Italian Doctor Reveals Vaccine Plot for depopulation agenda. Friends this is a message you need to sit down for and slowly re-watch over and over. This is NOT a joke. There is an organization that is religious and they are collecting thousands of signatures for evangelical pastors, CEO’s, and other religious leaders saying that vaccines are a godly and patriotic thing to do. Sadly many are signing this. So we are at war. Please friends heed this warning. This vaccine is meant to harm humans and cause disease and attack our bodies on the DNA level. It is a genocide agenda.
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Hi Jana and Steven,
Thanks for sharing this, but how do we know this is genuine and if he’s really even a doctor? Are you able to share more information. Is there an original source. As a journalist and christian I need to verify my information to remain credible.
Amen, I want to go to a safe haven.
[email protected]
Who is the doctor? Where did he get his information? How does he know what is in the vaccine(s)? What is his relationship to big pharma? And, importantly, why did he not make a full disclosure of his bonafides in making this video?
This is much too important of a subject to rely on opinion—what I am seeing is a lack of facts in this video. Yes, some general facts about testing, but no explanation of the specific mechanisms of injury caused by the new vaccine.
To make such dire predictions requires hard facts and connections to those who have been planning and implementing the program.
We need to know this, ASAP.
Thank you for posting the video, it is very timely, but needing corroboration.
Signed, a concerned Christian.
Dear Steven and Jana. Have listened to Italian Doctor. Very much need corroboration of all he said. Need confirming facts details of vaccine content. Where he got his information. Whether this is real or set up. I am a man of FAITH in Yeshua yet must test these things to make informed decisions. Thank you.
For the ease of mind to all asking about italian doctor news ‘ Steven ‘ Put their minds at ease please ‘ Moderna ‘ Oxford university ‘ the vaccines ‘ put simply ‘ The people funding the vaccines ‘ DO NOT ALLOW THEMSELVES OR FAMILY MEMBERS TO BE VACCINATED ‘ INCLUDING FLU JABS ‘ BECAUSE EACH JAB DIMINISHES THE STRENGTH OF NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS –
When you speak of weather weapons, I have not heard who is doing the weaponizing. So much that we are warned of in your videos have very broad strokes. Who is the enemy that you speak of weaponizing the weather?
I am shocked and dismayed that most Christians seem to be living in the middle of a field , under a stone without a clue of satan´s plans for them. Shame on you pastors!
This info is mirrored in many places: the psychopathic elite’s goal is total control of this earth, which entails depopulation of some 80+ % and surveiled, transhumanist/AI-human world of a few modified humans serving the satan-worshiping parasitic-on-humanity elites. If you understand Russian, please hear what this woman has to say (advising to get out of the city ASAP and get living in harmony with nature and compatible humans to reconnect to your healthy DNA, which will guide you. She saiys that cashless/digital world is on it’s way with 2 more waves of “covid”, vaccinations, nanochipping, hybridized world, starting from the cities, where people will not have any choices by the 3rd wave of covid!):
The mark perhaps one of many. The swabs are they contaminated?
For weather weapons, one good site is See recent weekly show at Or, one could watch the video “FRANKENSKIES”.
what is this Doctor’s name, where does he practice, resume please. no more fake new please.
Been reading this website today on the mark of the beast. You may wanna check it out. This vaccine thingy also freaks me out….something to do with the Microsoft patient wo 2020 606060….something to do with reading the electricity in the body to generate crypto currancy sorta thing… this mark of the beast thingy is getting very close I feel somehow. It’s not what people are thinking either. A while back I read a science article about the carbon atom and it’s relation to 666. Carbon 12 is made up of 6 neutrons, 6 electrons and 6 protons and mankind is made up or carbon! So 666 is symbolic of mankind somehow. Also biblically the number 6 means mankind, 7 means completion, 8 means new beginnings. 6 is just short 7 aka completion. So mankind is somehow incomplete here.
