Breaking News; Two Witnesses Soon To Arrive!
Steven Ben-Nun: Erev Tov Chaverim; I’m Steven Ben-Nun you are watching Israeli News Live. We have very serious breaking news and I want to go to that give me one second here we are bringing this up too on Livestream here now. Again we have had damaged equipment courtesy of oh we won’t even say ah; US Customs whatever you want to call it. Let me get you started The Temple Institute in a video published on the 26th of July it’s already had 60 thousand views is stating that the 3rd Temple the plans for the 3rd Temple are actually beginning. And those of you that are watching on Livestream you’re able to see what I’m showing here the architectural plans for the 3rd Holy Temple have begun. Stage One the Sanctuary this is very serious, very breaking news we see the plans. That’s of you watching also here on You Tube are able to see this we have captured this so that you can see it they show you the actual architectural plans as well as a 3-D Virtual walkthrough of the Temple itself and the way it is.
Now some of you may not realize just how significant this is, this is prophetic this is prophecy in the making. We’re not talking about Ezekiel’s Temple either by the way, the Temple Institute has told us before we asked them directly about that, will they actually be building when it comes to the time to build the Temple on the Temple Mount will they be building Ezekiel’s Temple? And the man there that was over the answering of the questions said to us; no it will not be Ezekiel’s Temple, not the Temple that you see in the book of Ezekiel.
So as you guys are seeing here they are showing you the 3D walkthrough right now. And yet if it’s not Ezekiel’s Temple then what is the 3rd Temple about? Now personally if we are building a 3rd Temple for the sake of prayer for the Jewish people, for consecration of their lives to the Lord then I believe God would be okay with this. This would be acceptable in the sight of Almighty God because why? You know the children of Israel are looking to re-establish their House of Worship that was there on the Temple Mount, on the Holy of Holies and that’s an honorable thing no doubt about that. But the problem comes in when they’re wanting to take an offer animal sacrifices once again.
But before we go to the animal sacrifices let me take you first to the Book of Revelation and those of you that are watching here I will pause this just for moment so that you can see more. Again you’re seeing more of the architectural drawings that have already been done for the 3rd Temple. Let me just pause that though I want to take you to another portion here right now and let me just; I got to get this down here off the screen just for a moment and share with you the Biblical prophecy that is being fulfilled as we speak.
Revelation Chapter 11 verse 1 let’s read it together; and there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. (Verse 2) but the court which is without the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. But notice the wording here; the measure. Measure the Temple of God, let me share that with those of you there on Livestream let me let you see exactly here what we’re looking at on the scriptural passage here.
Follow me up here verse 1 again; and there was given me a reed-like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. See a measuring stick, a measuring rod what does an architect use when he’s doing his drawings? He’s using a measuring stick. Now obviously the prophet here is referring to the fact that the Temple has already been constructed and their measuring the Temple afterwards. But that’s kind of unique in itself, it seems to me now that I see the video by the Temple Institute that no doubt that what God is doing here was showing us that the day that they would begin to do the drawings, the measuring stick, the measuring rod is measuring the Temple and the altar and them that worship therein to see what the capacity is that it would be able to hold why? Because their Internationalizing Jerusalem.
Remember as I told you guys before you know Jerusalem is being Internationalized it is becoming the International City this is exactly what Rome is wanting to do. So if you don’t think that Rome is not going to have some part whether it be secretively or not the building of this 3rd Temple then you are sadly mistaken. Because Rome is controlling this entire earth and by the way we are; there’s been a lot of sceptics about some of the things that we’ve been speaking about,
And I’m just sharing this here with our friends here on Livestream again with you on You Tube here is the check point that has been constructed, is being constructed now on Highway 1 going into Jerusalem. This is definitely going to be; this is being done in order to facilitate this International City that Jerusalem is going to become. Jerusalem will become an International City. Now the thing is I believe the Israeli Government at the appropriate time for them will announce this and they will probably announce it as something that will be for the safety of those that are coming into Jerusalem.
But clearly Micah Chapter 4 says that; the Jews will be evicted even as Giulio Meotti reported in Israel National News they will be evicted from parts of Jerusalem and dwell in the fields. So we see the check point going in it is being made an International City no doubt the Vatican is behind it. Now am I am very concerned because I do know that Rabbi Yehuda Glick seems to be a very man that seems to love God but I’ve been very concerned in his leaning toward the Arab Nations because I know that the Temple Institute believes that they have to have permission of the Muslims in order to build the 3rd Temple. And I believe this is one of the reasons why Yehuda Glick is been using his political status to be able to warm up to the Muslim people.
