Muslim Cleric Reveals Location For Third Temple!
Transcribed By Sis Tores
Steven Ben-Nun: Anyway so I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’re watching Israeli News Live those they’re watching on Livestream there I apologize for that I always forget to close the window on Livestream there before we begin the air here. And the livestream title is gonna be a little different than what’s going to be on YouTube I’m thinking at the moment anyway I actually speak about the proof of the Temple of the 3rd Temple being built on the Temple Mount. And but what we’re really getting into in this particular broadcast has to deal with more of Psalms 83 the Confederacy that is going on with the Islamic nations and the Vatican etc. as they build this covenant.
(; but the reason why I chose this title is because of very unique statement is made in the video that is on your screen right now behind you here this is Al-Msjed the Al-Aqsa; excuse me; this is at the Al-Aqsa Mosque here and it is a mosque preacher and we’re gonna get into what he says here in just a few minutes but he actually gives away the fact that they are actually planning to build the 3rd Temple in between or on the side of the Dome of the Rock. And that’s something that I thought was very interesting but another thing that I find interesting is this also goes to show the Confederate work that is being done behind the scenes with Rome and other Arabic countries there to annihilate the Jewish people or at least and their minds are going to annihilate the Jews and push them completely out of Israel. The Vatican is using this in order to forge its own ideas and getting control of Jerusalem.
Again I didn’t get all the different articles that I would love to have in putting this together but I want to start with this right here the title here on It says; Al-Aqsa mosque preacher Jews will worship the devil and then be exterminated by Muslims who will live in comfort as he states here. I will read to you while it plays here in the background for you guys here. He says; here the children of Israel will be forced; let me back it up here I don’t want to miss this here. I’m looking at the wrong thing there, ah; children of Israel will be forced they will not succeed they will be forced to change their plans to build the Temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Did you guys see that? I know you guys can see this clearly on your screen there now he said; to build the temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. There has never been more clear prove the Palestinian people the so-called Arabic people that call them; that have been given the name by Rome as Palestinians are claiming right here he’s at the Al-Aqsa Mosque right now he’s preaching to a group of men there inside Al-Aqsa Mosque there.
And he is saying; to build the Temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Now he’s talking about there on the Temple Mount and he’s going go a little bit more into it. So let’s take a little closer look at what he says here: and will have to build it outside; let me back it up it keeps jumping to quick on me there. Ah; and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque! Okay! A Temple of heresy to worship the devil he claims why; he says? All right? So he continues on and he states next; because the Anti-Christ won’t appear, okay? Unless this Temple is built and the devil is worshipped there; I’m gonna tell you something he’s actually got some true facts right there because Satan does want to be worshipped as if he were God sitting in the Temple. You know sitting in the Temple of God being exalted above all that is called God is that right? Is that not what Satan desire? He said; that he would raises his place up in the north and he wanted to be like God worshiped as if he were God.
You know the Pope of Rome they’re the ones that want to get the 3rd Temple built in Israel? Turkey is behind it; we’re seeing other nations that have actually agreed on building the
3rd Temple and this man here believes that it has to happen in order for the Anti-Christ to come on the scene. Let’s look at more what he has to say they’re okay? So we see that; he says; we will follow the Jews everywhere, all right. This speaking of the End of Days; they will not escape us they will not be able to escape us, okay? The rock and tree will speak according to the Hadith; that’s an oral tradition of Muhammad’s saying that’s not actually written saying’s that they have. And it is a reliable promise from the Prophet he says. I guess he doesn’t realize the Vatican wrote all that it was actually the monks up in Northern Africa that wrote for Mohammed while he was in the demonic trances Khadija his own wife stated he would go into like a demonic trance that’s what she said; you take it up with her, all right.
So it goes on to say here; according to which the tree and the rock will speak and say; oh Muslim there is a Jew behind me coming kill him. Oh Muslim there’s is a Jew behind me come and kill him; is anybody not familiar with the biblical account? Now and I’m sure seeing that the Muslim people believe that Moses was truly a Prophet of God I know they do I’ve read parts of the Korean already myself. They do believe this and Moses actually writes that the author or Satan is the author of death. He’s the one that the Bible says; that Satan was a murderer from the beginning God doesn’t go around murdering people but the Devil does.
And you know it’s funny the Pope of Rome the Vatican took and has tried to force Israel to indict, prosecute and convict this is even without a trial the Jewish man that spoke publicly and in a meeting there in Israel there I forget the man’s name I did have it up yesterday I was looking at the article. I didn’t know if I’d bring it up in this tonight or not but I am gonna go ahead and bring it up but they actually indicted him!