I have also been getting in Spirit for a longtime now…7 contenants and babylon is the world system! Yet nebecanezer’ statue was a series of empires/kingdoms in the middle east…egyptian, assyrian, babylonian, persian, grecian, roman and ottoman. In Johns day on patmos Rome was not it cause it was present in Johns day. So …..was, is not, but will be again….there is also 7 kings/empires….5 have fallen, one is aka roman, and one to still come aka the Ottoman empire…and the 8th king is one of the 7….Haven’t figured that part out …haven’t been revealed that yet. Anyhoos…
Next hint I got from the Spirit of G_d was….tellifin…the little black box on the forehead with a piece of scripture written on it, and one that is bound on the arm to the hand by a black thin strap…symbolic of the Law and G_d in mind and actions.
Then today, a remembrance that the Temple of G_d is now in the believers of Jesus who believe in Him. I also have a strong conviction to follow after Jesus too and learn from Jesus thru the guidance abd leading of the Spirit of G_d which Jesus promised to send to those who believe and in fact happened on shavout/Pentecost. So the Temple of G_d is now the human body of the believers of Jesus. G_d the Father and Jesus live in the heart, Holy Spirit in the innermost part of the person. In scriptures it speaks of living waters from the belly region, the place of the will. In the soul of man. Mind is the logic/intellect and heart is the seat of the emotions of the soul. There is also reference of having the mind of christ,
Law is in the mind and G_d said he’d give israel a new heart, a heart of flesh. Somewhere in the tanakh/old testament.
This keeps popping up too…the seal of God…Revs 14…in regards to the 144000 seeds/descendents of the tribes of israel…G_d the Father and Jesus name is on the forehead. They are in the 144,000,s thoughts.
There are also those who are also sealed among the new testament believers too…….words sealed to redemption comes to mind here re Eph 4…. 29Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.
****30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.*****
31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice.
So the mark of the beast is the conterfeit and opposite of G_d’s seal of ownership and authority here.
Mystery babylon is the mystery religions of all nations aka theosophy, freemasonry, eastern mysticism, hinduism, buddhism, new age, judaic kabbalah, Christian mysticism etc….all deal with the kundalini aka serpent spirit. I know cause I had it for 10 years before Jesus revealed it to me that it was a familiar spirit and the counterfeit Holy Spirit. Jesus was at my righthand side thru the whole process even. So I know the process very well and it’s an ‘intiation’ of sorts.
But anyhoos….check out the above site on 666, mark of the beast, carbon 6.
Forgot to mention in regards to the tellifin and mind and actions connection. The mark of the beast also does with commerce aka buying and selling. I get an image of a gold coin in the hand…and Jesus speaking about the love of money…also choose between G_d and money/mammon….who’s your master sort of thing. Can’t remember the exact scripture verse off hand but you get the main idea here.
So I only know a bit about the spiritual application of such at present. Maybe Jesus will reveal more soon. 🙂
Now I don’t believe everything in the above article of man, carbon and 666 from the link I posted above but it give some good hints to it….but parts of it lower in the page didn’t sit right with me….like trying to make the scriptures fit somehow. But some of its points were good tho…no need to throw away the baby with the bath water here….just things to consider. The enemy will make it very sudtle, not obvious…unless the intent is to scare the living daylights outta christians! If it’s very ‘in your face’ and obvious, chances are that’s not it! It’s just a smoke screen or what some call a false flag….a scare tactic to keep one off guard. The tactics used by the enemy will be hidden in plan sight but very easily overlooked. Keep an open mind and discern all things thru the Spirit of G_d and keep watchful!
Why don’t you people who doubt this doctor go and research yourself and quit being lazy. Or you just don’t want to have to make a thoughtful decision! Take the jab what you don’t know won’t hurt you they say!! LOL
His name is Dr. Roberto Patrella.
In a quick search, I just found over 100 videos by this guy, and he even has his own Youtube channel. Like the above gentleman said, do some of your own research. ?♀️
hey Mr Steven Ben DE noon and Mrs or ms Jana Ben DE noon have you heard in history the united states is listed as the Virginia company look this thing up in some online sources. also remember corona virus is the crown virus in Spanish and in the old Latin language also government means in Latin the combination of two words meaning mind control and taxes are legal theft 911 is is a inside job and Mr Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself thank you have a nice day. the federal reserve banking is based on the sin of the usurpers the parasites that run the planet i cannot say the j word but close enough.