Well see God is not interested in what the Muslim people think about this, the Muslim people though I do believe they need Yeshua is what they need. It’s what they really need and my heart goes out for them because the Vatican is using them like a pawn according to Daniel Chapter 11 where they come up strong with a small people. But all along this is (coughing) excuse me; nothing but a ploy of Rome it is clearly nothing but a ploy of Rome and my heart is saddened to say the least. Now let’s take let’s go back to the scripture here and because the part of the title of this video here is saying to you that; I say to you that the Two Witnesses are about to come on the scene this is a fact.
Because Revelation 11 says; there taking a reed like unto a rod, a measuring stick; they’re measuring they’re doing the plans of the 3rd Temple as we speak. Revelation 11:1 is being fulfilled right in your eyes. See it says (verse 2); but the court which is without the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
Now what is it? The Temple Institute may be working with the Vatican to do a deal to allow the building of the 3rd Temple in exchange the Palestinians are going to get to dwell in the Outer Court or where the Old City of David is East Jerusalem as we call this area here. The Eastern Gate and that side there, they’re no doubt going to be given self-autonomy. We know this because why? They’ve already introduced Palestinian police in Jerusalem controlled areas that are controlled by the Israeli people. So it is certainly building at momentous rate right now.
Now you’re not going to see a covenant for 7 years or 3 ½ years when this happens it’s just going to happen. The Prophet is showing you 3 ½ years because he knows that how much time is left to deal for the Two Witnesses to bring their message out. Now in the very near future I’m going to bring something out to you because I was about to make a video once again on Daniel 70 Weeks and the Lord stopped me in the middle of the video and said; don’t do it. And at that very moment I go to the closet in prayer and seek before the Lord because I was making the video for a Jewish Rabbi that listens to our channel to try to help him understand and the Lord stopped me and corrected me and said; you’re not saying it right this is what it is. And then fell in my hand the bible and opened to the very page of a warning to me. To let me know what it is so you’re seeing right here there’s 3 ½ years right here that the Two Witnesses are going to speak out and there’s so many things that I got to share with you about this that it is beyond normal understanding even it’s just a blessing now less.
Now let me take you real quick now we’re looking here at the scripture again (Revelation 11:3) and I will give power; cause see notice they give, verse 2 says; but the court which is without the Temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the Holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two months. The Holy City, what’s the Holy City? Jerusalem is the Holy City!
They’re gonna make it an International City and the Palestinians are going to be allowed to return! Wake up my Jewish brother what is wrong with you? You’ve allowed the devil to come in, you’ve allowed the Pope of Rome to sit there and do a Communion Service not only in the Upper Room you allowed him to bring Special Forces of Israel to come in there and throw the Jews out of the Tomb of David and do a Communion Service in the Tomb! What is wrong with you? Rabbi Richmond what is wrong with you in the Temple Institute? Scriptures are being fulfilled in Jerusalem on a daily basis nearly and you don’t even recognize it! Your all about building of the 3rd Temple and God bless you for the building of the 3rd Temple; use it as a House of Prayer not as a House of Sacrifice!
Isaiah the Prophet has warned you of such let’s go to that as well, let me take you. Let’s go quickly and we go here, let me take you where we can find this here ah; we’re gonna go to the Mamre Bible online here (; I bring you guys to this here let me get you over here to this here; this is where you can see the Hebrew and the English of it. I want to go to Yesha’Yahu, Isaiah; the Prophet Isaiah, the prophet nabi Yesha’Yahu. Let’s see what the Prophet had to say and whether or not we’re toning up to God’s Word! Because he said in the 66th Chapter he prophesied of this. You see the thing is God is not; He’s not displeased my brethren, He’s not displeased my rabbinical brethren with the building of the 3rd Temple it would be no different than any other Synagogue that you would build in His heart and in His sight. And He knows the longing that you have to be where the Holy of Holies once stood, well the Holy of Holies walked in your midst 2,000 years ago! And Daniel said that; He would be cut off at the end of the 69th Week before the destruction of the 2nd Temple as even many rabbinical scholars recognized!
