Israeli News Live:
January 23, 2016;
Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon);
Did the Vatican Order the US and Turkey to Strike Syrian Kurds!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live we have a very interesting program tonight looking into whether or not; the Vatican did they order the US and Turkey to strike the Syrian Kurds. It’s a very provocative thing indeed but we will look into historical actions that the Vatican has been involved, links that we tied them together all the way back from President Ronald Reagan forward. And even into the modern conflicts of Syria and Ukraine I think you’ll find it very enlightening to say the very least.
Let’s kind of move on with this what we have laid out for you those of you that are already aware of the Vatican’s flag the two keys on their flag do represent that they have the Global Powers both political and spiritual powers claiming to be the Head of all such powers in and around.
But anyway very interesting thing I wanted to start off with an article that was put out sometime back June 28 of 2005 this is on the USA website there; Bush Vows United States will defeat terrorists in Iraq. Now you notice where he’s standing there he’s on an aircraft carrier here in a moment we’ll look at this photo little bit more blown up there where it says; mission accomplished in the background.
(; but one of the comments that Bush makes in there I thought was very interesting. He says; the terrorist both Iraq and Foreign “know that as freedom takes root in Iraq, it will inspire millions across the Middle East to claim their liberty as well. And when the Middle East grows in democracy, prosperity, and hope, the terrorists will lose their sponsors, lose their recruits, and lose their hopes for turning that region into a base for attacks on America and our allies around the world,” something Bush said. I guess everybody can fall out in their seat laughing right now and like I said; the pictures that we were looking at on this article; mission accomplished, he put on the banner there on the aircraft carrier. A thumb’s up for President Bush.
Well I guess that mission wasn’t accomplished so well as anyone can see today it has turned into the largest place in the world for unrest of all places and that is Iraq, Syria and the entire Middle East is basically gone up in flames. But perhaps this was something that was intended to be done to say the least.
(; now RT News though is reporting that; the US and Turkey are Eyeing Military Operation in Syria against ISIS if Peace Talks Fail. That’s exactly right there looking to put boots on the ground in Syria if the peace talks fail I guess we’re gonna end up in a situation where the US and Russia are gonna end up going to war as well as Turkey with one another. Don’t forget President Putin is there to protect Bashar Al-Assad the President of Syria and if he’s there to protect them and now we see that the US and Turkey are talking about putting boots on the ground as they put it to deal with ISIS there in Syria is gonna its going to end up into a major confrontations. It says; as US President Joe Biden says; the US and Turkey are prepared for military solutions in Syria if a political settlement cannot be found. He added that Washington recognizes the Kurdistan Workers’ Party is as much of a threat to Ankara as Islamic State. It’s kind of odd that he says this here; “We do know it would better if we can reach a political solution but we are prepared if that’s not possible, to have a military solution to this operation and taking out Daesh,” Biden said at a news conference. Well if he’s talking about taking out Daesh or the Islamic State or ISIS whatever you want to call them there why is he recognizing that the Kurds are just as bad as ISIS? Just doesn’t make sense to me. Continuing on in the same article and by the way the photograph here you’re seeing now on your screen this is some of the Kurds fighters they have many women fighters in their ranks among them.
Turkey has carried out attacks on Kurdish forces in northern Syria. In late July, the Kurds said; that they had been bombed at least four times, with civilians being among the casualties. Ankara maintained its airstrikes were aimed at members of the PKK. The Kurdish fighters have proved to be some of the most effective forces in helping to combat Islamic State in northern Syria, while borders in territories under its control have been sealed to stop the flow of foreign ISIS militants into Syria. But you know it’s just really strange; why is that suddenly the United States is taking sides against the Kurds? That just doesn’t seem to make sense especially if we go back in history and look at all the times that the United States has been for the Kurds.
