In an incredible stand for the Jewish people Italian Journalist Giulio Meotti writes yet another stunning for Arutz Sheva. An article that lays out the truth which the World would rather not see. Giulio clearly shows how that the Palestinian Authority and its radical group of thugs have made The Temple Mount and Jerusalem their chief battle field. See for yourself Giulio’s brave candor.
Liberate the Temple Mount for Israel’s Survival
Arab spokesmen, unlike their Israeli counterparts, are not ashamed to be “intransigent” or to cherish territory.
Arab spokesmen, unlike most of their Jewish counterparts, are not ashamed to make the Temple Mount the center of their new war against Israel.
Arab spokesmen care so much about the site that they can claim that Abraham wasn’t a Jew, that Jews never had a Temple in Jerusalem, that Jews in Biblical Israel are “the descendants of monkeys and pigs”.
Arab spokesmen were so skillful and able to manipulate history that today the UN, Europe, America and the chattering classes, which have no religion at all, are all reinforcing the Arab claim that any who died on the Temple Mount were martyred defenders of holy places, mowed down by savage, unprovoked “Israeli settlers”. Continue…
By Giulio Meotti
Well all I can said is that the Arabs are right about ONE THING, Abraham WAS NOT A JEW, JEWS CAME FROM THE TRIBE OF JUDAH,Which is the GREAT-Grand-son of Abraham,Read the book of Genesis