And let me; I’ve got to or they did arrest him let me real quick pull it up ah; Jewish Rabbi ok now he was saying; that all the churches that were ah; that they are actually alters to Baal I agree with him on there that’s exactly what they are in Israel. You know I’m not saying that every one of them do but I’m talking about the ones that have the idols in them. All of them that are out there having people bow and you know like what they call the Holy Sepulchre right there in the Old City its nothing but an altar to Baal; burn incense to Baal and everything else people come down and bow before statues. I’ve actually got a video there of a man sitting there with a Statue of Mary praying and crying his heart out to her. Now do I believe that man’s sincere sure I believe he’s sincere? You know my heart goes out to these people that are in that kind of condition. Now I don’t condone going out and burn a church but this this Rabbi right here Gottstein is his name he actually had said; that they should all be destroyed. I don’t know if he said; burn or how he actually put it there in the article that he did this on originally but he believed in the destruction of them. And later he refines his own statement and saying; I’m not gonna talking about going out there and do it I’m just saying it because it is an altar to Baal that it should be destroyed.
And quite frankly God will do that himself we don’t have to worry about doing it; Jewish people let me say something my brother and sisters out there do not; one don’t end up lowering yourselves to the terrorist standards. And when I say this let me do say this clearly not all Muslims and not all Arabic people are terrorists. Many of them just want to live and they believe what they believe they have a right to believe what they want to believe but they just want to live in peace. But there is a minority that is a complete radical bunch of maniacs that are terrorists they will not stop at anything all these knife attacks that are going on in Israel these are suicide attackers.
I say suicide because they know they watch the news they see that practically every one of these people that go out and perpetrate these crimes or at least 50% of them are being killed by the police. So you’ve got to have the mindset that you’re willing to die to go out so you can just kill a Jew that’s ridiculous that’s total insanity and demonic of the devil! Now the Vatican insisted that this man be arrested prosecuted forget the trying the Vatican didn’t care about him being tried they wanted him to be prosecuted and put in jail. They didn’t even care about him having a trial; his own attorney even made the statement; is the Pope gonna come here be as judge as well? You know his own defense attorney could not believe the audacity that the Vatican had that much power over the Israeli government that they went and arrested this man because he made a statement all right?
Well if they arrested him can you tell me then why the Vatican is so prejudice and they don’t do anything about this Muslim cleric right here that is calling on all Jews to be killed? He’s right there on the Temple Mount why doesn’t the Vatican cry to have him arrested he’s inciting murder? And he’s not just saying it as a principle of what he believes and the other man he’s not talking about murder either he wasn’t even talking about; Gottstein was not talking about murder he was just talking that it was altars to Baal and the Vatican was inflamed over that! Wanted his organization banned you can’t buy or sell saving you take the mark, come on let’s watch up friends. You need to wake up on this you can’t buy or sell you can’t speak you have no voice except to go along with whatever the Vatican has to say. But oh a Muslim cleric he can say what he wants to ok for him right? Oh Muslim there is a Jew behind me come and kill him; I thought it was a religion of peace? You know and I know that there’s Muslim people that do want peace that do that are there are clerics who believe their way I totally disagree with their way.
I’ll tell you like it is no different than the Vatican to me they’re both wrong and both and both completely in idolatry. The children of Israel will all be exterminated he says, okay. The Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time, okay? That’s what he says there; Palestinian Media Watch, Powell watch is what it’s actually called alright. Friends; I’m alarmed to say the very least that this man gets away with it you know? Well I shouldn’t be alarmed it’s the way they all do. You know as long as the Vatican approves of what they’re saying they can do whatever they want no big deal.
And let me pull Psalms 83 up for you real quick on the screen here it is a Confederacy that’s going on between the Church’s the Arabic Nations, the religious leaders of these nations as well as the Heads of States of these nations. And I recently really by God’s grace seen what’s been going on here and I felt that you guys need to be made more aware of the things that are happening. And now I’ve been looking at the relationship that the Vatican has with Iran its very important situation is going on here because in light of what this man says in in the video that I just shared with you and that is that; ah; let me just pull that back to where that’s at and I’ll stop it because I really want you to be able to see this all right?
Let me back it up a little further okay? Because they’re planning on building the Temple okay they’ll be forced to change their plans to build the Temple inside the structure of Alex Al-Aqsa Mosque. Ok now he goes on to say; and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque. So he’s clearly showing you that he knows they’re going to build the 3rd Temple it’s going to be built there on the Temple Mount. I guess what he’s trying to say in his statement here is; that they would tear down the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the 3rd Temple. But then he states here; and we’ll have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque; all right.