(; let’s look at this article here as well in the New York Times in September the 8th of 2015; Turkish Troops Enter Iraq in Pursuit of the Kurdish Rebels. Why are they in pursuit of the Kurdish rebels? Well keep all this in mind what I’m sharing with you because you’re going to find out exactly why they’re in suit of the Kurdish rebels very soon and it’s not just because Turkey and the United States have a great idea to go in there and attack. According to the United States the Kurds have always been their Allies why suddenly have they turned against them? There’s a greater influence in the background behind this and that influence comes from the Vatican but we’ll get to that in a moment. Anyway according the New York Times; the Kurdish group which is considered a terrorist organization by Turkey the United States and the European Union, has been attacking Turkish security officials almost daily since the breakdown of the fragile peace process. It’s really not that to begin with what’s happened is that the Kurds are totally revealing the fact that Turkey is involved in arming ISIS the military group and sending them over across the State Line there.
And as well as smuggling the oil out of the country its one of the best sources that the Russians have had but to be able to prove Turkeys involvement in the illegal oil trade very interesting to say the least.
(; and of course Defense Minister of Russia Mr. Lavrov here he asked the question in an article here on; Russia Asks Why is Turkey Bombing Kurds in Syria Who Are US Allies? So it’s a fair question isn’t it? In this article here little inside of that says; Kurdistan Region – Why has Turkey been bombing the Kurdish forces in Syria that the United States considers allies in the war with ISIS, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asked in an interview with reporters Wednesday. Speaking to Italian journalists, Lavrov said; that the Kurds were the most effective fighters on the ground, the Russian Sputnik news agency reported.
You cannot help but wonder then why has the United States turned against the Kurdish fighters especially in light of the fact that President Bush went to war with Iraq supposedly to protect the Kurds? Well as we said; one of the biggest reasons why is because Russia they have been exposing that Turkey is involved in one of the major oil smuggling operations with ISIS that there’s ever been on recorded history. Not to mention the United States is backing Turkey the US must be involved in this as well no wonder why the oil prices plummeted to an all-time low. No wonder why the United States you can get gas for 41 cents a gallon. You know its funny the oil prices have plummeted to this all time will be yet in Europe nobody here gets a break on buying their gas here. Your gas prices in Europe are still straight out through the roof reader unbelievable prices in Europe but yet in America you get gas for 41 cents a gallon. Well it has a lot to do with this nice tradeoff that Turkey’s been working on to send in that little cheap oil all over the world.
Now that oil has been trading area lately on the NASDAQ for about $26 a barrel they’re probably only getting about $5 a barrel for it there from ISIS there that’s been stealing it from the Syrian government.
(; of course this article here a little headline that I picked for this particular photo here of the Russian’s here and looking at the photos there proving that the oil was being smuggled out of Syria by Turkey and crossing the borders. Well the title of it; Russian Breaks Huge Story ISIS is Supported by the USA and NATO Allies Detailed Evidence of ISIS-Turkey Oil Trade. All you have to do is do a little bit of Google research there you can really discover a lot about this it’s very, very concerning to say the least.
(; anyway going back to Prime Minister, Russian Prime Minister Lavrov and where he asked about this he says here; Turkey has warned the United States and Russia that it will not tolerate any Kurdish entity in Syria that is held by the PKK, which NATO also lists as a terrorist organization. Lavrov said; that any weakening of Syria’s President Bashar Al-Assad, whom Moscow supports, will mean the strengthening of ISIS in equal measure.
Russia and Iran remain strong supporters of Assad, while Turkey and the US-led coalition insist he has committed war crimes and must step down. That’s really odd isn’t it? What are Assad’s war crimes that he had committed? Well we know the famous story that was really brought to the people’s attention back on September 24th 2013 actually it was before that Syrian chemical attack what we know of course it was back in August that supposed in Sarin gas attack on Bashar Al-Assad’s own civilian population was done by Basher Al-Assad. According to the media reports and according to the United States who was accusing him of this and justifying either military intervention on the nation with a huge war campaign against Syria or the disarming of Bashar Al-Assad of any chemical weapons that he may have.
