Rabbis Overlooked an Important Prophecy
Recently I have been studying the incredible story of Joseph I recently released yet another video teaching about the remarkable parallels and flat out prophecies that pointed to the identity of The Messiah. I released on Israeli News Live’s You Tube Channel entitled: Rabbis Overlooked the Messiah In though this article is not about those discoveries I did stumble on to a rather unique discovery that will know doubt stir the hearts of many.
the dispersed of the House of Israel
The Prophet Ezekiel sets the stage from the beginning of the chapter displeased with the Sheppard’s of Israel for not protecting the sheep, used as a metaphor to describe the Children of Israel and more directly the dispersed of the House of Israel. Ezekiel describes how that Israel’s leaders both the Priestly and Governmental leaders have done nothing to look for the lost and injured of Israel that have been scattered to the furthermost regions of the earth but instead choose to become fat lazy and complacent while they feed on the literal sheep of the fields. It is even more obvious when you reach verse ten that the story is divided between metaphor and reality and as well prophetically.
Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require My sheep at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the sheep; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves anymore; and I will deliver My sheep from their mouth, that they may not be food for them. Ezekiel 34:10
I will deliver My sheep from their mouth
The latter part of verse ten is where we see the prophecy that could have been fulfilled by known other than Jesus Christ Himself: neither shall the shepherds feed themselves anymore; and I will deliver My sheep from their mouth, that they may not be food for them. Ezekiel 34:10 As I read these words the image of Jesus driving the Money Changers out of the Temple and freeing the animals was before my eyes.
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; John 2:15
How could we have as a Jewish people missed the Messiah, when there are hundreds of Prophecies and similitude’s that clearly declare that Jesus (Yeshua) was indeed the Messiah. In every book every through out the entire Tanakh we find the evidence that he was the Messiah that we missed. Rabbis I encourage you to stop and take time to watch this series of videos that we are publishing and prayerfully consider the evidence.
The letter ‘J’ didn’t exist until 500 years ago. What is the messiah’s true name? What is his father’s name?
I appreciate that Mark and as Zephaniah states a pure language will come at the end of days but God knows not everybody knows Hebrew
Mark, you are correct. The letter J doesn’t exist in the Hebrew Alef/Bet. The Father’s name is YHWH which can be pronounced Yah-Ho-Vah, Yahweh, or Yahua, it’s unclear but those seem to be closest. Jews of today will not say the name, they will simply say Ha-Shem (The Name) because they feel it’s doing Him a dishonor by mispronouncing it, although all throughout scripture He says, they will call upon My Name.
The Son’s Name is Yahshua or Yahushua and in the Paleo Hebrew (not modern), they first 3 letters are the same in the Father and Son’s name- YHW (Yod, Hey, Vav). The last 2 letters of the Son’s Name is Shin, Ayin- which translates out to salvation. So Yahshua literally means, Father (Yah) who brings Salvation. This verifies the verse in John 5:43- I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another should come in the own name, you will receive him.
Jesus is nowhere close to being transliterated from Hebrew to Greek. Jesus comes from Zeus- Iozeus, the Greek God. It’s important to look up the Paleo or Ancient Hebrew since the modern Hebrew comes out of the captivity in Babylon. The Paleo Hebrew is powerful and most importantly very clear, our english translations are so corrupted and one of the best english versions is Halleluyah Scriptures. Please don’t take my word for it, research it out for yourself.
Thank you! I dissect scriptures and individual words back into Hebrew or Greek to discern as best I can the original intent. I saw someone selling Hallelujah Scripture bibles somewhere . . . but was wary. Ref? And Is there a paleo Hebrew concordance, or where can I go to use paleo Hebrew in my studies, PLEASE and THANK YOU.
I also understand that if you look at the letters of Yeshua, ayin, shin, vav, the pictorial meaning is something like “the hand that came to destroy the establishment of the eye (Satan=sin).” Just the Hebrew name that we know in English as Jesús has meanings the ‘transliterarion’ would never be able to reciprocate.
Great he yasua deserves the best.
Regarding the names-Yes this so true you should do a teaching video on this Steven
In regard to feeding His sheep He is feeding them because they know His voice ( (truth) those that don’t know His voice are being fed lies that count for nothing. To get to know someones voice you must first seek to desire to know Him. (Truth).
So? Tis semantics & you strain at a gnat.
I am afraid you must not understand what the straining at the gnat really implies
Jesus name is YESHUA and his father is GOD.
