Christians Embracing Rabbinic Prophecies
By Jana Bennun
On May 15, 2018, Rabbi Tulia Weisz published an article (posted on describing Evangelical ‘Christians as major players in the US embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.’
Rabbi Weisz is a publisher at Breaking Israel News, the news agency promoting the Sanhedrin who often promotes adherence to Noahide Laws as the only way of salvation for the Gentiles and for peace and justice in the world. Rabbi Weisz is also an editor of the best-selling book, The Israel Bible, which specifically refers to the Noahide Laws as incumbent on all humanity citing many Talmudic references.
In the article, he specifically mentions two prominent evangelical leaders: Robert Jeffress and John Hagee, who yield influence over many Christians in the United States. However, it is not only in the United States that Christians are embracing Talmudic rabbis and their interpretations of the Old Testament prophecies. For example, Weisz has enthusiastically mentioned a group of Polish Christian tourists and their shared belief that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem was a supposed fulfillment of prophecy recorded in the book of Nehemiah.
Weisz writes:
“…The King (Cyrus) noticed that Nehemiah was in grief and asked his servant about his troubles. Nehemiah responded that his beloved city was destroyed and in ruins. He asked permission to go and help build the city. …Not only the king gives him permission, but the king also gave him the resources he would need to accomplish the task. The king granted military troops, horsemen, letters of passage and even building materials for Nehemiah to use…So, while Nehemiah and the Jews ultimately had to carry out the work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, the Persian king provided the cover and funds for Nehemiah to achieve his goal.” [1]
Weisz continues to compare the Persian King to President Trump:
“Parallelly today, it is President Donald Trump and his faithful evangelical supporters who have paved the way for the strengthening of Jerusalem…It is evangelical Christians who are standing with Israel today in ways that Nehemiah never could have dreamed about.”
Perhaps why “Nehemiah could never dream about such support” is because it is not in the intent of the Lord that Christians should do so! After all, the major part of the Evangelical support for the Jews goes toward the building of the Third Temple.
It is specifically stated in the New Testament that our True Father does not live in temples made by hands and rather it is the Body that is His Temple where He resides (compare with Acts 7:48, Acts 17:24-25; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17). Considering these Bible verses, shouldn’t Christians and their pastors know better?
I emphasized above in bold how Rabbi Weisz specifically mentions material and military support the Persian King provided for Nehemiah to rebuild the Temple. He uses it as an excuse for American Christians to support modern-day material and military support for the state of Israel and its agenda. To this very day, millions of Christians are providing millions of dollars indeed for this very cause.
Many Christian leaders went as far as selling the coins printed by the Sanhedrin where President Trump is portrayed next to a Persian King, supporting the notion specifically promoted by Talmudic Sanhedrin Rabbis that the US President is indeed a “King Cyrus” and that his first and foremost responsibility is to accommodate the state of Israel and their idea of rebuilding a blasphemous temple.
The comparison of Donald Trump being named “Cyrus” with the book of Nehemiah is a false exegesis and abuse of Scripture. It is psychological, willful manipulation of Christian minds by the Talmudic rabbis who control Christian pastors and control what will be prophesied to the flocks from the pulpits. Many crypto-rabbis (posing as Christian pastors) formed “bridges” with Talmudic Jewish rabbis and their organizations. One of them is an organization called Israel365, of which the above-mentioned Rabbi Weisz is a director. One of the goals of this organization is to control how biblical prophecy is explained to Christians (they directly control many Christian prophecies and news networks) while unsuspecting Christian flocks are given no knowledge about the fact that this organization with its rabbis uses Judaism’s sacred books: Zohar, Talmud, and Kabbalah, to manipulate prophecies of the Old Testament and use them for their own selfish agenda of a “Jewish earthly kingdom”.
They desperately need monetary Christian support and they need Christians to support the notion that President Donald Trump is a modern-day “King Cyrus” who is anointed. Indeed, without paramount Christian support, their agenda could NOT be accomplished. Therefore, this huge deception must continue…
Future Cyrus Prophecy Is from the Rabbinic Sources, Not the Bible.
Christians have been duped again.
