Hosea Prophesied US Syrian Oil Connection!
Steven Ben-Nun: Shalom Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live thank you for those are watching on Livestream those of your trying to catch us on Livestream if you typing Steven DeNoon you should bring you right to our channel there that’s D-e-N-o-o-n. We are looking at probably one of the most profound prophetic impacts that I have seen here this month even to meet greater than the prophecy that God showed me in the Book of Micah Chapter 7 recently that Syria would become desolate of its own population as a result of the conflict within.
Well now the Lord has actually revealed to me in another prophecy incredible information and I could only encourage people like world leaders in fact that would like to know who is actually buying the oil from ISIS there and where it’s actually being transported to? Where is it being trucked to? How’s this all happening? It’s in the Bible all the players are in the Bible and just by His wonderful grace He’s revealed that to me.
(View This Broadcast); I want to start off here this was on RT news here and I want to just kind of start this off hopefully they’ll actually show the subtitles here I’m not sure if they did or did not let me just kind of move it a little bit forward yes. This is where Vladimir Putin says; US is the one that actually put or created ISIS to begin with there in the Middle East. So we know the USA is very well famous for toppling governments around the world that was brought out by one of their own former CIA director of operation John Stockwell who actually admitted this that this was true.
And said; that they go in there they get the radical people in the country and they cause an upheaval.
(Source Veterans Today); now it’s also been suggested to that Israel has been behind this not just US and the creation of ISIS but also that Israel has been behind it. And lately there was another situation just recently where a Commander an Israeli Commander of course it was first reported that it was an Israeli General who was actually captured during that ah; during one of the operations there in Iraq as part of the ISIS group there. Israel supposedly stated later that it was a Colonel it was not a General but nonetheless the Mossad is definitely working in directing these ISIS Forces in cahoots with the United States. And I can as far from the standpoint maybe of Israel I might understand a little bit why they’ve done this because they want to destabilize the different regions around Israel in order to keep from having to deal with them in direct combat or direct war. So what better way for Israel then to do than to destabilize the region or the country to have its own conflict within? I don’t say that that’s the right way to do things by no means I’m just simply stating I can see why Israel would be a part of this but it’s actually a much bigger picture than that all together.
We are definitely seeing prophecy being fulfilled now the article here it says; Israeli General captured in Iraq confesses to Israel ISIS ah; confesses to Israel ISIS Coalition is what he says there. There’s a strong cooperation between the Mossad and ISIS the Military Commander Israeli Advisers helping organizational laying out strategic and military plans guiding them in the battlefield. This is what the article actually states there this is on Veterans Today you can easily Google this information and pull this up for yourself.
And of course we know that right just recently we’ve seen that the French actually bomb some of the supply lines or some of the oil refineries and places like that, that ISIS was using. We brought some of this information out to you in recent in recent broadcast there showing that as the French were bombing the different oil depots there to try to stop quote unquote those are supporting this illegal buying of the cheap oil from ISIS and of course in different Western media articles they blame that it’s actually Bashar Al-Assad the President of Syria in cahoots with Turkey and other countries there that are buying the oil. They failed to mention the United States Western media failed to bring up the other accusation’s that’s been against the US, the United Kingdom as well as Germany and even France that these countries also had been involved in buying this oil. And of course some of these articles do implicate Bashar Al-Assad as part of this this conspiracy as well as even Turkey being one of the places that the oil is actually sent to.
Now that’s what everybody has been thinking at least from what we can gather there and now the French, Paris was attacked by a huge well-orchestrated Arabic Islamic State coordinated effort there they came into Paris, France there in in in attack them killing over a hundred and twenty civilians there a very sad situation for Paris indeed. And from what I just heard even today before coming on the news broadcast this evening there’s been yet another bombing in Paris in supposing from what I’ve heard thus far only one person has died in that particular explosion there. We stated in our own broadcast here on Israeli News Live that it looked to us that it was actually retaliation for France bombing the oil fields there that ISIS has there. And of course we can certainly see some of some of the behind the scenes on this because they would do this in an effort of revenge.