In Isaiah 66 and verse 1 (Hebrew); Aleph Koh ämar Adonai haSHämayim Kiš’iy; thus saith the LORD the Heaven: The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool; where is the House that ye may build unto Me? And where is the place that may be My resting-place? See; (Hebrew); m’nûchätiy. Where is the place okay; He sees our heart He knows that we have a desire to want a 3rd Temple but He’s asking us where is the place of My resting place? What House will you build me? See David wanted to build a house God loved him but He said; you’re a man with blood on your hands you cannot build it David but I’ll allow your son to build it Solomon. Then that Temple was destroyed on Tisha B’Av they make the announcement on Tisha B’Av that they’re going to build a 3rd Temple that the plans have already started. You’re fulfilling Revelation 11 and don’t know my brethren!
You’ve ignored that the Mashiach who has been in your midst 2,000 years ago you’re ignoring Zechariah’s prophecy of Chapter 12; where we will look upon Him whom we’ve thrust through. It was the Romans that thrust through I’m not talking about the piercing of the hands I know that many Rabbis like Rabbi Singer has said; that is thrust through in Hebrew and it has nothing to do with the piercing of the hands. But David said in the Psalms (Chapter 22:16); they pierce My hands and My feet! But yes He was thrust through but why? Just like Adam was Satan tried to kill him! In the Ancient Documents about him he took a stone and drives it in his side and blood and water came forth from him, so did blood and water come from Yeshua why? Because the rock that was in the Wilderness we are a Priestly Nation you want to know what God called us for. You’re trying to set up the Priestly Nation, you’re trying to restart sacrificial services, the sacrifice was offered 2,000 years ago not being offered today! He did that sacrifice 2,000 years ago.
And my friend; oh my gosh; I got a message just the other day that a dear friend of mine Mark Biltz that their actually praying in agreement for the starting of the sacrifices. Now if I’m wrong my brother forgive me I love him, I love Brother Mark dearly and I’m going to email him and ask him about this. Because maybe Brother Mark is not aware of Isaiah 66 and the application of Isaiah 66 is applying to what is being done now!
So the point is that you have to understand is that God is not looking; He’s not against it but as He says; where is the House that you’re going to build me? He says in verse 2; for all these things hath My hand made, and so all these things came to be, saith the LORD; but on this man will I look. See He’s showing you what He’s expecting of you. On this man will I look even on him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word. He is talking about Zechariah 12!
My Jewish brother let me tell you something; I said to you a few seconds ago we were born to be a Priestly Nation that’s exactly right. We were called as the Jewish people to offer the sacrifices unto God but God was looking for the pure oblation, the pure oblation was Yeshua! He became that lamb that was offered up! As He said; woe to the man that does! Moses proved it when he took and God says; when the children of Israel were complaining they said (Exodus 17:7); is God among us or not? And God said to Moses; take the elders of Israel and go out to the rock; this is not the 38 years later my Christian friends; where God said to him; speak to the rock this was the 1st time when it was only about 2 months after the journey after the crossing of the Red Sea. (Exodus 17:5-6); And God said to him; take the elders of Israel go out and speak to the rock that it bring forth its waters. No excuse me; smite the rock that it brings forth its waters; showing that the children of Israel, the elders of Israel would condemn the rock and Christ, Yeshua, Jesus was that Rock that would be condemned by Israel!
But He would be smitten in order to bring forth the water, what do you think happened when He was upon the Cross? Like Adam, Adam was laid into a deep sleep in order to bring forth his bride. And God had already breathed; (Hebrew) waYiPach nish’mat way’hiy chaYiym; it says in Genesis, B’reshiyt; He breathed into the nostrils of Adamah the mankind; (Hebrew) nish’mat chaYiym. The very life of Almighty God was breathed in a plural form and what do you think happened when God opened up Adams side? He takes part of that life; min-Ish; from Ish. What is Ish? It is the fire out Aleph-Shin is fire! The Yod in the middle being the being the letter of the Divine Name of God, God was in the fire, it was a Spirit of Almighty God in the human kind in a plural form why? Because Adam and Eve were one being my brothers!
And He opened him up and he took out Ishshah! And you know it’s written in our Torah in the commentaries by the Sages that her name was also Aleph-shin, Ish the fire, Ish the fire and the Hei at the end, the Yod and the Hei from the Ish and Ishshah makes what? God! God was showing you that Him inside of you that is the Spirit, the Holy Spirit that the Christian speaks about today. And the only way that we could get back to the Tree of Life that breathed that upon Adam was for the Tree of Life Himself to come! He was also called; the Rock! David said; it was HaShem that was on that Rock! It’s exactly right and when that Rock was smitten 2,000 years ago water and blood came from His side. Didn’t He tell the woman at the well (John 4); if you knew who it was that was talking to you you’d ask Me for a drink that you don’t come here to thirst no more? He was giving her a sign why did we miss that sign? My gosh!
