It what has become a week of Terror for German Citizens has become also a week of denial by German Authorities. What is it that German officials continue to deny the obvious that there country is being attacked by Middle Eastern men most with refugee status and refuse to acknowledge that it is terrorist related.
Examine the facts German officials say that the suspects involved in each incident in Germany have no ties to terrorist organizations. Fact German officials have been known to allow thousands of refugees in totally uncensored and unchecked for background records. In 2015 trains arriving in Munich Germany arrived with one load of 2,000 men only – No families.
The Czech Republic has been one of the only countries, thanks in part by President Zeman for not just allowing refugees a “Free-Ride” In the Czech Republic refugees are sent to well guarded detentions centers while they are processed for the safety of their citizens. When the crisis began the country closed its borders – not just with words but stationed police with check points to stop illegal entry.
Some may consider the Czech Republic over zealous, but thus far they have had no terror attacks.
The United States also has been gripped with terrorist activities, though the US claims it is locals going crazy with guns people have forgotten that President Obama left its southern Border wide open for Refugees to flood in mixed with the Spanish people. It is terrorist from abroad even in the US.
I agree . A large part of the people in the US are ignoring that these are terrorists at work , sadly I feel that when they finally realize it , it may be too late .
Light reflection.
Instead of having one light in front of you. Have two smaller lights come at you from the sides.
Or filter the one you have.
You are 100% right. Many of the terrorist attacks have been called work place violence. Churches in the Bible Belt the preachers have loaded guns at their pulpits ( I have literally seen them) they have members carrying concealed guns in their churches in case of an attack. Many small churches are locking their doors after the members arrive. A Muslim couple was thinking of buying a house next door to my newphew….to prevent this my brother in law bought the house and are renting it out to non Muslim. We know for a fact in the United States a Dearborn Mi. Muslim man is getting his Doctorate in Phamacuticals then plans on working where they produce medications. He also has a stash of AR 15 assault weapons security cameras all over his house. Muslims in and around the Dearborn area are renting out houses and stock piling unknown items in them. I was in the home of the Muslim with the weapons and security cameras he told me about his studies. I suspect there are plans to tamper with the medications where they are made to reach hundred of thousands.
Those of us living in California know fully well the activities of terrorists and Islam here. Men and women clear back to the Vietnamese War are scouting the borders in their own jeeps with their own weapons and are “taking care of business”.
Lawyers are closing down mosques as fast as possible based on the fact that they are a political building, not a religious one.
The lie that Islam came here as a religion is a false claim and after the repeal of the Amendment that has allowed them to even arrive here, they will be banned, their mosques and their war manifesto.
We shall throw them out and reaffirm the fact that this country is founded on Christ – 98% of this population is Christian – and not the phony kind that the Pope is trying to suggest – he and his evangelical crowd of people pleasers. None of those know doctrine nor the fact that Protestants are morally opposed to the Pope, that 400 years of religious wars separated Protestants from the Pope, etc.