But the thing that bothered me is how can the attack on Paris be coordinated so rapidly unless those that are actually a part of creating ISIS were the ones planning this all along and for what purpose? That’s to get boots on the ground to get a NATO Coalition together to come together to put boots on the ground in Syria for the ultimate goal eventually and that is to come against Israel. See God is; God is directing the entire thing to begin with because we know how biblical prophecies is gonna play out all the Nations of the World are going to turn against the Jewish people eventually in the end. So therefore I cannot help and I know there’s already been some suggestion out there that yes there has been a conspiracy with some of the US people behind this of course President Obama would never say that. And of course we deplore the whole idea to begin with but it seems to me that the reason why France was chosen was because you have more different nationalities therein Paris, France it’s a very hot spot place to be. And of course more people from around the world have died as a result we had Americans we had all different kind of Europeans from different parts of the European Union that died in this etc. I’ve even looked at the list myself I’m just heard some of the reports so it causes other nations to come in.
And now France is cooperating somewhat early as Russia has offered to hand to cooperate with France in the attack against ISIS. But whole real issue is though is the United Nations, NATO their Allies they don’t want Russia being in there and getting the piece of the pie before they get their hands on it. Because they all want the oil to begin with it’s what the whole issue is all about. So now today Russia has also went on a major bombing spree hitting the tankers these are the vehicles are transporting the crude that comes out of the ground to the different locations wherever they may be taking it. Now the question is; where are they taking it and what is the prophecy? I’m sure you guys are on the edge of your seat right now.
This is Biblical prophecy and I think by God’s grace I can tell you every player and it’ll also show you the hour you are living in Hosea the prophet has actually prophesied of what we’re seeing in the news right now. Let’s take a look at it let’s go right on over to the Book of Hosea here so you get an idea what I’m speaking about. It says in Chapter 12 of Hosea (verse 1); Ephraim compasseth Me about with lies; this is the God of Heaven speaking about different people here and you’re going to find out who Ephraim really is. Many Biblical scholars try to put Ephraim as Europe or the United Kingdom, Britain things like that. I don’t believe that’s correct and I would not have said that until now but I’ll show you why and you’re gonna see. (Verse 1); Ephraim compasseth Me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit; and Judah is yet wayward towards God, and towards the Holy One who is faithful. Okay now let’s real quick look at this one part right there; Judah is yet wayward towards God and towards the Holy One who is faithful. The Holy One is the Mashiach the Messiah! And they still don’t believe that Yeshua is the Messiah other than a handful of Jews like myself that do believe that He’s the Messiah. But as the whole as our Nation that we just had not accepted we’re wayward we’re yet wayward towards God and towards the Holy One who is faithful.
Now Jews would say today; we’re not wayward towards God but as a Nation we are. As a political Nation we are a wayward away from God. Now I agree with many of the Orthodox Community very faithful to God trying to believe with all of their heart and I thank God for that. Now before I get sidetracked on that was go on to verse 2 this is the clincher for prophecy; Ephraim striveth after wind, and followeth after the east wind; that shows that Ephraim then literally lives in the West but he’s coming towards the East. All the day he multiplieth lies and desolation; did not Vladimir Putin call him; has called the United States an Imperialistic Nation?
All right and it’s true I mean I’m an American I love my country, I’ve always believed in standing for freedom. And I’ve always believed that we were fighting for freedom only to find out are we really fighting for freedom or not? Well we definitely have been making the world desolate everywhere we go. If I were to say like for example Iraq were we there to liberate the Kurds that were being gassed by Saddam Hussein that’s a good thing. Did we liberate Kuwait? Yes we did, when we liberated the Kuwaiti people they were ecstatic about it all right? That’s a good thing to liberate these people here but did we have to go in a desolate the country? Okay now that’s just a thought, I’m just sharing this with you because I want you to see what God says about it; (verse 2); Ephraim striveth after wind, actually the word in Hebrew that’s used there is Ruach; roeh rûªch; Ef’rayim roeh rûªch; roeh is like a shepherd. He’s shepherding after the wind.