So this is what happens in Isaiah 66; you’re trying to build the 3rd Temple, you’re making the drawings, you’re bringing the Two Witnesses on the scene to correct what you’re doing. And those of you that think that the Two Witnesses are coming on the scene to say; oh this how you should build it. Oh they’re going to help in it wrong! You know the other day the revealed to my heart when I saw that you were taking and you were raising the red heifer in order to offer as a sacrifice and the Lord revealed to me, suddenly the Spirit of Almighty God came upon me and He reminded me the words of Yeshua that says (2nd Peter 2:22; Proverbs 26:11); as a dog returns to her vomit so do you. And the Lord showed me that that’s exactly what you’re doing when you’re offering the sacrifices you’re doing what Yeshua said; you’re returning to the same vomit!
When Yeshua came on this earth He was the One that stopped the Sacrificial Service, He’s the One that took the chords and beat the moneychangers out and said; you’ve made My Father’s House a den of thieves; and He loosed the animals. And He made this declaration right around that time as well just paraphrasing it’s in the Book of Matthew, I’ve read it in the Hebrew; Matthew as well, the one that the Jewish Rabbis has maintained down through these centuries, (Matthew 9:13); He said; you understood what this meant I desire mercy and not sacrifice you would have not condemned the innocent.
Many Christians no doubt probably believe that that was speaking of Him, Yeshua Himself but it was not. In the Hebrew Matthew it’s in a masculine plural, you would not have condemned the innocent; but in the Hebrew Matthew it says; you would not have bound the guiltless; and it’s all in a plural He was talking about the animals. That’s why we see in Hosea; that’s why we see David says in the Psalms in the 40th Chapter I believe it is in the 51st Chapter as well; if you had of desired a sacrifice I would have offered it. Now I’m not saying there wasn’t a permissive will, I’m not saying that there wasn’t sacrifices being offered yes there was; Yeshua wouldn’t have come and stopped it if they weren’t being offered.
But now here we are the building of the 3rd Temple prophesied by John in Revelation 11; he prophesied the day you would do the blueprints. And then we find here in Isaiah 66 and let me take that for my brothers, sisters that are watching, my Jewish brothers you can see it here plainly (verse 1); the heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool; where is the House that ye may build unto Me? This is prophetic, this is after the destruction of the 2nd Temple, I mean it’s probably speaking about beyond that time. See you have to understand why? The Temple was there when Isaiah was prophesies of this. So he’s asking what House will you build Me; future tense! A 3rd Temple! (Verse 2); for all these things hath My hand made, and so all these things came to be, saith the LORD; but on this man will I look, even on him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word. Hum-um! My gosh!
Friends; he that killeth an ox; verse 3; as if he slew a man; that’s the red heifer, He’s letting you know that if you kill the ox, after He sent Yeshua to stop this 2,000 years ago. If you kill an ox it’ll be the same as if you killed a man; that’s why God put in His Commandments thou shalt not kill! And in the Hebrew language it’s the same word as butcher. (Verse 3); He that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he broke a dog’s neck; cause He knows you’re gonna do it anyway so he’s warning you, the Prophet Isaiah’s warning you; he that offereth a meal-offering, as if he offered swine’s blood; he that maketh a memorial-offering of frankincense, as if he blessed an idol; you know it was only God’s mercy. And Gershom Solomon I love this brother with all of my heart but it was God’s mercy when we went with him bringing the barley harvest to the Temple Mount, He knew that we would not get in because there was no Temple to make the offering.
But it was God’s mercy that kept me and my wife from sinning against God because had we offered it, it would have been as if we offered swine’s blood. He’s not looking my brothers for us to offer these things. He doesn’t want you to burn incense in the Temple like the Catholic Church does in the House of Baal in there in Jerusalem that you’re permitted. What God wants is you to tear down the altars of Baal, what God wants you to do is clean up Israel and to get rid of all these altars to Baal. He wants you to recognize that the Mashiach has already come in your midst and His Name was Yeshua! Adonai, Yeshua HaMashiach and the signs are there!
(Verse 5) hear the word of the LORD, ye that tremble at His word: Your brethren that hate you, that cast you out for My name’s sake, have said: let the LORD be glorified, that we may gaze upon your joy, but they shall be ashamed. Let me quickly take you; hang on one second, please bear with me.