And I think the next statement here; okay; he just says; the Temple of heresy to worship the devil. So he clearly knows that they’re going to build the 3rd Temple he knows it’s going to be built on the Temple Mount and he knows that they’re going to build on the outside of the Al-Aqsa Mosque all right? This is clear what we have established right here on that there. Now I bring this in here because in doing some research on; you know after seeing what his statement was I went back and looked at this because he spoke about the Anti-Christ and I thought that was interesting.
(; and I ran across an article the other day that spoke about how that Ahmadinejad and of course this has been sometime back now back in 2006 in December when he first made this comment here. And this is headline on WND News it says; Jesus, Mahdi Both Coming Says Iran’s Ahmadinejad. All right many, many people let me tell you something this is what gets me about prophecies too. So many people thought that he was the Anti-Christ that it wasn’t funny. And I keep saying back then when people would say that I’m like come on seriously do you think this man is going to be able to bring about a one-world religion? No it’s impossible but his statement and the Confederacy that’s happening with Psalms 83 is clearly showing what the Pope of Rome was doing even then alright.
So before I read the article let me take you back to the Scripture real quick. Let’s look at this and I hope you guys can see this on your screen there I’ve tried several different ways to make this bigger and I just don’t know any other way to make it larger okay. (Psalms 83:1-3); a Psalm of Asaph; keep not thou silent oh God hold not that I peace be not still oh God for low Thine enemies make atonement they that hate the have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counseled against Thy people in consulted against Thy hidden ones, all right.
There’s one thing I need to do here hang on guys let’s just; I can get ya’ll a better view of the Bible. Those of you that like to look at the Hebrew as well the memory online is a good source it’s a decent translation I don’t consider the best but it is a decent translation and that’s course that’s my opinion it doesn’t my opinion doesn’t mean that it’s the right where it’s just my thought okay. (Hebrew; Psalms 83:1); shiyr miz’môr l’äšäf; a song or Psalm of Asaph; oh God keep Thou not silence, hold no Thou peace and be not still oh God, okay. Israel is seeking God to intervene on an issue so we had to see what the issue is. (Verse 2); for lo Thine enemies are in an uproar and they that hate Thee have lifted up the head, now the head here (Hebrew); the rosh; it’s the leader all right? (Hebrew); näs’û rosh; see they lifted up their leader, all right. (Verse 3); They hold crafty converse against Thy people; that’s actually like a council meeting, like the United Nations if you look at this; if you apply this the way that is spoken about in modern-day Hebrew; al–aM’khä yaáriymû šôd; this is like the United Nations assembly this is a type of meeting this would be in all right. (Verse 3); They have taken crafty converse or council; as it says in the King James I believe it is, against Thy people and taken counsel against Thy treasured ones. Okay. (Hebrew); al–tz’fûneykhä; is actually in Hebrews it’s al–tz’fûneykhä; which is the last word on line 4 under Dalet there; al–tz’fûneykhä; is hidden ones, treasured ones; you could use the word treasure but the word hidden ones is actually better. The Kings James did a little bit better job in translating that.
(Verse 4); They have said come let us cut them off from being a nation; of course you guys already know I believe the hidden ones are the Two Witnesses. This says; come let them let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel maybe no more in remembrance. You see now the Vatican started that issue with the name of Israel when they actually took the ah; at the fall of Israel in 70 AD they changed the name they call it Palestine/
The Roman Catholic Church has maintained the name Palestine they give this to the Palestinians the Jordanian Arabs that we’re living in the land of the time when Israel took and battled in 1948. So is the Vatican has always tried to do away with the name of Israel constantly even other dialects still they try to do away with the name of Israel. And of course the Arabic nations that they’re joining with totally want to do away with the name of Israel as well.
Now if you go on in verse 6 (Psalms 83) here; for they have consulted together with one consent against Thee do they make a covenant. All right? A Covenant right there right there see (Hebrew); B’riyt; äleykhä B’riyt yikh’rotû. All right the B’riyt is a covenant that they have made, I think King James translates that as Confederate, they’re Confederate against Thee, all right? (Verse 6); The Tents of Edom and the Ishmaelite’s, okay? Tents of Edom, Edom as we say it in Hebrew; the tents are the Churches, the World Council of Churches it also could very well be as I’ve said before it could be Russia in this case here because Vladimir Putin is a Russian Orthodox Catholic. He also we’ve already seen that the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church have united together and they worked out their differences and now we see Vladimir Putin there in Syria of all places with no confrontation by the United States which is kind of ironic because Russia is bombing and destroying all of the forces that the United States and the CIA were backing and arming. And believe me they have backed an arm them with some pretty hefty weapons. And recently Brother Chris sent me an article there showing that also that the United States had pulled out one of its aircraft carriers from the Mediterranean you know it’s as if the United States does not want to get involved in this. And at the same time United States is trying to save face now in finally taken out some of the ISIS targets when they’ve spent all these years now doing nothing. So anyway; so I believe that Russia’s part of these tents here.