You know that’s why they translate that striveth or I think in King James they used the word feedeth. You know the whole point is he’s trying to get that wind; he’s trying to get ahold of it. (Verse 2); and followeth after the east wind; all the day he multiplieth lies and desolation and they make a covenant with Assyria, and oil is carried into Egypt. Oh my gosh friends; what covenant did they make with Assyria, with the rebels? They made the covenant not with Bashar Al-Assad not with the President of the country but they have gone in there they’ve created ISIS. See; Vladimir Putin was right the United States created ISIS that’s true! And they created ISIS they made a covenant with the people they’ve also; not only did they create ISIS it wasn’t only them but then they turn around and they also back the Free Syrian Army! See what have they done? They made a covenant with them and oil is carried into Egypt! ISIS is the one that’s pumping the oil out and everybody thinks it’s going into Turkey but according to the Word of God that oil is going into Egypt!
You’re gonna find out why. Now any of you guys that are out there listening listen to me I beg you search for me see if we can find a connection I tried I didn’t have enough time to see if I could; you know I was looking for any kind of news article that might show that they were smuggling it into Egypt. I’ve not found that as of yet but I do believe it’s gonna come out eventually. It is gonna come out because that’s where the oil is actually going to; I have found articles where it says Egypt sent oil into Syria in order to help Assad to be able to battle the rebels there. But you have to remember Syria and Egypt are very close allies so this a major deal we’re talking right here. But it doesn’t end there.
All right now I’m gonna I’m take you so just hold your place there don’t get too upset with yet because you’re gonna find out who Ephraim is Biblically speaking. I believe that God has shown where that is. Let’s go on down (verse 3); the Lord hath also a controversy with Judah and will punish Jacob according to his ways and according to is doings will He recompense him. (Verse 4); in the womb he took his brother by the heel, and by his strength he strove with a godlike being; okay who did he strive with? Esau and what did Hosea say? He was like a god-like being see? Right here (Hebrews); säräh et–élohiym; now by the way that’s actually a prince, see? He was a prince with God, strove with a god-like being.
(Verse 5) so he strove with an angel, and prevailed; he wept, and made supplication unto him; at Beth-el he would find him, and there he would speak with us.
Now going back to in the womb (verse 4); in the womb he took his brother by the heel and by his strength he strove with a god-like being. So interesting by the way no the god-like being through I do not; this is the one that he wrestles with there after he’s a grown man. But when he took his brother by the heel that being Esau that’s who he’s still battling till this day and that’s Rome because Rome’s is the one that’s behind all of this.
But anyway as we move on it says here (verse 5); so he strove with an angel, and prevailed; he wept, and made supplication unto him; at Beth-el he would find him, and there he would speak with us; (verse 6); but the LORD, the God of hosts, the LORD is His name. (Verse 7) therefore turn thou to thy God; keep mercy and justice, and wait for thy God continually. (Verse 8) as for the trafficker, the balances of deceit are in his hand. He loveth to oppress. The trafficker; it’s those that are trafficking all that oil out of Syria.
9 And Ephraim said: “Surely I am become rich, I have found me wealth; in all my labors they shall find in me no iniquity that were sin.” The whole purpose the US wants to be there in the Middle East to begin with is to get rich from the oil that’s why we went into Iraq. We didn’t go into Iraq because of Saddam Hussein gassing his people or having massive you know weapon of mass destruction.
But we have helped Iran to accommodate that and in fact Israel on Israel National News today it’s saying that Iran has actually done secret testing already of a nuclear bomb underground just this past week and has violated the agreement that was reach with Iran over the nuclear deal. Verse 10; But I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt; I will yet again make thee to dwell in tents, as in the days of the appointed season. Oh friends this is not good, this is not good. And I can only assume what that is to dwell in tents there is that going to be because the US is going to take a severe hit and the people up no longer being in houses having to flee? It says (verse 11); I have also spoken unto the prophets, and I have multiplied visions; and by the ministry of the prophets have I used similitudes. (Verse 12); if Gilead be given to iniquity becoming altogether vanity, in Gilgal they sacrifice unto bullocks; yea, their altars shall be as heaps in the furrows of the field. (Verse 13); and Jacob fled into the field of Aram, and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep.
