Written By: Brother Rick Lange “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things came into being through Him; and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:1, 2, 14. Our knowledge of God… our belief in God and our faith in God have as their foundation the immutable unfailing Word of God. Jesus is that Word made flesh. He is the living demonstration of the truth of His Word. In fact, Jesus said to the crowds: “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me.” John 5:39 The Bible is alive because it is breathed by the Spirit of God. The same God who breathed His Spirit into Adam is the same God who breathed His Spirit into His Word and He is the same God who breathed His Spirit into Mary and Mary brought forth the Son of God/ Son of Man who is the Savior of us all. From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, Jesus is portrayed. He is prophesied in the Old Covenant and revealed in the New Covenant as the Lamb of God who alone could take away the sins of the world…as the Bread of life… the Way, the Truth and the Life… as the only One through whom we might come to the Father…as the sacrifice for our sins and then as the resurrected Lord of life, who went back to the Father to be our High Priest until the day when He returns in glory as our King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the resurrection and the life and without Him there is no resurrection or life. There are false teachers in the flock today who are teaching that the Jews don’t need Jesus because they live by a previous covenant… that they are saved by that covenant, but as the above text shows, Jesus said that no one comes to the Father but by Him. He also stated that if you reject Him, you reject the Father also. And Paul over and over again tells us that there is no salvation in the Old Covenant. It can only point us to Christ and once a man has come to Christ then the Law’s job is finished. Gal. 3 Has everybody forgotten how to read? If not then why are otherwise intelligent men preaching such blatant lies? Today many Evangelical churches are excitedly embracing Judaism… agreeing to not proselytize… contributing to the building of a temple that is being built not for the return of Jesus, but for some other messiah whom the Bible identifies as the coming antichrist. What are we thinking? The return of Israel to its homeland and the rebuilding of the third temple are prophesied in the Bible, but not for the reasons that either Jews or Christians would like. They are being set up for the greatest deception of all time followed by the time of Jacob’s trouble, which as Jesus prophesied will be “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall.” Mt. 24:21 Today the church is gleefully helping Israel to bring about its own destruction and yet they are “blessing Israel” on a false premise. They are basing their premise on promises that God made to Abraham when He said: “And in your seed, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice.” Genesis 22:18. So with that promise the church glibly presumes that Israel is still blessing the world today, but is that true? Not according to Paul. Not according to the Word of God. Paul explains this in Galatians 3:16 saying: “Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say “And to Seeds” as referring to many but rather to one, “And to your Seed,” that is Christ.” In other words, it is through Jesus Christ, the one Seed of Abraham that all of the nations are being blessed… and so that means that those who reject Jesus Christ cannot bless the world at all… in fact they, through their Babylonian Talmud have chosen another god whose name is Lucifer and it is he for whom they are planning to build the third temple. Not all Jews know this, but their Cabbalist leaders know. How is it that the church has become deaf, dumb and blind to this foundational truth? Even I fell for it because the idea had become so ubiquitous in the church. But the Lord is gracious to those who continue to search and seek Him and seek truth. He will provide us with answers if we put aside our prejudices and our traditions and learn of Him. This understanding is not anti-Semitism as some would think… rather it is the exposure of a false religion based upon Babylonian gods and teachings that have high jacked the land of Israel and its government and its religion. It is the same Babylonian system that opposed Jesus at His first coming and ordered Him to be crucified and it is the same system that is rising up in the last days to destroy the people of God, both Jews and ignorant Christians. We have got to get back to the Word my friends and to let it speak louder to us than our traditions. The Cabbalistic religion that has overtaken Israel does not believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They pay lip service to the Torah, but they do not believe it or live by it, but have chosen the pagan systems of Babylon with its black magic and sorcery and mysticism. There is a remnant among the Jews who do not believe in the Zionist movement and are dead set against it, but of course, they are the minority voice and not being heard, because America along with its churches has an agenda to push that sounds Biblical, but is far from it. And so the world is inexorably pushing us into the final tribulation and we need to understand that if God has a part in this, it is to bring Satan’s kingdom to an end and He is going to use the “New World Order” (A Zionist, Catholic, Masonic plot) and the kingdom of the antichrist to bring about its own destruction. We are presently looking right down the throat of earth’s final events… watching the pieces of the puzzle come together and the church, even as we warn people not to be deceived, are being deceived, because we have stopped paying close attention to the prophetic outlines of scripture. So instead of diligently searching the Scriptures today many nominal churches are abandoning foundational truths such as Bible prophecy, creation, repentance, the cross, the blood of Jesus, the High Priesthood of Jesus after the order of Melchizedek and His soon return as King of kings and Lord of lords and instead they are embracing the Babylonian teachings and returning to Rome and returning to Israel. And while they may think that they are going there for glory, they are going there for judgment and the greatest holocaust of all time. It is called the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” by Jesus Himself. It is for love that I reveal these things, for it will surely get me into trouble… but watchmen are duty bound to send out the warning and if they don’t, people’s blood will be on their hands. There is good news in all of this for Israel. It is found in Romans 11. “For I do not want you brethren to be uninformed of this mystery lest you be wise in your own estimation, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in and thus all Israel will be saved; just as it is written. “The Deliverer (Guess who?) will come from Zion and He will remove ungodliness from Jacob and this is My covenant with them when I take away their sins.” Romans 11:25-27. Only the blood of Jesus can take away sin and in that day as Zechariah 12:10 says, “They will look upon Him whom they have pierced…” At that point, there will be a great reconciliation for those who are willing to receive their true Messiah. As for us, we have the Word of God and the Spirit of God and if we really believe that God is great… infinitely great; then we will also believe that His Word is infinitely true and His promises are absolutely true… but we will also understand that all of God’s promises were written to that one Seed, that is Christ. It is through Him that all of the nations of the earth will be blessed. We need to get this right so that we will be able to face the antichrist and we will not take his Mark because we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Please consider these things and study them out for yourself. Your life may depend on it. ONLY OUR CREATOR CAN SAVE US. HE CAN BE NO LESS THAN GOD AND NO LESS THAN MAN… THAT IS WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN AND JESUS IS THAT ONE.ReplyForward
Reader Interactions
Where is the place that is spiritually called
Sodom and Gemorrah? The Bible says it is where Jesus was crucified. All things are coming to their fruition.
