses 6 and 7 He says; he opens his mouth and blasphemes against God to blaspheme His Name and His Tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven and was given unto Him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindred’s, tongues and Nations.
This is your Anti-Christ, this is the beast, this is Pope Francis and if Pope Francis were to be replaced by another Pontiff it wouldn’t matter still the same concession of the Pontificate ah; genealogy, however you want to call it genealogy whatever you would call that there. Nonetheless they’re blaspheming His Name. And people say; why do they say they blaspheme? Because they’re saying; that Yeshua said things that He never said.
They claim that God has said things that He never said. Preachers and everything else are claiming that God said things that He never said. They changed the Bible like no other; I mean Jeremiah 8 verse 8 says; that the lying pen of the scribe has turned it into a lie. And Jesus says in (Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61 verse 9): for hand dripping with the innocent blood of My creatures will take up My Name in vain and mislead many.
So the one that does all this blasphemy claims the Name of Jesus; and they will follow the ways of the Pharisees and not the true path of the Pure Oblation; like with the 3rd Temple right now it is the Pharisees of 2,000 years ago what are they wanting to do? Their wanting to again with the red heifer to offer the sacrifices and these people are gonna follow after the ways of the Pharisees and Sadducees they’re not going to be against the Temple Sacrifice. And they’re gonna take up God’s Name in doing because why? They’re against the pure Oblation you know what the sacrifices that you offer today?
Yeshua actually says it here in the Humane Gospel when you’re taking of the Communion, when you take of the bread and the grape juice Yeshua explained it here even more detail. He says in our own Canon, He says; that the bread is His body and the blood ah; the juice is His Blood. But what’s interesting when He goes in here He explains it a little deeper. It’s not that you convert these two into the body and Blood of Christ but Jesus says; I eat of the bread of the field. He tells the disciples here just paraphrasing and He said; I drink of the fruit of the grapes. And the fruits of the field; He says; and these here inside My body God transformed to make My body for the Son of Man has only ate of the bread and the fruits and this is what has made My body. He says; when you do you, when you offer your Oblations today, you take of the bread and you take of the fruit and every time you do you’re doing it as a sacrifice to God. Why? Because your heart is the altar, you’re taking that in.
Notice Yeshua said; do this as often as you will in remembrance of Me. I used to always wonder as often as we will? Man that’ll be a lot. Jesus talking about every time you think of Him you should be doing it, do you realize that He’s actually giving you a command to what your diet should be? I never thought about it like that before till just now. We do this as Paul states; as often as you come together do this in remembrance of Me, keep that pure Oblation not the blood.
So anyway He says (Humane Gospel of Yeshua Chapter 61 verse 9): Yea many lies shall be spoken of Me in that age things I spoke not unto ye nor taught not for they will lust after much flesh and sin and their evil will mount higher than a new moon of thy season and many will believe and be lost. (Verse 10); Yea sheep will they be but shepherds few, sheep will there be but shepherds few for the wolves shall destroy the sheep and scatter them about as the north wind scatters the fallen leaves. For many are the hopes of that age to come but like the bow in the sky after the rain cometh, disappears into nothingness. Though great be their savior only hopelessness shall reign over the nations. Pope Francis is not going to deliver this world friend’s.
He says (verse 11); I tell ye, better for that generation not to have been born into the world, for darkness fills that age and gross darkness the people where the lie ruleth the hearts of many… Yea, I tell unto ye truly, if any man then shall say unto you, Lo, here is the Christ or there he be; be ye on guard and haste not to believe. For there shall arise many false Christs and false prophets spreading the lie against the humane Son of God and they shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible to even deceive the very elect of God.
(Verse 12): Wherefore if they shall say unto you; Behold, he is in the desert go not forth; Behold, he is in the secret place haste not to believe. For as lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. And then verse 13 I’ll conclude with this one this is very powerful in itself. We actually have it in our own Canon but we don’t realize that it’s not the eagle it’s the vultures. He says; for remember, wheresoever the carcass is there will the vultures be gathered together. For these birds eat of the dead and do gather round for the feast and know not the living. Know ye also therefore that the true disciples of Christ are among the living only and are not found gathered round dead things. (Verse 14); for as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating flesh and blood and drinking sour wine and marrying for unnatural reasons… Until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them away, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be. My friend’s we’re in a very serious hour, very serious. The Two Witnesses definitely are here somewhere already, they haven’t started their ministry as of yet but it’s about to take place.
I can’t say exactly when that will be but it’s going to come soon because the Word of God has got to be restored. There’s not anyone that has claimed to be a prophet or whatever that has restored the Word of God to what I have just read you. I’m hoping to get Brother Lionel on very soon the scholar that actually worked with the Dead Sea Scrolls he also was the translator ah; for the Cyrus Cylinder and very fascinating sights that he has. He very much believes like the Gospel of Philip, the Gospel of the Holy Twelve to be very authentic and line up very good together. And we’re supposed to have him on before too long to go into some of these things with you as well to look at this much deeper.
If you would like you can email me [email protected] I’ve got hundreds of emails all the time I’m normally 4 or 5 hundred backed up but if you’ll put in your title copy of Humane Gospel or Essene Gospel I’ll send you the one I’m working on. I’m behind on getting this done, I’m getting a scholastic work on the pdf that I have of this where I am linking this throughout the entire Canon that we have as well as also with other writing such as the Book of Philip ah; because there’s many different books even the Book of Enoch that line up with this. So I’m doing that to where you can see where a lot of these things are at. And I think it’ll be a blessing for ya’ll. I’ll send that to you.
And pray for us we’re in a serious hour friends, very serious hour. News if happening so fast I can’t even keep up with it. I know the things going on in Syria, Russia being there so many people worried about Gog and Magog War. I’ve even said; I actually quoted Brother Kellen on this that will they end up trying to fake a God and Magog War. And one of the reasons why I said or Brother Kellen said this and I can see why he says this. I also believe the same before as well that Gog and Magog according to John in the Book of Revelation is actually fought at the end of the 1,000 year Millennium.
But there’s a lot of people like Chuck Missler and others that I know of that believe that it is a compound fulfilment of the Gog and Magog War that it will happen not only at the end of the 1,000 year Millennium but it will also happen in modern times as well. I’ve never been fully persuaded that it could happen that way but I do believe that that is a great possibility so I’ve spoken about that numerous times myself. But we are definitely in a very serious hour and yes Russia is there, yes Iran has gotten troops on the ground now in Syria. All the key players are there and it’s a very serious hour indeed one wrong move could spiral into a Global Chaos.
I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live a Prophetic Segment of our broadcast. Shalom and good evening.
You are a breath of fresh air. Thank you
Thank you!
This is new to me I’ve just recently be seeing people speak of this lost book It makes perfect sense with all the evil things people are doing and broad casting them as if their normal I will most definitely get the book What got me to thinking about this so strongly was when I saw in Genesis that Enoch walked with God and I got to thinking Why is there not a book in the Bible by Enoch being he actually walked beside God This has really put my thoughts in overdrive Thank you for openimg my eyes on truth.Can you tell me what other books we’re omitted from the Bible I’d truly love to know.