By: Jana Bennun
We have heard a rumor that the tyranny that is happening to people all over the world is somehow not applicable to “Jews.” Some channels on Bitchute and other platforms are spreading information that the death shots given to Israeli citizens are harmless since Israelis are receiving only placebos while the nations around the globe are injected with the actual poison.
While we are aware of the fact that the different batches of the poisonous shots contain mysterious ingredients and different groups of people/nations may receive various kinds of mixtures, it is not true that the Israeli people are all given placebos only.
According to our sources that we have in Israel, people there are indeed dying from the shots and many are vaccine injured. There are politicians, doctors, scientists, and lawyers in Israel that are desperately warning the public about the vaccines being harmful and sounding the alarm about the human rights violations that the Israeli government is imposing upon the public. Many Israeli believers in Christ have chosen not to take this vaccine and are suffering as the result of their choice. They are banned from a number of casual activities and from entering public places such as grocery stores and department stores. This is true not only for the followers of Christ in Israel but for many other citizens with various beliefs. Atheists, Jews, Arabs, and others are all united in their suffering under Israel’s ruthless COVID-19 measures.
In short, this crime against humanity that we are all experiencing in the United States, Europe, Australia, Canada, and all over the planet is also happening in Israel. In fact, our friends in Israel have a very difficult time getting any information to us because of how strict censorship is in the country. It is much easier for activists in the United States to be vocal. In Israel however, the situation greatly resembles the fascism of Nazi Germany.
Please remember that it is not Israeli people nor rank and file Jewish people that are responsible for this NWO fascism, it is their LEADERSHIP. Israel was created by the Rothchild dynasty and is now controlled by them. These are the same people that were responsible for the Holocaust. The Rothchilds controlled both sides of the war with the goal of creating the Jewish State so that they could further their grip on power in the world and they gladly used their own people to achieve their purposes. I know that this information may come as a surprise to many of you, however, if you are willing to go really deep into the rabbit hole and do your research, you will sadly come to the same conclusions. Perhaps it is a good idea to start with reading a book titled Holocaust Victims Accuse written by rabbi Moshe Shonfeld. The book is censored in Israel and out of print in the USA, however, I was able to find you a free PDF. Check it out.
Another good book written by the Jewish author, Edwin Black, is The Transfer Agreement. This book is easily found on Amazon.
Benjamin Netanyahu and other leaders in Israel have sold out Israeli citizens by signing agreements with Pfizer Corporation (with its Jewish CEO) to use Israelis as a subject of medical experiment, with the goal of using the state of Israel as an example to the world on how to handle COVID-19 and a guide on how to impose fascistic rules upon a nation’s citizens. Israel was cited by many politicians around the world as a leader to all nations in handling the so-called pandemic, with leaders of many nations following Israel’s lead of forced vaccine mandates and medical apartheid, which is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
Follow what’s happening with the Covid mandates in Israel and expect the same to happen in your nation. A sourced news article below from last year reminds us of the fact that then-president Trump was responsible for the “Warp Speed” operation in our own nation. He held secret negotiations, along with Netanyahu, with the major vaccine manufacturers while failing to disclose to the public that the vaccines were EXPERIMENTAL. While many Americans view Trump as the most patriotic president of all time, the fact remains that he sold out American citizens to power-hungry, genocidal corporations.
While it’s no secret that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s manufacturers are tied to Jews, we must remember that it is not the common citizens of Israel that are responsible for the crimes of these evil corporations. Israelis are the same victims as people of other nations are. They’ve been sold out by their leaders and living in the division, medical apartheid, censorship, and slavery.
Here is a video of an Israeli woman describing the situation in Israel.
And here is the protest against the Covid pass in Tel Aviv.
Thank you and may Lord Jesus Christ bless you!
You want to know why the WRATH? DON’T COMPLAIN.
I am an American born in Germany and I grew up hearing the horror stories from my birth countries history. What I see and hear now is unbelievable. How can this happen again. I am so so sad and ashamed. Praying for all the people in Israel and the world. May God protect you. Edith
Hello Jana, thank you for THIS Article and the sources! I am sooo glad you dit this. Since years I had to warn the Believers and leaders in Germany and around the world NOT to bring “jewish People ” back to the “Nation”! NOONE was listening… I saw a Vision in 2002 and God told me to tell the Leaders of OE to stop the ” Alijah”!
I would like to translate this article into German, pls give me the ” green light “. I also want to write an short article and add yours, is this ok for you?