Hi Steven,
I have been watching your channel over the past while. I am hearing and seeing most information presented, very similar that I read about some 10 years ago. At that time I was not born again, grew up a Roman Catholic. The sources that I read from where by none believing authors. But, they mentioned topics that you are touching on. There is another author, I am looking at the moment, Walter Veith. He has put together some tremendous lectures on Freemasons, Jesuits and NWO.
We have to test the spirits behind every source and seek the truth. As our wonderful Messiah Yeshua said, ” Do no be deceived.” The media feeds us the agenda of the NWO. If you remember the eurovision song contest 2019, was hosted in Israel. The country I live in wanted to boycott it and are trying to impose the toughest set of sanctions than any other EU nation.. There was a satanic dance performance at the interval before the voting. Madona was the ring leader of the event. There was a very stark message lit up behind her at the end of the ritual “wake up”. You dont have to be sherlock homles to see what these people are up to and who is there commander and chief is.
So, the fact is we are being deceived by media and music to push the agenda. UN 21 30 50 have a look.
Recently, in Ireland they are pushing out smart meters, nobody has spoken against this and dare even know what the true intended use is really for!. They sell it in terms of helping to reduce our carbon footprint. I beleive in the USA there was protests about this ? So, we are in the final hours and we need to be strong and stand in the Lord. He is coming for one bride, not many brides.
Steven, could you recommend what publication, in relation to the book of Enoch you quote from? Is there a good Hebrew English Tanak translation you could also recommend? I purchased a JPS Tanak translation find this in some respects like an NIV equivalent! God bless the work you do for Gods will and the kingdom to come of our king of kings, and lord of lords Yeshua. Than you.
hmm for a few statements the corona virus is a hoax or a false flag or psychological operation to bring in the new world order agenda 21 2030 the Noah IDE laws martial laws internment camps concentration camps mandatory vaccinations persecution of the churches and all religion save for the coming one world religion a one world government one world economy cashless digital currency smart cities maybe world war number 3 is also in the works which may include use of nuclear weapons chemical weapons biological weapons chemicals in the food water land and air end of national sovereignty one world armed forces controlled by the man of lawlessness the prince of this world the devil himself the son of perdition the little horn the abomination of desolation the end of all privately owned property global depopulation a universal basic income is going to be coming soon also i see a global police state in the works forced draft into the armed forces controlled by the beast and its cohorts/ henchmen global social credit system is also coming famines and droughts natural and man made disasters wars both international and domestic or civil wars riots requirement of microchips with radio frequency identification of all loyal new world order subjects slaves and soldiers the global government will control the children and the educational system all businesses will be owned by the global government and its corporations that all permitted to exist as long as they follow the beast kingdoms new policies and laws coming soon restrictions on all forms of travel and recreation doing anything fun or creative expect for those things permitted by the global government will not be allowed anymore all literature that does not go along with the beast system will be discarded and burned the end of all private owned farms and grazing livestock the end of all single family homes restricted land use the ban of all natural non synthetic drugs and natural or traditional medicine the end of all fossil fuels the ban of all weapons expect those weapons to be used by the global government run by the beast system a new global anthem must also be introduced to replace all national anthems on the earth in its present condition if anyone questions the global government or does not go do mandatory consumerism based shopping taking the mandatory microchips vaccinations join the global government will provide some type of work will be exterminated all peoples all religions must now follow the newly selected supreme leader of the new world order Micheal Rockefeller Rothschild Astor Junior the imaginary friend that represent the Antichrist and the world parliament the world supreme court the one world religion which will be under command of high priest bishop pope imam brother Leonardo the false prophet imaginary friend i came up with.
here in my fictional scenario Micheal Rockefeller Rothschild Junior is declared the messiah and the new world order supreme leader after doing something similar to the Abraham accords done previously under the former trump administration along with assistance from his spiritual adviser Leonardo we see Micheal becomes either sectary general of the united nations president of the former united states now the north american union or zone or district or prime minister of the former united kingdom or someone from the European union he is Jewish but also half European along with African Asian and some other ethnic background plus something not completely human like a fallen angel demon reptilian or what could be what is called fake extraterrestrial or half robotic or a clone of a famous historical figure he is quite young being only 37 years of age or 36 years or 33 years or thirty years of age his spiritual adviser Leonardo is also half human half fallen angel could also be Jewish and a mix of some other ethnic group.