(; and this particular report here it says; a team of UN chemical weapons inspectors have confirmed that the nerve agent Sarin was used in an attack on the Ghouta agricultural belt around Damascus on the morning of August the 21st. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon told the UN Security Council that he believed the attack constituted a war crime. The UN report, he said, detailed the “most significant confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians since Saddam Hussein used them” in Halabja in 1988. Now this what even; like I said; everybody was ready to go in there and just totally obliterate Bashar Al-Assad over this supposed war crime.
(; but what was funny is the Guardian on September the 9th in 2013 a German Press says; Assad Did Not Order Syrian chemical weapons Attack. They’re beginning to back down from it at this point here at least two Germans were. The intelligence findings were based on phone calls intercepted by a German surveillance ship operated by the BND, the German intelligence service, and deployed off the Syrian coast, Bild am Sonntag said.
The intercepted communications suggested Assad, who is accused of war crimes by the west, including foreign secretary William Hague, was not himself involved in last month’s attack or in other instances when government forces have allegedly used chemical weapons. But if you notice they still blame the Government Forces of doing it. But now they’re trying to clear his name just a little bit at least back in 2013 as far President Bashar Al-Assad who by the way if I’m not mistaken he’s Catholic as well.
( but here’s where the story really took a twist; remember Ban Ki-Moon actually called this a war crime using the Sarin gas on a civilian population. Well it turns out it wasn’t Bashar Al-Assad in the first place it’s actually Turkey using ISIS. The US backed armed militant group working there in Syria and Iraq to carry out their evil campaign to totally cause all kinds of havoc in the Middle East there only so that the US can get control of this particularly land. Notice what it says here; Erdogan Mafia State: Turkish MP Faces ‘Treason’ Charges for Revealing How ISIS Used Turkey for Smuggling Chemical Weapons; this was reported on Global Research.CA December 17 2015. RT News by the way was the one that actually broke this story because they actually did an interview with the MP that is facing the charges to begin with. I actually watched the newscast when it first came out there.
It says; A Turkish MP has been charged with treason today after alleging in an exclusive interview with RT that ISIS terrorists had smuggled deadly sarin nerve gas into Syria from Turkey. Ankara’s Chief Prosecutor’s Office opened a case against Istanbul MP Eren Erdem, a member of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) after a TV interview which aired on RT on Monday.
And this was because there was a court case that happened in Turkey that just kind of got shoved under the rug. But that court case already had the information proving that the Turkish people were involved with mixing the Sarin gas there for ISIS to take into Syria to use on the population there and then again to turn around and blame it on Bashar Al-Assad only to justify a way to topple the government very strange how the US has been working in the background along with Turkey as well. But it doesn’t end there either we find out that the US bombers helped the Kurds to retake the dam as Obama writes to congress. Now this is what I was talking about a moment ago it seems strange all of a sudden the United State has turned against the Kurds but yet as we look back in time the Kurds have always been the Allies of the United States.
( here Obama writes to Congress this was in the Guardian on August 17th of 2014; the US on Sunday launched two waves of air strikes against Islamic State (ISIS) militants in northern Iraq, in the most extensive American military operations in the country since the withdrawal of ground troops in 2011. The strikes helped Kurdish Peshmerga fighters to regain control of the strategically important Mosul dam captured by militants two weeks ago. So on one hand the US is standing for the Kurds as well as did President Bush back when he was in office but on the other hand they’re willing to side with Turkey and just blow all the Kurds slap off the map. What is going on here?
What is the real reason for the US to send troops? As we saw in the article there on RT News; Biden is saying; that the USA is looking to send troops into Syria as they claim to deal with ISIS. They’re going there to deal with ISIS they’re going there to topple Bashar Al-Assad and they’re very concerned about the fact that the Russia has a buildup of troops as well.
The Vatican fears Russia will gain control of Syria this is what the real reason is behind this. And now you’re going to find out just how serious the Vatican can control these areas here. Remember Daniel Chapter 11 verse 44 and what the Prophet Daniel saw when it came to Russia and China that is as well. Verse 44; but tidings out of the east and out of the north shall affright him; and he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to take away many. Take away many well he’s definitely caused a humanitarian crisis with all the refugees that have fled Syria and Iraq as well. And of course they’ve ended up in Europe, the United States not too many in the United States because the US has been a really good boy and so has Turkey about helping the Pope do everything that was needed to be done there. So they all they have to do was take in just a few refugees they send the rest to Europe I wonder what that’s all about? It’d be interesting to see.