Pls write to me on my Mail below ( would like to sent you two Photos )
GOD bless you Hanna
Great article. The ‘let’s blame the Jews’ trope is a distraction in my opinion. The perpetrators of this scam and the horrific injuries and murders resulting from it are loyal to Masonry and the Occult. Their religion of birth has long been forsaken.
I agree with your thoughts entirely! (And, thank you for the links, Jana.)
This was really an eye-opening script.
Thank you Jana.
“Voice of god weapon”
Thank you Jana. It is now Nov 17, ’21, and i just now found this to read and saw there were only 7 comments, so I felt bad for you. Excellent writing Jana, may the Lord bless and protect you.
I pray and hope you and many others are genuine believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and may Eternal Life be yours too
Thank you for pointing out that both Trump and Netanyahu sold out their countrymen. And Trump can take credit for selling out the entire world. Inept or complicit. Either way, both men continue to promote the poison. God in Heaven, help those of us who refuse to fall for this.
I suggest that you listen to the Real David Knight show that is found on podbean after the show that broadcasts m-f. You can find more info on his website (thedavidknightshow).
Also listen to Liberty Fellowship with Chuck Baldwin. We all need to wake up .
God bless you, Jana
News from Poland:
Live news from Poland:
Bless those that resist evil!!
It is more than depressing that the moral state of Israel has not changed since the purported leaders, as designated by the British masters., sold out 800,000 Hungarian Jews to their deaths when it could have been prevented – and they did nothing and, yet., are deemed saviours of Israel.. ptui! Read “Perfidy” by Ben Hecht to see that the moral climate of political Zionism is the same poison today as it was when the British created it in the 19th century.
Hi Jana and Steve,
You guys are so awesome! May God bless and protect you both! Your report had validated everything I have been telling people that Israel was not supposed to become a nation state, the Bible only prophesied that it would happen. The Sanhedrin and these Jewish leaders are bringing such atrocities to the world and to their own people. Why? I don’t understand the reasoning behind hurting your own people. Please expand on this, if you still monitor this thread.
Jag tackar dig Janna och dig Steven för denna artikel och om historien bakom kriget i Ukrainade ochom vilka som ligger bakom det. Jsg blir väldigt välsignad sv den undervisning ni ger il,1 och 2 och ser fram emot del 3, men naturligtvis alla era artiklar. Jag blir så Välsignad av er forskning. Ber för er. Monica
No place is safe from the tyrants
I am. leary of anything these days coming from people who are propaganda experts. After seeing video from Ukraine with wooden soldiers and supposed dead body coming alive tells me its just more drama to instigate war. We are dealing with psychopaths who recruit and befriend their own. Its apparrent by looking at Hitlers camp and now the traitors on both sides here in the states. Learn about the ways of the psychopath and you will know them.
And Jacob became very frightened and distressed (Genesis 32,8). Rabbi Pinchos says in the name of Rabbi Re’uven that there were two people that Hashem promised them and nevetheless they were afraid. The chosen of the patriarchs and the chosen of the prophets. The chosen of the patriarchs is Jacob as it states (Psalms 135,4) “For Jacob, Y-H chose for Him” and and Hashem said to him (Genesis 28,15) “And behold I am with you” and at the end, he became frightened as it says “And Jacob became frightened”…
Страна Израиль, это не европейские “укробандера”, там не признают противозаконные организации. Права граждан подтверждены законом.
Mark 11:22 -> Hebrews 11:6 -> James 2:5 Faith in Hashem said Jeshua Anointed Acts 10:38; Faith is rewarded by Hashem ,even if one is poor in this Worlds goods but rich in faith; the end is becoming an heir of the kingdom of heaven. Thankyou both for all you do Alacheth Sholom
Liberal reforms in the EU countries have given the United States the opportunity to prevail in world history. The policy of the states is aimed at local authorities. A large number of emigrants from countries change English at the same time, they speak 1 language there. The economy is dominated by the dollar(¢). Interest in the Middle East and Italy, still speaks of a different choice of “ally”. Trump and Biden are more liberal in their statements to french immigrants and rusin, baptists. The November result on the American continent of the US election 2022, told about it.
It pains my heart, to hear such terrible things happening to God’s chosen people. I will keep you in my prayers and tell others the truth. The land of God and his peoples oh, God Bless.. very soon the covenant God made with King David will be restored. The King Of Kings and Lord of Lord’s return is at the door. Shalom.