Now then it goes on to say; and the Ishmaelite’s, of Moab, and the Hagarenes; (verse 7); Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; (Verse 8); Assyria also is joined with them or Syria; which shows Syria comes in last why? They’ve got to rebuild Syria; they’ve got to make Syria strong again. Of course why is Russia there? They want the oil in the area there. We know that all these names that you see here are dealing with the Countries of Lebanon the countries of Jordan, of course Syria; Egypt is mentioned in here as one of these countries as well. We’ve been over all this before with you there all Confederate even the Iranians are part of this group here all right. So this is what’s going on so we see that we have a biblical issue that has taken place right there when we look at that right. Now so that’s just looking at the scriptural side of it.
(; and then what we have here is Ahmadinejad comes in here and he makes this very strange statement WND News carried it. It was on December 19th 2006 in a greeting to the world’s Christian’s for the coming New Year Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said; he expects both Jesus and the Shiite messianic figure, Imam Mahdi, that would be the 12th Mahdi; to return and “wipe away oppression.” Are you serious? He expects Jesus to return.
Now this is another reason why there was so much fuel behind this where people believe that it’s an Arabic Anti-Christ. Well a lot of the Arabs believe it’s a Jewish Anti-Christ but you’re gonna have the Anti-Christ and a False Prophet working hand-in-hand in this. But it’s interesting that he brings up Jesus. Why did he even bring this up to begin with? Because he’s working with the Pope of Rome and if you want to look at the part about Jesus is not really that Jesus comes back but Anti-Christo. Just like the word Vicar of Christ is a substitute for the real Mashiach, the real Christ.
And so what is it? It’s really going to be a Pontiff of Rome that will be that Anti-Christo. It doesn’t make any difference I personally do not think that Pope Francis will retire but that’s; I’m not prophesying that but nonetheless even if he did Satan would just take the next man that comes in line it makes no difference all right. He goes on to say; I wish all Christians a Happy New Year to ask him a question as well. And Ahmadinejad according to the Iranian students news agency reported cited by W Net News my one question from Christians is what would Jesus do if he were present in the world today? What would he do before some of the oppressive powers in the world who are in fact residing in Christian countries which powers would he revived and which of them would he destroy; ask the Iranian Leader?
You noticed a decline of the United States? Of course a declining in the United States has only been since Russia came down to Syria. And it’s interesting how Russia can wield the power that they’re willing as if it’s no big deal, the Vatican’s not condemning what Russia’s doing it’s because the Vatican is behind Russia and what they’re doing all right.
He says; if Jesus were present today who would be facing him and who would be following him? Ahmadinejad then made a connection between Jesus and the Imam Mahdi believe by Shiites to have had disappeared as a child in 8941 when the mighty returns they contend he will reign on earth for 7 years before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world. All I want to say is that the age of hardship threat and spite will come to an end someday and God willing Jesus would return to the world along with the emergence of the descendants of Islam’s Holy Prophet Imam Mahdi and wipe away every tinge of oppression, pain, agony from the face of the world Ahmadinejad is quoted as saying. You’ve got to be kidding me?
Now friends this is a major issue here and the reason why I’m going back in the history and bring these things up for you so you can understand how their relationship has been building between Rome; remember the Psalms 83 says; they’ve lifted up their head; their leader they’ve raised up their leader in all the Arabic nations have rallied in behind the Pope of Rome and you’re gonna see exactly why ok? We’re going to look at that in just a moment here all right.
(,8599,1687445,00.html); let’s take a look at this article here as well Time Magazine online reports here; Iran’s Secret Weapon; this was November 26, 2007. It makes you wonder do they do they end up doing these meetings with the Pope secretly when the world really doesn’t know? Because why is it that the media right after such bold statements are made? Then there’s diplomatic relationship’s suddenly with these countries so their secret weapon is the Pope. Let’s look at what the article says here; diplomatic chess game around Iran’s nuclear program includes an unlikely bishop. According to several well-placed Rome sources, Iranian officials are quietly laying the groundwork necessary to turn to Pope Benedict XVI and top Vatican diplomats for mediation if the showdown with the United States should escalate toward a military intervention. The 80-year-old Pope has thus far steered clear of any strong public comments about either Iran’s failure to fully comply with U.N. nuclear weapons inspectors or the drumbeat of war coming from some corners in Washington. But Iran, which has had diplomatic relations with the Holy See for 53 years, may be trying to line up Benedict as an ace in the hole for staving off a potential attack in the coming months.