Anyway; Putin though we know is sending 4,000 troops to Syria as he steps up a bit to wipe out the evil Islamic State; this report on back on November the 5th of 2015. The number of Russian military forces in Syria’s reportedly swelled 4,000 as Vladimir Putin continues his bid to destroy the Islamic State. And he is really trying to destroy the Islamic State but don’t forget though remember President Putin also signed an oil deal with Syria back only about a month before this whole campaign began in the first place. So Russia’s there to protect their oil investment they were doing exploratory drilling off the coast of Syria that was one month before Russia put his troops in their order to protect his own investment. His own national security interest’s there because he is of course an Allie to President Bashar Al-Assad this is why I Assad is invited him into the country because if it fell into NATO’s hands then Vladimir Putin loses everything that he has there! The same issue is facing ng with of course President excuse me; as far as the West Bank under Mahmoud Abbas.
Mahmoud Abbas signed a deal with Russia as well so how long before Russia goes after their own oil as well that they signed a deal with on the West Bank? Only time will tell. Anyway so the Russian foreign ministry refused to comment on the size of Mr. Putin’s contingent yesterday. He added that forces are guarding Russia’s bases in the west of the country – and working with the Syrian military. I like that little key statement working with the Syrian military this is what the Vatican is really concerned about.
(; let’s take a look; let’s back in time and let’s look at the Vatican’s involvement and how Rome been very much active in causing a lot of havoc especially to Russia. Influence of the Catholic Hierarchy on the US Policy Making; this is on March 29th, 2012. And of course this is an article in 2012 but it’s a situation that happened back in the early or mid-90’s there or maybe the 80’s I forget exactly now when this happens.
The Holy Alliance with Ronald Reagan we’ll be looking at that from Time Magazine article that really caught my attention years ago in fact I actually had the magazine for years don’t know what happened to it after that but I did have it for years. This is something very interesting about Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan and his cabinet he had the most Catholics on his cabinet any other President in the history of the United States.
(; let me get this right here; about 4 percent of Americans are of Irish Roman Catholic descent. That’s only 4 percent not very many. Ronald Reagan’s father was and his brother is Roman Catholic. Now the reason you never see anything about Ronald Regan being Catholic because Ronald Regan wasn’t very religious that was the whole issue.
The President has never been very active in any faith; however, all but two of Reagan’s key appointees concerned with the national security/population growth control issues have been Irish Roman Catholics. They include: his three national security advisers, Allen, Clark, and McFarlane; CIA Director Casey; Secretary of State Haig; Health and Human Services Secretary Heckler; and Attorney-General Smith. One exception is Schultz, who is a Roman Catholic of German extraction; the other was Schweiker, not a Catholic. Imagine that everybody accept one man being a Roman Catholic? And really if it comes right down to it Ronald Regan was Catholic as well but that kind of got overlooked because he was “religious.”
But you know he said that the reason why they called this a Holy Alliance that’s because they were going there to topple the Soviet Union a very secret very clandestine mission that went on for a number of years and they were successful. So if you don’t think that Russia doesn’t have an end for the Vatican they really do have an issue with the Vatican. Maybe it explains why Putin has perhaps intentionally been late for his meetings with the Pope on both occasions the first time 50 minutes late, the second time in 2015 he was 70 minutes late. You think maybe he was keeping the Pope waiting just to show him that he’s bigger than the Pope? Or at least he’s trying to make the Pope think he’s bigger because the Pope knows he rules the world. But he doesn’t like it that he doesn’t have Russia’s full control either and that’s a problem for the Pope of Rome.