(Verse 14); and by a prophet the LORD brought Israel up out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he kept. (Verse 15); Ephraim hath provoked most bitterly; therefore shall his blood be cast upon him, and his reproach shall his Lord return unto him. All right now that’s the judgement of all this but going back; let’s quickly recap, count it again. Okay the two main verses here are verse 1, verse 2 and you can even go into verse 3; 1Ephraim compasseth Me about with lies: that’s all he does; and the house of Israel with deceit; and Judah is yet wayward towards God, and towards the Holy One who is faithful. All right; so Ephraim not only does he constantly compasses God about the lies and the House of Israel with deceit; that’s an interesting one if you think about it there. And Judah’s yet wayward towards God and towards the Holy One who is faithful. In other words they still don’t recognize their Messiah.
(Verse 2); Ephraim striveth after wind, and followeth after the east wind; all the day he multiplieth lies and desolation; multiplied especially in the Middle East; and they make a covenant with Assyria and oil is carried into Egypt. So now where the oil is going to its being taken there and then being sold to Germany and other countries there and I’m sure some of it does go through Turkey. But God has identified that it’s going through Egypt. (Verse 3); the LORD hath also a controversy with Judah, and will punish Jacob according to his ways; according to his doings will He recompense him.
Now quickly let’s jump over to Chapter 7 of Hosea I want to prove to you who Ephraim really is. (Verse 1) when I would heal Israel, then is the iniquity of Ephraim uncovered; you see Israel came back to her Homeland in 1948, we can go all day long to the political situation in Israel.
I realize we can say okay the Rothschild’s help build it, all the evil regardless of what you want to put on that it’s just like case the Egyptian’s were the ones that actually financed the Jews when they left Egypt. God put it on their heart to give them all the gold and all the silver and everything that they would have need of but did the Israeli’s pervert that? Yes, they made a Golden Calf in the Wilderness. But it wasn’t the fact that God didn’t give them that to make a Golden Calf but there were some Godly people that made it there. In fact God has to come up with a whole new generation accept Joshua and Caleb but still they finally made it to Israel and a Godly Nation began.
Now (Hosea Chapter 7 verse 1); the wickedness of Samaria, for they commit falsehood; and the thief entereth in, and the troop of robbers maketh a raid without. (Verse 2); and let them not say to their heart–I remember all their wickedness; now their own doings have beset them about, they are before My face. (Verse 3); they make the king glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies. Is that not true? I mean I’ve always said or excuse me I’ve always heard in the United States there’s an old joke I used to hear a lot when I was younger and when I was living in the United States and that was if a politician’s lips are moving his lying. A lot of truth in that isn’t there? He says (verse 3); they the King glad with their wickedness and the prince’s with their lies. Because they don’t do anything! (Verse 4); they’re all adulterers as an oven heated by the baker who ceases to stir from the kneading of the dough until it be leavened. Adulterer’s isn’t that interesting that he calls them all adulterers? Do you know that over in the Book of Revelation it speaks about the great whore was a mother of harlots that’s all these different Churches out here that; I’m not talking about the people in the Church no my friends the people understand that’s all these Churches out here that have joined right back up into momma Rome there? And they’re nothing but a bunch of harlots!
An adulteress that’s exactly what they are and that’s what the nation here is their adulterer’s all right. Now let’s go on down. Verse 5; on the day of our king the princes make him sick with the heat of wine, he stretched out his hand with scorners. (Verse 6); for they have made ready their heart like an oven, while they lie in wait; their baker sleepeth all the night, in the morning it burneth as a flaming fire. (Verse 7); they are all hot as an oven, and devour their judges; all their kings are fallen, there is none among them that calleth unto Me. Did you see that? Watch what he says; all their kings are fallen, there is none among them that calleth unto Me.
You see in other words what is the Prophet saying here? In your judicial meetings the Name of Jesus Christ is never mentioned again there’s no politician, no President especially Presidents oh they mighty say; well I believe in God yes. George Bush said that when he looked into the eyes of Pope Benedict I see God! That’s your God but no one mentions His Name. See he says; there is none among them that calleth unto Me. Now we’re talking about the politician.