Google Celeste Solum and listen to what she has to say about the vaccine and othet ‘weapons” that will be used by the New World Order to de-populate the earth.
She a pediatrician, a dentist and has workef at FEMA. She KNOWS things!
Google Celeste Solum and listen to what she has to say about the vaccine and other ‘weapons” that will be used by the New World Order to de-populate the earth.
She a pediatrician, a dentist and has worked at FEMA. She KNOWS things!
Steve, I wish I could have posted this on your latest debris field vid, but anyway… What if there is Blue Ice so cold it freezes back over any part of itself damaged, as if self-repairing? And that this is the same as the Firmament itself? The type that Enoch would have gone through, and that any “meteors” or such would have to pass through by sheer heat just to get in? Supposedly, Antarctica is the best place to find meteors, hmm, why would that be? Lets say, hypothetically, that the meteors lose to much heat and/or speed, possibly even breaking up upon hitting the Firmament that it simply gets collected around the edge, even if it barely managed to get in… Mysterious? Yeah, but maybe God can lead you further if you pursue this, brother. I pray daily for your family and all members of His body, indeed, God bless you.
I think I detect a slight South American accent in this man’s Italian, whoever he is.
Yes….Please listen to Prof. Walter Veiths Youtube series “The Total Onslaught” ….was telling in 2005 where all of this is heading…
Amen, thank you Brother Steven. I love your broadcast and I love all of Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus. God is good all the time, May Our Heavenly Father continue to Bless and Protect us through Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I ask ????❤️
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Thousands of doctors across the world are whistle blowing about Covid-19.
Here is a great source to access more info…
Most of the interviews there will have to do with Covid truth and leftist agenda.
I particularly recommend the two Plandemic documentaries as well as the David Martin interview. Martin has been keeping detailed records of all persons or entities that have had anything to do with bioweapons for decades. He gives clear insight into who is behind this plandemic. It’s best to watch the two Plandemic documentaries before the Martin interview.
If you scroll down farther you will come to the interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman in which he explains thoroughly why the PCR tests being used for Covid “diagnosis” are meaningless. I have seen articles where many other doctors say the same thing about the testing. You can also search for Medicos Por La Verdad. I believe their site is
Do your research. This is no joke! And this is why Trump is now openly saying if Biden wins, China wins! They are working together. That is why Biden is pushing the mask wearing and fear. Trump was not aware of the underlying plot when the Covid scare began, but he is waking up to it. I know because Dr. Buttar, who is also interviewed on has said he is now in touch with the White House on a regular basis.
This is great information however, would need to know the name of the italian Dr,’s full name along with his medical credentials. Or, if this is his opinion, he along with everyone else is entitled to his opinion. Judy Mitkovits, who is a virologist and microbiologist worked with vaccines, cancer treatments, HIV/aids victims and is a scientist, she knows the contents of the vaccine and has great credentials. Please interview her as she is a world of information and it is true information that is based on facts
Love your channel and have learned so much, appreciate all you Jana do to inform the public. We as viewers need to see more professional experts in their fields of endeavor to compile excellent resources who truly know the language, have credentials, education, and experience, along with their names so we can research their background online. These are serious times and we, the viewers, deserve as human beings, the right information coming from the right experts.
God bless you, Steve, Jana and family our thoughts and prayers are with you.
For those demanding confirmation, how about doing some research of your own? If we all took a few minutes to research these things we could get to the truth much more quickly & brother Steve & sister Jana could devote more of their time to their true expertise – helping those of us who dont understand Hebrew sort out what the bible says.
Thank you Jana and Steven for all the good work you do . .
Blessings to you both . .
Dont get me wrong I love every thing I’ve seen so far I was just barely turned onto it but comforts me knowing at least some people dont have their heads in their asses for once that’s good to see
But it’s doesnt help really getting your point across to people when your showing them the religious fanaticism going on when the only differerence between each of you is that it’s looking like most of you thought the persecution and systematic extermination of ones religious enemy was in the past and / havent been using your time wisely. Oh and one looks to be close to check.