Well it did work didn’t it? “The Vatican seems to be part of their strategy,” a senior Western diplomat in Rome said of the Iranian leadership. “They’ll have an idea of when the 11th hour is coming and they know an intervention of the Vatican is the most open and amenable route to Western public opinion. It could buy them time.”
Let me tell you something I’m kind of it’s just something comes on my heart right now to
share with you; and I don’t I’m not saying this is prophecy I don’t really know what this means when they build the 3rd Temple especially if the Pope of Rome has a hand in this Temple going back up and if the Arab nations have a hand in as well it may end up being; well I’ve made this; let me say it like this here; I’ve made the statement already they’re going to fake a Millennial Reign. They believe that the 3rd Temple will be a place for all nations to come and worship before the Lord.
Well if that Temple comes down out of heaven friends it doesn’t come by us building it here on the earth and I actually have to differ with Mark Blitz on this. I did have a just a brief discussion with him I’d like to put more information to Mark on this Mark believes that sacrifices are to be reinstituted and he even believes that Jesus will do it. Now you may think that’s farfetched I got Mark’s email where he told me this. And he told me he said; I believe you take it wrong I shared with him Isaiah 66 is where the Bible clearly says; to take and kill an ox is as if you killed a man. And we didn’t go any further with it but I do want to speak to him more about this. So what’s going to happen here on the Temple Mount? I believe they are going to build a 3rd Temple but if the Vatican has anything to say about it is going to be united with Christian worship as well.
Remember what John’s prophecy says; the outer court is given in to the Gentiles; all right that’s Revelation. Let’s take quick look at that in the Book of Revelation and that’s Chapter 11 (verse 1) I believe it is; and there was given me a reed like a rod and the angel stood saying rising measure the Temple of God and the altar until that worship therein. Remember I shared with you guys not too long ago about this very scripture here that the temple Institute had already been drawing up plans.
Now of course some people who wrote me and said; that had been done for several years now but they finally had made it more of a public issue, did a major video this was after they had they had got themselves a red heifer was raising in Israel then they put their video out showing also the 3D ah; dimensional view of what the Temple would look like. All Right, now I told you then I believe that they’re very things that they were doing was a fulfillment of Revelation 11:1; it was given me a reed like unto a rod. See? What does an architect use? He has a measure stick he is measuring the Temple where it’s laid out. Then it says (verse 2); but the corner, which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not for is given unto the Gentiles and the Holy City show they tread underfoot 40 and 2 months.
Now all the way back to ah; gosh I don’t know 2011 or something like that when I first started doing YouTube videos there one of the main things I said then is; what is this all about? What is this about the outer court? This is Rome gets this they’re using the Palestinians according to Daniel chapter 11 (verse 23); they come up strong with a small people. They’re using the Palestinian people this so-called Arabic people that they give the name the Palestinians to they’re using them to; against Israel. This is why they had to create a State out of these people here because they; the Pope of Rome needs East Jerusalem! You notice they only want East Jerusalem now then the Palestinians want all of it! The Pope doesn’t care if he gets all of it he just needs East Jerusalem why? So they can build that 3rd Temple!
Vision: Man Drinking On God’s Holy Mountain:
Steven Ben-Nun: And in the vision that God showed me there was some type of Temple that was built on the Temple Mount. And God told me; there was a man drinking on His Holy Mountain.
And I was actually over on Mount Zion but I knew that the people were getting ready to go up to the Temple. But for some reason I didn’t see the building physically but for some reason I knew in that vision that they were actually going up to a Church and not a Temple of Israel! So that’s why I say are they going to fake a Millennial Reign? Very well probably could do that.
We do know that in the Temple itself Solomon’s Temple the Outer Court was for the Gentiles! Now this one here is saying; measure it not for its given to the Gentiles. The Palestinians are going to get East Jerusalem friends why? For the sake of Rome! Rome’s already gotten, they’re already gotten some of the Outer Court now they actually got the all of Mount Zion now! The Temple Mount was handed over to the Jordanians to control it for the Palestinian people. Now will there be an agreement over the building of the 3rd Temple? I don’t know what the deal is going to be but I guarantee you one thing is going to have a Christian twist to it. And I’m not against my Christian brothers and sisters believe me understand that and I would never be against the Temple that’s just for a House of Worship. But it’s not going to be used for that purpose at all that’s one reason why I say; the Cleric at Al-Aqsa Mosque is right the Anti-Christ is going to come to that Temple all right.