(Verse 8); Ephraim he mixeth himself with the people’s Ephraim has become a cake not turned. And yes they do mix in with ever Nation in the world. Like Putin I have to give the man credit he right; he says; we have I think now 3 bases world-world the United States has it has to be 100 bases world-wide if not more they’re everywhere. It’s unbelievable!
(Verse 9); strangers have devoured his strength and he knoweth it not, yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, and he knoweth it not. They devoured yes how did they devour his strength? Because they had spread out all over the world, economically totally desolate! (Verse 10); and the pride of Israel testifieth to his face; but they have not returned unto the LORD their God, nor sought Him, for all this. See the political part of Israel is just like the political party United States.
(Verse 11); and Ephraim is become like a silly dove, without understanding; they call unto Egypt, they go to Assyria. That’s exactly the way it happened first they go into Egypt topple the country over there and then they go into Syria make a covenant with the rebels over there get them all excited, stir it up in order to get the oil real cheap, make a whole lot of money off of it! Do you know how much money these oil rich people in the year ah; billionaires over there are making off with this oil that’s being sold for only 20, 15 to 20 dollars a barrel in the United States and you’re still paying what 4, 5 dollars a gallon on gas? They’re making billions off of you and the rest of the world too. (Verse 12); even as they go out will spread my net upon them I will bring them down as the fouls of the Heaven I would chastise them as their congregation hath been made to hear. That is the most prophetic words I have heard in a long time! He says; even as they go I will spread my net upon them I will bring them down as the fouls of Heaven I will chastise them; you see because the United States is a Godly Nation or supposed to be a Godly Nation but we’ve allowed all kinds of nonsense to get into political offices. I’m talking about not just the President I’m talking about Governors and everything else! And even the best of them will not say the name of Jesus Christ publicly its not politically correct!
And what did he say (verse 12); I would chastise them as their congregation hath been made to hear! In other words the preachers have been prophesied in telling you guys that it’s coming we’re going to pay America is going to paper its evils that it’s doing. (Verse 12); as their congregation have been made to hear. (Verse 13); woe unto them for they have strayed from Me; God knows that America was a Godly Nation at one time. But He says; you’ve strayed from Me; destruction unto them! For they have transgressed against Me; shall I then redeem them, seeing they have spoken lies against Me?
Now that one right there let me tell you something right there; there’s a lot of people don’t like some of the things I preach on because when I get serious with the Word of God I tell you just like it is I have no time for playing games. I have no time for playing Church I have no time for the nonsense. Now you’ve got to admit the Word of God has been covered up like crazy even the Book of Enoch.
And I’m gonna pull this one out right now because many of you guys are aware of this anyway; in the Book of Enoch, Enoch says something that will absolutely startle you. The Book of Enoch in the Dead Sea Scrolls was part of the Biblical Canon many people; many of you guys listening believe the Book of Enoch to be part of the Word of God; if you go to chapter 98 and chapter 99. I want to read to you something right here because God is accusing He’s putting an accusation here that’s pretty strong here and I think you should be aware of this. Because I’ve quoted many times Jeremiah 8:9; one of the lying pens of the Scribe has turned it into a lie.
(http://www.forbiddengate.com/BookOfEnoch.pdf); let show you exactly here what Enoch said he prophesied this long before that. He says (Chapter 98:12); woe to you who loves deeds of iniquity why do you hope for good for yourselves? Know that you will be given into the hands of the righteous and they will cut your throats and kill you and will not have mercy on you. (Verse 13); woe to you who rejoice in the distress of the righteous for graves will not be dug for you. (Verse 14); woe unto you who declare the words of the righteous empty for you shall have no hope of life. (Verse 15); woe unto you who write lying words and words of the impious for they write down their lies so that men may hear and continue their folly; (verse 16); and they will not have peace but will die a sudden death.
Watch what would it says next chapter 99; the whole thing just continuing on.