It is not the Scripture that prophesied of a Cyrus in the latter days. This prophecy originally comes from the rabbinical sources which use the Talmud and Zohar as their sacred text. It is expounded upon in writings such as Kol HaTor (The Voice of the Turtledove) by Rabbi Hillel Rivlin who wrote 200 years ago about an “awakening” process that will happen in the future and compared it to the time of Cyrus during the rebuilding of the second temple.
He writes:
“According to our master, the Gaon, if we do not have the full merit, the beginning of the Redemption will be initiated via a natural process of “awakening from bellow”, as was the case in the days of Cyrus during the rebuilding of the Second Temple. …Likewise, the beginning of the final Redemption will be through the permission of the nations of the world. Only afterward will the complete Redemption commence from the “right” side …” [2]
Rabbi Joel David Bakst in his book The Josephic Messiah, Leviathan, Metatron and Sacred Serpent explains on p. 44-45:
“Even a non-Jew who does not yet fully appreciate the revelation of God in the world or the vital mission of the Jewish People in bringing about that revelation can be chosen for a mission of Mashiach ben Yoseph. The case given in Kol haTor is that of Cyrus, the Persian King, who, upon conquering Babylonia, permitted the exiled Jews to return to Israel and to rebuild the Temple…”
In the writings of Jewish rabbis, the idea of a coming Cyrus is extremely important and they even compare the Cyrus figure to the figure of Messiah ben Joseph! In Judaism, the Messiah ben Joseph can be anyone including a Jew and even a non-Jew who becomes known as a supporter of the Jewish people or an advocate for Jewish causes such as regathering of the exiles etc. (Remember Judaism adheres to the idea of two Messiahs, first Mashiach ben Joseph who is a warrior and anyone furthering Jewish agenda can have his spirit or come in his spirit, and Mashiach ben David – the peacemaker)
Rabbi Joel Bakst goes on citing Rabbi Hillel and his writing of Kol haTor from 200 years ago:
“He will perform all My pleasure” – This is referring to the rebuilding of Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah, via the agency of Cyrus…. All of this is from the quality of din (constriction), from the “left side” in the mission of Mashiach ben Yoseph” (p. 45)
It was not just by chance that Trump as Cyrus has appeared on the world stage. This was a carefully planned event, written about centuries ago in Jewish writings. The event that plays a crucial role in furthering their Jewish Utopia of a coming Jewish Kingdom. It seems that the Talmudic Rabbis are engineering their own prophecies and their entire agenda follows an elaborate script written in Jewish sacred writings. They are bringing in their own messiah, the one that Jesus spoke of when He said to the Pharisees:
“I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)
Jewish rabbis that have such dominating influence on Christian pastors and Christian prophecies are not believers in Jesus Christ as The Messiah, Savior and/or Son of God. They reject Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross. They entered the Christian Church through false pastors who are essentially wolves in sheep’s clothing, who offer them platforms in their Churches and allow them to preach to their congregations. These Christian pastors entered into various agreements with the Jewish rabbis that prohibit furthering of the Gospel to Jewish people and prohibits even mentioning the name of Jesus Christ in the presence of the Jews.
Should we make alliances with those who are enemies of the Gospel? Should we listen to their interpretations of prophetic verses? Should we permit Talmud, Zohar, and Kabbalah to be taught in the pulpits? Should we as Christians cooperate with the Antichrist Temple movement?
These are the questions that we need to ask ourselves.
This is heartbreaking to me.! If this is correct, then many good Christians are being duped, including John Hagee, and our President! If not being duped, then some might be in on it. Am I reading this right in your opinion, Janna?
huh the lighter side of genocide as long as the thought of being killed does not mean we cannot make it fun let us laugh at the new world order scumbags sometime a little satire and humor makes dying more entertaining hmm govern that means it control and mental is mind all in ancient Latin or something taxation is theft and usury is a sin in the bible.
hey Mr Steven and Jana Ben Noon have you seen Adam green did some commentary on the Vincent east wood show in New Zealand you guys should contact this guy as well on american freedom radio very good guest and a fellow conspiracy theorist also look up tin foil hat hosted by Sam Tripoli he is a Armenian american conspiracy theorist podcast host and comedian and join him on his next podcast maybe look up his comedy or maybe Owen Benjamin or something.