Now so let’s go back; let’s take a look at what it says here; they have a secret weapon its the Pope the diplomatic chess game around Iran’s nuclear program includes an unlikely bishop, we got into that already right? They’ve had that relationship for 53 years now. “The Vatican seems to be part of their strategy,” a senior Western diplomat in Rome said of the Iranian leadership. “They’ll have an idea of when the 11th hour is coming and they know an intervention of the Vatican is the most open and amenable route to Western public opinion. It could buy them time (chuckles).”
Okay now the Vatican controls the West you know? There was a time where the early people in America said; don’t ever let a Pope come to the United States early Forefathers of America but well they, the Vatican owns the United States now. If the situation heats up in the coming months the question exactly what role the Vatican would play could become pivotal. Says one high-ranking Vatican official: “The Iranians look to the Holy See with particular attention it is born from our common religious matrix. Whoo-ooh, are you serious? They have a common religious matrix of course they do. This could be utilized to offer ourselves as an intermediary if the crisis worsens.” Among the potential moves: a forceful series of public appeals by the Pope, a Vatican emissary sent to Washington and Tehran, or a visit to the Vatican by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Do you guys realize who controls the world? Why is the Pope of Rome the mediator with everything? Every single world crisis he’s a mediator everybody says it only peace can come by the Pope himself. So Jesus never brought peace only the Pope brings peace is that what you’re trying to tell me? Let me tell you something here in this is from and I’m only gonna be able to paraphrase it because I don’t have it in front of me here; Rabbi Tovia Singer and I know Rabbi Tovia Singer. He actually spoke and stayed at his condemnation against Jesus was that peace was never restored to Israel. He says; so therefore He could not be Mashiach! So let me ask this Rabbi Singer and I appreciate I love my brother but I want to ask the question; if the Pope of Rome ends up bringing peace to the Middle East for you will he be your Mashiach? Now I know you wouldn’t believe it okay so I’ll answer it for you. But the point is then how many people might believe it that are Jewish as a result? There’s your danger. There’s your danger but you have to remember we’re already seeing though right here in this article itself.
He says; here it is born from a common religious matrix this is what the Vatican has with the Muslim people. The Iranian whoever you want to call it that’s what they have they have with both political and religious sections of Iran and all the other Muslim nations. That’s why they have the two keys there the head of both political and religious powers of the world all right.
Now next paragraph located in a leafy Rome neighborhood, the Iranian embassy to the Holy See features an entryway lined with a large photograph of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and framed, centuries-old correspondence between popes and Persian monarchs, including a Nov. 16, 1561, letter in Latin from Pope Pius V to Shah Tahmasp I. The current No. 2 official at the embassy, Vice-Ambassador Ahmad Fahima, said that despite some concern last year about the Pope’s provocative speech about Islam in Regensburg, Germany, “relations between Iran and the Holy See are very good.” Oh so the Pope can say it and its okay but let a cartoonist draw a picture about Mohammad the Prophet and you kill everybody. Remember Satan is the one that started all the death. He was the first one, he was a murderer and liar from the beginning so keep that in mind when you’re out there killing Jews or Christians or anybody else. Satan is the murderer, all right?
So he goes on to say; that last April’s release of 15 British sailors held by Iran — a decision that Ahmadinejad called “an Easter gift” — came just a day after the Pope had sent a private letter asking for their liberation. “There was respect for the request of the Pope,” said Fahima, who also cited a Rome meeting in May between Benedict and former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami as a sign of the mutual good will. “The policy of the Holy See is important throughout the whole world,” the diplomat said.
Asked about the standoff with the West over his country’s nuclear program, Fahima repeated Iran’s insistence that it is seeking atomic power only for civilian purposes. Moreover, he said he doubts that the United States can resolve key regional issues in the Middle East, including Iraq and Lebanon, without the help of Iran. “We don’t expect the superpower will attack,” Fahima concluded. “But if they do, I am sure the Holy See would not be favorable to such a choice.” So do you realize how serious of a relationship Rome has? I mean the article goes on you can catch this on Israeli News Live on our Facebook page where we’ll post these articles at as well.
(; now the Vatican this here; another oh gosh; this actually happened here; in 2015 the Vatican invites Iranians to join Pope Francis in Philadelphia. A senior Vatican official said Thursday that a delegation of leading women from Iran, including one of the country’s vice presidents, has been invited to be on hand when Pope Francis visits Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families in September. Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family, said the idea was born from a meeting in Rome between a delegation of Iranian women and a group of Catholic women, hosted by his office and devoted to issues concerning the family and the promotion of women. The Iranian line-up included Shahindokht Molaverdi, the country’s vice president for women and family affairs, who met Pope Francis Thursday morning. She said the two leaders discussed not only matters related to the family, but also the international situation, including conflicts in the Middle East and the need to join forces in the struggle against religious extremism.