(;; anyway; The Holy Alliance Ronald Reagan and John Paul II there that’s what Time Magazine called it the little section though that I quote out of here though is from the New York Times on November 2nd 1997 this was after this has all happened. The New York Times actually wrote about simultaneously with the publication of His Holiness in 1996 Robert Gates to Former Director of Central Intelligence wrote in his own book; From the Shadows. We were most active in Poland we slowly increased our clandestine support of solidarity mainly by providing print equipment and other means of communication to the underground. They were not told that C.I.A. was the source of the assistance, although there must have been suspicions. . . . we provided a good deal of money and equipment for the Polish underground for this.” This is exactly as reported in ”His Holiness.” Gates also writes, ”I know that there was considerable sharing of information about developments in Poland with the Vatican . . . there were discussions at the highest level about the need to assist Solidarity.” If you really do some deep research on this and it’s not hard to find out the Vatican was so deeply involved in the collapse of the Soviet Union it was not even funny.
In fact Ronald Reagan said; him and John Paul II both survived assassination attempts and they believe that it was a Holy Alliance this is where it gets the name from that they were meant to bring down the Soviet Union. And of course Pope John Paul II was very much concerned about Poland and getting it out of the Russians hands this is where this all started it but it just shows just how deeply involved the Catholic Church is in government issues, secret issues. And by the way the CIA and the Vatican has its own secret Intelligence Agency as well and they do work together hand-in-hand on Global Issues all over the world. In fact the CIA has been quoted many times as saying; the greatest information they have ever gotten is from the Vatican’s own secret Intelligence Agencies which brings in information from every corner of the Globe because of the Catholic Church having their representatives everywhere.
(; anyway moving on though as far as where Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad; in a Message to the Pope Syrian President says; He’s Ready for Peace Talks. That was Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad CNN reported this on December 30th, 2013. In a message to Pope Francis, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad said his government is ready to participate in next month’s peace talks but noted outside countries must stop supporting what he called terrorist groups in the country’s civil war, Syria’s state-run news agency said Saturday. You know I have yet to really find any place where the Pope every responded to Bashar Al-Assad, he’s really has it against this guy. It’s hard to say exactly why but he definitely has something against Bashar Al-Assad.
(; anyway; moving right along here; Syria Keen on Russian Expansion in the Middle East; March 31st, 2015 Al-Monitor. I want you to notice this though notice carefully the dates and time of what’s being said here.
Syria is Keen on Russian Expansion in the Middle East. President Bashar Al-Assad was looking for some help especially in the case of the Pope of Rome not coming to his aid. Once more, Syria has called on its Russian ally to expand in the Middle East, by expanding its small pier in the city of Tartus and turning it into a base. This has coincided with Saudi Arabia leading a coalition against Ansar Allah in Yemen, with a cover by the United States. A few hours separated the two events, particularly since Damascus was surprised by the speed of the military developments in Yemen. He’s very concerned about the US coming in there and pushing his own country over as well. The Syrian president welcomed the Russian presence in his country and the region. “For us, the stronger this presence is in our region, the better it is for stability [in the region], because Russia is assuming an important role in world stability,” he said.
You know it seems like to me that once Russia had sanctions levied on them and of course it happened before this request came into them it’s probably one the key factors that pushed Russia their willingness to go into the Region there and to back Bashar Al-Assad. Because Russia with sanctions is really put into a serious predicament the only thing for Russia to do is to build a huge alliance that is outside of NATO and that’s exactly what he’s been trying to do. And of course the Vatican is there to undermine every step of the way. Again notice the timing March 31st, 2015 the Al-Monitor reported this.
(; The Vatican Backs Military Force to Stop ISIS Genocide; March 13th, 2015 that was reported on that is a Catholic News Agency there covering all things Catholic. This was a Middle East report here backing up again though look here March 31st, 015 Syria; it’s being reported Syria was wanting Russia to have a greater presence there.