(Verse 1); Woe to you who do impious deeds and praise and honor lying words; you will be destroyed and will not have a good life. (Verse 2); woe to you who alter the words of truth, and they distort the eternal law and count themselves as being without sin; they will be trampled underfoot on the ground. That’s what it says all right? Now I can’t sit here and just baby things around friends we’re looking even United States in prophecy here Ephraim and I went rapidly look to see what other scholars have said. Most scholars believe that Ephraim is Great Britain and that Manasseh represents the United States but everything I’m seeing its clearly the US you know. And of course I know that England was you know it was definitely made by England it did make the US there.
Anyway it says (Hosea 7:13); woe unto them for they have strayed from the destruction of them for they have transgressed against Me shall I then redeem them seeing they have spoken lies against Me. (Verse 14); and they have not cried unto Me with their heart though they wail upon their beds they assemble themselves for corn and wine they rebel against Me. (Verse 15); thou I have trained and strengthened their arms yet do they devise evil against Me. Hum-un! You know why He says; they devise evil against Me? Because the US is going to take part in a battle against Israel in the very coming years I would assume you know maybe a 1 or 2, 3 years down the road they’re gonna come against Israel. Because the Bible’s already said; the entire world will come against them. And God says (verse 15); though I have trained and strengthened their arms yet do they devise evil against Me. (Verse 16); they returned but not upwards they are become like a deceitful bow their princess she’ll fall by the sword the rage of their tongue; this shall be there derision in the land of Egypt. Friends we are living a serious time.
And now I’ll just go back one more time in closing here with this news here. We see that their trying to stop the supply of oil that ISIS has benefited from for years now it’s been covered up now they’re trying to accuse Assad and Turkey. Vladimir Putin says; there’s forty nations involved in buying this oil; 40 nations. See Putin is bringing this out because when they put sanctions on Russia it did a lot of damage to Russia they can I get $50 a barrel. And with all this oil being sold here on the black market Putin didn’t get to sell as much oil right now and he’s losing a lot of money as a result.
But according to this right here God tells us exactly where that it’s at. He says (Hosea Chapter 12); Ephraim; verse 2; striveth after wind and followeth after the east wind in the day he multiplieth lies and desolation; and they make a covenant with Assyria, and oil is carried into Egypt. I’m Steven Ben-Nun you’ve been watching Israeli News Live a prophetic segment I guess I should have said that at the beginning. So anyway; God bless you guys those of you watching on Livestream God bless you we love you so much. Thank you for being a part here. If you believe in this kind of ministry this type of news broadcasting and you want to stand with us and support this we do need your help in bringing these messages out. It takes a lot of work in order to bring these things together and it’s only by God’s grace is we’re able to do it and because many of you that are willing to stand with us. We thank you for your support and help you can go to IsraeliNewsLive.org there’s a place you can donate their or IsraelReturns.com we have on IsraelReturns.com we have our physical address in Europe if you want to mail us for that, shalom.
Syria refused to let the Qatar – Turkey pipeline through, so Assad had to be removed by destabilizing the country. A good article is
ISIS is providing cheap oil to the West, and in return get power and weapons for Jihad in Syria.
Syria is using IRAN to ship their oil to Asia. Iran gets cheap Syrian Oil and sells it for profit to Asia. Assad gets weapons and support from Iran.in return. In the end, the Syrians are getting raped of their oil from both sides. It will be in total ruins when it is all done. Oil is the heroin epidemic of the world and the addiction is getting worse by the minute. Everyone needs their fix.
Once that is all gone, then attention will turn to Israel for their oil. I don’t believe it will ever get tapped. Oil is a great shock absorber! By Israel sitting on a massive reserve, when the end times come, and the earth starts shaking violently, the shock absorbing properties of the deep oil reserves will keep Israel steady. You need look no further than how an oil shock absorber in a car works. God will see to it that Israel’s oil remains so that his chosen land is not laid to ruins upon his return.
on 30 April 2015 .the eu gave permission for the TAP trans atlantic pipeline to receive an investment exemption to the third energy package. the route transports azeri gas to europe though turkey greece and italy.