I’m just saying when your trying to open eyes maybe tone it down on the whole god their god satan will be the one because I’ve never been able to meet any of those people so I dont know for sure but what I do know is if you search the entirety of israel your only going to find i… I mean the people doing this . You could wave indisputable proof right in front of someone’s face that indeed we are being fucked by our own government and israel, have been for decades , but if the blood of christ and yeshua had done this thing and we believed just a little harder than those other guys we wouldnt be reaching heaven this soon I mean destruction
Because in all honesty you guys better get off your asses pretty quick here because those jews are kinda making you all look like lame bitches the way they have been acting. Or maybe they are gods chosen people. Too bad you stopped crusading maybe your future would be brighter and less jewry than it’s looking now.. oh can’t forget less dark either you know since they stirred up all the racial tension so they could slide they’re anti semite bill in there under ” tolerance ” but either way those je ws are straight fuckin pricks for that one on top of it all I gotta worry about the religous zealots and their zog sword AND all the blacks they pissed off too ? Low blow .
Oh and have you seen the beautiful new 150 dollar ( it’s on sale already apparently , those fucken crafty bastards I swear after every single sheckle , “abraham accords temple token ” ? Not the one with trump on it but the one sporting the outline of a sword filled in with – the only way I can describe it that would cover them all in one phrase is : zionist arsenal. Pretty much most if not all of the things they have weaponized who’s use has brought them to where they are now . Check it out its sure to fuck up your day. Its almost like they’re flaunting it as it they have already won and all the goyim are in the ground. Or I could get wrong ?
If that doesnt seal it then hey I heard you saying about the false flag even we got coming up with the near collision with earth asteroid or whatever they have next, and do you know how hard I fucking laughed when bam right on schedule didnt they have a new movie come out in theaters ( funny I wasnt aware they had those anymore funny this movie made it there go figure ppl are so goddamn stupid ) and wouldnt you know it it’s got a big name actor in it and guess fuckin what you already know , what appears to be fuckin asteroids causing destruction wow the audacity of these people they have every right to be this cocky and blatant because they pretty much have this whole thing in the bag now if only the muslims and such in the middle east had been wasting their lives watching propaganda or stuck on some social media watching stupid fucking pointless shit like the Americans they would have things sewed up already. Way to go guys it’s-
Goyim: -1
Zion: 70
And theres two minutes on the clock better put down your book and get off your fat asses because defeat is almost guaranteed at this point
I got this info from TTAC/ The Truth about Cancer which did a series on The Truth About Vaccines. Can we expect the new Covid Vaccine to be any better?!
✅INGREDIENTS TO VACCINES – You CANNOT make an educated decision without being educated.
Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients.
These are being INJECTED into your kids;
◾Formaldehyde/Formalin – Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.
◾Betapropiolactone – Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.
◾Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide – May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.
◾Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts – Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.
◾Thimerosal (mercury) – Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism.
◾Polysorbate 80 & 20 – Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.
◾Glutaraldehyde – Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.
◾Fetal Bovine Serum – Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.
◾Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells – aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.
◾African Green Monkey Kidney Cells – Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.
◾Acetone – Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.
◾E.Coli – Yes, you read that right.
◾DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1
◾Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)
✳You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being INJECTED.
✳Fact check vaccine ingredients here:
#educatebeforeyouvaccinate #injectionisdifferentthaningestion #learntherisks #informedconsent
Animal blood in vaccines
Food in vaccines, like peanut oil etc shows it causes food allergies
Vaccine Guide
Legislative informal hearing on mandatory vaccination.
Italian Dr. Theory!
The Italian Dr. didn’t come up with something new as these info were in the media for long time and I don’t know the purpose of it or the original source.
People who spread these conspiracies’ are taking out the control of Almighty God in our lives because he clearly stated in: Acts 17:26
and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,
God might allow disasters to take place as a punishment for some inhabitants who went too far in destroying earth and the people.
