Prime Minister Netanyahu reacted to a message on Instagram posted by Rotem Sela. Ms Sela a well-known TV figure in Israel was blasting the cultural minister of Israel who had been warning against Arab parties in the upcoming election. She responded in part by writing ‘Arabs, too, God help us, are human beings’. in a response to her posting Prime Minister Netanyahu wrote ‘Israel is the nation-state of Jews alone’. the Prime Minister did go on to claim there were equal rights for Arabic and Druze citizens alike, but it seems rather difficult to believe there is an equality for the citizens of Israel if it’s leader has already stated unequivocally that the nation is a state for Jews only. Actress Gal Gadot, know for her leading role in the movie Wonder Woman, did far more than just come and defend Ms Sela. Ms Gadot came as a defender of Torah principal. She wrote in the Hebrew language “love your neighbor as yourself” in Israeli media there were many the criticized both women for remotely standing for the quality of humanity.
This should alarm anyone and most especially the Christian and Jewish communities. Many of us such as ourselves here at Israeli News Live have in the past been staunch supporters of the nation of Israel. Yet more and more we see the current government isolating any group, citizen or not, that is not an Orthodox Jewish belief and has been certified by the rabbinical community. The principles that were established by the great prophet Moses have long been forgotten or they have been written off by the opinions of rabbis. So as we look to the Word of God I recall as many of you no doubt know that Israel had twelve sons not to mention his daughters. These twelve sons made up twelve tribes which by the leadership of Joshua overthrew the Nephlim that were dominating this part of the world 3500 years ago and established the land of Israel. Joshua under the command of Moses divided up the land according to our tribes. Today we have only three tribes that have returned to our ancient homeland –Judah, Benjamin and Levites. The house of Israel consisted of ten tribes that have yet to return home. Even as the prophet Zechariah noted that Judah would return home first. The House of Israel is scattered throughout the entire globe and who’s to say what their beliefs may be after 2800 years of exile.
Our prophet Moses clearly stated that we were not to move a boundary marker of another tribe. Not to mention that we had no command to drive out the occupants in modern days as we were coming home. The Palestinians are not Nephlim, they are not giants devouring the land that Joshua and Caleb faced. In studies we have discovered their DNA to be the same of the Sephardic community in Israel. Yet Palestinians in many cases are treated as unequal citizens in the state of Israel. Jews that have converted to Christianity are persecuted and efforts are made by the government to remove their citizenship. So when the Prime Minister writes statements on social media to the effect that Israel is a Jewish only nation it only further divides its citizens.
I still might have a copy of that video youtube messed with. I record all youtube videos i want to watch later than delete them afterwords. I do not upload or share any videos i save because they are not mine. If you need a copy you can email me.
Yes i do have a copy of Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees. It has been saved before youtube ruined it. My computer save it as a mp4. I’m not sure how to send it to you maybe you can help me. I didn’t know how to get a message to Steven about the video. I found this site and hopefully Steven will get this.
[email protected]
God bless you steven for adressing and shaering this info. I Will battle netanyahu.
He is the anointed that will be no more.
Is there dna for the other 7 tribes???
not sure
These GRANDCHILDREN were PLACED into a Forced Adoption condition, STOLEN without any proper paper work just a contact note that said ‘apprehend them, we’ll sort it out later’ . Such PLACEMENT is against the wishes of the children and those who raised them from birth! GIVE THEM BACK.
Shalom, Steve and Jana!
Have you seen this video by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi about what the Zionists did to the Yemenite Jews that they conned into moving to Israel? I almost didn’t watch it because of the way this guy talks about Yeshua, but he completely outed the “Zionist Communist Israeli government” on this subject. It is absolutely horrific and heartbreaking.
Thank you for coming to Canby. Hopefully we will get to see you again, soon.
In Yeshua,
Mary Eileen
P.S. – I tried the Contact Us page, but it will not send the message.
some of his students watch our program
I have a question, is there anywhere in scripture that states when these laws take affect certain signs or anything?? I have heard that these laws are being set up for the time after the rapture & those left behind either worship Satan or will be beheaded for Christ name sake. I’m not clear on this as of yet. I know Christians are already being beheaded & killed now in large numbers.
Did you notice the moon phase on 1st Nissan Pesach was a full moon (or nearly)? Isn’t the first of every Lunar month in the Jewish calendar marked by the appearance of the new moon crescent?!
Peace be unto you…
I do admire and respect your opinions and the time you and your wife spend on finding important journalistic material for us…
Thank you both very much…
May our One and Only Creator God Almighty Bless and Guide us all to the Straight Path and Keep us on the Straight Path
Summa Amin…
The Noahide laws seem similar to the manusmriti of Hinduism.
The laws as they believe is given by manu the progenitor of all mankind.
These laws reserve favour for the priestly class and call them the Brahmins. It is known that these laws try to creep into the judicial system of India and the people favoring them are innocent religious Hindus who don’t deserve a proper place in the law.