God is a title and there are many gods. The One True Elohim is YHWH, Yahweh or Yahovah
What I can’t understand is if people know the real name of God and his son, why have the nations made up so many names for them? When the End Times really hit, a lot of people are going to be messed up. The bible says that man has changed things biblically to fit the TRADITIONS OF MAN. That’s a shame. Now the End is coming and everyone has their own opinion about God and his son. SATAN HAS DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD. Cesare Borgia, the homosexual was painted as the image of God’s son. The Popes bow down to a BLACK MADONNA, but have everyone thinking she’s Caucasian, All the characters in the bible are black (certainly not Caucasian) as far as prophets, priest, Kings and Queens, the curses of Deuteronomy 28 don’t even fit the European Jews, so they’re basically branded as imposters by their own people and other renown persons, even in the bible itself. Wow, I don’t believe there will be enough repentance to correct that many mistakes.
what is his name,is 7;14,is 9:6,his name shall be wonderful,everlasting father,all mighty God,The God ofisreal became a man,his name was the same as joseph,son of issac.
Ad I study Hebrew to learn finding so many words used to scribe yet still miss the real understanding. Its so real.
America- I am American too, but unlike most of you I have lived in and out of the US most of my life. There certainly are some benefits from this as it creates snap pictures of a Before and After scenario, i.e. the wkly TV programs and the sheer voluminous amount of TV shows and ALL forms of media really consume the public’s time. The overall prices of cars, houses and rents- doctors and now dentists services are out of sight. And then there is The family- between the illegitimacy of the babies being born, high school students can No longer write their names in ‘script’ and the sheer cynicism, fear and silence its all deafening!!!
For myself, I am a historian, bible scholar- lived in and out of Israel and half a dozen other countries for many years so I do have an idea what is going on globally.
Bottom-line- this country as well as everywhere else is heading rapidly into The Last Days and the US is just like one of Daniel’s 4 ‘beats’! Yet, the Good News is, that YAHWEH’s prophetic plan is coming full-circle and that is very good news to those in Messiah Yeshua!
So what does this really mean for me- for you, but that its the best time to be alive and fulfill your own calling- your own ministry (And if your listening- ‘you’ will know what you need to do!)
Personally, I live near NYC and still do custom ‘tours’ of the city showing people How NYC started, its basic history and its relevancy today in how How it effects the US and the world. We’ll go over where we all are today- Trump Tower / 9/11 / UN/ Wall St../ CFR/ Rockefeller’s- Kushner’s 666 address. (I also specialize in a biblical archaeological tour of the Metropolitan museum where you can see first hand just how relevant past civilizations ate to our own today.
Finally, we bring everything full circle with bringing the biblical prophesies alive today from the- (Mat.24.7 seismos/earthquakes to (Rev. 17.8 the beast that was, is not and shall ascend …)
Everything I do these days is with one mind and that is to share the real Yeshua, for it should be obvious to many that your pastor, priest and rabbi’s are the No SEES of today- ‘av kovish’!
The Messiah’s name is Yahshua and his father’s name is the Yahweh
But the world has been deceived it’s high time the truth was brought to light
The letter ‘j’ was not used by the Hebrews
In KJV 1611 the name jesus was not in use but was “ioesus”
Wow, EVERYTHING looks so obvious once the truths are revealed. And many things are being revealed day by day.
The other day I watched a video where “Donald” was sitting in a chair on a stage at a Family Leadership Summit held in 2015. He was asked by a man named Frank Luntz, a Republican pollster who was seated in a chair opposite him, “Since you used the word Christian, have you ever asked God for forgiveness?” He said, “That’s a tough question.”, Why is this such a tough question? All he had to say was YES or NO, but he would not do so! He skirted around answering the question like any politician or businessman would do by saying that he was a “religious person”, and that “I’m a Protestant”, and a “Presbyterian”, and “I go to church”, and “I love God”, and “I love my church”. He said, “Norman Vincent Peale was my pastor”. Its a documented fact that Peale was a Freemason. Freemason’s are not “Christian” in any true sense of the word, nor do their “works” support the “doctrine of Christ”! Donald was asked, again, “But have you ever asked God for forgiveness?” He said, “I don’t bring God into that picture.”! He refused to answer the question!
Donald Trump did not become born again until after he became president. He now confesses Jesus as his Lord and savior and is thrown out all the idols at the White House and all you hear is him defending Christian and professing Jesus Christ. Stop the nonsense and trashing him. You need to be praying for him and his family.