Some countries are small and under populated while others too big in population that few millions when be noticed and won’t have any affects. Wicked people always trying but God is watching with righteous hand and just eyes.
thank you Mr. Steven Ben De noon and Jana Ben De noon for spreading truth hopefully you guys speak with Adam green or true news with Richard Wiles show once again to see if any of you agree with his ideas or bringing in Christopher Jon Bjerke for a discussion remember the gospel the good news must be spread across the world before that final day of human history also why do I have a gut feeling that Serco a British company might have connections to this corona virus agenda which corona in Spanish is the crown or king queen nobility or Sanhedrin Pharisee Sadducee synagogue of Satan alliance new world order agenda maybe united nations also written in code in the united states currency is some kind of message Novus ordo secular or new secular order of the ages there is a pyramid with a all seeing eye in old French monarchy this was called Pay surer family bloodline the upper class in Hinduism they were known as brahmins in the Celtic traditions of old Europe they were the druids the druids also have Halloween all hallows eve as a high level satanic holiday known as Samhain just before all hallows eve is the anniversary of united nations i think the great reset means the landlords and landladies of planet earth desire to thin out the herd of all the peasants and beggars on planet earth leaving room for a select few of archers merchants knights falconers landlords landladies scribes bishops clergy of some form to spread new one world religion there will be the nobility and royalty just like the ancient times and medieval times and other time periods say goodbye to so called democratic or republican ideals or what is left of the united states constitution say goodbye to magna carta other things like the Geneva conventions and all other laws expect for the one world government laws statues and decrees kings and queens princes and other royalty will be the ones calling the shots and running the planet earth in the name of those peasants and beggars which will only be a couple select few of them to farm and labor fight in the new world order armed forces or serve the new world order police system of course this one selected new king will be chosen as savior of humanity to replace god this false messiah god king emperor could perform miracles like Jesus did and all the other religious leaders used to do this messiah king will demand a new new testament replacing all the stories of Jesus Christ with himself he will say that Jesus Christ the Nazarene has failed to do his duty as a messiah savior of the world and that he is the true messiah and Jesus will be called a false prophet a insane madman or a fairy tale or call Jesus a terrorist and those who used to follow Jesus as the only way haters bigots and domestic terrorists who must be wiped clean from the earth or deleted from the earth meaning executed for crimes against peace love and unity of all people imprisoned and tortured a bloody reign and ruling of this king chosen by Satan the serpent as his own son on the earth maybe this new messiah king will also claim somehow to be of so called virgin birth somehow through technology of artificial insemination or cloning and someone on the earth has been born using test tube surrogate parenthood using technology to perform miracles and lying wonders just a crazy theory I have right now.
Must Read..
Must Read..
is the last flu shot I had was in 1969 in the Air Force and it was with a bank of shots for us to be sent to Vietnam…. I felt like dying for three days; I haven’t had a flu shot since and am 77 and don’t remember the last time I was sick. Following our Yahushua’s diet recommendations surely don’t hurt.
Love you two very much, and owe more than I can ever repay for your wonderful work,
hey Mr. Steven ben de noon and Mrs. Jana ben de noon have you watched the new songbird commercial it has some predictive programming in this new movie trailer I wonder who in this movie will be the main protagonists or heroes and who would be the main villains or antagonists.
Y’all had Dr. Day on yesterday and she said the nano particles are in the test. S0 this guy is saying it’s in the vaccine. I really want to know why both. People getting the test are most likely going to get the vaccine. They are scared and with that comes compliance.
Dr Roberto Petrella, an Italian anti-vax gynaecologist, was struck off the professional register.
He is definitely not reliable.
Airibeth . I suggest (think) that Islam is the 8th that is out of the 7th. Islam was “created” by the RCC as oppisition to Christianity, because the Christians posed a danger to the then Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was the 7th.
Yep, the Words of Yahweh is being fulfilled right before our eyes, and many will not be willing to receive the truth and will follow the Beast.
Think people, Roberto Petrella, knew to much and was not on their side. So of course they removed him from the professional gynaeclolgest list? When a scientist become believer in God as creator of the worlds they are always removed from the professional list. Therefore, you should look deeper into what he has to say. Don’t be so foolish as to think that you cannot be fooled through your own pride.
