You tube is no place to even challenge Israel on any matter at any level all truth is being blocked and the agenda is in full swing. So now for the second time we have been shut down! all for telling the truth but who can make war with the beast right!
Here are the places to go to stay in formed as we said before
Breaking: Israeli News Live
has Been Shut Down for two weeks
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Steven Ben-Nun
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Israeli News Live App also available on Android and Apple
Youtube channels:
Fact News Network
Rise Up Children of God
Brand New Tube:
Horrible how our country has been completely destroyed from within!
Where can I find this video:now?
“Coming Genocide and Developing Story”
God Bless YOU and YOUR wife!
•Sep 2, 2020
Israeli News Live
359K subscribers
Coming Genocide and Developing Story
Praying for you two.
Many prayers for Steven, Jana and Family. May God’s will for you be manifested with great power.
The Mark of the Beast/Cain & Slaying of Martyrs/Abel story is about to unfold in these last days!
Your Fact News Network video today, Sept. 9th,
highlighting Ezekiel and Acts regarding The Son of David has disappeared from Youtube. I was wanting to forward it onto a family member who lives by that as FUTURE prophecy. I appreciate your passionate and thorough teaching on it. Can it be found anywhere else?
I am having trouble signing up for brand new tube (as i have also D-Live in the past). I can’t ever get past the sign up and it always seems to be a user name problem . Anyone else have these issues?
Time to talk in code, like we did with our kids when we didn’t want them to know what we were talking about.
Headline topics in code so computer algorithms won’t flag them. The algorithms will see it as nonsense.
Anything that is for sure going to get you taken down ; put on a printed paper, instruct your audience to pause to read it. (maybe toward the end, “Fact Checkers” probably won’t watch all the way through the video – hopefully). Spell the censor targeted messages out in code so any “Fact Checkers” won’t take the time to figure it out. As a matter of fact, I don’t think “Fact Checkers” have a very high IQ, I think they are just evil.
7H15 M3554G3 53RV35 7O PR0V3
1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG! 17 W45 H4RD BU7 Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 17 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17, B3 PR0UD! 0NLY C3R714N P30PL3 C4N R34D 7H15.
Only 55 people out of 100 can read this:
I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Another trick is using symbols that aren’t letters;
Persecution by One World Religion.
It works for me after FaceBook was censoring me, then not letting me post.
These are the symbols I found. You can copy and paste them.
ʎ ¥ ж Ж Ш ₩ Λ Ü ∩ ╚╝ ц Ц ʇ ┴ ┬ ╨ § $ Ƨ 5 ƨ г Г ɹ я Я ℞ ǫ ⵚ ¶ Ꭾ Ԁ ? ☼ ○ Ø Ф Θ ѳ Ѳ ☺ © ® ກ и И Ñ ɯ ₥ ┐ ˥ £ ʞ ɿ ſ ل ɾ ᴉ Ï î ɥ Ч פ g 9 ƃ ᖷ Ⅎ ɟ ƒ ╛ ǝ ɘ Ә ɛ э Э Ʃ 3 € Ǝ Ƹ É 6 ѣ Ѣ ъ Ъ b ᗡ Ð ɔ ⵎ Ɔ Ç ᙠ ß ᗺ å α ∀ Å ₳ Ä д Д
« » Б ф ч Ю ю „ —
Hi! God bless you both for sharing the gospel- and real news to help prepare us in these trying times. Your recent video (Jana) posted today on YouTube on factnews network will not let me copy or move to the new link you posted below to switch over to your brandnewtube channel. I am able to do it from this site of yours on I’m sure if I’m having trouble others are too. Maybe YouTube blocked your link to be able to copy or bring it up. I pray against the enemy for you guys in Jesus name! Take care and God bless always!
Dear Stephen, I dont know if you kno this ministry? I would like to “introduce” you and maybe you would like to get in contact? FOr such a time as these I believe the LORD haas revealed to him a lot of deep understanding.
This teachings are very helpfull for me, as I also appriciate yours!! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH! With love Hanna
I forgot this link!!! I watched it… GOD bless you BOTH!