Evil is waxing worse and worse, the love of many is growing colder by the day. The wearing down of the Saints is at hand and upon all who call upon The Lord God Almighty in Truth. Some believe He will take us out as we are not appointed to wrath, which is not the same as tribulation. For tribulation has been going on thousands of years now for all God’s people. and for those who live in this dark fallen world. We in America have been so blessed by God, to enjoy much luxury and ease, relative to the rest of the world. Some believe many will be tried and be called worthy for the testimony they HELD. It is best not to argue about these things, BUT just be ready and watching and longing for His appearing, and strengthen what remains.
Hold Fast!!!!! its going to be a very bumpy ride.
Beautiful Bible study.
I would like to hear your comments on the Nicene Creed, in comparison to more modern versions of declarations of the Christian faith.
Jesaja warned enough, but are we able to understand his symbolic prophesies.
The book of Mormon gives a clear answer for the Jews, the Jews who fled to America,
and our time, the time of the gentiles all over the globe and the influence on the Jews.
Even temple building.
See f.i. chapters : 2 Nephi 25 till 33. Just go online and open the book.
My Brother Don, who we fellowship with on the Sabbath, had shared this site. This article is clarifying many questions concerning why many religions follow false doctrines. Thank God and His faithfulness in the blessing you have brought to me by you being that vessel to share His Word. God bless you and your family.
Hi again yall. I just left an email for Steve and Janna. Please pray for me yall and help me with researching the scriptures for confirmation on what you have spoken of in this article. I believe in Jesus Christ and I do not want to be deceived and fall under some satanic power. I want to be with my Lord in heaven and serve HIM forever!
God bless and keep you all and this is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Where is the place that is spiritually called
Sodom and Gemorrah? The Bible says it is where Jesus was crucified. All things are coming to their fruition.
Evil is waxing worse and worse, the love of many is growing colder by the day. The wearing down of the Saints is at hand and upon all who call upon The Lord God Almighty in Truth. Some believe He will take us out as we are not appointed to wrath, which is not the same as tribulation. For tribulation has been going on thousands of years now for all God’s people. and for those who live in this dark fallen world. We in America have been so blessed by God, to enjoy much luxury and ease, relative to the rest of the world. Some believe many will be tried and be called worthy for the testimony they HELD. It is best not to argue about these things, BUT just be ready and watching and longing for His appearing, and strengthen what remains.
Hold Fast!!!!! its going to be a very bumpy ride.
Beautiful Bible study.
I would like to hear your comments on the Nicene Creed, in comparison to more modern versions of declarations of the Christian faith.
Will you be doing a teaching on the Book of Revelation? So much confusion out there, would really like to get your take on it.
Please sighn me up to your email letters. I want to know everything. Im from South Africa and things are just grimm here!
Jesaja warned enough, but are we able to understand his symbolic prophesies.
The book of Mormon gives a clear answer for the Jews, the Jews who fled to America,
and our time, the time of the gentiles all over the globe and the influence on the Jews.
Even temple building.
See f.i. chapters : 2 Nephi 25 till 33. Just go online and open the book.
Please tell me, is not the Talmud the teachings of the ancient Israelites. And did the modern bible come from it?
My Brother Don, who we fellowship with on the Sabbath, had shared this site. This article is clarifying many questions concerning why many religions follow false doctrines. Thank God and His faithfulness in the blessing you have brought to me by you being that vessel to share His Word. God bless you and your family.
Hi again yall. I just left an email for Steve and Janna. Please pray for me yall and help me with researching the scriptures for confirmation on what you have spoken of in this article. I believe in Jesus Christ and I do not want to be deceived and fall under some satanic power. I want to be with my Lord in heaven and serve HIM forever!
God bless and keep you all and this is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!