Now you must keep in mind that’s what the news is reporting it. Of course these talks and the secret things going on behind closed doors I’m sure it was at least 30 days prior to that and I think this is why did we see the Vatican backing military force to stop ISIS genocide as the Pope so claims. But notice March 13th right around the same time Assad wanting to bring in Russia now it could be the other way around it could be the Vatican’s trying to take control there of the Middle East and Assad sees that the Vatican pushes to take control of his country. And he knows that’s what it’s for and so therefore he quickly scrambles to try to get Russia there to stop the Vatican’s full takeover of the Middle East. In an unusual blunt endorsement of military action, the Vatican’s top diplomat at the United Nations in Geneva has called for a coordinated international force to stop the “so-called Islamic State” in Syria and Iraq from further assaults on Christians and other minority groups. That sure does sound good doesn’t it? Nice job Mr. Pope!
“We have to stop this kind of genocide,” said Italian Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican’s representative in Geneva. “Otherwise we’ll be crying out in the future about why we didn’t do something, why we allowed such a terrible tragedy to happen.” Now notice what else it says in the same article here. Tomasi said that any anti-ISIS coalition has to include the Muslim states of the Middle East, and can’t simply be a “Western approach.” He also said it should unfold under the aegis of the United Nations. The call for force is striking, given that the Vatican traditionally has opposed military interventions in the Middle East, including the two US-led Gulf Wars. It builds, however, on comments from Pope Francis that the use of force is “legitimate … to stop an unjust aggressor.” Hum-um; interesting isn’t it? So the Vatican is willing to use force calling the use of force so long as there are some Middle Eastern Nations involved.
Of course NATO is that military arm; remember Pope John Paul II with Ronald Reagan caused the collapse of the Soviet Union working with all their secret intelligence agencies the CIA and the Vatican Secret Intelligence Agency. Now we see that the Pope of Rome actually they catch it where they’re willing to take and want a war to go in there and stop ISIS. Well the United States obeys a commander of the Pope like any good puppet should do or would do.
(; CNN August 13th, 2015 so within a few months there they got everything put together and they obeyed the Pope’s command as usual and when they started their attack supposedly on ISIS. You know as Russian notes they never did a very good job did they? I guess what they went in there to do was they went in there to protect the oil smuggling operation that’s what the US went in there to do. And of course Turkey they’re the ones they’re backing ISIS so this was a big problem and Basher Al-Assad saw that his whole nation was crumbling apart at the hand of the United States, Turkey, ISIS and the US backed rebels his country, his forces were fighting what 4 forces, ISIS US back rebels, Turkey, basically the United States as well. Unbelievable what this man was up against.
Anyway; CNN reported this here on August 13th, 2015; the first time United States launched manned airstrikes from a base in Turkey against ISISI forces in Syria, the Pentagon said; Wednesday. The attacks from Incirlik Air Base are part of an agreement reached last month between NATO allies Turkey and the United States. Again they’re doing just exactly what the Pope said; it must be under United Nations guides. And NATO is all under that force there so they obey the United Nations. The United States has long wanted to use Turkish bases for manned airstrikes against ISIS in Syria and parts of Iraq.
Such access should shorten flight times for U.S. (and presumably allied) fighter jets — especially into Syria, where the group calling itself the Islamic State has its de facto capital, Raqqa — compared with taking off from bases in Iraq or aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf. Well the reason the Turks went along with it is because the Pope said so. When the Pope says so they all listen don’t they? They obey.
(; I want to take you into something else that’s very interesting here. Sophia & Company she was interviewing Defense Minister Russian Defense Minister Sergei Lavrov and again he points out this was now jumping from the Syrian to the Ukrainian Crisis there how that the Pope of Rome is involved. Let’s take a look at this real quick here.
Clip from Sophia & Co with Defense Minister Lavrov;
Defense Minister Lavrov: They must sit down with them and instead of going abroad – you know; I heard that Yatsenyuk is going to the Vatican I think the better place to go for him would be south. When he went there a week ago he only met with the people whom he himself appointed.
Steven Ben-Nun: The Pope has been influencing even Ukraine for quite some time again Pope John Paul II after the collapse of the Soviet Union ten years later he visits Ukraine and of course he’s got the same mission in mind as he had on the rest of the Soviet Union. Very much Russia was very concerned about it although this collapse of the Soviet Union had already happen he was concerned about what was going to happen with Pope John Paul II coming into Ukraine. Again Ukraine already was no longer under the Soviet Union but was still under very much Russian influence.