In the course of three days of conversation between the Iranians and the Catholic participants, Paglia said, the Iranian side suggested going to Philadelphia. He said he “immediately accepted the idea,” extending a formal invitation for the group. “The family isn’t just a Catholic concern,” Paglia said. “It’s part of the patrimony of humanity.” Friends listen to me when had been looking here at Psalms 83 it is a Confederacy, Esau, Edom which is Obadiah completely.
And maybe I should just real quick for the sake of those who may view in this news later tonight on YouTube or whatever the case may be let me show you so you know how Obadiah plays into this. This is in Obadiah ah; only one chapter verse 6; how is Esau searched out? How are his hidden places sought out? Who’s Esau? So God is going to explain who Esau is here so you know who biblically Esau is in modern days or even back then so that you would know in modern days who he is as well. Now if we drop down and you go into verse 11; in that day thou did stand aloof in the day that stranger’s carried away his substance and foreigners in turn into his gates and cast lots upon Jerusalem even thou was as one of them. That’s Esau; and they cast lots upon Jerusalem even thou was one of them. Are you serious? This is the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD but he’s as one of them! It’s said by scholars that Titus was not alone but used to Syrian Army and other armies in that region at that time to help to defeat to defeat the Jews. And some scholars like Chuck Missler actually suggest that Titus was more of a bystander according. Well according to Obadiah that’s exactly right. But watch what God says about it (Obadiah 1:12); but thou shouldest now have gazed on the day of the brother in the day of his disaster.
Thy brother; that way you know it’s Esau because Esau and Jacob are brothers all right; neither shouldest thou rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou spoken proudly in the day of their distress. (Verse 13); Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of My people in the day of their calamity, yea thou shouldest not have gazed on their affliction on the day of their calamity nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. The Ark of Titus is that right? The Ark of Titus is right there in Rome again Esau, Edom he is a Roman. Titus the Roman General see? (Verse 15); For the Day of the LORD is near upon all nations as thou has done it shall be done unto thee, thy dealing’s shall return upon thine own head. God’s gonna bring judgment on Rome for this. (Verse 19); And they of the south shall process the Mount of Esau and they of the lowland the Philistines; and they possess the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria and Benjamin shall possess Gilead.
It does go into; if you go into verse 16 this is where you find also who it is in modern days because it says here; for as you have drunk upon My Holy Mountain (Hebrews); Kiy Kaásher sh’tiytem al–har qäd’shiy; that’s masculine plural right there; shin, tov, yod, Tav, mem; masculine plural. When the Pope of Rome in 2014 had their Mass there at the Upper Room just above King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, God’s Holy Mountain it says in verse 17; but in Mount Zion there should be those and escape. It was men only in that first Communion Service but then he goes on to say right after he says that he makes the next statement there (Hebrew); yish’Tû khäl–haGôyim Tämiyd; and they shall continue; the nation’s here; but it’s actually the Gentiles. The Gentiles shall; all the Gentiles shall continually drink; yish’Tû; that’s gender inclusive.
And they continued and they’ve been doing it ever since doing Communion Services the Catholic Church is there, the different forms of Catholic Churches doing Communion services both men and women there in the Upper Room and even had the audacity to it at David’s Tomb. Friends Rome is Esau so it’s clear to say what Psalms 83 is all about. And now we’ve been watching the Confederacy being built I shared with you on another news broadcast all the groups they’ve done their Russia is in Syria. Russia wants the oilfields Russia has come take a spoil.
Now some people have been saying to me you know Steve do you believe that this is actually the Gog of Magog War or Gog and Magog as some people call it there. I can’t say that it is as of yet on that there but clearly in Zachariah Chapter 14 even we’re seeing that we’re seeing Micah as well. And it looks more that it could be like Zachariah Chapter 14 as he says here (verse 1); behold the Day of the Lord cometh when thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. (Verse 2); For I will gather all Nations against Jerusalem to battle and the City shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravish and half of the City shall go forth into captivity but the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the City. See they go into captivity. Now if you remember what Micah (Chapter 4:1) says he says; you shall for forth out of the City and do well in the fields.
(Zechariah 14:3); Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations as when he fighteth in the day of battle. (Verse 4); And His feet shall stand in the day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east on the Mount of Olives which shall cleft in the midst thereof toward the east toward the west so that there should be a very great valley and half of the mountain shall remove toward the northern half of it toward the south. Keep in mind that’s only 4 verses there but those 4 verses can fulfill within themselves weeks, months and even a year, 2 or 3 a part with no problem.