@ Robin Rockwell
I am sorry to inform you that Donald J Trump has not done any of the following because he still has the Kabbal Tree award in his office and is very proud of that. I have watched him since he was asked why he was running for President and the answer was and I quote to save my family !!!! Save them from what?????? Trump was the best choice I kept telling myself but he has proven himself wrong. And the advice he gets from his { religious advisors} are not TRUE CHRISTIAN”S you need to do your homework on them all, They all have names and able to see exactly what they believe, and sadly it is not what you would expect from his team of advisors…..They do not worship My Lord or God or my savior YHWH, Yahweh or my LORD and SAVIOR Jesus (Yeshua) do pray that you please really listen to what comes out of his mouth and also what it is he does. And who surrounds this president. God be with you and show you what it was so hard for me to see…..
By 18 Aprl 2018 the high speed train link between TelAviv and Jerusalem will be official introduced.
The next step is the 3rd tempel complete and starting animal sacrifice again. You can come from the usa
Strait to Jerusalem in order to
worship the anti-christ system, but
now Jesus will destroy it by his second coming.
Book now in advantage
Irsael bombing over 100 time in Egypt
the Haarezt publiced to day.
The HerZi plan one step closer to form the geater israel from the Nyle to the Tigris soon complete with a new
Tempel of the NWO in Jerusalem.
Israel has been built up with anby the Rotschils bankers, the tempel will soon come to reality….
Are you ready to worchip too
yes thank you we did catch this too
steven,i saw a you tube documentary which i think was entitled’and the angels cut down the trees in it the author talked of a video by a russian man who talked of the column bassault structures like the devils tower in wyoming being pre flood trees that were conduits to the heavens,these trees would have reached 15 to 20 000 feet high!
maybe when you have a few minutes you can have a look at this subject
many thanks
send me a link not sure I recall which video your speaking of
I searched the angels cut down the trees on YouTube and found this, very interesting! –
1. Cleansing the Temple
A huge commercial traffic had grown up in association with the services and ceremonies of the temple worship. There was the business of providing suitable animals for the various sacrifices. Though it was permissible for a worshiper to provide his own sacrifice, the fact remained that this animal must be free from all “blemish” in the meaning of the Levitical law and as interpreted by official inspectors of the temple. Many a worshiper had experienced the humiliation of having his supposedly perfect animal rejected by the temple examiners. It therefore became the more general practice to purchase sacrificial animals at the temple, and although there were several stations on near-by Olivet where they could be bought, it had become the vogue to buy these animals directly from the temple pens. Gradually there had grown up this custom of selling all kinds of sacrificial animals in the temple courts. An extensive business, in which enormous profits were made, had thus been brought into existence. Part of these gains was reserved for the temple treasury, but the larger part went indirectly into the hands of the ruling high-priestly families.
This sale of animals in the temple prospered because, when the worshiper purchased such an animal, although the price might be somewhat high, no more fees had to be paid, and he could be sure the intended sacrifice would not be rejected on the ground of possessing real or technical blemishes. At one time or another systems of exorbitant overcharge were practiced upon the common people, especially during the great national feasts. At one time the greedy priests went so far as to demand the equivalent of the value of a week’s labor for a pair of doves which should have been sold to the poor for a few pennies. The “sons of Annas” had already begun to establish their bazaars in the temple precincts, those very merchandise marts which persisted to the time of their final overthrow by a mob three years before the destruction of the temple itself.
But traffic in sacrificial animals and sundry merchandise was not the only way in which the courts of the temple were profaned. At this time there was fostered an extensive system of banking and commercial exchange which was carried on right within the temple precincts. And this all came about in the following manner: During the Asmonean dynasty the Jews coined their own silver money, and it had become the practice to require the temple dues of one-half shekel and all other temple fees to be paid with this Jewish coin. This regulation necessitated that money-changers be licensed to exchange the many sorts of currency in circulation throughout Palestine and other provinces of the Roman Empire for this orthodox shekel of Jewish coining. The temple head tax, payable by all except women, slaves, and minors, was one-half shekel, a coin about the size of a ten-cent piece but twice as thick. By the times of Jesus the priests had also been exempted from the payment of temple dues. Accordingly, from the 15 to the 25 of the month preceding the Passover, accredited money-changers erected their booths in the principal cities of Palestine for the purpose of providing the Jewish people with proper money to meet the temple dues after they had reached Jerusalem. After this ten-day period these money-changers moved on to Jerusalem and proceeded to set up their exchange tables in the courts of the temple. They were permitted to charge the equivalent of from three to four cents commission for the exchange of a coin valued at about ten cents, and in case a coin of larger value was offered for exchange, they were allowed to collect double. Likewise did these temple bankers profit from the exchange of all money intended for the purchase of sacrificial animals and for the payment of vows and the making of offerings. *
These temple money-changers not only conducted a regular banking business for profit in the exchange of more than twenty sorts of money which the visiting pilgrims would periodically bring to Jerusalem, but they also engaged in all other kinds of transactions pertaining to the banking business. Both the temple treasury and the temple rulers profited tremendously from these commercial activities. It was not uncommon for the temple treasury to hold upwards of ten million dollars while the common people languished in poverty and continued to pay these unjust levies.
