Blog Talk Radio’s program Pesach Liana Show with Host Liana and Phil, with guest; Mark Langfan from Newsmax and Leslie Ann with “The Israel Project” took a very interesting turn, about one hour and forty five minutes into the show when an a unexpected caller whom Phil Kirchner knows phoned into the show. The caller who is not being identified alleges that Iran already has three Atom bombs!
The Caller Ali Stated: We have told this information to Israeli National News about a year ago…we give it to you now and Israel National News knows it too. But anyway the bottom line is Iran is the biggest threat to Israel 90 million ISIS are in Iran and they are armed to the teeth… The Host Phil Kirschner jumps in at this points and ask if he would talk about the three atomic devices…Yes, We have inside a airport, I told you this did not happen today, this happen a while back ago but again we tell you that Iran has three Atomic bombs and it is using again installing this time even and getting more concessions, with everything else you know before when we were doing a a a you know embargo on them we were better off with it. Because they are bringing the Regime down. Now not only we give them concessions plus they ( The US) give them three atomic bombs, now they are laughing at our faces. More laughs are like that, they you know they, whatever you here from them just don’t believe it as Mr. Netanyahu told in United Nations. So yes Iran has Three Atom Bombs and weee, this is not the first time we have told you, we have told many many times….The Host Phil then steps in…
You can catch the podcast here.
Phil Kirschner called me early today to tell me of this extraordinary breaking news and what really surprised me was to hear the man whom he calls Ali to say this information was made known a year ago to media sources. Phil confirmed that he knows the caller and his real identity and said that he is a former Iranian Scientist who escaped to The United States and is trying to warn the world of the dangers that Israel is facing.
With this information at hand and Russia’s moves to stock pile vital medicins and allowing Foreigners to enter its military along with a huge other arrays of activities one can only guess as to what type of military alliances are forming in the back ground.
Catch our news link on this story on Israeli News Live YouTube.
in 1989 Iran bought two mobile nuclear launchers from their crews in Kazakhstan for $20 million dollars a piece with between 6 to ten war heads a piece. They were driven across the border into Iran and disappeared. The Iranians did not have the launch codes but they back engineered the missiles and dismantled the war heads, between 12 to 20 medium war heads.They only need the delivery system that is why Iran’s ballistic missile system is of concern to her enemies. They also have had access to North Korean technology and that of the Father of Pakistan’s nuclear arm Doctor Khan. If it has already been tested and works and you have your own delivery system what more do you need, you do not need to test it do you.It has to act as a deterrent to your perceived enemies. Iran already has this weapon for many years, they just needed their own viable delivery system. Welcome to the New World we live in I’m afraid.
Shalom and kindest regards,