In this startling podcast Steven Ben-Nun examines the real role of Russia in end time prophecy and that Russia is not Gog of the land of Magog but rather the bait on the hooks that will be set in the Jaws of the prince of Rome. NATO is Roman forces are the Jaws that are drawn in to stop Russia’s advancement on the Middle east.
It sounds very interesting, but how do you explain the Russians own involvement in Islam. President Kadyrov of Chechnya was made defender of Russia by Vladimir Putin, Russia is actively seeking to make Islam what I call a “hybrid religion” meaning something secular yet religious enough to be able to attract business with Islamic Republics like Turkey and Iran and fits into the “one world religion” scenario.
There still could be a hand in this from Vatican; Why did they re-name Red Square “St. Peterburgs”? The Russian Orthodox Church (which was communist and turned out Christians to the KGB) has had a relationship for years with the Vatican, even before the cold war ended. Read Tortured For Christ by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand.
God bless you for mentioning Alberto Rivera, and God be with you,
Good stuff, I’m praying about it
Dear Steve,
I was a little off on the St. Petersburg, I should’ve looked before I leaped there. It was Leningrad that was changed back to St. Petersburg which was named after Tzar Peter. apologies
Okay, I have a question. Does God Who Is, El Emet Elohay Yireh really make accusations, when in fact He is All knowing?
One of the names of the devil, is “the accuser of the brethern” God does not make accusations
In love
I agree with you but that is a subject very few would be willing to really address. The Almighty has been accused of many things that it should have been Satan. There has been some serious research for the use of God’s Name and was it really him or did the translators apply Lord to Yehouah in correctly
Steve. I’m new to your work, but have read several of your articles and listened to a few interviews including from your website and on TruNews. Do you have a clearly written simple to follow interpretation of the Book of Revelation. for people who are new to your work?