In our latest Broadcast of prophetic News Updates with Israeli News Live we examined some rather interesting scriptures that point to the events happening today in Modern Syria. President Putin in Biblical Prophecy! Events that even suggest that we are at the coming of the Two witnesses. But what is even more alarming is that the prophecies in the Book of in The Second … [Read more...] about President Putin In Biblical Prophecy
Global Climate Change Confederacy of Psalm 83!
December 4, 2015; Steven Ben-Nun (De-Noon); Global Climate Change Fulfilment of Psalm 83! Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun and you are watching you're watching Israeli News Live a Prophetic Segment of our broadcast. Tonight is not airing on Livestream we normally don't do a news broadcast on the Sabbath but this time here we’ve elected to come before yo … [Read more...] about Global Climate Change Confederacy of Psalm 83!
Pope Francis Does He Really Care For The Poor?
Pope Francis Does Not Care For The Poor! By Steven Ben-Nun Transcribed by Sister Torres MP3 Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live and we're gonna be reviewing some of the information we reviewed a last night. And the reason being is because it's very serious to say the least what's going on in the Middle East I h … [Read more...] about Pope Francis Does He Really Care For The Poor?
Vladimir Putin Is He Being Used of God?
In the latest prophetic segment of Israeli News Live we look at the possibility that God may very well use President Vladimir Putin to start the judgment on the Nations. Listen to the podcast Here! … [Read more...] about Vladimir Putin Is He Being Used of God?
Putin Prepares Nuclear Weapons for Syrian Conflict
In a shocking report released by RT News we see that Putin is ready and has considered the possibility of using nuclear force in the Syrian conflict against ISIS and that does not exclude Turkey and the United States who President Putin views as co-collaborators with ISIS. Watch by Video or Pod cast below … [Read more...] about Putin Prepares Nuclear Weapons for Syrian Conflict