A research in this area may provide exact insights.
The offspring of the nephilim are the “people” in current control of our world. They own ALL the media (newspapers, magazines, publishing houses) ALL the major internet sites (google, youtube, facebook, yahoo, etc.) ALL the central banks such as the FED and ALL the big banks around the world (except those in Iran, N Korea and Cuba) and they run all the govts and govt related groups (i.e. the U.N, CFR, Bilderbergs etc.). They are the ones who Yeshua called the synagogue of satan, those who call themselves Judahites but do lie. I speak of fake jews, not real Judahites, which no one knows who they are. I wonder if these fake jews of today can be known by their bloodtypes? (RH- or RH+) Recall that before RhoGAM many children and mothers died because of this and then consider Gen 3:15. “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” Do you think it could be that simple? Seems worthy of some investigation! Peace, David.
I have been speaking with a former White House employee, who correctly told me one month ago about the 120,000 troop Iran deployment, which was reported in the NY Times today. I reported it on my channel and through a blog one month ago. Please see my channel for more. Someone recommended I contact you but this is the only way I see. Your contact form did not work, error msg.
david email at [email protected]
Man I love you guys and pray for your family. Health and blessings to your family my good man. I am trying to open my family up to the world of discernment and truth. And as always without God doing it, it never works out right. God is good to me but The World hates me. Always trying to throw me in prison. I’ll just tell em about Jesus Christ of Nazareth when I do go. Pray for me I am walking in a shadowy valley. I love you guys!!
Steven and Jana, I find these men Mark and rabbi sharpia confused when I listen to the clips you show it’s like they’re talking out of the both sides of they’re mouth! I am not Jew and never plan to be out want to be Jesus tells to be kind, love our neighbors as he love us.. this battle has been going on since the time before Jesus come into the world, this is Satan’s lies and these men have fallen into this lie! . Blessings brother and sister. Please if anything happens to your channel keep me in your loop @ [email protected] these
is me email..I will continue to pray and support you.
beware the new secular world order or Talmud reign of false messiah Ben David Maitreya imam Mahdi and false prophet messiah Ben Joseph not Jesus Christ begins after some wars involving Iran, Syria, Yemen, Cuba, Venezuela, maybe a new war between north and south Korea and some other natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, famines, new pandemics of infectious disease, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other terrible things i think also there will be a false flag terrorist attack involving the hoover dam the largest artificial lake in the united states i fear the new Madrid and the San Andres fault line in California will see something big a fake alien invasion actually a invasion of fallen angels or demons will arrive these fallen angels will tamper with human genetics and introduce the mark of the beast to the public. beware the man of sin has a olive skin tone he is very statuesque and athletic in both physically appearance and mentally he is a genius he has black hair and brown eyes.
So Good!
May I ask where did you get such a description of The Man of Sin???
‘A Talmudic maxim instructs with respect to the Scripture: “Turn it over, and turn it over, for all is therein.” The Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Aboth, Ch. V, Mishnah 22 (I. Epstein ed. 1935). Divinely inspired text may contain the answers to all earthly questions, but the Due Process Clause most assuredly does not. The Court today continues its quixotic quest to right all wrongs and repairall imperfections through the Constitution. Alas, the quest cannot succeed—which is why some wrongs and imperfections have been called nonjusticiable. In the best of all possible worlds, should judges sometimes recuse even where the clear commands of our prior due process law do not require it? Undoubtedly. The relevant question, however, is whether we do more good than harm by seeking to correct this imperfection through expansion of our constitutional mandate in a manner ungoverned by any discernable rule. The answer is obvious.’ –
hi Mr Steven Ben noon i heard about something in a dream about a day of wonders will be when the man of sin rises to power or his birth or his advent or conception ritual this man of sin will claim to be a savior a messiah bring peace justice and love to the world but for a short period of time the son of perdition the abomination of desolation will have ties to artificial intelligence genetic modification and advanced technology another word i heard is black nobility meaning he will be a prince or a false pretender king a prince from a island nation surrounded by the ocean and the seas a handsome tall man this wicked one shall be.
Zionisme and equal rights go hand in hand.
When the Prime Minister says so, you can not but believe him.