also hey you guys did you see that trailer for a new Netflix show about a messiah character being the main protagonist this is odd propaganda or creepy predictive programming from hellish Jewish masonry witchcraft pagan wood i mean Hollywood this new show starts on new years eve or day i believe it is.
some other connections i find with the elites is the aspect of bloodlines written by Fritz let me see a few secret orders are the skull and bones Yale Rhodes Scholarship Carnegie family Rothschild family the Rockefeller family DuPont Astor family american express Atlantic fruit and sugar chase Manhattan bank city and suburban homes company Roosevelt family Bun d y family Collins family Jacob ins Freeman family priory of Sion order of the garter knights Templar sovereign order of Malta Teutonic knights knights of Columbus Bnai Birth there is a book called holy blood holy grail the Sinclair family Medici family Estes family Guise family the Merovingian dynasty house of Sax Cot house of Windsor the Vatican Washington district of Columbus or Columbia my gut instinct tells me Christopher Columbus maybe a bloodline member connection with fallen angels demons reptilians or Ashkenazim jew he was roman catholic as well also here is something seeming odd Washington the district of criminals is between Virginia and Maryland by way of saying Mary from my own research is Miriam there is also Virginia which i think is virgin Miriam might have had other children other than Jesus Christ the messiah i translate that name as Joshua Emmanuel Ben David or Ben Joseph which means a son of someone so today he was born in the 21st century it would be Davidson or Josephson how about that one think about it or maybe Carpenter since that was his job before going into ministry in Galilee ancient Palestine most like if someone claimed to be gods son or a prophet we would arrest that person put him on trial and lock his butt in prison or a mental asylum or at a prisoner of war camp or internment camp have that person killed via electrocution gas chamber or via lethal injection or by decapitation or hanging from a rope on a tree or firing squad with guns being blindfolded or bagged there of course be modern day torture maybe Jesus would be waterboarded like a terrorist or anarchist a enemy of the state or government or Jesus could die by having his home blown up with a bomb via drone strike like we do today or many other ways to die horribly and messy maybe his death will be televised on television or watched like a sport event or concert entertainment like the gladiator days yeah we so civilized dang it.
another family tied with elites is Kennedy believe it or not but maybe John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy did not play ball with the elites so they got whacked there is also the Li family in china there is the Onassis family there is the Lucifer trust now called the Lucius trust which the Rockefeller family one of our vice presidents was named Nelson Rockefeller by the way there is Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank started a cult called don meh or something the Rothschild translate into red shield lets see after world war one there was league of nations after world war two was united nations my guess on the working titles for one world government one world religion one world economy we will called international confederation of nations icon for short global peace initiative one nation earth or federation of alliances munition and aid or something else feel free to take one of these names our dark occult vampire reptilian overlords and ladies that rule the world for now i do jokes what is point of being killed one day if we slaves and peasants cannot laugh. let me see there is the Schiff family as well.
Dear Jani and Steve,
I listened to this video and it sickened me.
I’m glued to your YT Channel. Thank you for all your work.
PS I used to be a subscriber of your channel. However, there was too much funny business by YT with my user name. I just deleted my Gmail account and YT as a subscriber.
you guys at Israeli news live are doing a great job exposing the new world order and now Zionism my view on this there are fake city dwelling people from the first industrial revolution and second industrial revolution that made all this very convenient with brainwashing maybe society is better off in a rural setting of farming and nomadic lifestyle or hunting and gathering like the ancient and medieval world yeah we are so civilized at least when slaves knew their place and there was no middle class or we could be devolving as a society now nobility papacy bankers merchants and other aristocrats are just laughing at us having wild parties and do not any hard work at all there is also Jewish kabbalah Talmudic masons/ satanists running everything the protocols of learned elders is coming to pass along with warnings from our secular viewpoints like in old science fiction movies like the Truman show terminator matrix they live the network eyes wide shut and other things so we gentiles come here kicking ass and chewing bubble gum with genetically modified food and chemicals in the air land and water and we all out of bubble gum. accuse me i am not white first of all i am a Korean american very concerned at world affairs and domestic affairs by led by psychos who need to be locked up in prison or a mental hospital or at the old fashioned carnival circus freak show the stage magicians behind the scenes strongman and strong women no offense to ladies the bearded ladies drag queens sodomites and perverts the people with tattoos and piercings on every inch of their bodies tiny little midgets short people gremlins goblins sword swallowing people the fire breathing people the knife throwers the contortionists the fortune tellers the very ugly people no offense but i have to laugh or i will cry and the conjoined Siamese twins come on ladies and gentlemen it is the greatest show on earth brought to you by our overlords and oligarchs the jesters and clowns along with jugglers and everything we used to see in a circus or at a old fashioned county or state fair like the Ringling brothers and Barnum and bailey show now cancelled since reality is just too strange nowadays.