In the midst of this noisy aggregation of money-changers, merchandisers, and cattle sellers, Jesus, on this Monday morning, attempted to teach the gospel of the heavenly kingdom. He was not alone in resenting this profanation of the temple; the common people, especially the Jewish visitors from foreign provinces, also heartily resented this profiteering desecration of their national house of worship. At this time the Sanhedrin itself held its regular meetings in a chamber surrounded by all this babble and confusion of trade and barter.
As Jesus was about to begin his address, two things happened to arrest his attention. At the money table of a near-by exchanger a violent and heated argument had arisen over the alleged overcharging of a Jew from Alexandria, while at the same moment the air was rent by the bellowing of a drove of some one hundred bullocks which was being driven from one section of the animal pens to another. As Jesus paused, silently but thoughtfully contemplating this scene of commerce and confusion, close by he beheld a simple-minded Galilean, a man he had once talked with in Iron, being ridiculed and jostled about by supercilious and would-be superior Judeans; and all of this combined to produce one of those strange and periodic uprisings of indignant emotion in the soul of Jesus.
To the amazement of his apostles, standing near at hand, who refrained from participation in what so soon followed, Jesus stepped down from the teaching platform and, going over to the lad who was driving the cattle through the court, took from him his whip of cords and swiftly drove the animals from the temple. But that was not all; he strode majestically before the wondering gaze of the thousands assembled in the temple court to the farthest cattle pen and proceeded to open the gates of every stall and to drive out the imprisoned animals. By this time the assembled pilgrims were electrified, and with uproarious shouting they moved toward the bazaars and began to overturn the tables of the money-changers. In less than five minutes all commerce had been swept from the temple. By the time the near-by Roman guards had appeared on the scene, all was quiet, and the crowds had become orderly; Jesus, returning to the speaker’s stand, spoke to the multitude: “You have this day witnessed that which is written in the Scriptures: ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of robbers.’”
But before he could utter other words, the great assembly broke out in hosannas of praise, and presently a throng of youths stepped out from the crowd to sing grateful hymns of appreciation that the profane and profiteering merchandisers had been ejected from the sacred temple. By this time certain of the priests had arrived on the scene, and one of them said to Jesus, “Do you not hear what the children of the Levites say?” And the Master replied, “Have you never read, ‘Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings has praise been perfected’?” And all the rest of that day while Jesus taught, guards set by the people stood watch at every archway, and they would not permit anyone to carry even an empty vessel across the temple courts.
When the chief priests and the scribes heard about these happenings, they were dumfounded. All the more they feared the Master, and all the more they determined to destroy him. But they were nonplused. They did not know how to accomplish his death, for they greatly feared the multitudes, who were now so outspoken in their approval of his overthrow of the profane profiteers. And all this day, a day of quiet and peace in the temple courts, the people heard Jesus’ teaching and literally hung on his words.
This surprising act of Jesus was beyond the comprehension of his apostles. They were so taken aback by this sudden and unexpected move of their Master that they remained throughout the whole episode huddled together near the speaker’s stand; they never lifted a hand to further this cleansing of the temple. If this spectacular event had occurred the day before, at the time of Jesus’ triumphal arrival at the temple at the termination of his tumultuous procession through the gates of the city, all the while loudly acclaimed by the multitude, they would have been ready for it, but coming as it did, they were wholly unprepared to participate.
This cleansing of the temple discloses the Master’s attitude toward commercializing the practices of religion as well as his detestation of all forms of unfairness and profiteering at the expense of the poor and the unlearned. This episode also demonstrates that Jesus did not look with approval upon the refusal to employ force to protect the majority of any given human group against the unfair and enslaving practices of unjust minorities who may be able to entrench themselves behind political, financial, or ecclesiastical power. Shrewd, wicked, and designing men are not to be permitted to organize themselves for the exploitation and oppression of those who, because of their idealism, are not disposed to resort to force for self-protection or for the furtherance of their laudable life projects.
From Urantia book, very vivid story how Jesus did it.
Very nice commentary!
There were laws regarding both spiritual and physical leprosy in the Book of Leviticus, but how were they applied during Yeshua’s scourging of the Temple?
Leprosy was considered retribution for the sins of: “the shedding of blood, taking oaths in vain, incest, arrogance, robbery, and envy”, as well as benefiting from sacred objects.