(; it says here; Pope Visits Ukraine; ABC News 2001; the Pope responded to frequent complaints in the past from Moscow that the Vatican is seeking to extend its influence in traditional Orthodox lands, saying, “I have not come here with the intention of proselytizing.” Today, the Pontiff spoke about cooperation between Catholics and Orthodox, and all of Ukraine’s religious sects. But the pope’s underlying mission is to encourage Ukraine to embrace the West and to develop Ukraine’s democracy.
John Paul implored Ukrainians to reinforce their independence — won from Russian only 10 years ago. Ukraine’s many competing religions, he said, should cooperate to unify Ukraine.
Now the point I bring this out for her is to show there has been an intention from the very moment John Paul II stepped into the country there in 2001 to totally be sure to get all Russian influence stamped out of the country. It’s very obvious by his very comment there the underlying mission is to encourage Ukraine to embrace the West and develop Ukraine’s Democracy. And of course Russia we see that some of the statements that are made by Defense Minister Lavrov clearly even as it was in the Documentary that Russia put together about The Way Home speaking of Crimea that they knew from their own intelligence that the United States was very much involved in the collapse of the Ukrainian Government in very deep way to say the least. And that is the Vatican has a very deep involvement in both political and military events that happened on a global scale. And there’s no difference in what’s going on now where the United States and spoken about doing a military action in Syria according to them against ISIS. The United States is definitely there to take out the Kurds who have been taking out ISIS along with Russia it may escalate into a Global War. Remembered Daniel (Chapter 11 verse 44) says in his own prophecy he’s talking about; the prince that shall come he is troubled by tidings out of the East and out of the north.
Then he went wild on the region with his own military forces there; it’s exactly what the Pope is concerned about is that Russia could get control of Israel that would crush Russia’s plan on having the United Nations run Jerusalem. Remember Russia has those oil ties with Mahmoud Abbas if Russia takes over Syria and then next pushes for the West Bank to control this oil asset there as he’s doing in Syria then Rome would lose its bid on Jerusalem. Because they have been banking, Rome has been banking on the Palestinians in order to have control of East Jerusalem solely under the Vatican. And of course of Russia has its way and takes over the West Bank it would be the Orthodox Catholic Church that would have control over East Jerusalem this is something the Vatican cannot afford to happen.
By the way just as a reminder next weekend will be doing a special live broadcast we’re doing a little traveling here can’t say we’re going as of yet. It’s a very special broadcast to say the least it will bless you immensely if you want to be a part of that and help us getting there and many of you have been so kind to be a part of that we thank you for your help your generosity in making this happen it is a great undertaking. You can be a part of it by just going to you can contribute there online or at the end of the broadcast you’ll see our mailing address in the Czech Republic. I’m Stephen you are watching Israeli News Live shalom and God bless you.
Brother Steven May God bless both you and your lovely wife you put your life on the line each day for your reserch and the love of isreal I now am doing my own reserch into bible prophecy and learning greatly with your videos as I’ve watch hundreds and you know the fake from the real and the difference between the passion people have for Gods work I know even talk to God in a more intimate way buy you explaining the proper way it shud be done and I’m reaping great happiness nothing big or anything just inner peace that God has control of me thankyou brother for your insights and perseverance with this work I will continue to pray and donate for your amazing work.
In Christ
Linda miscandlon.
Thank you for being so forward ob ur broadcast. I have seen of of ur videos not all but its spot on. I can see the Spirit upon u as ur a watchman bringing us this REVELATION. I can see Daniel Ezekiel and Jeremiah playing out before my eyes.
So much have I been shown by God about this country since I was 17 yrs old. Signs r in the heavens earth and the seas…
In one of many visions Jesus appeared to me with fire under his feet he said “tell them they have taken my laws and defiled them”. His feet was not burned but the color of bronze and his words were gentle but with a broken heart.he walked on air to where two angels stood on each side of the ascending stairway. I wept heavily as I awoken.
May the Lord thy God bless you and you prosper in all you do for HIS kingdom.