hey Steven and Jana have you listened to old recordings by William Copper Myron Fagin William guy Carr Smelly butler or that guy who says war is a racket or even john Todd along with Alberto Riveria another whistle blower named James wick storm interviewed a pharisee or rabbi named Abraham f something back some years ago he said something about McDonald’s restaurant and other fast food chains throughout the world being a favorite restaurant for our slave masters to grind up gentile babies up into hamburgers and sausages and reptilians would but some blood into bread during Passover the Talmudic one not the real one this Rabbi Abraham said something about the September 11 terrorist attacks.
yeah look up James wick storm versus rabbi Abraham not the biblical one just so we are clear i think it is still on YouTube unless they blocked this interview or removed it this guy James wick storm is now dead he was a pastor of christian identity movement he was on the Phil Donahue show many years ago stating truth to morons back in the days before the internet and the morons idiots imbeciles mocked him calling him a anti Semite a Nazi a homophobic racist even though he spoke truth to power there is also Louis Farrakhan who is hated by the anti defamation league and other fools he is a Muslim Mr Farrakhan is 86 years old and is still sharp in wisdom and knowledge he went on the Alex Jones show and talked together with him for a friendly chat. even though you might be a christian maybe a few Islamic anti new world order guests will enlighten your show like false flag weekly news hosted by Kevin Barrett who brings my conspiracy theorists to talk about current events and past events manipulated by our common enemies of humanity.
some other old interviews still on YouTube or bit chute is Aaron Russo america from freedom to fascism and he was a guest on Alex Jones before he went all left versus right Hegelian dialectic now supporting Zionism and the reptilian fascist fake ass bend over capitalist neocon war hawkish theocratic pervert black nobility relatives cousins brothers and sister family party i mean the republican party and the reptilian communist socialist homosexual pervert war hawkish black nobility relatives and cousins brothers and sisters family i term of genetics party i mean the democratic party i remember old William Hicks and George Carlin making stand up comedy and jokes about the elites and now they are dead. i also remember the pentagram oh sorry the pentagon is bombing the world and destroying it for big money international bankers pirates robber barons kings queens monarchies city of London papacies the Vatican rabbinical Talmudic voodoo kabbalah tied in with masonry these are children of Satan Lucifer Beelzebub Cain nimrod Tammuz Moloch Baal Saturn Judas Iscariot pharaohs Caesars and other ancient kings and queens or medieval royalty the traitor and black cubes the bible calls the system mystery Babylon everywhere along with obelisks and pyramids and stone monuments or creepy paintings and statues all over the world you guys should also bring in Jeannie B she exposes some of the medical industry along with Dr Joy Pugh she has a theory that the Antichrist false messiah Ben David could be a clone used from shroud of Turin she thinks it is prince William from the house of Windsor and pope Francis could play the role of false prophet messiah Ben Joseph she has a book series called beguiled there is also Ra s Ben he is a African american conspiracy theorist with some very key insights to talk about.
Thank you guys for doing what you are doing. You are truly emulating Christ in this work, as it was the work of Christ to stand against these racial decrees the Pharisees are imposing on the world. We know that in the last days many will be deceived, and the path which leads to life is narrow, but we must yet declare Christ the way, the truth and life.