The true president since Kennedy ? possibly …. I am from Brazil. Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro will crush the new order coming from China …. opsss not sense … China is being used to hidden the origin and the mastermind. Bill Gates and George Soros ? Not. One have orders to vacines to depopulation and the other terrorism to destroy christian and economy for be stolen for bad richs jews ! the DemonCrats wait to detroy the USA because is the only that can fight against the evil. Almost all world is against Donald because him have figured hidden secret and is the because of sad face. see the face of all the rulers of the world … israel’s minister is happy all the time …. they want to centralize the world government for a messiah to reign in Israel ! Look at the Facebook owner’s face … Mark is crying too much and he is extremely sad because he knows the truth and he doesn’t know what to do because in reality facebook is not his … he deserves mercy ! he is a jew and works for Israel thus how George Soros is also a jew. Bill Gates work for israel .. see Bill Gates antithrust judgement .. in begin he is moving back and forth … this is a jewish prayer .. is high chance that he is a jew and hid it all these years … he dreams to be a messiah …. cold heart and psychopathic without remorse .. will never save the world … vaccination in the entire population ? lie .. a part will be vaccinated and then they will say that the vaccines are over ! this is going to be similar to HIV and to sterilize … youtube is allowing videos against china, Bill Gates, George Soros and etc. THIS IS SUSPICIOUS … it is to deceive people … everything that is happening now was planned by the elite to create the world government in Israel .. youtube will start attack when videos start showing that the root is pointing to israel ..DemonCrats betrayed USA .. I am tired of the high number of videos and meaningless messages about this situation … I am not against good jews .. good jews are fighting this scam .. I am against bad jews who gave their lives to the devil …. will pay for each person suffering in the world and for trying to destroy USA …. Donald Trump is completing the work of Abrahm Lincon and Kennedy were doing …. Donald is fighting against the main sons of the devil in the world … GOD selected Donald Trump … USA have to be on the side of Donald .. I have no doubts that they are planning mini 9/11 attacks … they will attack the white house … just like Jair Bolsonaro will try to assassinate Donald Trump and that for traitors who are on the president’s side! Look at Donald’s sad face … he sacrificed friendships, he’s going through a lot of problems … what president before him did that ? meanwhile as they “had predicted the future” bill gates and other richs are living in bunkers and stocking food! wake up! youtube is full of people with good intentions without information spreading only part of the root of the problem … mr president avoid events will try to kill you …. GOD SAVE USA
Brother Steven, I want to thank you from my heart for the very, very good teaching on the ” Redemtive Grace…… ” Thanks for speaking out so clear and I pray MILLIONS of Christians will hopefully hear and understand it!
God bless you and yur family! Hanna
hmm looks like president trump is alright but in the hospital could we see something happen maybe middle of this month or next month in the middle of December if dark winter could be coming or middle of winter or early winter maybe even early spring next year until middle of spring next year I will say keep your eyes on Washington dc the city of London England Vatican city Italy and Jerusalem Israel I would also look into Sydney Australia somewhere in Cambodia somewhere in India on Beijing china and Hong Kong along with Indonesia somewhere in the Bali area I would also look into a event in Tokyo japan somewhere in Malaysia Auckland new Zealand Russia maybe Moscow and saint Petersburg plus a event in Seoul south Korea Taipei Taiwan Bangkok Thailand for some reason later this year or next year somewhere in turkey and even Vietnam for something unusual or abnormal along with events in Aruba the Bahamas Cuba Dominican republic Jamaica and San Juan Puerto Rico for something there could also be sometime before 2030 or after that even into Jan 1 2070 is my theory in the timeline of the elites or useless eaters want to do to us landless peasants or gentiles the beggars they call us back in ancient times history will repeat itself and will not remember us stand up for the right thing right now or kneel forever to the nobility and merchant class the scribes the bishops the immoral politicians and religious leaders or societal leaders icons celebrities’ idols of our time I think for some it will be too late for their souls to be saved and the devil will tear them apart in hellfire.
I also saw a vision or dream of one of the elites mentioning this upcoming vaccine will be called the omega vaccine which could be the mark or precursor to the mark of the beast system there would be a false prince of Jerusalem a false savior of humanity arriving on the world stage the prince of Jerusalem is also the 16th degree of freemasonry and the 21st degree is the Noahide degree explained early this prince of the world system will be what the Christians will call the antichrist the whole world will be deceived by the new prince of the world this world prince could be trips of global diplomacy in Austria Croatia Prague Czech republic Paris France berlin Germany Athens Greece Hungary Iceland Dublin Ireland Portugal Barcelona Spain Madrid Spain Switzerland Scotland Amsterdam Netherlands Egypt morocco south Africa and the united Arab emirates especially Dubai the false messiah prince character will also visit Bermuda Toronto Ontario Canada Montreal Quebec Canada Vancouver Canada Alberta Canada Mexico city Mexico Cancun Mexico Cabo san Lucas Mexico this false messiah character will also visit all fifty states in the united states in all the big major cities and towns villages suburbs the prince will also visit Buenos Aires Argentina Belize Rio Brazil Sao Paulo Brazil Chile Costa Rica and Peru during the reign of the prince dictator of the world. the prince will call for disarmament of all nuclear biological and chemical weapons and all other forms of weaponry and will call for one world government one economy one world law