I want to take you my friends to Zechariah, my rabbinical brethren then we’re gonna go back to Revelation and conclude in this broadcast. In Zechariah Chapter 12; okay now let’s just scroll down here. I’m gonna start with verse 6; in that day will I make the chiefs of Judah like a pan of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire among sheaves; wait just one minute. Yes I’m sorry let’s go down to verse 10; and I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of Grace and of Supplication; and they shall look unto Me because they have thrust him through. You rejected this because the Christian people said; it was His hands and His feet but the Roman soldiers thrust Him through! As I said about even in the Book of Adam and Eve I know it’s considered a fiction, it’s not part of the Canon. But isn’t it interesting a document that was written 200 years before Yeshua wrote that Adam that Satan tried to kill him, thrust through his side and he died upon the altar and God came and raised him from the dead? Whether it’s true or not; I can’t say.
But it sure is interesting isn’t it? So Yeshua was thrust through as well and the water came that came from His side is the sign to the Jews that He was that Rock! The (Hebrew); vaTZûr; the Rock! Hum-um! In that day; excuse me; (verse 10); they have thrust him through and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born. (Verse 11); in that day shall there be a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. (Verse 12) And the land shall mourn, every family apart: the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart; (verse 13) The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of the Shimeites apart, and their wives apart; (verse 14) All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart. Just as the prophecy was written earlier that the House of Judah would be brought home first that it doesn’t lift up against the House of Israel why? Because it was the House of Judah that condemned Yeshua to death not the House of Israel, the House of Israel wasn’t there.
But interesting enough you know as well as I do rabbinical brethren David, Nathan from the Tribe of Judah, the Levites from their own Tribe Levi, Shimei is from the Tribe of Benjamin, the families that remain the Samaritans the scriptures repeating itself. David; look at the story of David in the Book of Chronicles; David weeps over Jerusalem just like Yeshua wept over Jerusalem. David leaves because why? His son did not recognize that he was the anointed King! Absalom rejected David isn’t it interesting that he named his son Absalom? My father’s peace, he named him after the coming Mashiach. Do you know why David wept so bitterly over him? Do you know why David wept so bitterly over the death of his son Absalom? You know his men were angry with him!
Why are you doing this? You bring a disgrace; he was living out the life of Yeshua before you my brethren. Because just as Absalom did not recognize David to be the King neither did you recognize our forefather’s the House of Judah in the time of Yeshua the Mashiach when he was there. We did not recognize Him as the Messiah, we did not recognize Him as Abshalom; my father is peace because it says in Isaiah 9:6 that he would be called the Prince of Peace, excuse me the Counselor, the Mighty God, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father; I’m paraphrasing it. It was Him in Yeshua David was living out Yeshua life, he wept so bitterly over his son because why? At the death of his son and that was what Yeshua was weeping over as well because Israel had rejected Him! And he knew what was going to befall him. Even Shimeites spits on him, Shimei is here again.
Zechariah letting you know this is why the cup was put into Benjamin’s bag what 4,000 years ago when Joseph and his brethren he comes and he brings down his youngest brother Benjamin and he puts his own cup in his bag. It was showing that we rejected Yeshua at the Communion Table 2,000 years ago and Joseph was showing that the Benjaminites would reject Yeshua as well though He was never guilty of anything. Just as we were never guilty as Jews of today but the cup is in our bag what are we going to do with it?
My brethren I’m coming to Israel in September if you want to meet with me I will gladly meet with you. You can email me. The easiest way to get an email to me is through my wife, I’ll put her email on the screen for you or you can email me directly Steven BenNun, I get a lot of email be patient with me I will meet with you rabbi’s. I trust you will prayerfully consider Yeshua. Look at the prophecies and consider it diligently scripture is being fulfilled daily.
I told you what Pope Francis has been fulfilling daily he is the Anti-Christ spirit that the Christians speak of. And many Christians do not see that they still believe he is only the False Prophet but I have got a video coming very soon that will show greater detail than they’ve ever even believed possible that the Pope of Rome is controlling this World. And for my Jewish brethren I will come and speak with you personally one on one or together in a group. Let’s talk about who the Messiah really is.
For my Christian brothers and sisters that are watching this video now on Livestream as well I want to take you just quickly to the Book of Revelation once again. Revelation 11:1 as we said; and there was given me a reed-like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, rise, and measure the Temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. I personally believe though it appears to be a completed Temple that he’s measuring I do believe it is also compound prophetic meaning that he’s seeing the Temple plans as the Temple Institute has just announced on Tisha B’Av July 26, 2015.