Leviticus 14:54 “This is the law for any leprous sore and scale, for the leprosy of a garment and of a house, for a swelling and a scab and a bright spot, to teach when it is unclean and when it is clean. This is the law of leprosy.”
The Law of Leprosy of a House entails:
1. A report of leprosy of a house is given to the priest, who commands that the house be vacated.
2. The priest closes the door and waits seven days to “examine the plague.”
3. The priest shall cause the house to be scraped inside, all around, and the dust that they scrape off they shall pour out in an unclean place outside the city.
4. Then the priest shall come and look; and indeed if the plague has again spread in the house, it is an active leprosy in the house. It is unclean. And he shall break down the house, its stones, its timber, and all the plaster of the house, and he shall carry them outside the city to an unclean place.
I ask you….when Yeshua arrived in Jerusalem, would he not have gone to His father’s house first thing to examine the house? How many days did He wait before returning with his scourge that He had made by hand? On the third time He went to the Temple, what happened? Did he not turn and walk away declaring to the apostles when they asked about the return of the moneychangers….”….No stone shall remain?”
By that statement, Yeshua declared, as high priest, that the Temple was so unclean it must be destroyed….
And lo it was….forty years after His death and resurrection.
Jari.R. Thanks for the great posting!!
Yowza. what a vivid picture! It was like a moving story right in front of my eyes. I felt like I had been there. Thanks for this.
Should the ten percent tithe still be required today?
Steven, was a skeptic but resub’d, I believe you are a true believer, not sure about many others.
Mark Correl ministries seems legit but at times not so much. He says there is absolutely NO ISSUES at all with funding the temple that we know will originally be used by the false Messiah aka Anti Christ, But he says that does not matter one bit, as long as Jesus is still coming back after the AC to take that same temple BACK, and expand it according to what he cites in Ezekial.
I would like to hear your views on that. Ultimately all I believe is that Jesus is the lord and savior, blood sacrifice for ALL OF US.
Supporting Israel, Zionism, funding the IDF, building the temple mount, these are all things that are NOT related to salvation,
There are plenty of people in Israel who know exactly what is really going on in the Middle East, yet they will still go to HELL.
I would rather be saved by the blood and have been wrong about the Zionism thing, to me it still looks like it is simply taking the land Jehovah promised to Abrahim, but not waiting for the real Messiah to come back and lead them in like he said he would.
Seems like a poor choice to try to do something promised but without him, you know what I am saying?
Your ENTIRE thesis is based on what appeared ‘befor your eyes’…. What a load of drivle.
Jesus has been in correctly pictured as a Leviticus priest complete with
the stones.
However Jesus is a Graet High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.
Resently I saw the keypoints of the life of Jesus and pictured as the High Priest in the order of Melchizadek. title of video. “The Pilgrimage with Petrnella”. Jesus as High Priest carrying the world in His heart.
I can recommand this to every one
Jesus was against the slaughtering of animals, because of not being a Levitical lriest,, but a great high Priest
in the order of Melchizedek.
See also the painted life of Jesus
” The pilgrimage with Petronella”. ,
in a renovated classical style and
Painted in Oil.
Must be seen! http://www.area-artpromotion.com
JARI t. R. Brilliant! Right on track uncovering still more lies in the bible. Yes, Yahushua (not the white j.c. ) in the temple showing His compassion for the animals and the evil bardarious torture suffering and pain deliberately imposed upon them This MUST focus our attention on the Holocaust and War waged continually upon the animals so much heightened through the Hell of factory farming. Have we all seen Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Vegan 2018, Farmageddon the real cost of cheap meat, H.O.P.E. what you eat matters, and Holocaust survivors speak, lessons from the death camps!
And it was NOT Yahushua who turned over the business tables for His focus was far more importantly upon the animals to liberate them from their sentense of death and the abominable lies attached to their imprisonment. Big big business just like the meat and dairy industry through which satan still controls this world. There has been nothing since this action of Yahushua to match His amazing compassion in action as our leader , example and Teacher in Animal Activism. Let me conclude by saying that we MUST BE VEGANS AS THE TRUE BLACH MESSIAH CERTAINLY WAS. THE GARDEN OF EDEN IS THE GARDEN OF VEGAN AS IT WAS AND WILL BE AGAIN plus re. The Ten Commandments. One was clearly with no grey areas of ifs or buts THOU SHALT NOT KILL. And to correct therefor another lie in the bible right at the start.. Cain murdered both the Lamb and then Abel. This sacrifice was an abomination to the TRUE CREATOR YAHUAH but was accepted by Cains serpent satan god!
iberate them.