My question is this:
In your most recent video you stated that these Zionists (I prefer the term over Jews, as they are not Jews but liars) control both sides, left and right in our political system. This I believe to be true (It is their way to fund both sides in conflict) but how do you see this playing out down the road? Once the world is sickened by the “Trump” side, or capitalist imperialism, the left will be poised to take control; do you see the climate panic and United Nations agenda 21 being imposed in America? What will happen when it is, once we lose control of resources and means of production? Is global Communism their ultimate earthly agenda? I know imperialism is merely a tool to achieve it and not an end in and of itself?
Thank you and God bless
i have heard Mr. Hagee say Jews do not need Salvation.
May God richly bless your commitment to truth!
Helo Jana and Steve.
I want to subscribe to your email or page but i cant donate money as i am a state pensioner in South Africa. I so enjoy your youtube feeds but are not always close to a wifi point.
Please subscribe me. Blessings. Linda
Hi Sister Jana, My Name Is Kenny David.
Please Forgive Me That My Comment Has Nothing To Do With Your Post; As I Have Not Had The Privilege Of Reading Yet: But I’m Not Very Wise In All The On Line Stuff Other Than Facebook..
However, My Comment Is To Encourage You As I Have Viewed You Husband’s Last Video About The Seven Seals; And He Mentioned That You Were Being Mistreated To Say The Least..
I Seek To Remind You Of Deborah From Judges Chapter 4.
Her Name In Hebrew As You Know Means “Bee Sting”.
Remember That When One Is Stung They Scream Out, And Seat At The Bee..
So Please Find It As No Surprise That You Are Receiving Static.
I Am A Man..
And I Use To Be A Believer In Women Being Under Subjection..
But I Do Believe That It Was Mary, Who Was The First CHRIST Chose To Preach The Very First Message That THE MASTER Has Risen; And That Was To The 11 Cowerds Who Locked Themselves Behind A Door In Hiding While Mary Was At The Cross, And When Back To The Tomb; And Not Only That “”” They The Supposed Dominant Sex””. Did Not Even Believe The Gospel After
Mary Magdalene, “” A Woman”
PREACHED To Them The Very First Gospel Message…
And From What I Can Tell A POWERFUL ONE..
You Deliver Truth.
My Advice,,
If you get theses emails, Please text, call or email me. I have some ideas you might like.
This is an idea about advancing the Kingdom (spiritual, not earthly)
I’m sure you will have interest…
Bless you all!
I have gradually become aware that everything you have said is true. Since your report events seem to be confirming that we are in the last of the last days. Hopefully messages like yours will save many. Maranatha!
Hello Janna, Blessings to you,I. the name of our Messiah,Jesus !
can I ask was David the warrior and Joseph the peacemaker ?
I was wondering If I read this right ,or if a correction was needed ?
…or Jewish causes such as regathering of the exiles etc. (Remember Judaism adheres to the idea of two Messiahs, first Mashiach ben Joseph who is a warrior and anyone furthering Jewish agenda can have his spirit or come in his spirit, and Mashiach ben David – the peacemaker)
Thank you for your work, May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you ? Carolyn
There’s no more need for prophecies and saviors these days. The true g-d is with us, but is a little drunk at the moment from having a bit too much beer from his holy beer volcano in the skies. Sadly I’m not dressed properly and thus cannot write down His holly name, but you can find it by searching the word “Pastafarianism” on Wikipedia.
Now, seriously, please don’t be religious and do not invest in religion more than you can afford to lose for there will come a day when you’ll find out the truth of rabbi Akiva, namely that there is no god. Then you’ll have to make one of four hard choices: to preserve your culture, to become atheist, go mad or even cease to exist.
I am sorry to say this knowing that both you and Steven are Jewish but these are the most vile selfish disgusting people to walk the earth. I have been studying them for quite a while now and I wouldn’t trust them any farther than I can throw them. I love listening to you two and am so glad to know that you came out of Zionism. I can remember getting so annoyed with Steven when I first started watching you. I didn’t know much about it but I knew that something just wasn’t right back then. God Bless Both of You!
Anyone who speaks of Prophecy and Does not know of RIGHTEOUSNESS, or how to DO IT; is speaking OUT OF A PAPER ASSHOLE; and so are the Christians with THEIR APOSTATE