Just as the Pope of Rome has fulfilled the Biblical Scripture in Obadiah where it speaks that they would drink on My Holy Mountain would drink continually. It was in the masculine plural when the Pope of Rome came with his delegation and the Priest that were there in Jerusalem, it was only men that drank showing that they were fulfilling Obadiah’s prophecy. Then it says; and the Nations shall continually drink; that happens to be; (Hebrew) w’shätû; which is in the plural gender inclusive; and they’ve continued to drink on Mount Zion. And they will continue to do this because why? The Outer Courts is given to the Gentiles. My Jewish brethren as Giulio Meotti wrote in Israel National News Jews will be evicted from Jerusalem in the very near future.
Now verse 2; but the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. (Verse 3) and I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. (Verse 4) these are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth; again the prophecy in Zechariah, the Two Witnesses are coming. Yeshua says as well; when this Gospel is preached into all the world then the end will come; Matthew Chapter 24.
This Gospel is the Gospel that Yeshua preached and my Christian brothers and sisters I cannot see a bride being without spot or winkle with all the different denominational doctrinal views. You’re going to see the ministry of the Two Witnesses because they’re coming to get you ready. I’ve had messages recently from people saying that the Elijah has already come the Elijah of Malachi 4 has not been fulfilled. It is not possible because the great and dreadful day follows immediately after the ministry of Elijah which is perfectly in line where Yeshua says; that He will restore all things.
And when we read this in the Hebrew language we are clear to understand the ministry according to Revelation 11 is 3 ½ years. Some people thought those 3 ½ years to the dot they thought that Israel went by a lunar calendar but according to the Dead Sea Scrolls Israel actually went by a 364 day year calendar. So by the way when the Two Witnesses they’re dead bodies lay in the street of Jerusalem outside of Damascus Gate near the Palestinian Bus Station there; where also the Lord was crucified. When they’re bodies are laying there in that street there, there will still be; they will lay there 3 ½ days what are they laying there for 3 ½ days for my Jewish brethren?
Because God requires two witnesses before He can stone a prostitute and the Catholic Church and all the denominational Churches that are following with her are prostitutes, harlots and the Catholic Church is the whore. The mother, they even admit that they’re the Mother Church of all Churches; they are. The harlots are returning to her. But in order to judge them with fire God must have two witnesses. They preached the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua, Moses and Elijah. The Jewish people, my Jewish brethren you both believe that both Eliyahu you open the door and you believe that he’s coming according to Malachi 4; that why we leave the door open on Passover for Eliyahu, Elijah Hanavi, Elijah the Prophet.
But also there is also Rashi who believes that Moshe will be here during the Messianic Age why? According to Exodus 15 it says Moses wrote these words; I will sing unto the LORD; (Hebrew) äshiyräh layhwäh Kiy–gäoh Gääh; I will sing unto the LORD that He has gotten victory over what? (Hebrew); šûš w’rokh’vô; over the horse and his rider; that is one horse, one rider not 600. It is the Anti-Christ spirit; it is the Pope of Rome that he gets the victory over. And by the way 360 days is what they preach there, the 3 1/3 years they lay 3 ½ days in the tomb they’re raised us, which is actually the 4 day and there only happens to be about 8 days left or something like that according to the Essene, excuse me; according to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the scholars that have revealed that it was 364 day calendar.
Well guess what? The vials that God pours out over the next week the judgments of Almighty God encompass those final days. My Christian friends you’re going to see the ministry of the Two Witnesses, they’re going to get your ready for the Rapture that is the Gospel going to all the world. They’re going to get the Jews ready. Why do you think it’s says (Zechariah 8:23); that they will take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew? Ten people of the Nations you’re going to recognize that God is once again among Israel.
That’s how you will know who the Two Witnesses are; the revival. I’m Steven Ben-Nun with Israeli News Live with probably the most important Prophetic Segment I have ever done. God bless you prayerfully consider it my Christian friends time is running out.
I would be interested in knowing where you are getting your information about Russia and the USA. I think either the USA or Russia dedicates more recourses to the collection of intelligence than the entire GNP of Israel. It is my personal belief you do not have the resources to properly report on the state of the World. You will get more watchers if you cab tone down your excitement and report in a fashion similar to one of the National News groups of the 1960s such as Walter Concrite or Huntly-Brinkly or one of those big boys. If you are relying on the general public for information you can trust nothing but THEY are using you. Not the other way around. I only hope you were born to the Jews because they will NEVER accept you as one of their own unless you were born to them.
The two are here Question supporting documents or whatever I believe maybe spoon ? Fallen angels as well as Satan defacto