When it says; there ah; when they verse 1, when they thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee; that’s what they’re doing right now. And soon Hezbollah will attack from the North will join into a Hamas attack right now the Intifada is to totally disrupt the entire region to bring all the soldiers to gather them into one place so that next Hezbollah can attack the North the Iranian’s can attack from the other side there. Russia will get them cover so the United States doesn’t come in and stop anything before they can get a hold of the Golan. So they can get the Golan back in the Syrian hands before the 1967 war is and so that they can force the Jews to accept the Palestinian State. And they will take East Jerusalem it will become an International City and only the Jews that will stay in that city there is the one that they want to stay in that city. Its coming friends, its coming.
But God it says here (verse 2); for I will gather all Nations against Jerusalem to battle and the City shall be taken and that houses rifled and the women ravished and half the city shall go forth into captivity. That’s how bad the battle’s gonna be but God will intervene. (Verse 3); Then the Lord shall go forth and fight against those Nations as when He fighteth in the day of battle. How long will the battle last before God intervenes? I’m not sure. But He will intervene. Friends it’s a very, very serious hour then we’re living in, very serious hour. This man right here; this Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi is the one that teaches twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and he’s the one that is claiming that there’s going to be 3rd Temple on the Temple Mount. And he claims that they won’t build it where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is but they’ll be forced not to go to the inside he said of the structure of the Al-Aqua Mosque and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
He’s also calling on the violence just like from Gaza the other Cleric that we showed you the video of the other day teaching people how to stab and kill again does the Pope of Rome call for that man to be put in prison? No because it’s Jews. See the Catholic Church is just like they were with Hitler Pope Pius back in the days when Hitler was there when Pope Pius became the Pope and sided with Hitler. They didn’t care about the Jews they still don’t care about the Jews. I pray Laurie Cadosamore she’s been a friend for a long time but I pray Laurie will wake up and realize that the Vatican does not care one ounce about the Jewish people. And she does she loves the Jewish people she’s Jewish herself but Rome doesn’t. That’s one thing I do appreciate about ah; about my good friend there ah; I lose my thought on who I was gonna say there (chuckles) so, oh gosh. Anyway there’s some people that do stand with the Jewish people and know that Rome certainly an enemy of Israel.
Friends stand with Israel with everything you’ve got remember their blinded right now. And some people criticize me when I say that Jews don’t go to hell because they’re not out there confessing Jesus Christ their Messiah when they die. Let me just clarify that for you I believe that the blood of Jesus Christ atones for those Jews because their eyes are blind. Did He not say Himself Father forgive them they don’t know what they’re doing? Maybe that’s something that you’re missing right there this is why I don’t that they go to hell because he actually pardon them for what they did. And so the Jews down for the last 2,000 years that just did not know Him they did not recognize Him. I’m not talking about the ones that are out there murdering, killing and stealing and cheating and doesn’t care anything but I’m talking about the ones that were trying to live a clean life before God. I believe that the blood of Jesus Christ has atoned for them because God does say in His Word; if they don’t know it will He not consider thoughts and intents of the Heart?
That’s what I’m talking friends. You see it’s still the blood of Jesus Christ that saves them I do believe that 100 percent. I didn’t change on that it’s just I don’t send everybody to hell. If you send the Jews to hell for that you have to send the children to hell as well because the same principle applies to children. If they’re not old enough to confess that Jesus Christ as their Messiah does not his blood atone for a moment they die as children? Most Christians would believe that but you’ve actually got some legalists that say; no that they won’t, they go to hell too. That’s nonsense and you know its nonsense anyway; friends if this news broadcast is a blessing to you we do need your support. We try not to ask very often and haven’t asked in a while but if this is a blessing to you we need your support to make this happen. We are changing our address in the United States we will be updating our Website very soon. Of course if you do still send it there that’s at ah; Sister Lisa and she’s been very precious her brother Don and faithful to caring for that when people send a check, by mail. But we figured out a way to be able to do electronic deposits so we want to take the burden off of our precious sister and brother there. And you’ll be able to send it to Europe this is where we stay probably 60 percent of the time and the other parts in Israel. But it’s easier to come here than it is to go to Israel so we’ll be updating that address change for you as well. And those that like to give online you can go to Israeli News or thank you and God bless you. We love you, good night and shalom.
Dear Bro. Steven, count me in I will pray Saturday 21th in the evening starting a 6:00 pm. Sunday Nov.22 nd. I will fast from 12 noon to 6: 00 pm. MOUNTAIN TIME. I pray daily for the peace and tranqility of Israel and all her people. Love in Christ. Orpha Solis, Las Cruces, new Mexico
Thank you for this important info and how it all goes together in our Father’s plan!