Oops left off the Iran connection….
p.s. Once ISIS takes full control of Syria, then all the Oil that was being funneled to Asia (i.e. China) via Iranian ships will dry up and head West to Europe and the US. China will not like this and will be drawn in to squash ISIS. The time is nigh.
Just continuing on from last night.
If the world starts shaking bad and everyone sees that Israel is buffeted by the oil underneath her, there is going to be a major influx of people wanting the security of stability. Earthquakes are very scary. I foresee the rich wanting to take control because of fear. Look for the Rothschild’s to want to take back Israel.
I would also state that after Syria is laid to waste that the UN will come in to help restore it. This is only a guise. The rest of the world will be thinking, How do we get Israel’s oil? They will use the destroyed Syria as its base. They will claim that Israel needs to go back to the pre-1967 borders. Then as soon as that is decreed, the oil companies will move in with their straws to start sucking Israel’s oil. I suspect that they will need to do this at an angle, as Israel wont allow the oil to be tapped. Israel will put a stop to this, and the rest of the world, UN, will go against her. Just speculation on my part, but something I can see playing out.
You mention the Lost Gospel in your YouTube. Can you please give me more information about this book & also the book about Abraham you have mentioned in other programs.
Really enjoy your program. May God Bless .
Annie Stephens
Sister can you email me [email protected]
So a humongous deposit of oil has been discovered under the soil of the Golan as of October 2015. Well now, that’s a pleasant surprise. Also a pleasant surprise is the large reservoir of natural gas found under the Mediterranean Sea in Israeli waters in just this past decade. These are both pleasant surprises for the nation of Israel. Here’s my question- did the Almighty Himself already hint at the notion that a treasure of these most valuable, 20th century commodities would be in the nation of Israel in these last days? Consider…
When Moses blessed the sons of Israel in Deuteronomy Chapter 33: 13-17, he said the following words of Joseph. Here is the text from the King James Version:
“And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon, And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, And for the precious things of the earth and fullness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.”
Notice that Moses says that God will bless Joseph’s land as well as the “deep that coucheth beneath.” Hmmm….
Also, when the patriarch Jacob called his sons forth to bless them in the 49th Chapter of Genesis, it is verses 22-26 that are the blessings Jacob gives to Joseph. Here is the text from the King James Version:
“ … Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall: The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:) Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb: The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren…”
Interesting that Jacob states that The Almighty will bless Joseph with the blessings of the “deep that lieth under” and specifically uses this exact choice of words to bless Joseph. And Moses used the term “the deep that coucheth beneath” in his blessing upon Joseph. Why are these particular phrases used by both of these Hebrew patriarchs in their blessing to Joseph? To backtrack a bit, it should be noted that there is no true tribe of Joseph as the Bible indicates- there are only the tribes of Joseph’s two sons Ephraim and Manasseh that form the House of Joseph. And so, moving along- where were the boundary lines of the ancient Hebrew tribe of Manasseh? Those boundary lines extended west from the Mediterranean Sea at the present day modern city of Haifa- all the way east across the Jordan River and all the way across and through the present-day area called the Golan Heights.
Today, the city of Haifa is the location where all the natural gas drilled offshore in Israeli waters is brought to the mainland to be used and sold across Europe. The Golan Heights is where the vast oil deposits have been discovered. There is no question that, when Moses leaned on his staff and blessed the sons of Abraham and when Jacob called his sons together to give them his blessing, the Almighty whispered into both their ears and told them both PRECISELY what words to speak on behalf of Joseph regarding the land of Manasseh and it’s “deep treasures.” The words are specific and to the letter!
So, the oil and natural gas found in Israel of late are a nice surprise. The Almighty knew it all along, of course. He had to be smiling to Himself when he whispered into Moses’ and Jacobs’ ear and told them the exact words He had for Joseph’s blessing! And so who owns that land now? Who owns the nation of Israel? The so-called Palestinians? The UN and the World Court of Public Opinion? Never!
Tell you what- I’ll give you a hint as to Who owns that land. Let me whisper it in your ear…