Israel did not start as the Land of the Jews ONLY -it belonged to ALL old ISRAEL’s Children -DANIEL 2 -Under Rome there was the feet & toes part iron part potters clay[Christ was known as the potter] -there were ten toes- the divided nation -ten sons of old Israel took up land in the Holy Land -Joseph died before arriving his children lived with Benjamin’s children?- Levi’s descendants lived amongst the others as Rabbis – the STONE that became the mountain [ YaHWeH/ Jesus Christ ] was cut without hands that struck the feet & toes [Israel] crushed them – like chaff to the wind which carried them throughout the world -not a trace to be found [ in the Holy Land -70 a.d.] -Dan 2 ;;34-35………………..1877 years later………DANIEL 7 ;- In 1947 the Jews of Europe & USSR especially -The motherland wanted them gone- went to the United Nations wanting to annex part of Palestine as the Nation State of Israel -Daniel 7- picture talk -history ;- the Eagles wings [ USA] were torn off the Lion [UK] almost as one after the WW2 alliance when the Eagles wings [USA] against the lions'[UK] wishes sided with the Bear [USSR] talking the four heads of the Leopard- countries Lebanon, Syria ,Jordan & Egypt into allowing the annexation. It passed the United Nations vote with one dissenting vote -the Lion. The Lion was made to walk on it’s own two feet as the policeman for the 1st twelve months being constantly bombed & harassed by the Stern Gang [modern Middle-east Terrorism born] until it became official in 1948.– ‘different to all the others [around it]exceedingly dreadful- and which devoured,crushed and trampled down the remainder [Dan 7;19]…….so you see prophecy is ancient, simple & accurate…… if you come as a insightful child with eyes to see & ears to hear God’s Prophetic Word……not many do !. Who is the 11th king [male elected] & the 8th head because 3 repeat office -the 7th was fatally wounded [Rabin] – who WAS [1996] WAS NOT [1999] & having trod down 3 kings returned WAS AGAIN[2009] without the honour of kingship [ Livni won ]- so you should explore with the Holy spirits help you can solve ALL Mystery -.the Great harlot [defined Rev 16; 6 & 17 ;6 & 18 ;24] has on it the blood of the Prophets [ here is just two-John the Baptist & GOD”s MESSIAH SON -the greatest]- the Saints -Stephen & Paul both beaten tortured &condemned by the Sanhedrin & Jesus’witnesses – will be killed there ‘in the great city their LORD was crucified in’ [Rev 11;8 ]- this city sits on the scarlet [with the blood] Beast { of Daniel 2]. This not easy for me of Jewish descent, but it is truth !…….Alekum Shalom.
Maranatha…servant of Jacob -Messianic Jew.
I just learn about you and your news. I live in the U.S the state of Pennsylvania My uncle from the state of New Jersey thinks the world of you. He instructed me to listen to your news. Not a day goes by that I do not converse with our one and only Lord Jesus.
Please pray for me for I will be praying for you all. Thank you for your word and may God Bless you and keep you and your families safe always..
The Jewish people of Israel seem to be very dumb. Do they really support Netanyarhu? Is this simply selfishness, or fear? With all his dozens of new ministers and staff appointed to bribe individuals, it is clear he is wasting tax money to protect himself and extend his “rule”. What a farce Israel has become..
This prime minister of Israel is an illusionist , the moment Trump is out of the WH he will be on his way to jail , the common thing between the US and Israel is that the supporters of Trump are called stout republicans and as for Nethanyoyo they are called Moroccans .
[email protected]
Sad. Pre-election right wing vote shopping brings out all the most flat-lined token racism because that is what his base demands. As a person who hates identity politics but for the sake of this post will state, as an Israeli transplant, i find Jews never seem to mind Netanyahu’s willingness to lump together all jews, invariably involved in some self-obsessed collectivist celebration. But the identity politics of hate mistaking geopolitical actors as “the jews” they notice, but fail to note they might have just taken Netanyahus identity political tripe too seriously.
where Americans are seen with nuance, somehow the jews, the musliims, and the Russians do n0t get the dignity of being seen as the same as every other brainwashed culture with leadership driving them under the bus for fun and profit.
Netanyahu is nothing more than a terrorist and zionist. He is the last person that should be speaking for the Jews.
Honorable Netanyahu is a TRUE son of Israel he knows his God given land (Israel) from boarders to boarders and the people, tribe by tribe so let him speak.
When he said that Israel is a Jewish Nation only, other nations or people must understand because the words of the Living God of Israel says in Deuteronomy 10:15 and 1 Peter 2:5 that the land of Israel and the Jewish people are set apart for God which means that they are Holy possession of God. Other Nations and People we are also God’s children but Israel is the first portion of human race that God chose for Himself and the Land He gave to the Jewish people begins from the great uprates river in Iraq to the Egyptian boarders to the Saudi Arabian boarders and into the Mediterranean Seas these are the Land of the Jewish People. Please give honor and respect to the Jewish people where its due…
“Once we squeeze every last drop out of America, they can dry up and blow away, for all I care.” – Benjamin Netanyahu, unaware he was being recorded on a cellphone video, in a bar.
“Those who claim to be Jews, and are not; Ye are of the Synagogue of Satan.” – Jesus
Christ. 90% of the Bolsheviks, including Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky, were Jews BY CONVERSION, not by blood. As a key component of their Bolshevik Revolution, they exterminated 70-80 MILLION Russian Orthodox Christians and burned every Church to the ground. Hitler was a rank amateur, compared to the Bolsheviks. Zionism has always been a stain upon humanity. And with every US President since Jimmy Carter, you can thank them for signing the 7 Noahide Laws, to facilitate the beheading of anyone who worships Jesus Christ, our True Messiah