This is like what the Word says people will desire death but death will flee from them. One thing how can I convince my family some have taken this serum of death and people do not want to listen! So frustrating
May God’s people be vigilant as Yeshua leads us, pray and reach them while we are here. This is our duty.
Where is he and your writer getting their info’ from? I’m in Canada. I may be considered “Evangelical” but none of the “Evangelicals” here and in the U.S. are taking these “vaccines.” We’ve mounted and have been carrying out the exact opposite!
I would like to say, it is time to eat meat, and not be asking to be served milk. In other words,
Do as much research as you can your self, rather than demanding all to be spoon fed to be truly Christian, it is not enough to go to church on Sunday and be fed a few thoughts to ponder. This really is the end times. The whole system, and all mankind are being captured on every aspect of his life, into a digital system. Your signature and all economics and life all round will be uploaded into a data based and tracked.
The central banks mysteriously know the end date, on their website March 31st 2025.
WEF, world economic forum, led by China has every country in the world signed up.
The bioweapon, as u now know from your tv was prepared along with vaccines between China and your law giver, Fauci. Bill Gates and the technocrats mix computers and health to achieve it. You have a short time to have some crypto currency, private ones like pirate chain, some gold and silver, and find some where to keep your blood barrier safe, food and water, and a long term plan. The city’s will not be in a good way when the banks fail and force u to vaccinate, for hand outs, or live with the vaccinated that will be shedding variants. You won’t be able to work with them. The products in the vaccine are numbered and owned…when inside you, you are the property of that ownership. The hospitals are not allowing the side effects and deaths to be reported…research the witnesses for all of this.
The former ceo of Pfizer has given detailed witness reports that this is a depopulation attempt. This new religion is based on making everyone of us a ‘sinner of the environment’
And you will begin to see the environment as the big fake issue. It’s all a deception. They are currently bringing in laws for euthanasia to give people a way out, as they know it will become nessesary in a few years. Don’t watch the usual msm, they are paid to keep you in the dark. Fact checkers are there to censor any real facts to come to light. Thank the good people who risk everything to warn you. It’s a heavy burden. Many doctors and professors have died from the vax, believing the science. Now they are coming for the children, please protect them! Blessings to all ????
Wish I could have listened to this video. I am always interested in hearing what a doctor has to say about this vaccine situation….well gene therapy really. They want to change our DNA. Our God recognizes us by our DNA. Perhaps if our DNA is changed, maybe God won’t be able to recognize us. A thought here is all I am saying.
God Bless you Steve.
The mark. …. what is “the mark”? A tax? No. Is it being told where we go, and what we can do? No. Is it how I can spend money? No. … what is the physicle body and our present material presence? Is that what the word is concerned with, or something the word wants us to see is the least important?…..just keep our “mind” on our father, love him, just like Jobe and Noah and Abraham! The rest is just things that happen along the way home….we are coming onto the 7th month, focus on that and all the wonderful messages! Trumpets,, Days of Awe, Tabernacles,..Yom Kippur.. some say even the lords birthday! (Let’s not argue over this month or October please it’s the idea at this point)… some suggest this may be the time when ABBA will be back..????
Point being, our father is not a respector of the bodily person, but what is in our mind and hearts, and the message we spread (the seed we plant) to others. Do we bury our silver or share it.?
Don’t be fooled by the so called powers that be.. they herded us to coloseums in Rome, they lined roads with us on crosses, and now some suggest they will herd us with a pan….c,
Fact is we shall all sleep and at the “last Trump” awakened….will you lamp have oil or ?,
Steve, it says, ” Sorry the video does not Exist,”Honey. Was there a video here before?
may have been
medical videos sometimes get removed by youtube or we have them only up briefly
Well shucks, they’ve already taking it down! Don’t want people to know the real truth behind their poisonous vaccines! No surprise here! 😠
I dint even get to see the video but I would never take the covid shot as it is a experiment and plus I would put my trust in God not man
Some meds of the most serious illnesses, like heart disease, hypertension, kidney, liver, diabetes 2, some pain killees, blot thickening en blood thinning meds and some C19 injection are made with snake venom. Just research the name of disease and snakevenom in meds. They treat nearly all diseases with snake venom.
It’s disaster capitalism. Lots of money to be made.