order or peace keeping one world religion anyone who disobeys the mysterious crown prince in my dream or vision I had will be executed or imprisoned or tortured or banished exiled deported to the farthest reaches of the earth where they will be left to fend for themselves among wild animals and eat wild vegetation or flora. the united nations in its present form and all other governments will be disbanded expect for the mysterious crown princes new world order I heard the prince the devil in disguise I call this being the shadow man referring to this experiment or project as the global community or one nation earth or international confederations of nations which will be completely new in the new future. the new crowned prince will declare himself as god on earth and rebuild the ancient temple of Solomon in some form in Jerusalem restore fake ungodly animal and even human sacrifices or offerings to the beast and his crew gang and other elites the ten kings or new nobility men of renown will also be worshipped and have their own paintings sculptures and other forms of art that surrounded the crown prince the devil in human disguise there will be movies to show how great this world prince has reigned over the earth there will be loud music playing in the head quarters of the beast empire singing dancing like in concerts to worship the elites and the newly crowned prince of the world all kinds of occult new age and other bizarre things will happen in the reign of the beast prince of the world natural disasters like avalanches landslides droughts famines earthquakes tsunamis floods hurricanes typhoons pestilences snowstorms windstorms hailstorms tornadoes volcanic eruptions comets asteroids meteorites black holes solar flares and other unusual events in the sky above will also occur during the reigning and ruling of the beast system the new world order I also see cyclones i also see oil spills chemicals and poison being added to the water supply of the world genetic engineering robotics artificial life and intellect internet of things 5 g directed energy weapons even a few more terrorist attacks real or fake or false flags wars conflicts and other things on planet earth that would seem nightmarishly impossible will be come to pass pollution will also still be around and worse during the ruling and reigning of the beast system extinction genocide of animal plant and human life will occur faster I think I also see a sort of miniature ice age a solar or lunar eclipse in the near future or something happening before or after solstice for this year.
I see the heavens open up and immediately taken to a new earth. It’s beautiful. In the distance is a huge castle and a river flowing down to where I stand in the arms of my husband. The water is the cleanest water I have ever seen. Huge trees with some kind of fruits on it. A real nice man hugs us and waves us closer and when I look around to behind us there are many families behidn us. It’s wonderful and my heart leaps inside.
hmm I having a funny feeling that dominion voting systems and smart mat I c is owned by either the Rockefeller family or the Rothschild family dynasty one of their popular agents in the united states could be Samuel Morse the inventor of the Morse code which I think is linked to Zohar Talmud and kabbalah or a freemason also has ties to DARPA from the department of defense one of these Biden transition George Soros affiliated Antifa members is a Jewish young man graduated from university of California in Berkley named Eric coo me r not be be anti Semitic but I am anti corruption no matter what he is also in the central intelligence agency .yeah a intelligence agent named Eric coo me r learned how to rig American elections using this dominion voting systems Morse coding to cheat everyone or simulate a event where the president election could be brought into chaos to bring about the new secular order of ages. the new world order the great reset.
another CIA asset involved in Antifa is also Jewish his name is Adam Rahuba he threatened the current president of the united states that if he does not concede he would go into conservative Christian areas in the united states and threaten them and he would retaliate together with his Antifa squad or gang.
this dominion voting systems and die bold is connected to operation hammer and operation scorecard which also uses things used to cheat other elections worldwide and maybe tied to Mossad and her majesty’s mi five or mi 6 chapter yeah queen Elizabeth is one of those big name high level Jewish free masonic elite new world order globalists this satanic witch killed murdered Diana she is tied with Edward heath and Jimmy Saville a well known Jewish pedophile and a couple of other pedophiles including her own son prince Andrew who hang out with Jeffrey Epstein a Jewish man on that island in the Caribbean of little saint James.
oh yeah joseph Biden is a Jewish man pretending to be a roman catholic this man also could have killed his first wife or at least this my theory in fact according to great game India Mr. joseph Biden great grandfather worked together with the British east India company a branch office affiliate of the Rockefeller Rothschild Astor banking dynasties some centuries ago hmm two wings of the same Zionist elite banking new world order bird phoenix dragon eagle owl thing oh vey stop the presses I am Korean Christian Asian American anti Semite conspiracy theorist.
in fact i have a speculation that joseph Biden that converted into Judaism back in 1972 or went up a level or grade for killing murdering his first wife the more evil things that a person of false Jewish Judean Hebrew Phoenician Canaanite Palestinian Kazakhstani Turkish true Edom mongrel bastard retard moron inbred imbecile idiot sorry for using this words Mongolian one percent deep state shadow government ancestry or elite bloodline whatever this makes their god lucifer Satan manifest itself according to Sabbath Levi that person from the 1600’s and Jacob frank.
Praying for you , I pray Youtube gives you more frredom, you have being blessing us in Brazil with your message unfortunately we cannot sbscribe in Iconnect , think about Rumble it is free and you have freedom there, God Bless You
How you have. Opened my eyes, God led me to someone that is not an speak the truth.Keep opening eyes and sorrow for non believers, which includes my family.